mid man BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. DECEMBER 11 189o Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report “I cannot,” said the Colonel, Or lirtaftl “attribute the gentlemen’s fine ap pearance today to Mrs. \ anderbilt s H-BL1SHED F.VERY WEDNESDAY When coffee and cigarettes were taste or ingenuity, I suppose they BY - ... permissible the venerable Bishop ‘are so well dressed because they w. C. BYHD & SON. Littlejohn got on his lees. He is • can’t help it. It comes to them PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. known as something of a farceur naturally, like measles and other things. ” in civil life. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ABSOLUTELY PURE This ended the speech making. 12.0V Hi said that he had had the tin» T«»r ................................ ... .1.00 fix Mouth» ......... ................................ ............ 75 boner ¡of baptizing Mrs. W. K The Duchess of Marlborough re Three Moutbi —Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’s tired to change her toilet for the herald club list —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under 5,00 Vanderbilt, but that was not the a»rJd »nd Harper's MaKMbw.. 5.20 purport of his remarks, He arose trip to Oakdale. In the mean taker and cabinet-maker. His work premium purchase tickets. This jtrald and Harper s \\ eekly 5.2< ».raid «nd Harper s Bazar 3.75 simply to introduce Sir Julian time her bridesmaids had collected shop is the old restaurant building. firm agrees to give the holder of vJLi.lHiid Harper's \oung People. andAhien'. Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.!« Pauncefote. the Embassado- from a a fine lot of rice and old slippers Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at I I such tickets a fine life size Crayon h «j'litional volume after Vol. 1 ¿5 cents lOceut. extra uer volume, poatage. .great and friendly nation, upon and as none of them bad ever had prices to suit the hard times. Cof I Portrait absolutely free of any r*-( opie. of all the above work« can be ex wh<>m he called to propose the | the pleasure of pelting a . Duchess fins made to order. Will take pro i charge, by purchasing $20 worth, ,iSd at leiiure in the Reading Room. before they took great fun in as duce partlv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It health of the bride and groom. /»-Publisher, of periodicals are solicited a leruTcIubbiug rates, a copy of their work for is not necessary that the whole Sir Julian was greeted with great Faulting her and the Duke with ca-li. Mir FreeRwuiiug R >0111—Wc file and bind th< 5te?7clSe of every half-volume, r»d w c> >, hand-1 their amiable missiles. — New York | amount should be purchased at one I applause as he stood up !opi«« br advertiseuient. Herald . time, but any amount from 5 cents | somer, rosier than ever. I He dwelt at some length upon A good ranch belonging to II. G. to $20 as explained upon the tick Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ets. the honor and history of the 2 wk j 1 mo 1 3 mo j 6 mo |_iy miles south east of Burns. This Marlboroughs and then paid a 11.50 12.50 $5 00 Ib.'Kl 111.00 |15.0< 18.00 28.0t 3 00 4.1« 6.60 12 OÛ ranch has about 100 acres of good to the last Chamberlain’s Cough Renudy 40 0- brilliant compliment 24 00 3.50 o.OO 8.00 15.00 Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers 50.0t 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 meadow hind. Price $800 or will young lady to adorn it. “ Another cures colds, croup and whooping 54.01 48.00 6.00 9.00 15.00 •28.00 and to post them concering th« 80.00 1'20.0* 12.00 16.'JO 28.00 48.00 golden link,” he said, “has been trade for sheep. cough. It is pleatant, safe and re 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 110 00 140.0* Icause, first symptoms and treat B yrd & K ing . welded to bind England and Amer- liable. For sale bv all druggists. ment is the object of this item. JOB WORK ca together.” ' The origin of croup is a common The Bishop of the diocese was a* )f everv description executed with neatnesr cold. Children who aw subject "to Bewar of Oiutni litsfor Catarrh iad despatch, at reasonable rates. happy as he always is. Pamphlets Posters, ¡irrular«, it tske cold very easily and croup Letter Heads, Bill Heads, lave lopes, that contain M rcury, ‘ How long do you suppose it Note Heads, ( ardu, Tiegets, it elements, is almost sure to follow. The first Dodgem, Etc. denoranda. Invitations. takes to marrv a man and woman svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon as mercury will surely destroy the Tat H erald is kept regularly on file for re by our ritual?” he asked, “Soven 'erence, in the Geo. P. Ron ell Newspaper Ad followed by a | eci iar roiiSh cough, | sense of rmell and completely de rsrtisin» Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. «»THE BEST. QU ’'jiliVt FIT FOR A KING. minutes only,” he replied, for no which is easily ’• ,nizt 1 and will i range the whole sybtem when, en . CORDOVAN. body seemed to know, “vet wh°n I I FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. never be forgotten by < ne who has tering it through the mucous sur OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 'old this to man once who wanted U4. s 3.5_ í » fine C alf &K angarool heard it. The time to act is when I faces. Such articles should nev»r ♦ 3.5? POLICE,3 SOLES. to catch a train he said: See here. national : the child first becomes hoarse. If] be used except on prescriptions 50 $2. WORKINGMEN 1’11 pay you extra if you do it in ?re»ident .......... Grover Cleveland Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy fke-President. ............... Adlai Stevenson 181 from reputable phvsicians, as the lecretary of Sta’e Walter Q. Gresham six ®2.$i.7.? boys S choolshoe j freely given all tendency to lacreiary of Treasury . . .. John G. Carlisle croup damage they will do is ten fold to LADIES- The Bishop added that he had lecretary of Interior .......... Hoke Smith will soon disappear. P Iscrstaryof A ar . Daniel S. Lamont Even after the good you can possibly derive I lecretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert the greatest resp >ct for the Duke the croupy cough has developed it fron- them Hail’s Catarrh Cure, i lecretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton E.SEND FOR CATALOGUE because he agreed tttorney General .. Richard S, Olney 1 of Barlbough w-Y.-oouaL.zva. •q tatmMter General . .. Wilson S Bissell will prevent the attack. ’ There is BROCKTOH,.MASS. manufactured by F. J. Cheney & ¡with him that the American form Over One Million Peoplo wear the state — okegon : - no danger in giving this remedy for Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer G. w. McBride I °f wedding service according to the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes F entrón j. H.MitchelL it contains nothing injurious. cury, and is taken ¡nt rnally, act i Angel’can church was too short. AH our shoes are equally satisfactory (Binger Hermann They give the best value for the money. v-»ogr»ssinen.................... (W. R. Ellis ing directly upon the blood and mu • As the Duke had to wait twenty Thev equal cuctoci Rhoca In style and fit. Attorney General M. ldleman wearing qualities are unsurpassed. ioveruor ......................... Wm P laird | minutes for his bride and the mus- cous surfaces of the system, In Their The prices aro uniform,-—stamped c.n sole. kcretary of State ’.i R Kinr aid to $3 saved over other makes. Crewurer R ..Phil. Metschan jical programme took a buyingjlall’s Catarrh Cure be sure From half hour lupt. Public Initructlou If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by .............. GM Irwin , I Rate Printer . R you get the genuine. It is taken •‘Dealors everywhere w h Leeds more, thia was c nisiddTcd a Wanted, agent to I 1 R. *• S. Bean. *upre«« Judges idteinal.v and is made in Toledo. take exclusive ,ale for this vicinity .> C. Wolverton joke. Write America ’ s Great Danger ' > F. A. A Moore at once. rn Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. les- XIXETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. The Duke of Marlborough then "•trict Jn-lge d M.D t'LIFFOLn timonials free. aroee to reply to everyone and Diatrict Attorney 4.V ENGLISH COMMENTARY. « ut Represeata-ive (R; o. L. Paterson, ^F“Sold by Dmggists, price i 5c. He speaks awfully 'uint-Senator -ur (R).............. A w.Gowan everything. per bottle. Paid an eminent English scientist recently : well and from the heart. COUNTY—HARNEY : * 1 lie danger that confronts the great Anieri- »ounty ¿.¡¿ge He thanked chance and every tsm people to-day if not the possible adop C. P. Rutherford. I«rk ....... (0).. » C. E. Kenyon 1 Tretiurer tion of a wrong financial policy for tlio ... d (R) I. S. Geer one else in America for his meeting 1 Surveyor J alien, or the spread of #ociaii>m, cr the Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke T A. McKinnon Your Iberiff He referred to her ài. reuse of corruption among fniblic men. (R) A. Gittlngg with his wife. ^Mutsor ..( I) ' L>lfe Away. " caveai b, I HADE MARksSr . . .S. W. Miller n^u1,8oper "1,en ,l«nt iR) times as his better Il anse ate b.<d enough, to be sure, but .C has . Newe 1 a half dozen '*ock iMpeetor COPYRIGHTS.^ iliey are ns nothing compared to the terrible is the truthful, Startling title of a H. Turner half, his bride and everything else na ional diaeaae—1 had almost said nation I J-OBTAJW 4 PATENT! Fora ‘ommìMionere ID) I A. B. Marks book about No-To-Bac, the harnn ETJVlpL an2 a*n Opinion, write to /R) ( R. R Sits. except his Duchess. At last hr orlino—of overwork. The mad rush f r less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure kJIL who havo had nearly fifty yean* experience In the patent business. Communlca- wenlth is set at a killing pate, and thousands strictly confidential. A II andbook of fnZ HARNEY r. *. LAND ornes -, wound up by saying that h® was fall by the way every year. that braces up nicotinized nerves, tlons i2,rJ?’A,,on wn'p«min« Patents and bow to ob ie«i»ter tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan Thomas Jone« glad that the worst half of the ieeeirer the nicotine poison, ical and scientific You aro likely to be one cf the vidimo I eliminates books sent free? ^ua». ....... A. A. Cowing •stents taken through Munn A Co. receive 1 low do we know ? because it is the excep makes weak men gain stiength’. notlc<1ln*he Mcjentlflc American, and match—meaning himself—was BO tion to lind a man or woman of adult ag • it) out co«? ?«O.UKht1 wl<,e,y before the public wlth- - l2.the. •»▼««’tor. This splendid paper. much emaller than his better half. (icrfeet health. Nervous Disorders 'L.e vigor and manhood. You run no ' m? ‘’KBnV r lll’>«t’,»»ed, has by Or the physical or financial risk, as No-To- SOCIETIES. •firn 1 2!JPul*t,°n of any scientific work In tha spreading with fearful rapidity. Among t e He got round upon round of m.nai?3iS.T.e.ar- 8,mP’« copies sent free. » symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Cd d Bac is sold by druggists every where coSie^-jt ™mOI\?onthl7' V s0a year- ’HA A REBEKAH Degree No. cheers for his very clever and for 1 lands and Feet, Lizzine«', Hot 1 lasl.es, under a guarantee to cure or money JSPni.A- ' erJ "umber contains beau- viiUl plates. In colors, and photoaraoha of nnw »«•»very lat and M Wedueadav. hitest en,bHn« “Utlders To show tbs Flmiering Sensation, Fainting, Head..die, I tunate speech, which onlv subsided Lucy Ruak, N.G. Book free. Address Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Metani 1 refunded. MUNN cont’l ct»- B Address MUNN A CO„ Nxw YOH«, 3«1 roadway . M L Lewie. Rec. Sec’y. when hi® cousin, the Hon. Ivor choly, Failiig Memory, Palpitation, l;h< u- Sterling Remedy Co , New York or Guest, got up to propose the health matism, bh. rt Breath. Sleeplessness, Ft r- Chicago. A- o. C. W. Rurne IxHige, No. 47 rotis Lyspcrxda, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc H. M. Horton, Burns. *»t»»very M aD,j 4,^ Thursday». of the bridesmaids K fv . C. A. C arroll ,pastor First B pii t JOHN F. 8TRATTON H M Horton, M. W. Church. Yellow Sprii ga, O., writes as folmt. ■: These ladies, he said, in effect, CELEBRATED J. W bayer, Rec'd “ I have used Dr. Miles ’ Restorative Nervine ■SS* N°- O O F. are most bewildering today in for the past six months. I find it acts like a charm on the whole nervous system. I ;¿X“AXAK»IS’’gtvt-91,mrn:;. ’»P». «How» Hall, every Saturday. their exquisite toiiels, the design have not found iUeoual in giving immediate BANJOS, A «JT«,'' 2nd b* nn J. C. Wooly N. G. for which must l>e accredited to relief. Dr. Miles ’ little Nerve and Liver Care for Pilen. “ • C. Byrd, Becy. V. Gul °.ABanloT ¿?ndah AM.n ,SE’ Lh-uffTMUor mail, íwúnn. _________ our hostess, Mrs. Vanderbilt. Yet Pills only need a trial and they will recom barmoNlcag. àc..Jl kind» ofTrlnÄ^te"’’ If"**- ¿A1'TJ*'“ A 31A « ■>»«*.' mend themselves to be the beat pills in the Box 2410, New Yurlr Catjr. P o ? t no . 4«, o. a . r ____ . - in i spite of the r, dresses, to my - Brit- market.” NEW 10UK. (MH. *7*^. l»t and 3d . , .... H*nnTn‘ycSmr^ Ííh ,ÜÍnd- the fine8t th¡n«g Of a11 “ For five years I have suffered from Ner vous Pi oat ration, I waa nnalde to work or are the bridesmaids themselves! *1« p. The fimt doee of Dr. Miles’ Restora Uproarious applause greeted this tive Nervi»® gave me relief, and one th. u Eurns-Canyon Stage Line dollars would not cover the grxd it ha» sally until Col. William Jay slowly •and done me ”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs p- •• MAILS. got out of his chair to proDrse the town, Ohio. H. A. W illiams , contractor. . Bva«>—vAU. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is un- "•»»•anudepartsdally, health of the ushers who had oflici equalled BrrT,n. U. 8. Mail, and Eastern Oregon ExpreM Co,s in cruna Nervous Diseaaee. It ’•»s.?rrLw*~<'A"V0N city : ated SO wisely and well at the 'eontaina no opiates or dangerous drugs Sold except Randvy L,«. Barn, daily for Canyon city, .„d intermedi.t. point.. Vanderbilt Wedding Feast. Royal S I W. L. D ouglas