Business Locals WANTED. * ~^'thooJ book* at the drug store of H. M. Horton. — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barltrr, desires a part of your pat- ronage, at the new barber shop. — Who said you couldn’t get a g<*«l flavored cigar in town for five cents’ Call at the Citv DKug Store , and inquire. Agents to sell our choice and har- dy Nursery Slock. Wehavemany new special varieties, both in fruits anj ornamental» to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Rochester, N Y. E. H. THOMPSON lood Pure DEALER IX Dry Goods Clothing, Notions, Staple Groceries. Classware Crockery Cutlery It it Is, you will be Btrong, vigorous, full of life and ambition; you will have a good appetite and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. I FRUIT TOBACCO AND CIGARS But how few can say that their blood Is pure! How many people are suffering daily from the consequences of Impure • blood, - - »crofula, - - »alt - - rheum, 1------ rheumatism. rheumatliii , catarrh, nervouanes», ala-plesanesa, ana 1 1 Hay. Grain, Flour, Feed and Country Produce. That Tired Feeling. Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalize« BAKER CITY. OREGON and enriches the blood. Therefore, it la the medicine for you. It will give you pure, rich, red blood and strong nerves. __ It will overcome that tired feeling, create an appetite. ;rive refreshing sleep and make you strong. For Sale Or Trade. — 100 acre« of fine fruit land in — Builders tools and* of all kind building hardware at the Burns 10 acre lots .Smiles south of Eugene hardware store, at bottom prices Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser for cash. Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses OREGON and cattle part pay on each lot. if Hood’s Sarsaparilla BURNS, —The Saloon, in the new hôtel building. Richardson and Stephens I the purchaser so desires. For far- MR T. M. MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors i Is the Only proprietors, is nicely furnished and J l*‘®r *i,f°ruiat*on inquire at this Its ciiNtomers is given the < best . i office, True Blood Purifier brand* of liquors and cigars. Prominently In the public eye todav. This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- A Marv.lou. Discovery Free busy | — Dr. (’ate i* kept pretty llaod’s Pills f.imllT cathartic. tors use every effort possible to make their guests feel at home An OLO i/L.1/ AND a » i * *v il L-T i h ni IKK ki * R km Kt) Y.—Mrs. W The universal good dentistry (lone1 w AN tudalow'i S.H>thii>K Svrup h tas been used for ■. | over fifty year* by milli.iue ofi ^mothers for their by him has gained for the 1 1'T. a children while teething, with will perfect suci ess. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- It Boothe» the .. child, aofieua the I ..... ..........- .... ......... softens gums, alia.'» lasting reputation. sll pain, cures wind colic, Htul is the best reine | fords. edv for Diarrhoea. 1» pleasant to the taste by hruKirls1» in every part of the world. — Lee Caldwell’s Saloon now Sold Twenty live« enta a bottle. Its value Is Invalj Isble. Be anre ami ark for .Mrs Windslow’a Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to lie TOHSORTAL PARLOR, running on a cash basis is well pat­ Soothing Syrup, and take uo other kind. ' its guest when in town. ROBINSON * WALTON ronised and the proprietor find* ■"? ..... tb<* cash system to be good for him­ P roprietors , self, also, bis customerc. He i* .rn:<; thankful tor pust and present pat­ CELEBRATED Everything in tin ir line guaranteed ronage and courteously solicits his to le done satisfactorily. frifiuls t«> continue their patronage [W. E. G race ’ s oi . d stand ] MANDOLIN A cniiiii Who Will Work Bathes at all Lours Importen of and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Proprietor. \ C Worthington MU8ICAL MERCHANDISE, WAN FED in every county to in-> 811.818.815.817 Ea tOthf .N w V ri t „^DEALER IN^^_» trodtice the Celebrated ,,Hygeia”l DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES Waists ‘"or all age«. This waist] TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. .iqs-rcede. the eoraet, and has re i GEO. S. H4ZEMORE, A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection* JOHtt F. v i reived the unanimous approval oi l ATT«KNEY, CELEBRATED BlRNN, .......... . Ol’WGO.N. Nuts and fruits. pliyrieians of America. $3.00 out CÜÎTAR8, Coliti Jons, Land bi nd Real *fif“Mail orders promptly filled. I'll free. Any energetic woman can ] Estat < matter promp0\ i ended w. make from $li» to $-50 weekly. Imp -rtsrofsnd ** I» hoieule Dealer in all kind» of • . . . . Send for circulars and terms. i MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, HYGEIA M E G 00,378 St, New bll.Slo. 015,317 L-yst Uth SL.New York. ERR AT HICKS, J. W BIGGS. BVKNS. * York. C as VON CITY. » 11 is Corpse Guarded by a Dog. Hicks ä F3iggs J Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour* Carl Thorouhn Musical Director. Paris, 'lex , Noy. 24—The Fedus slate that I can hjrh'.y r« e< inn.e’ <1 y< nr Hu»- •tail Cut Hiring- f r ii:r ibl'lty > n,| t<» e. Through freight 3|cts. a pound. murder, or, possibly, series of mur- Your er -ora I .r ¿l,,*ui abolllU he tremend­ Two days notice at anv P. O. on the route and cover» I coaches wtl • 4 dl rs A boat was found adrift on ous ’.ours truly, CARL THORIi UIN 10 <1 River near that point this after­ 11. A. William.'. Proprieun. be furnished for passangera. riiywcmn ex riurge^n. noon, unmanned and without a ' I I pilot No living person was yisi-l A graduate of the Iowa State JOHN T. STRATTON bl< , a bull famished dog being ap-' HEW YORK. University and College of Phvsi- , parcnllv the only occupant of th. cian* and Surgeon*. Í boat. I Office at residence in Burns. twj nrter» m J WK>I ma 1« Dealer« In all kind* ’ f I Srv»ral inhabitants put olF in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, another boat to investigate When Vtollnt. Cullar*. Banfo*. Acconlront. Harmoat ia*.Lc., 'll . .1 j cl Strine*, etc., etc. Manu acturer t icy drew alongside a shocking NEW YORK WORLD. I Tinware <£ Sb Bight inti their gaze A loan lay! The Twice-a week Edition of th« upon th«, deck with Ins head amort N< w Yo.k World has been convert­ ALSO DEALERS IN •evered from his body, and blood ed into the Thrice a week. It fur paint wai »patlen d over th. d ck indi- nishe* 3 papers of 6 page* apiece, HARD- 0 iting a p-j q ! r-0, t . GLA4^ desjH ration -h >w d sign, of light, of -in >a.. tc . t<. Dollar ami every paper ha* 6 pages m . n iota. the bant could not !• boarded DOOR’ eight columns wide or 48 columns I STOVEb Points lowor down the river sm1 in all. The Thrice-a-wevk World nolil rd and the boat «»ill Is» secured K & WIN is not only much larger than any bv morning A force of Deputy weekly or semi-weeklv newspaper, hangers Marshals ha* I wen rushed Io the DOWS aMreeHar« xwy •erne but it furnish,** the news with 4 ackle V TINWARE. Flie man upon the deck had the A fishi FISHI TTTI n CTT'ÄÜKLE. * • GRANir much greater frequency and \ mm u nition a ap|s nrancr of having been »lead ARE. CROCKERY ANi> GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS. FAH pro n i pt n etu>. In fact it Combines for several clav«, and iho investi­ MERS ’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS W UNDERTAKING GOODS all the crisp, fresh qualities of a gating party reports ether < *11 and see cur Holiday goods. daily with the attractive specia l> >di * an*