Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1895)
The wife of Mr. Leonar Wells, of what was the cause of it? been We were quarreling, father and | East Brimfied, Mass, has suffering from neuralgia for* two _ ~__ _ , ~ I. Father commenced getting af- deve . mhkk 2_______ i ter me for go:ng away from home ¡days, not being able to sleep or * Proprietress. hardley keepstill, when Mr Holden, I Miss S allie H udspeth , W SSV1LLE HORROR. >nd neglecting my work. He had the merchant there sent her her a _____ always abused me. McKercher bottle of Chamerlain s Pain Balm, ’ • n v or Nov. 21.—Lolyd sided in with father while we were and asked that she give ita thorough Rrn*nSVm> , Call and examine goods and ascertain Prices. The Proprietress is .Lmerv the alleged murderer quarreling. Father asked me where trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the here to stay and desires to Please Patrons in Style, Quality of Goods XL*’’“u,he '‘"d D *■; next day he was told that she was and Prices. On Corner North of Meat Market. ILreh-r.P»’«’-1 the mghlqu.eUy I had been. I told him I had been all right, the pain had teft her with-, * iul and e»rler I hie morn hunting. Then he slapped me in I in two hours, and that the bottle of “'LL i“rneJ over *° “depu,v the face and told me to go and cut i Pain Balm was worth $5.00 if it ¿ some wood. This made me so an could not be had for less. For sale n 8 Martin appeared as young gry that I did not know' what I was at 50 cents per bottle by MMtg»B.erv’s»liorne.v»nd.lhepre doing. I went into the house and I I iiminarv examination on the charge got father’s rifle. It was in the j murder was formally wavered. bedroom. I cane out and stood in Young Montgomery obeyed his the kitchen door. Father and Me-! Six weeks — ago I ------------------------ snffered with a r,- ---------- — a<yer’8 instructions to the letter- Kercher were still standing by ».I ” very severe cold; was almost unable Proprietor. he would not talk about the case. fence talking, and mother E. B R eed , Wa8 to speak. My friends all advised Young Montgomery will be held at standing near by in the yard.” me to consult apysician. Noticing BURNS, OREGON. Albany to await the action .of the Chamberlian’s Cough Remedy’ ad- grand jury. I,, —w verstised in the St. Paul Volks This Restaurant has been fitted ' Attorney Martin Btates that body | " Zeitung I procured a bottle, and up in Elegant style and is in eyery «¡11 meet Mondao to investigate after taking it a short while was particular a first class eating and the charge of murder against Mont JOHN F. STRATTON entirely well- I now most heartily boarding house. goinerv. Deputy Sheriff Wilson NEW YORK. recommend this remedy to anyone, took fbe prisoner to Albany. suffering with a cold. W m . K eil , The facts as brought out at the Importers and Whobaal« Dealers in all kind«of 678 Selbv Ave., St. Paul, Minn. The proprietor is prepared to invueet over the remains of the MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, For sale by lodge his customers and guarantees Violins, Guitars. Banjos. Accordéons, Harmoni murdered persons werr substanti cas, i.c„ • II Lads of Strings, etc., etc. comfort and satisfaction and uses ally a6 told in The Telegram’s story every effort possible to make his of the tragedy 'yesterday evening guests feel at home. The important new development at the inviK.-i, wnich rcuned in. the jury firnim* a yerdict of ¡¡Lloyd Mon'gomen's gult, Mere thtse: Motgomery told Charles Me- Duwell yesterday that he picked THE NAME OF T E NEXT the gun up from the floor and placed it ncross .McKercher’s logs is*^DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BU8lNES8?_^sL_ i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In his testimony he partly acckowl- I edged tn&t he placed the gun upon McKercher’s body in the position If you are in a position found. To do Busia ss Mrs. Me Cormick, a neighbor re siding across; the Calapooia river,] Let Peoul ' Know it- within hearing distance of the WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN Montgomery home, stated that, I between shots, she heard loud cries, I evidently some one bagging fori 1 mercy. These cries proboblv pro ceeded from McKercher, and per haps, from Mrs. Montgomery, after the shooting of hea husband.—The • Evening Telegram. MILLINERY STORE Rare Selection of Millinery Goods. M agnolia X rëstauran T I I of the United States if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. The New York Weekly Tribune OF NOVEMBER 4th 1896. Lloyd Montgomery Confesses. Subscribe for the A lbany , Or., No». 25—Lloyd Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men Montgomery, the murderer of his whose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the father, mother and Daniel McKer- results under the administration thev elected, will make the campaign cher. near Brownsville Tuesday last the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. has been unable to endure the weight oi the terrible crimes upon mind, and this evening made a full confession. addmitting that he^kill the leading Republican family newspaper of The United States, will | ed all thiee of them. The prisoner , publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American , - ■ cj^jzen regardless had appeared in a very ---- distressed general of party ¡u i affiliations, Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover ►tale of mind during the day. I Late ing the news of the world, he nnu-H nf —?r!d, an agricultural department second to none | this evening, when visited in his in the country, market reports which are recognized authority, fascinat cell, he answered several questions. ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous ........ — —«lyvov ’ papers, foreign and domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion hut sain his attorneys advised bun, . , « y , . . . e , • , ! plates and elaborate descriptions of woman s attire, with a varied and ■ I say nothing about the murder. • attractive department of household interest. The "New York Weekly However, after some further ques Tribune” is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that Everybody Heads Coning, he began weeping and said: of any other weekly publication in th-» country issued from the office of TEE 77 EHA 7, 7). ‘ Oh, if I only had to do it over a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give Albert ¡se in it. again! 1 don’t know what made it greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the women and young people of the household. me do it!" The New York Weekly Tribune! EAST OREGON HERALD "W" *WT T 'V’ A ww VJ CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. ‘‘What were McKercher and your A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal father talking about as they stood and THE HER a LD for by the picket fence in front of the the house, after Edward Gilkey,' the bopbuyer, drove away, and ’hat was McKercher’a business there? was asked. McKercher asked father how PAY VP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. * was fixed for money; that he ’ou'id like to get a few dollars fath <-r owed him. They were talking I SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. »bout that, and were speaking in a Address or call at ' endlr manner McKercher asked HERALD OFFICE r » drink of wate. and I got it for I Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, In®.’ Room 2. Tribune Building, New York City, and a s a mole copy of How did the shooting begin;1 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2. THE HERALD DOES THE BEST JOB PRINTING AT LOWEST RATES. <_>WHEN YOU WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING DONE, CONSULT THE HERALD * I i