With 30,000 fresh Jjalj .:ih troops sorts of manufactured goods at un on tbeir way to CubaXi 'e revolu- beard of prices. — tionists certainlv need all the svm- — — 4 1*5 pathv thev can get; a littie ammu-j ' Chicago has a beer trust, but — nition would also be thankfully re- wasn’t organized to sell beer trust. Not «.n your life 1oth the others. We notice in the I ance at his lectures that made ex­ with a severe attack of flux. I was Jsbate whilv the discussion was go­ Senator Ingalls sick. LIVERY S TAB L E sick in bed about ten days and ing on the stronghold of the opposi­ OFFICE --------------------- I could get nothing to relieve me un- tion, or gold ites. was that free coin­ Tne report that Sarah Bernhardt til I used Chamberlain’s Colic, age of silver would drive gold out of circulation, and pretended to bet*1”* been offered a fabulous sum by Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. very much alarmed for fear free a publisher for her autobiography which cured me and has been a I coinage would bring about mono-1’8 probably a theatrical lie. If household remedy with us ever • • metallism, .w fcood rrmmns were . tubful!v written the book could sinee. J C Marlow. Decaturville, Mo. For sale by all druggists. advanced to prove such would be 1 not be publicly sold. the case hu’ mere assertions As- =-------- ----- — sertions don’t prove anything. If] Strange to say the same thing our government had free coinage that gets President Cleveland the | Value Recognized by Physi­ of silver, and it was found to be most abuse is also his most ad-’ cian. detrimental to our financial inter- mired trait—his strong will; obstl- * -------- rit the act could be very easily re­ nacy, if you please. , As a rule I am opposed to pro- The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable as- pealed ' — I prietary midicines. Still I value a sures the public that he > is prepared to accommodate Allot'these poor scarsd advocates in every way in his line of business. According to a rece nt Spanish • K®o<1 one’ especially when such is , Hay and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. of the gold standard recognize the I royal decree, American syndicates.] the source of relief from pain, As' importance of a free circulation of engaged in mining in Cuba are to a topical [external] application I I have found Chamberlain’s; Pain ‘ p*?BenKerfi taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and J«b Wagon silver, but beg the people to wait pay no taxes for 20 years. Balm the best remedy I have ever ' ’ nc0,inect ’ 014 tor thi’ great and glorious interna­ tional congress that we are going to used for neuralgia of any kind. 1 Anything that is novel goes h> have in ths “sweet bv and by” have conscienciously recommended when old things wilt be made new .New York City, Its latest fad is a it to many persons. William and the milleniiim will shake ten-year old negro girl evangelist. Horne, M. D., Janesville, Wis. ¡ hands with misery and starvation. Sold by all druggists. Leis wait. Let the poor who are j John Sherman sticks to it that willing to work, but can get noth- he wrote the truth, and rubs it in] ing to do because of the scarcity of j by saving he is glad he wrote it. HARRIS A JOHNSON Proprietors. money to pay them, starve along ‘ bv flow (¡egrets in a land of plenty ' The annual report of the director and to spare, in the meantime v we, ‘ ofthe U. S. Mint states the case *•> ClUf^ET l«TH««GT. |BLKNb, Will still continue to “eotten” to the | 8trong ] v but truthfully when it OREGON ------ p.j, W nUL NO SQUEAKING. '»ret coming b of the international - ----- , > . uuiuuLionai says that our present money sys- ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH«, ENAMELLED CALF. »•ongress or conference that is eoinir ., ,. • • . . , 10 tern is as inconsistent, illogical,' $4.»3.V>FlNECALf&KANGAR01 Wines, Liquors, and Cigars to put bread and i butter • as can well u i be mi- luutr into into th« tne • and .i expensive __ i 3.5P POLICE,3 S oles . it » ot ft.irving familiea th* agjnefi ” but as it is a republican Good Billiard tables, Pleasant;Card Rooms, st«., etc. e „in tmdtr his care and Hvsteni this Cong-ess isn‘| likely to *2 A7-5 B oys S chool S hoes . Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender * LADIES - protection and for whom he has | bettor it »uc'i a tender affection, that he • Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. SEND FOR CATALOGUE * cannot advocate means or wavs of, WL* DOUGLAS, immediate relief, but must await! Senator Sherman will never be BROCKTON, MASS. by purchaaing W. L>. !»« action of this dear interview— satisfied until he has killed off a You cun aavc D money oiik I h R Shoe«, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of i this goverr.ment to jonly seems to advertise the profita- no ruonev than to have it ble nature of his privnte business >ti'present situation controled but gi ves notice of his willingness by » few. to buy further political honors. f the Assistant Postmaster Gen- I _ There are ar® republicans rePub,ican8 who think thillk d®culj, by being put under the Ben Harrison might put in his time c,Til »rrice rules, whv not the .... ^or®>8n missions mor® sat General and also the A8^ac^or’Lv than in chasing another ^ident* No, M r U’;i. j ’• w ilson, we do , nomination. M ».th r_ you There has i — • — too^nueb .. - — civil -.1 service rules “Little Billee” Chandler would f‘ ' •L°ugh rotation in office,1 if he were not soimper- prwenl administration; ¡tinent ^;i,n’,0flh*r«a-.sdemo-! fr r ‘ “ >» ' ought nught to to be be made made permanent — huuie auu The arrival of Japanese drum- lf* r’Publicr-*1*^ Ml a,ld M » are again partially biers in the United States is no joke. ** top. 1 hey are soliciting orders for many prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than nnv other make. T ike no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by * fuhn S rLOutu S aw mill JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. Situate on Silvi., river 1 mile K„t „f Barn., n.sr the brf(Jgf Customers SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION¡Good Wheat CURE. I I wil receive GOOD FLOUR from I The aneceR« of thia Great Cough Cure fo without a parallel in the hiatory of medicine All druftgiRtN are authorized to Mil it on a poa- itive guarantee, a test that no other e re can aucceeafully stand. That ft may beeome known, the Proprietors, at an enonnoua ea- pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United State« and Canada. If you have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron- chitia, use it. for it will cure you. If your child haa the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief ia sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE Price 10 eta.. Mete, and 11.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price Mete. For sale by all Dru«. giste and Dealers. r BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. M c K innon a kenyon burns Shop opposite the Brewery Xork in Ä i guaranteed. “0 -Í.P.U». Satisfaction