I- jltr Ttriiiiil- I ( continued from page four .) I DECEMBER millinery store SCHECULE OF EXPENDITURES. I NAMES OF CLAIMANTS, for what allowed , am ’ t clam ’ d am ’ t al ’ w ’ d — J P Dickenson juror fee Oct term circuit court, 1895 44 44 44 z- «.I -“Tusli It Along.” Mike Moylan u 44 »4 44 Ijisisbood. * GW Shaw 4k »4 .4 44 T^Tjulv 17, 1895.. ^perLuig .4 44 4a 4« ^ pfrso - 151 ’ - .N d Duncan 44 44 Dole». Esq-, Indinanapols. , ^yU) MorrjS()n .. .1 r * I t n r T T 44 44 J Lir md Brother:—I take, Henry Lyons 44 44 44 ... 11 i:..„ Odd C H Bean Lto-nn- in »-” "« il... "’8 ‘ °''' *4 at a4 <4 L«,- Gran.1 Mar«'"” e.>U.P»»«l Jno Newman 44 44 44 44 J O Bunyard 44 44 44 r „ „ beim eve,v w"v 'V A Campbell LLionr treat Order. Dhrtitld N A Dibit 44 «k 4« 44 4 » 44 • 4 44 Kt. ere il.fade -he - m-»1 R >b?rt Bak» r 44 4a 44 LLel.be Order, [.»indeed» IJ H Neal a 4 44 44 [lead 29 00 25 20 25 00 24 80 34 00 10 20 22 20 31 00 22 20 28 10 29 80 30 00 12 00 8 20 29 00 10 20 10 20 2 20 3 60 22 20 44 4 * 44 44 .... Fraternally yours, 44 44 44 44 E C Buckley lion- M. A. C hipman , 44 44 44 • 4 Geo Frv 4 .4 44 44 44 44 Grand M aster. John Witzel 44 44 44 44 44 The above March for i A Venator P. S- LI:0 or Organ, price 40 cents; . Wm Catterson witness before •V and jury Oct term 12 80 cir court 1895 lfiir Brass Band, 50 cents; to intro­ Geo W Thompson «4 44 4* 44 28 00 duce «ill be mailed for half .price | j A o.|rfj I 44 »4 44 15 20 44 4 rib red direct from I saac | John W Heinz- 13 60 u 44 <4 . Mrs J no A Oard 15 20 .4 a4 Geo Parker 15 20 4» • Il C Brown 13 20 ly Sweetheart Of Years Ago,” Adam George k 4 k4 6 00 44 44 Geo Southworth 2 20 4a 44 • k i,»beaufiful waltz song and chorus. Geo M.iupin 6 20 a 4 • 4 rt Bower 22 00 »nd Piano; Full Band and Orches­ J -tin J Heinz <4 4a 44 13 60 4 4 44 4a tra By ay y of introduction, ( fh-s Alien 10 20 kt 44 44 either of the .nrrsn gements will be Anna Ha’kness 22 00 44 44 4» L- f A'l'tim» mailed toanv address in < n receipt |J 13 60 44 4 4 44 Sc< tt II .yrs 15 00 of 15 cents in stamps when ordert d • Jane ". 44 44 44 44 11»ck. 44 44 4 * 22 00 44 a4 44 wk Indianapolis. Ind [Regular price, Bertha Page 22 00 44 4a 44 <4 Herman Ruh 4 20 50 cents each.] 4a 44 44 44 4 ; Alonzo Dunn 2 20 4 4 4 4 44 k4 44 Lou Sitz •27 00 k 4 44 44 44 44 The'ife of Mr. Leonar Wells, of -Lsse Bunyard Jr 22 20 44 4 4 44 44 44 East Brimfi Wenger 4a 4a 44 44 44 22 20 days, not being able to sleep or | Qen g Sizemore a4 44 44 <4 44 16 20 a 4 44 k4 44 k4 hardley keepstill, when Mr Holden, WC Byrd 2 20 44 4a 44 4k the jierchsnt there sent her her a F M Jordan 20 20 44 44 44 44 44 4 00. bottleof Chamerlain s Pain Balm, Bei ja miti Jordan 44 4 4 <4 44 Dan Jordan 2 00 and asked th it she giye ita thorough ) Wm Fritz witness fee state vs Janies F Muffì t. . 11 30 44 4a trial. On meeting Mr. Wtlls the Richa-d Johnson 18 00 »4 44 44 u nexbv h- v it told that she was A I Johnson 18 00 4 k 4a 44 14 00 all right, the pain had teft her vit Il­ Jack Bartl tt .4 44 44 44 M Prestlev 18 00 in two Imnrs, and that the I ottle of ¡\* 1 4» 44 Roe Miller 18 00 4. 44 44 ram Balm was worth -ro.00 if O I — JI. A Williams 44 ............. ams 16 00 • 4 44 .4 could not be had for less. For sale CP Rutheif-nd 13 00 k 4 44 44 44 at-50cents per bottle by E J Howard 10 00 • 4 4 a __ L Harkey Robt Jordan 2 20 »4 4 4a ,(Ito Maupin 8 20 44 44 >s’x "iekn ago I suffered with a John Heinz 8 00. 4» 44 4 • 44 terr severe cold: was almost unable1 A Spurlock 10 (Ml 44 44 44 44 :,'>“ik Mz frier, Is all a^vjie4 I G< o S^Sizemore 6 00 44 • 4 44 I» 2 20 t1 p Hiiult apvsician. Noticing W C Byrd 44 44 44 C E Kenyon 2 00 1 lun.lierlian’s Cough Remedy ad- 4 4 k • Ray Hendricks X Crowley 9 00 4 44 Wfli-ed in the ! 8t. ’ 44 Paul Volks. Wm George 9 60 44 44 Z'-itn-HjI procured a bottle. and Adam George 9 60 44 44 • 4 *ft*r taking it a short while was Herman Ruh 7 60 4. 44 John Jordan 2 20 •n’yrtly well- J I t ow most heartily Wm Jordan ki 4a 44 Ben Jordan 2 20 ":^nd this remedy to anyone Thus Hendricks •1 John Jordan et als 12 20 44 44 44 with a cold. W m . K eil , ■ J R Hendricks 12 00 44 44 <4 ' - ’* V Ave., St. p au | ( Min „ 1 Walter Gray Si. 16 00 44 44 «4 "ors/|e hj (B F Ausmus 12 00 4« Geo Marshall 20 00 4. 44 Herman Ruh •16 00 44 44 Wm Catterson 10 00 44 4a Oswald Armstrong 23 (X) 44 44 Cha* Anderson 4 20 V I Mrs Chas A derson 44 44 4 20 F 44 44 (Geo S Sizm.ore 2 00 • 44 44 W C Byrd 2 20 rT. „c.opYRIGHTS. Wk 44 W L’Marsden John Jordan 2 20 44 44 Frank Jordan 4 20 £**4 'n ?»« "wly "fty yeai” 4k J W Shown <1 Dan Jordan 6 2CT AÎîÂÂSTc’fS: A W Waters 4* 44 4. 2 00 J S Kenvon witness before grand jury Oct term cir court 1895 ................................... ... ....................... 18 20 i J S Kenyon witness fee st ate vs John Jordan et als 6 20 n,J..,„ guarding ____ a:.._ ___ _• i . of any^ie’nhflc woïl^îba I Th». Thos Dodson jail one night 3 00 4a 44 44 C McPherson 3 4M) 44 • 4 W S W aters uLi*“** '» roi. J.T?,u?K*r beau- two 6 00 44 44 H R McClure three 9 00 44 <4 , Piper Hedrick 44 9 (KJ 4L • 4 I W xM Hanis 9 00 i Geo S Sizemore 3 days services as witness at May term cir court 6 20 SVSA. ivH’S ¡J C Buch land 10 days services extia dep sheriff . 30 (X) • 4 44 4. ’ II R McClure 6 44 18 00 44 44 44 IJ M IwKissick 12 ! ** 36 (X) 44 44 44 | E Grout 2 > 44 6 (X) 44 44 I» 44 Henry Turi er 6 18 00 • *U&C4i' '¿1!,kind,of «rnrairau CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX. Miss S ali . ie H udspeth , — — — Proprietress. — Rare Selection of Millinery Goods. 29 00 25 20 25 00 ____ goods and ascertain Prices. 1 he Proprietress is Call and examine 24 80 he reì ostavi nd desires to Please Patrons in Style, Quality of Goods 34 00 - J - Corner - wv .. of • Meat .r x. ’Market. On North and Prices. 10 20 22 20 31 00 ' 22 20. 28 10 i 29 80 I 30 00 12 00 8 20 29 00 10 201 10 20' 2 20 AND 3 60 22 20 LISTEN!’ LOOK! 12 28 15 13 15 15 13 6 2 80 00 20 60 20 20 20 oo ; 20 Cash Johnson's Store IS THE % PLACE TO GET IN HOSE RY, UNDERWARE, BARGAINS 21 go GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. 22 00 Located first block East of Church. 22 00 ' W, H. C anaday , Manager. 13 601 10 20 22 00 I 13 60 15 00 22 00 22 00 22 00 4 20 2 20 -T-DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BU8INE88?.^St»» 27 00 22 20 ------------------------------------------- 15 60. K y°u ars in a ^ûsition 2Ü To do Busii ss 20 20 Let Pooüh K qow it- 4 0(1 22 20 2 0) 11 30 18 OO1 18 00 14 00 18 00 18 00 16 00 13 00 10 (X) 2 20 8 20 8 00 10 00 6 00 2 20 2 00 9 00. 9 601 9 60 j 7 601 2 20 2 20 12 20 12 20 16 00 12 001 20 001 16 00 10 00 23 00 I '/»VW, 4 20 4 20 •/yzzz/Æzxzt». 2 00 bi if. /f nm pa^ 2 20 2 20 4 20 6 20 2 (MJ f if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know It. Subscribe for the EAST OREGON HERALD TWO $ ONLY TWO $ CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. » 18 20 ' 6 3 3 6 9 9 9 20 00 00 00 (KJ (X) (XJ 6 30 18 36 6 18 20 (X) (MJ I (X) 00 00 THE HERALD DOES the best job printing -AT LOWEST RATES. * ’W,lKN YOU *ANT GOOD JOB FRINT^Y—----------------------------------- ----------- ----------------- CONSULT THE HERALD r p