Administrators Notice. —Chairs of all paterns and de- A. Venator, of Crane creek, were :n scriptions at the hardware store of town last week visiting friends. Notice is hereby given to all por- Dated this 14th day Dec., 1995. Chas. Voegtly. 13 11 Julian Byrd, Frank Miller and sons holding claims against the H. M. H orton . estate of Victor S. Ottmer, deceased, ^S»AT DECEMBER 1»»». —New go »Is rt the Johnson store, Frank Howard were oyer from Administrator cf the Estate of Vic­ to present the same to the under­ now urnler control of Ileniy Canaday •v; Burns, Friday eve., taking in the tor S. Ottmer, deceased. signed at his place of business in Just as cheap as ever or cheaper Call basket supper. Published in the E ast O regon Burns, Harney county, Oregon, yer- LARGEST CIRCULATION OF and examine goods midget prices, Hnd the H erald for two consecutive issues, ified as by law required within six | if suited buy. i Mrs Julia Haines and Emma axy newspaper in this county . i by order of Ho.. C. P. Rutherford, ■..'¡■»he f.o... the det. of this notice ‘ —Santa Clause will ma ke his Clernh nen spent Saturday and Sun­ 7 , „ x ■ Dated at Burns this 11th day of Rdigions Serrices. day \ ¡siting friends at the Island. County Judge, of Harney County, j December 1885 Headquarters at Worthington's un ­ Burns 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of II. M. H orton , and 8 p. m. til after Xmas. Call and see him. i D ied —The infant child of Mr. State of Oregon. the month 11 a. m. Administrator. —Jorgensen has the finest and and Mis. Joe Lamb of Harney died «Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. . m. ;:1 The 2nd Sunday will best lot of goods that ever came to °n the 11th. inst., and was buried Administrators Sale. and 5 p. ui H untington . Or., Oct. 25, ’95. nd for general work in Burns; go and see for yourself, the same day in the Hartley ( eme- be resert. _ He is also taking Cabinet Photos, tery. They have the sympathy and Notice of Administrators Sale of D ear S ir :—At no tíme in the other fields. R ev . G ibson . ! at |3 per dozen. Do not forget, to condolence of their many friends. history of the O. C. Co. has a dol­ Real Estate at Private gale. D on . Pastor, go and see what he has on hand. In the matter ef the Estate of W.! lar been able to purchase as much as this fall; we have reduced per- D Hudspeth, Dec’d. -------- I —“As the is a matter of import- Lawrn Items Under authority of an order of ; centage of margins to compare with I ance to come before the entire sale granted by the County Court J Local News. ( membership of the First Baptist the times, and persons about io Stock are looking well. I of the County of Harney, State of. make purchases can get more for —Fresh 0Viters and Oranges at t Church of Burns a full membership attendance is hereby requested on Jas Campbell, come near being Oregon, dated November 13 th 1895, their/money here than elsewhere. Johnsons Cash Store. i Saturday Dec. 21 at 2 p m.” This, responsible for quite an amount of empowering, and licensing me, as All the wagon oads going into —The Band gave Mr. and Mrs i notice appeared in the last issue of hay, caused by himself setting fire, Administrator of the above entitled Malheur and Harney counties load Goodman a nice serenade. Why is it? Honest the News and a local following it I Timely aid was all that »ayed him. estate, to sell the real estate thereof, i with us. —Seethe largest line of toy books, saying that copies of the notice* in said county, at private sale will deals and prices low as the lowest. Mr. Campbell had 40 or 50 head dollsand Xmas goods at Worthing­ were given the Times and H erald | If you have not already bought so sell at private sale the following of sheep poisoned with alkali. To vour fall supplies, come and seo us. ton's bef-re buying elsewhe.e. described real estate to-wit: prior to 11 a m Wednesday. The I prevent this sheep men should give we want your trade E| SE| Sec 19 and NW| SWi —J. Durkheiuier and Sheriff* Git- local so far as the H erald is Cun | Yours for business, . their herds plenty of salt just before and SWi NWi sec 20, Tp 33 S R ! lingi arrived home from- Portland , cerned is an intentional falsehood O. C. Co. moving them to the valley. 30 E. I or a very blind mistake. Mr. yesterday. ' ” J ’ * ’ I Si SWj and SW| SEi sec 20 and ; The effort is being made here to Grace came into our office Thursday TWO FOR ONE. NW| NEi Bee 29, Tp 33 S R 30 E —Finest line of Pho'o , Scrap and noun after our week’s issue was off have a grand time Christmas eve., SEi SE|, sec 20 and SW| SW| Auto. Albums ever brought to East. NWisec28 and and in the post office and gave us that ¡s, if such a time can be had sec 21 and Send for free sample and judge ern Oregon at Worthington’s. without a dance. NEf NE| sec 29. Tp 33 S R 30, E. I thereby. The E. O. H erald and the foregoing notice and remarked V m í? i 1 JOI ÑT 117 1 ÛÜ m rr> ' J • v vz. * o x» * « v* o C 1 1 XT i cs i iviirt no —Parties desiring to purchase| at the time that he was not in time* < n Qn V N" i ere ~S, Tp Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both Some person or, persons, a short 33, 1 S R 30 E. Christmas goods, candies etc.. one year for $2. Elicited to Miss Sallie Sa Hie I i ror ^r me the weea week’ s .ssue, Issue, but .J call ...” on i Mies out we ( could | time sine?, cut gaps through the Ei SW4 sec 27 and Ei NW| sec The Enquirer is a 9-colum,8 page Hudspeth She received a stock publish the notice in the next issue 1 wire fences of Messrs. Jordan.Kelso 34. Tp 33, 8 R 30 E. i paper, issued each Thursday. Wi Ei sec 34, Tp 33, S R 30 E. of Christmas goods last Monday. as the time of the meeting was on and Mrs. Parker, It is thought Largest in size,cheapest in price, Ei SE| sec 34 and Si SW^ sec most reliable in news,all large type, the 21st, and he futher stated that the parties who did it, wished to —Do not fail to hear Prof. Hal-' it was not likely it would be pub­ mak? their »scape without being 35 Tp 33 S R 30 E. plain print, good white paper. If Si NWi and Lot 4. sec 2, and our readers want another live paper, stead deliver his Phrenological lec i lished in the issue of the News of seen by the public. Lot 1. sec 3 Tp 34, S R 30 E. tores at the Burns Church Thurs- the Enquirer is that paper the 12th. These are the facts in Situated and being in Harney Call or send orders to this office. Our friend Newton Hooyer hat- day and Saturday evenings. Ad­ the matter. We are perfectly will­ County, Oregou. returned from the Dalles. mission ‘25 cents. ing to publish church notices etc. 3 he Faid sale will be made on or Don’t Tobacco Hpit or Suiokc Your —Tl.e Harney Sunday school and think we have always been Jas. McCune fenced his part of Life Away. after the 18 th day of December, will eive an entertainment on | willing to aid in church matters, the Lawen and Narrows county ¡895, and bids will be received by is the truthful, startling title of a Dec. ‘25 for the benefit of the Sunday though if anv of the good brothers, road. me at the office of Cressler and book about No-To-Bac, the harm­ school. The citizens of our town feel it to their duty, to give us the The geese and swans have gone Bonner, at the town of Cedarville, less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves, are cordially invited to attend and a 1 ‘ black eye” we shan't run after to a warmer clime except a few California or at the office of Waters eliminates the nicotine poison, help in a good cause. Tickets 25 ’ | them, but we do not care to be put conkers around the warm springs. t Gowan, at Burns Harney County, makes weak men gain strength, cents. vigor and manhood. You run no before the public in a false light. It is rumored here that an exten­ Oregon —Santa Clause has agreed to physical or financial risk, as No-To- Terms of sale cash in hand on sion of the survey bordering en Bac is sold by druggists every where give every boy and girl a bag oT the delivery of Administrators Public Installation. Malheur lake, has been granted. under a guarantee to cure or money candy and nuts, who will call on deed of conveyance. refunded. Book free. Address I The ranchers are gathering in him Xmas at Worthington’s. C. B. W ickliffe , I The usual public Masonic instai Sterling Remedy Co., New York or their stock for the winter, there be­ Administrator of the Estate of W. Chicago. o f ' lation will take place at Armory M arried .—On the evening December 11, Rev Gibson olliciat-J Hall on Friday Dec. 27 at the hour ing a bountiful supply of feed and D. Hudspeth, Dec’d. H. M. Horton, Burns. we cannot see onr cattle go hungry, Dated Nov. 16, 1895. Every one is invited ing,Er. Chas C. Craumer and Miss j°i P- M. neither are we going to burn the Dota Metcalf were united in mar­ to be present, the members of the tuh-s and risk losing our hay. Tides riage, nt the residence of Chas. An | order will take special pains to JOHN F. STRATTON’S make an excellent winter break CELEBRATED dereon in Burns. The contracting make the entertainment interesting and good bedding for stock. GUITARS partita reside on Calamity,^ enj°ya^e- Rev. Yockey preaches to us once “ A N A K ESI S ” glw 1 astr.r.i county. relief and w :yi U-z 1 a month. His text, tho last ser Importer of and Cure for Zi’.sir. . L- Who(«ale Dealer in all kind« of DruiririKtsor itimi. RaiuPte. Public Installation freZAiltln^’A.N A KES1S,’ mon he preached, was “Whom do M arked —At the residence of Box 241U,Nuw York City man say that I theBonof man am?” the bride’s parent», Mr. and Mrs. His argument W. W. Johnson, of this ptace. Aus i The Odd fellows of Harney Lodge , Matt. 16 c 13 v. No. 77, I. O. il. F. Burns, will i was to prove Christ to be the son of tin Goodman and Miss Hester | Installation at the God. A S ubscribfr . Johnson were married by Rev. Gib- t *ave a Armory Hall January 6 at the ton on Sunday evening, the 15th imt. Both the contracting parties hour of 7 p. m The members wil1 Administrator’s Sale of Personal were rais«*d here in our midst, and use every effort to mak« this a fiUC ! Property, ■*»«> the only, seemingly to us, a short while All are cordially invited to attend, i Notice is hereby given that under >ince, now grown and married. The installation will be followed by and by virtue of an Order issued T he H erald tineerely wishes them a free dance conducted by the order and special pains will be taken to out of the County Court, of the happiness and prosperty. State of Oregon, for Harney county make the dance the most enjoyable BY in the matter .of the Estate of Victor e I of the season. Supper by Mrs. —We have a religious communi-1 catirm from an old and dear friend | McGee at the French Hotel. Price S.0ttrner.deceased I,the undersigned administrator of said Estate will.on ’how good will and friendship we ( 50 cents a plate. the 28th day of Dec., 1895, at 2 highly prize: We dislike very. o’clock p m, of said day, at the cor­ ®ucb to disappoint him but we Harney Scribbling. ral of P. F Stenger in the town of f*nnot publish the communication, I August Selle and daughter,of the Burns, county and State aforesaid, *u»e a year or two since, we got • -- pub-1 ° iDrewsey country were in town la»t sell to the highest and best bidder