I WS MISTAKE. SCHECl'LE OF EXPENDITURES. 'J America’s Great Danger ¿100.00 AM EMGUSH COHHEMTAAT. Given Away Said an eminent English icientU recene Every Month i ■ The danger that confronts thegreat \n I Amount of cla'uis presented, filed and recorded against the county , BY BOSK RAYXESFOKD. as by law required, and amount allowed, at the November term of the From New York Weektjr County Court, 1895. am ’ t claw ’ d am ’ t al ’ w ’ d CHAPTER I. ( coxtixed ) NAMES OF CLAIMANTS. FOB WHAT ALLOW TP. J C Woolev keeping county poor W C Byrd justice tee state vs Lmeas ami Ki An- .................................................................. derson Emanuel Clark witness “ Thomas McKinnon •* “ Chas W Parrish atty « •.«•• A C Worthington ink. blotting pads etc for county W C Byrd justice feo state vs J C Buck land............ .1 4» W Camp!»e! I witness fee* A4 A4 A r u Thomae Vickers A4 • 4 4e A4 Cbas Davis 4 a A4 •4 Jasper Davis 4 a 44 a A A» • Phil Bruner 44 it AA A r W H Gibson • 4 A4 A Gittings sheriffs “ Geo D Barnard copy and book Jiolder for assessor Bancroft Whitney Co 1 volume Oregon report . . . J I’ Dickenson witness fee Btate vs Ed Jordan . .. L J Sitz “ ” R R Sitz “ “ “ J Durkheimer 1 overehirt for Hughes, Co charge Chas Newell publishing assessor's notice and notice of teachers’ examination, 300 (Circular letters and postage stamps................................................. W C Byrd publishing county ex|*enditures and as­ sessor’s notice of equalization .............................. D L( »race job printing .... ....................... W C Bvrd justice fee state vs J I’ Dickenson Mrs Nellie Grace job printing for county.................. Joe (»ill 1 cow in tx.x stall 8 days ......... ......... Andrew Hassett board of “Chillaway I’ete” indi­ gent.................................................................. Bert Bower trip to Cow c eek for cow p tied m t vail a for countv jail Thus l.ahev making st lep ladder for countv • « R • Fred ltenste.l juror fee Oct term circuit court. 1895 AA Rt AA 44 4 » Price Withers AA A4 AA 4. 4 ♦. I. Beede it 4« A4 44 44 J C Beal tv AA R4 AA A4 •• Andrew Hassett A4 44 «• 4« • 4 J M McMullen 44 Aw 4 a At 44 Jas F Mahon 44 AA 44 A4 44 A Wintermier 44 At 44 A4 44 J 11 Anderson 4« AR 4A 4« 44 O J Da rat 4« A4 •4 44 44 I Jewett A r 44 • w •A A4 <’ A Bonnett 44 A r A4 •• A4 (’has Cronin 44 A4 <4 A4 44 Chas Koper 44 kA A4 4« 44 Ib»an Horten 44 A4 •4 4A A4 A S Swain 44 AA 4t 44 44 L C Grout AA »4 A4 <4 J II Bunyard a Chauncy Cummins 4« J L Turner «• Waiter Huston A4 44 4 r A4 AR »4 A4 A4 A4 A4 44 AA CONTINI un ON FAME »IV«. 4 25 52 6 25 8 90 8 90 5 00 2 90 7 25 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 30 14 00 11 20 4 75 4 50 4 .50 1 00 3 .50 I 25 52 ( Poor Ivy! She turned faint and sick as the fatal truth forced itself 25 'Ml upon her. Her face grew white as 90 death, and there was in the soft CM' eye a stony look of misery that 2 90 would have fuelled a less cruel 7 25 heart than that of the woman be­ 4 20 But in the midst of her 4 20 side her. 4 20 misery pride came to her aid. One 4 20 , t hing she was resolved upon—no 4 20 one should ever suspect he-i an- 4 301 14 00 guish; no one should ever sav that 6 8 8 5 11 20' she wore the willow 4 75 | Dalton. 4 4 1 3 gav for Joe 50 i How she accomplished th* .50 I of the distance to the church »be 00 501 utver knew. She had a confused | remmebrance that »he turned the sulject with some commonplace re 16 10 16 10 7 50 3 .50 3 70 6 25 4 00 21 00 6 2 3 42 21 24 00 50 00 <*> 00 00 3 3 6 4 marks—that discussed the weather, S' the fall styles, the minister new .50 with now and then a laugh or care 70 fess jest, in much her usual frshiou 20 till they parted at the church door.1 00 and Ivy mechanically ascended 21 00 the gallary stairs and took her, place among the “a ngers’ seats ’’ 6 00 “Why.Ivy Sunderland!”churused t 21 00» vour eyes—why, girls, just look 24 00 j her eyes!” 10 00 20 (K) 20 00 30 00 33 9 9 9 9 9 9 20 8 8 8 8 8 8 .50 .50 .50 50 10 10 It) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 .'IS 4 55 15 00 IO 00 5 40 2 00 3 00 6 00 5 (M) 15*0 IM) 19 3 -5 4 .50 3 5l) 2 20 25 ÛÜ S3 (■) 56 <«> 33 (K) 32 «XI 12 20 8 20 32 00 10 20 22 20 41 00 33 40 27 00 37 00 28 00 29 »10 25 40 37 00 32 00 21 60 I to the person submitting the most raeritorioMS invention during the preceding month. WE S»TKK PATENTS FOR INVENTORS, ami the object of this offer is to en­ courage pcr-ons ot an ii .ent­ ice turn of mini. At the same time we wish to impress the fact that :: s can inopie to-luy is not the pussiM«^ t.on of a wrong financial policy for“P nation, or the spread of Rccia.i»m or e increase of corruption among public All itu-Mj me bud enough, to K j # o ^ 5 they arc as nothing compared to the it ’» p na1 lonal disease—i had almost »aLl b 4 u . ■ C ime -of over work. The mad r wesJth is set at a killing p1(-e, anj lbw’ •’ fail by the way every year. !!! it’s the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes U -------------------------------------- ----- 0 —such es Do Tone's Hook and Eye. ‘‘•■'ee that iluuip.'* • Safety Pin.” ’■•Ptxs >n Llo­ ve r,’ “Air Brake.” v*v * Almost ■ very one cvtice'rcs a briffUt idea at »'He liiuc or Ì other. Why not put it in prac- ri tical use? Yol'k talents may lie in this direction. MtytS make your fortune. " by nut i* to? :: :: :: :: ft ) [ff* Write for further information and 0 tueutiou this paper. □ > •THE Philip PRESS CLAIMS CO. V. Avirett, Gen. Mgr-» I «♦ b » » » 6IR F Street, Northwest, IF”T' <‘ respon*ibtl >y < I i. • . t-.nany n.ay be judged by tl.e •». t taat it’ »to. r. ,4 Leid by olrl l.r Ilo USaOd < f Ihr leading De*?r*lhio. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervihe is un __ __ _ BANJOS?'* at You are likely to bo ur. Price’s Cream Baking Powder A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder me: I have a terrible headache.” Which 70 « MJ 00 20 00 00 00 00 _ the girls; “what is the matter?! 3 (X) () q | You’re as while as a sheet, and “There, girls,” said Ivv 10 00 faint smile, “please don’t 10 12 9 2 9 9 1 15 A was true enough, hut 10 70 heart ache 12 001 9 2 9 9 would have been tru-| * , I 00 , | So the kind hearted creatures. 2» ^Ibusiled ab »ut and brought her ai (KJ OC glass of water and a battered old palm leaf fan from 1 0 15 O To every person gen l • ___ • • 'ng us the an _____ a dusty closet, one yearly subscription to The H erald together with ten anti mercifully left her at |»eace. we will send free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. But for < n e the soaring soprano | m”y be orde-ed at this office for 25 cents 30 00 '.as silent, and the anthem was ! 33 8 9 9 9 9 9 20 s t of cents extr>. Single copie« 50 »bilged to pursu- its win ling way .50 •vith'iut her aid while she sat . on 50 one side idly watching the c<>ngre .501 gallon drifting in, one by one, with 10 IQ their shining holiday faces 'A'I By and by carne a firm, lig 40 tread upon the aisle, and Ivv close ’ tier eyes with a sickening shudder * Z S 40* ^*h®n opened them again Jo- J! ^ q ! Dalton »ton! al the hea l of th> A 8 8 40*pew, ushering in a tiny, elegant I T 8 4O|ureature in rustling purple silks, a' I cloud of fluffy idonde hair almye a; ,n 384 55» childish face, and «yea like great, % 15 UU violets. He faoed the choir < tor an instant, and, as his eves met I 10 00; fvy’s, the whole face lighted up J(|i*itha gleam of dark eves, and a 1 ’?(• 2 t> J ¡lash of dazzling teeth beneath his 1 3 (A> I brown mustache. But the smile faded to a look of 6 00 half-indignant surprise as Ivy lo<>k 5 00 ••d straight on and beyond him. 1.50 48 (Mi in the gallery to avoid atl chance 33 «)' of meeting him. and then slowly 32 »«)[ made her wav home, a curious 12 20 numb feeling at her heart, a strange 8 20' 32 »X •»lur ami chill over the sunnv au­ 10 20 tumn landseaj e and :n the crisp 22 20 gulden air. 33 00 To BE < oSTINVEI*. 2.5 00 27 00 37 m. the Eest Ba'arence 3 jv '. m A Vviic.;.-' of ov r ¿GO pages k Treats 1,400 iojTs , Endorsed by S TATES‘Of, EDUCATvi-S and STUDENTS everywhere. Has Reached Such a State of Per­ fection That It is a Veritable | Encyclopedia of Facts, Statis­ tic« and Events ¡Brought n**vn to January First, 1893. e 1895 volume is a whole liDrr.y / itself. One can hardly think of a question it cannot answer. It tellr all about party platforms, election sta­ tistics, the new tariff, religions of the f | l* I earth, population everywhere, state and £ government statistics, occupations of /I men, foreign matters, literature, science I and education. It is . . . 7 AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. PRICE, postpaid by mail, - 25 Ca-NT^. Address THE WORLD, New York Clh» 2s »X» 29 25 37 32 24 (M> 40 00 »M» SO c MANHOOD RESTORr^!' '1- .r.’leed to cure ».1 t--r< .0 ■ Tula WOMtorfnl rrniri! W»r HewUcbe iTT*u?Ta V Jj *** »‘••err Low of BmlA K "•«.all drum,and I ".of £^.,1i’,*»KhU, Kwi«Jooa NerrouJ mawdou ;. liai orWn vf «nJ « D*a!—. U k>r»‘. MUSICAL MMCHAICi-t, AHl.tMU.l'li.t'ITE-atkLi: Y. ■ arl*. which lead to InSnalw 'c ’¿I ”*’»