The wife of Mr. Leonar Wells, of what was the cause of it? been We were quarreling, father and | East Brimfied, Mass, has suffering from neuralgia for* two _ ~__ _ , ~ I. Father commenced getting af- deve . mhkk 2_______ i ter me for go:ng away from home ¡days, not being able to sleep or * Proprietress. hardley keepstill, when Mr Holden, I Miss S allie H udspeth , W SSV1LLE HORROR. >nd neglecting my work. He had the merchant there sent her her a _____ always abused me. McKercher bottle of Chamerlain s Pain Balm, ’ • n v or Nov. 21.—Lolyd sided in with father while we were and asked that she give ita thorough Rrn*nSVm> , Call and examine goods and ascertain Prices. The Proprietress is .Lmerv the alleged murderer quarreling. Father asked me where trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the here to stay and desires to Please Patrons in Style, Quality of Goods XL*’’“u,he '‘"d D *■; next day he was told that she was and Prices. On Corner North of Meat Market. ILreh-r.P»’«’-1 the mghlqu.eUy I had been. I told him I had been all right, the pain had teft her with-, * iul and e»rler I hie morn hunting. Then he slapped me in I in two hours, and that the bottle of “'LL i“rneJ over *° “depu,v the face and told me to go and cut i Pain Balm was worth $5.00 if it ¿ some wood. This made me so an­ could not be had for less. For sale n 8 Martin appeared as young gry that I did not know' what I was at 50 cents per bottle by MMtg»B.erv’s»liorne.v»nd.lhepre doing. I went into the house and I I iiminarv examination on the charge got father’s rifle. It was in the j murder was formally wavered. bedroom. I cane out and stood in Young Montgomery obeyed his the kitchen door. Father and Me-! Six weeks — ago I ------------------------ snffered with a r,- ---------- — aWHEN YOU WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING DONE, CONSULT THE HERALD * I i