e BURNS. HARNEY- COUNTY. OREGON. DECEMBER 18 1895 VOL. IX. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report “I'll go away! Let. me out and I’ll go away! But you haven’t Oae of the amusing incident.- heard the last of this.” ,VB,.IS1IH’ XV“ y tttending the marriage of Consuelo, They allowed her to go and HY ___ Vanderbilt to the Duke of Marl I shamefaced and humiliated, she W.c. BYRD&SON. •oraugh occurred near St. Thomas ’ ran into the crowd and was lost pratsKSM AND P boi dietok ». Church. There were fully 5000] to view.—New York Evening women :n the crowd which lined SUBSCRIPTION rates ABSOLUTELY PURE ♦2.0l) the sidewalks near by, and Acting ... .1.00 One T«*r ........................ How to Prevent Croup. « j Menthe ......... ............. Inspector Cot fright and bis 200 . .70 Three Mouths........................ men had their hands full keeping —(let one of I, S. Geer <£r Co’s —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ HERALD CLUB LIST: 5,0( Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers j , raid aud Harper’« - ' he people back from the church 5.2Ì taker and cabinet-maker. Ilis work­ premium purchase tickets. This iersld «nd Hnr^r s Mi eeklj ......... ft"“HlîiiS-J 5.2i ind to post them concering the shop is the old restaurant building. firm agrees to give the holder of loors. terald ant ■ V I «VatiUoTd qgutfold elume after »»er Vol.'l 50 cerna cents ’Jl'a Ialini Voi. I 5Ó {Jctn» per volume, postage. poetale- -ill extra Der fused to budge. She was tall and ment is the object of this •item. prices to suit the hard times. Cof­ i Portrait absolutely free of any ___ ( „,u, o f «11 thè sbove Works ean be ex »♦/iiniMGt RH Hit hoove * - well dressed and on her face was The origin of croup is a common fins made to onjii”. Will take pro ¡charge, by purchasing $20 worth tfl£i at leisure in the Reading Room. written in unmistakeble letters ‘ 1 cold. Children who are subject ¡to duce partlv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It /jr-Publishers of periodical« are solicitée won’t!’’ She was a woman of forty it tske coli! very easily and croup ca-4:. ’^n’nhhiniz a copy of their work fu is not necessary that the whole ’ J*Fire Reading I® ^lnd or forty-two, wore jeweled ea-rings is almost sure to follow. The tirsi ver. hall-volume, md w o amount should be purchased at one ’pieebv advertisement. j and looked as if she might have an svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon time, but any amount from 5 cents followed by a peculiar rouSh cough.1 I A good ranch belonging to H. G. to $20 as explained upon the tick­ interesting family at home. ‘ Madam,” said the acting in which is easily recognized and will [Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ets. 1 . wk j 1 mo j 3 mo J 0 mo |?y> never be forgotten by cne who has miles south east of Burns. This spector, ‘ you can’t stand there.” 00 111.00 '♦15.01 yz. 50 ».->.00 28. W 18.00 “Why can’t I?” she asked defi heard it. The time to act is when ranch has abotrt; 1.00 acres of good 4. GO ó. 50 12 '.0 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy '-4 00 40 C»‘ 5.00 X 00 15.00 the child first becomes hoarse. If meadow land. Price $800 or will 50.(X antlv. 1)2.00 r,.oo li).'JO 20.00 cures colds, croup and whooping 54. Of 48.00 9. IK) 15.00 28.00 “Because no one else can. We Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is trade for sheep. "0.00 120 0 l.i.OC i».00 48.00 cfiugh. It is pleasant, safe and re­ 31». 00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.0 can’t give you any privileges that I freely given all tendency to croup B yrd Æ K ing . liable. For sale by all druggists. the others do not haye. So please * will soon disappear. Even after JOB WORK ! the croupy cough has developed it move on ” )[ »very fleacription executed with neatne«» md topateh, ar reasonable rates. “I won’t/ I’ve got a perfect will prevent the attack. ’There is Be w ar of Oir.tnmts for Catarrh Pamphlets flrcalM, Poster«, Letter Hea ls. lnve!opes, Bill Head«, right hare, You don’t own the no danger in giving this remedy for that contain M rcnry, itstements, Note Heads, Curds. Ticket«, Dodger«, Etc. Ueiwsnda. Invitations. sidewalks of tiiia town,’’ was the it contains nothing injurious. ISTHEBEST. FIT FOR AKINS. T H is kept regularly on Ble tor re snappy retort. as mercury will surely destroy the hrence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad . CORDOVAN!, anilina Bureau. 10 Spruce «t... New York. sense of rmell and completely de­ FRENCH A ENAMELLCO CALF. “I don’t claim to own the side- I 1?4.*3.5P fi NE C alf 8.K angarou range the whole system when en walks,” answered the acting in ♦3.50 P0UCE.3 soles . - OFFICIAL DIRECTORY tering it thioAgh the inpcuus sur­ | spector with perfect courtesy. “But I *2. WORKINGMENS i ** -EXTRA FINE- faces. Such articles should never don’t you think il would be rather national : #2.^ i . z ? boys S chool S hoei I be used except on prescriptions unfair if we allowed you to stand fresident ................. ........... Grover Cleveland ■LADIES' AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. fiee-President............. ............. Adlai Stevenson here and dr ve the others away?” ; from reputable phvsieians, as the Iscretsrjrof Sta'e .. . Walter Q. Gresham ♦3.^5 ’ ohoo ^ Iscretsrj- o( Treasury......... John G. Carlisle Said an eminent English scientist recently; damage they wid do is ten fold to1 “ I don ’ t care what you do with licreUry of Interior Hoke Smith “ The danger thut confronts tlie great Ameri­ lirretary of War ....... Daniel a. Lamont the others you can’t get me away can people to-day is not the possible lidop­ the good you can possibly derive I t BROCKTON, reereUry of N«vy .. __ .. _____ Hilary A. _________ Herbert Over One Million People wear tho lecretsrjr of Agricult are. ..J. Sterling Morton tion of a. wrong financial policy for tho fro d . them. Hail’s Catarrh Cure,' fiom here unless you use force, ” Ittorney General Richard S, Olney nation, or the spread cf socialism, or the manufactured by F. J. Cheney A’ W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Mtmaster General .. .. Wilson S Bissell and she stamped her-foot. increase if corruption among public men. AH our shoes ara cquelly cailsf&ctory STATE—OREGON: these ate bad enough, to he sure, but Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer They give the beet value far the money. Then the acting inspector’s eyes all G. w. McBride. îeutton they are us nothing compared to the teiriblo They equal custom shoes in style and fit. J. H..Mitchell. i nr miial disease—I had almost said nation I cury, and is taken int rnally, act­ Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. (Binger Hermann twinkled prices ero uniform,—stamped on sole. ¡•ngressmen........................ iW. R. Ellie —of overwork. The mad rush f i ing directly upon the blood and mu- ’ The From to *3 saved over other makes. “Far be it from me. madam,” he Crime Attorney General . C. M. idleman wealth is set at a kiiiirgpuce, und thousands If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by •overnor ..................... Wm P lx»rd cous surfaces of the system, In force [ fall by tbo wuy every year. iecretsry of State . I» R Kincaid eaid with a low bow, “to use "Dealor« everywhere Warded, agent to tressnrer...................... R .Phil. MetBchan buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure You arc likely to bo cne cf tho victim? I You may remain fupt. Public Instruction take exclusive »ale for this vicinity Write .......... GM Irwin | igainst a ladv. late Printer R W H l.oeds ’ 1 low do we know ? Eecausc it is the exccp you get the genuine. It is taken at once. Jiere as long as you like» But in tioil to find a man or woman < f adult age hi » R. S. Bean, ‘upraise Judges z C. Wolverton order that the rest of the people perfect health. Nervous Disorders° me idternal.v and is made in Toledo, ‘ F. A. Moore spreading with fearful rapidity. Among t!.e Co. Tes­ nineth judicial DISTRICT. may nut obj ct to your receiving symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, C«> d Ohio, by F. J. Cheney 'istrici Jn-ige.............. p M. D. ( LIEFOKo timonials free. ii»trids and Feet, Dizziucs-, Hot 1 l.islics, C. W. Parrish. ■»pecial Fluttering Sensation, Fair ting, Head, che, >W*Sold by Druggists, price 75c. ■ ' i. . A. W.Gowan you with a guard of honor. ker'i Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan- per bottle. .)« U Faili I'll i I i /v g A.T t»«r 1 Palpitation, !*-»•« .»4 S 1 l.htu- * ' zd»/il choly, Memory, geant. COUNTY—HARN F.V : jhr Hinaíil. I » SHE WOULDN'T MOYE. RS^Ipowder ( wvxkx w hi W. L. D ouglas CUHC QilUt srald America’s Gréât Danger, I matism, bln rt Breath, Sleeplessness, K< r- voiis Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc R ev . A. C abroll ,pastor First IDpJ.t Church, Yellow Sprit gs,O., writes as fol ow..; “ I have used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine for the p st six months. I fird it acts li! e a ch irm on the whole nervous system. 1 have not found its canal in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver Pills only need a trial and they will recom­ mend themselves to be the best pills in the market.” “ For five years I have suffered from Ner­ vous Prostration, I was unable to work or sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora­ tive Nervine gave me relief, and one thi u sand dollars would not cover the goed it Las done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs­ town, Ohio. .<>onty ..idge ............... C. P- Rutherford. • left ■ •..(D).. C. E. Kenjon • rreMurer ... (R) LT? — 1.8. (I mi inrverur • D T A. McKinnon inerii ___ _ -•■ (R) . . .. A. Giltings lKeU N o « tight, grinning circle around her. ,TeTI «od 4th Thuradnj«. H M Horton, M. W. She begged them to go away, she — l v> bayer. Ree *d threatened them, she coaxed, but •*«»M0ddF^B’ N°’ L O O F. Her 4F«t. " e‘Jow« HtH,every Saturday, not one of them said a word, J. C. Wendy Ñ. G. face which had become red as fire, W. C. Byrd, Secy. ( now grew white, and in Bheer des- PO8T M0- «• O. A. R. perat.on she attempted to break "M Feîulr Iï'*i,nt‘«day of each She might ns , H Comrade through the circle. well haye tried to break through > stone wall “I want to speak to the Captain c- MAILS. she said fiercely. Acting Inspect ‘"'’’••“^¿epi’.daily, Cortright approached her. Wi ***•« C,TT : eyes that blase«] with fury » except 8«sd«y woman hissed F Don’t Tobacco Spit, or Sntoke Your Life Away. is the , truthful, startling o title ...... of a book about No-To-Bac, the harm­ less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotiiuzed nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength' vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-1 Bae is gold by druggists every where under h guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. ‘ Address Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is un- Ster ’ ing Remedy Co , New York «qualleil in curing Nervous Diseases. It — — - •* or sontains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold Chicago. »n a positive guarantee by all druggists, or Dr. Miles Medical Co-, Elkhart, Ind. CAVtAliJKAUt MARKs^ COPYRIGHTS.^ JL OBTAIN a PATENT • For a K’snfw jp’XSf BnS “J1 “°n®«t opinion, write to MUNN 4c CO., who have had nearly fifty years' ^be patent business. Communlca- rnwnJ.i«»1 yconfidential. A Handbook of In- »»i^“ht,?J? IT”1 “I,P**ent« and how to oh- ml? J« •®n.t1£r®e-Also a catalogue of mechao. lea and scientific book« «ent free. I atento taken through Munn A Co. recetva special notice in the Helen title Americnn, and mit’n?>r? ♦ roH‘iht. wl<,e,Y before the public with» mlued woi'a’itl"’. Th,s "blcndld nap«; cm™.5L?!<*Bny5r “«"rtrated, has by far tha wifld1 i!?” “ °r. F-50 a year. Single Aif/LF®?1*’ . Tery "umber contains beau- hnJll-j iiSSt 1? colors, and photographs of new plans, enabling out 1 tiers to show tha MUNN ‘FATH'KW Address munn * Co„ Naw Y ork , 361 B roadway . H. M. Horton, Burns. ii.» SIR u. V A K ESI S ” give« > n«t II r.t and ¡n ¿m inia«l4b^ ; Attiî, f i ■3 I ImporteroT»nd ‘ »» !. .cids Dealer in all kinds nf bi* HiW,Vf-C^T^ERCH/'Nl,!3E. BXa.öU, blu, bl. Last D th St.. New York. Burns-Canyon Stage Line „ , H. A. W illiams , contractor. CarrymgU.S.Mai.8 and Eastern Oregon Express I • •«. L3.„ B„n. daiIy for Canjon Co’s Expreß Chv >nd internie(]|au