—Joe Gill, accompanied by Geo. Smith, took a trip to Diamond the —No end of Christmas goods latter part of last week returning at the stores. Joe brought back a span I Monday. —L. Waldenburg .................................... ’s family are j of good ,|Orgeg to a(ld t6 the num- I now residents of our town. i ber already in his stable. —There will be a Xmas tree. i 9 mmday JÀ g D ecember U1&5 the largest circulation of —Eight or ten of the P. L. —We are informed that Mr. L employes were in town last Sun­ Foester has had returns from three day. Religion8 Services. specimens of ore or rock sent from BurnU^¿^*7d. Sundays ofi —Chairs of all paterns and de- his mii.e on Trout Creek, for assay. smooth lla-m- . and 8 p. m. BCfjption8 at the hardware store of One is worth $40 a ton, the second Silver Creek 4th. Sundavll Sunday! 1 a. a. m. Qhas. Voegtly. 13-11 $300, and the third $700 a ton. and 5 p. w The 2nd Sunday will | — Mr. Adolph Tupker is an inva­ bereservtd t-.-r gt m ra ■ Johnson Cash Store, Ah Sing, and lid at this time. He is looking other fields. G ibson 1 Militia dance, in this issue. badly and hardly able to be around Pastor. —It is determined by the populist His back is effected in some way partv of this county, so we are in­ We hope a change for the better formed, to run a full county ticket. will soon occur, and Mr. T- be again I again able to perform bis daily —New goxlsrt Hie Johnson store, Local News. duties. 1 now muter control of Henry Canaday. —School is increasing in numbers • J nst as cheap as ever or cheaper (‘all —Superior Judge Murphy, Dec every week. I and examine goods nud get prices, and 6, denied Theodore Durrant motion __p p Stenger has gone east' if suited liny. for a new trial. He sentenced him — Mr. and Mrs. William Smith ’ s with horses. to be hung for the murder of i . n j j ' baby was attacked with infiamation Blanche Lamont, but fixed no date -Steve Woods, of Sil vies, was in i of the bowels the latter part of last for the execution. The prisoner’s tuwn one day last week. week, but we are informed it is now attorneys gave notice of an appeal —J. T. Ware, of the Narrows, out of danger. to the Supreme court. Wve us a visit on Monday last. -—Jorgensen has the finest and —Eggs are in demand in this —Ted Bayes visited Burns one best lot of goods that ever came to town at the present time What’s day last week, in company with Burns; go and see for yourself. the matter with the old hens? Have Win Clark ■ JJe is also taking Cabinet Photos. they caught the loafing proclivity —Mrs. Emma Vaughn will re- at 4’3 per dozen. Do not forget to from the average Burns ite, and turn to Burns in company with go and see what he has on hand. think, as the Burns loafer thinks, Sheriff Gitti gs. i —Quite a number of pupils are I that they should be fed because of —Miss Ju ia Loggan has charge being added to the school «egister 1 their beauty and shrewdness? of the pr’n ary department of the among whom, several children of —W. H. Hogan informs this of A. S Swain, the two Misses Zeigler fice that J. C. Garrett is in Texas, Harney sch< ol. the sen of Mrs. May Overtoil, and and has not yet made a sale of his —H. 8. Morris, a resident others. horses, and the citizens of Silver ver Creek, is in town in company, Creek are going to have a Christ­ R. J. McKinnon has rented the with W. H. Hogan. —Erank Jackson and his broth- re^,:lence of Mrs. Mary Caldwell mas tree, the proceeds of which will er George are now enrolled on the and his family will take possession he sent to our friend Garrett, tn jin a few days. The two daughters, pay his expenses home. The edi­ Burns schoil register 1 Elsie and Essa. will be added to tor of T he H erald is solicited to —We are informed that , be'present and make a political, j the Burns school roll. Walls, of Catlow, has gone East religious or Christmas tree speech, —Thomas Gol iwoTthy who shot with a bunch of cattle. just as he likes, but is kindly ad­ land killed John Preston at the —Mr Henry Hamilton, who for j Virtue mine in Baker county, was vised to leave his false teeth at 4 years conducted a livery barn in I tried on the charge in the Baker home. Prineville, has been in our town for citv circuit court which convened some time. Harney Scribbling. on M<>nd.iy the 25th of Nov.and was -Mr John Rohrman, a brewer, found guilty of manslaughter. whois now running the Locher. n . ... Political talk has been ripe of , brewery, . is said i.i n 1 — Prof and Mrs. Nellie Grace1 to be making a fine i quality of beer ' ar® n°‘,V we,1,lin* ,he Pen “”d Geo. Duncan, of Paisley, was in | ning the ‘ News” for the populist —E IL King paid us a visit thelpartv. The fo]lowers of General town seve-al days last week, visit- ‘alter part of last week. Mr. King’s I Weaver, who liye in this county ing his neice, Mr«. W. T. Hill, and sales of lumber this year amounted inay congratulate themselves in daughter, Mrs. Jesse Bunyard. 'having obtained the services of News in aqd ahuut Harney for — The delsarte class organized these two parties, old in news paper the past week has been unusual I hereby Mrs. Handcock, still coi -' work, aggressive and determined dull. tinue to meet at the school house, workers in any cause they under Mr. E. H. King will occupy his Thursday evening«. :l,ur‘,a.v evening, knowing holidays to lie i near, and heading the yan. Dox. "M,,i *» L Woldenbur»< N. i having plenty of perfume, and to and Chas Voegtly. spare, th'iy are vnlintarily dispens­ From School District No. 17. ^niantw\d’‘!,nng P’ircha,e ing the odor to that people. Wheth­ er the citizens like it or not doesn’t ^kiled t ? can