MILLINERY STORE The wife of Mr. Leonar Wells, of I lithograplye plant with the avowed East Brimfied, Mass, has been purpose of furnishing a certain Proprietress. amount of color work every month suffering from neuralgia for' two Miss S allie H udspeth , The first result is the reproduction days, not being able to Meep or ^¿M«SDAT DECEMBER 11 I** of a w ater color, drawn by Roesi hardley keepstill, when Mr Holden, „¡2esl of Lauaised . and THE HEKA'LD:ir‘ACTen“''1" I ‘he Mdd|e of the machine is of a 1 ’'i'.gned to prevent the water r ‘ m ’plashing up against the rid- ' »JT 4t ita rear e,,d a lateral ‘nd water guard Subscribe for the The New York Weekly Tribune EAST OREGON HERALD Wo $ ONLY TWO $ ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. t' PAY UP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. Dredict the future ma*azine No ij, that »*•** Conce*Ved,ten years SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. * ’>uld ’ ’ ‘lrty fivecent magazine Address or call at tkl/12iCOn,enip,ateth« u* Of! ______ _____ HERALD OFFICE I K’Minrr\1.U(h lgrapl‘ic PfoceM \\ rite your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W Best un< ha« - ’ ! a ten cent maga- Jiv vJ.l?b,"nf Building, New York City, and a samuie copy of Put in a large and complete THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to w*k i - THE HER4LD DOES the BEST JOB PRINTING 4T LOWEST r . ites . X THE HERALD