Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1895)
I i W. L. D ouclas i « » Given Away Every Month »J < ; • f • 4 t r $ • I • I '. • ' 1 » » t > 'I » • ■aucAMwa* ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, no FRENCH* ENAMELLfD GALE *4 *3 FINE CALF A KMAIOT to the p* r- in submitting the most meritorious invcutioa during tin» preceding month. WF? bEi I’ltE PATENTS FOR INVENTORS, and the object of tills offer is to eri- eoiragepersons ot au invent ive turn of irrnl. At th" »1111** time we wi h to impress the fact mat B u It’s the Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes S3 SHOE » 3.4P POLICE, □ S oles . C!J8E. ♦2?l?JB0YSSCH00t5W)EX LADIES- The rnee-M of th’«» Great Cough Core h w'; ho lit a pura'lel in the h ( »ry of medicine. All druggists arc authorized to * >1 iton a pos itive guarantee, a test that r.o olhtre re can aucceuatully stand. That it may become known, the E*roprietors. at au enormous ex pense. arc placing a Sample Hottie Eree every home iu the United Slates and C anada. If you have a Cough, .“ore Throat, or Bron chitis, us» it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough. use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use It Ask your Druggist for SHILOH S CURE, Price 10 eta., 50 cts. andll.OO. IfyourLungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price M cts. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. SENS FOR CATALOGUE W-L-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. so. ti «, t>e Ix>ng’s Honk <’j ii I F.yo, ’’i*<*o that if'iinp. ’ it ■ safety Plii,'* "Pigs tu Clo-i, v> r. ' "Air Brake." • te Almost « very one conco'ves a bright Idea at a**'n*- tian* other. Why not put it in pr** 11esI it»u? Yol’it tuluiitsin.ii Do i*i this direction '1 , make your fortun*-. Wby not try? :: u S t: :: t 9“ Write for f irthi-r Information and luentiou this paper. Manx's a can aave money hr anrchaalnz U. L. lluucla» Bhnes, IhciuM, we are the largest manufacturers of advertHed »hoe« in the world, and guarantee the value by »tamping the name »n(1.Pr*c'.°" the bottom; which protect« you agaln»t high price, «nd the middleman’s profit». Our »hoe» enual cu»tom work in »tyle, e«»y fitting and wearing qualities. We have them «old ***TF* where at lower price» for the value given than nr.y other m»l.e‘ Take no »ubstitute. If your dealer cauuot supply you, wc can. bold by □ HARPER’S PER Oi’ICS W IHlllNüTON, <>. I Per Year: Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent bnalm-«s conducted for Mod* rate Toes. Our Office is Oennsite U. S. P *tent Office, »nd wo * an »ecu r<* patent in lees time than those 'emote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip- ion. M ■ mH lee. if patentable <*r not. free of barge Our fee not clue till patent ia eecurod. A F.imnhlct. "How to obtain 1‘itenta," with names ..factual clients in yourHtute, county,or town, eent free Address, K.- '■ Everywhere. Sold Everywhere. Crown Everywhere » » vii'S I I CELEBRATED Frrrt’» *»rr«l Iniimil for 1N9A IiivuliiHhle to all plantrmMini lovrrw of Fino V’ugetubh-N and Btanttfal Writ» for It Frrr. Fnowern rrwHi a <o., MUb. CUS7A.Ì3, ■ I - i - .un wrs àKC q ; • V . - I your rrr TEN I ztsts Seven times ! I ,oo.»s ..even times better Thm About Seven times cleaner Stow About i wo tim»*s cheaper M* AL.OUC - i >»o times If vn««r ,en¿ us et a 1?. *..;nily !i <; oes n’t keep ¡ D:v-;Jan £ Co., Ajts., The volumes of the Magazine begin will the Number- for June and December oi eac h year. When no time is specitied, sub «criptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine foi three years bat k , in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail. on receipt of per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5® I cents each—by mail, post-paid. 1 Remittances should be imide by Postoilicc Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chane o’ Opposite Patent Office. W.shinqton, 0. C. JOHN F. fiït olr mind HARPER’S MAGAZINE..................... K«. 519 MONTGOMERY ST., 8. F„ CAL HARPERS WEEKLY’ ..................... |.(X HARPER’S BAZAR ............................... t.Of HARPER’S Y’OI NG PEOPLE 2.0C Postage Free to all Subscribers in tht United States, Canada, or Mexico. STOCK BRANDS. C.A.SNOW&CO A n W your <1r»nler for them USTRATED The Simpleton, a new no.iel bY T homas II arpv , will he begun in the December Number, is*.;, and continued to November 1895 Who ever may bo out’» favorite among Etgliah Nov elist». it will be conceded by all critics that T humbs hardy stand» foremost of a master artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may be expected to armse entliusiams not tnfenhir in degree to that which has marked Trilby—the most successful story of the year. Another ■eadii * feature will be the Personal Recollee lions of Joan of Arc. by the Sieur Louts dz C onte . Her PBue and secretary, under which guise the most popular of living American magazine writars will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans In the January Nu uber Will appear a drofunely illuitratee paperon Charles- and the Caroliuai, the first of a serie» of Southern Papera. Noathern Africa ia attracting more attention at any other time since it was the seat of em pires. The next volume» of HARI’c s .MAGA ZINE will four illustrated articles on this regin, and three of them will depict the present life there. ruLlAN R alph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chinece Life and Manners. Besides the long stories, toere will be«in in the January Number the first Chapter of A Three I’art Novelette, by Ri< hard H ahdino D avis — the longest work yet attempted by thia wri'er Complete « storie» by popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE Philip W. Avlrett, Oeu. M;:r , • <P* ! hr n »p ii Ibibti ■ t i. i . nifuny may I- J iilg' d by u.r •». t tluu it* stoi a .« in*. T by ov>-1 i.> it,oitsand 1 . f tin l.-rtrftnu Ovw,paver, II, Hie ( I'ulliHl bule». Magazi co • p IL THE PRESS CLAIMS CO.« ft|H I Street, Northwest, 7 j ILLUSTRATED. i I 1893 SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION A I loss. a Address HARPER A BROTHERS. New I York. / V* X Importer of And \vitcucu iic Dealer in all kin I HG3IOAU IVFROMAN 8U,tUI,810,tt7£Mtft LiZI Is t t fji. Td . : sic; e / ’ a ü Û; j I) .) I Han’ Baza * L . I L L U S T R A TED. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. of une Elegsnt and cxclugivu designs for Out-door ami Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod els by S animiz and < HAPina. are an linportaut ferture These appear every week, accompan ied by miuute deacriptlom and details Our Parts Letter, by K atharine nt F orkst . is a weekly transcript of the laten »tiles and capri- * < « in the mode, (’niter the h< ap of New York . Fashions, plain descriptioi.a a-id full paniru- Isrs are given as o sliapes, labriea, trimming», ami access, »leaof the c.istumea of well-ert ssed wotneu. Childrens < 1.»thing receives pirn tieai attention A lortnightiy Pattern-sheet N ipple men t enables reuders to cut ami mrket heir own gowh The woman who tak« ■ H ARPER'S HA Z\S is prepared Jur every i.i-easion in life, re re moni. uh <ir informal, where beautiful dress it itquibiie. ----- •r'-------- Cur Premiums I FO.i THIS YEAR THIS PAPER I* » R'*iurniiij' proH|M*nt >' will inak»* ninnv rich, but nowheri* cun thvv in n k u so inuch wit hiti it short ti tut an by succ« -etui Sportilaii<u> in I i i ain . l’r*'Vi»io'iH and Sto< k. -Siin 00 F0R tWH 01311 R INVESTED UAH BE MADE B’i O’JH MJiU.- Systanntic Plan cf Smnlaiioi originated by lie All succceHufnl speculators operate<>n a regular sv^terri It is a well-known fact that (hero are thousands of men in ill parts ot tin» I nitwd St ties who by systoniAtic tmding through t'l.iengo look •ra, niiike large amounts every tear, ranging from a few thom aml dollars for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars up to L‘>0.OO0 tn ■tllMl (kMi or more by those who invest a few thousand. It ia also a fict that those who make the largest profits from com pai-itivelv small investments on this plan are persons who live awuv from < hieago and invest through brokers who thuroughlv understand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on anv trade.blit covets sides, s.i that whether the market rises or falls it brings steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time, WRITK b• Hi t <>N \ I \<'I \1. PROOFS, -il«*» our M > Biiec-ssfiil speculation ami our Daily Market Report, full of nmney making pointers ALL FREE. Our manual explains margin trading fullv Highest references in regard to our standing ami success For further infnrmatii n address THOMAS A. CO Bonkers nnd Rpoker6 241-242 Railto Building Cheapo ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO M4 ! ------WITH------ THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call ’ 4* KICK Si. 13 I HARPER WEEKLY ............. HARPER’S M A i AZ1 N E HARPERS BAZAR........... HARPER’S YOI NG PE »,*1, Yr AK. -----OR----- ¡Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! PK1< b. «U.O > 1*1 It YEAH. *T*,HF. SAN FRAMCINCO (j < WEEKLY CALL ‘'1^ ’ 1« a liaiid-oine elght- p.ig<* paper. It la la-u* d every Tktirsdav, and contain» all ■>( kite imp' riant new» of the week, g'a.mod from every qu tr ier of the glob**. eoiui»l**te up to date of publication. It fur nishes the latest and most reliable finsn’ial news «nd market qm tstions. » d gives special attetiti n to liorticu!- tural sml agricultural news, ami is In every re«t ert a brst- !.a«» family paper, app-*«il g l«*tbe interest of every tU'-.i ber Oi the h asenol.i ------ v+e------- HK MOKNINU CAI.I, (S«vaa I*— * as a w ««a» 1» a live i» trr»n t.a dally. It la the M«»ST KFl.l A- BLR. and la rec<ntae*i a« bring th. LEADING MEWv PAPER <>f th« Cariar Cmuii. Either of tl>« ab"»« » aper» we will aend po»lv td aa a ore- uilum on r reel it of tlie follow, ing aab»erlpUvt> pri.-ea tor lha bl nation ; ASlHHb Kr-i .Pl« TSAK, ftaño [ ** • IN AliUM’B. WEEKLY GUL F? .V) «I»» 4M K. PER year : Poa'age Free to al I a anseribers ui r 11 States. Canada, or Mexico. The Volunice of the Weexly will nj; the first Number for Jauuarv of e i W hen no time la mentioned, »ubterip, , t>egin with the Number eurre.i utti ceipt of order. hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly f 'ea.-a ba*k. in neat cloth binding, will by mail postage paid, or by express, fr penae (provided the freight does not ex pervolutnct for »7 ou a volume Cloth i ases for each Volume, suits binding will be scut by mail pos.-pai l ceipt of II. Keinittaucee should be made by P,»s .Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address HARPER A HR ir.IKRS, Ne W Hau’s I FREE BRAND COLUMN. Horae brand bar ten on left ihoulder: Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip oil bott cars. T. A. McKinnon, Burn« Ore. Hardin & Riley, cattle branded Vnn left side Horae brand T left aide. r. <>. Bur ns.Ort-fun J. C. Foloy. rattle brand — on rignt lid» Horae Fraud ... on left shoulder. <’attic brand II., on left rib under bit in left er r, u ider «'ope iti right ear Horae t»raa*l 71 on right «'lile. It F J. A. William» P. O. Riley Or. Horses brn'trfed )-( on left stifie. cattle t>r»s<1 » ed )•( on Jett hip. Marlon Bunyard. PO Burra t’at'lc diamotidon left hip: hor shoulder, i lu.r «■« I! Voegtl* v. Bur»»» tl Horte > vrnderf P on r! 'lit shoulder. cattle P on right hip. It. A. Hendrick«. P.O. la wen Or Horse brand ;’>■’■ on left shoulder, also thret dots. . m aliape«*f triangle, * attle branded same E. K. Grout ltnrna Or. Miss Roea Dtckepaon Horse brand auril er left f’ifie. • attie branded barJR on left hip. ” O. Lowen Ore. J. P Dickenson cuttlebrand J p connectedoa left hip Hone brand anvil on left stifle P. 1 Igkweu Ore Cattle Brand figure Ton either h«p’ m*'k light crop off each ear. a dp in each ear, and "tai’ on left jaw. Horse brand figure7 on either hi|> J. II. Bitnyard.BtirnsjOra Geo. Williams, horses and mules 1 ra rounding "’, on right allCe. P. O R’ *> Horae brand bar-m on left shoulder * i brand bsr-in on left hip ami riba. Cathertbe Marshall P O Narrows ore. H ARPKR’B Weekly is a pictorial history'of* Horae brami on left ahonlder S MI m l aura the time«. It presents ever»’ lni|H>rtsnt eve* t promptly, accurately, and exhati»:i- elv in II li.strstion aud descriptive text of the Inane«' 1 *n< *"• ”’iru* re order. , „ . _. „ . Ilorae brand J on left shoulder and same o» The manner in which, during 1*94. it has treated the <’hi »ae<> Raileoad Strike« an<i the muscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Bu.-na t'bino-Japatiese War, and the a» of light it was able t<» throw on Korea the lusta*it atten Ore. tion u a» <li.ieete<i tc> that little known county, S. Lampehiie and Son cattle brand Q are example« of Its almost l*oundtess reaour* es. Julian R»'»h. the distinguished writer and connected. Far mark awallow fork in right «•* correspondent, has been sent to ¡he «eat of war nnderbit in left. P, <). Burna Ore. an t there jot not nv C 1». Weld*»u. now for tnanv ears resident iu Japan, who has been Horace and Cattle branded J P on left ehnel ••• ■:»yol to <Voperate with Mr. Ralph in Send der b-anded JP connected Mary J- I A Rf - RS W KEKLY exclusive Informa Price, some Burna Ore Hoti and ilium ration Herman Ruh rattle brand on i .»•< ar crop off and »wallow fork in left ear ruth HARPER’S PERIODICALS ear under elope. P. o. t.awen I L LT ST RATE l>. Per Year HARPER’S BAZ tR 4 HARPER’«« Mv.lZfXE 4 Or HARPKR’8 WEEKLY ____ 4 « I HAHPFRU YOl'N< B PKoPLa 1 Ä P«oia<i' Frrr to al! ett «•» lIbera In tba I'Lliei state« Canatla. or Mexico. v ur ee ot the Haaa- ’-gin with the firv ft ><.r January of em-h «ear. When ns nwmber ■•nm« is niev.itvue«!, sutwcriptioti «HJ hertt wl h the Number enrrvnt atíbenme of recela* of orde» Bound volume« <>f Harper» Bazar lor thro vear tn ’■—t rl.vh bindlnz. will be sent bv mal paare paid’ «r h» ezprms. free of ezpenae provided the freigh- d<»ea n a ex.eed on« dol !»t t • r Vo’.n-nel . : »? a volume '"■*> »»’■• •*,wh volume.suitable for Mod ”’«^'^1 be «eiitb» mail p.mpai icn rrealp ,»f«| Kesatttanre« *r nM be mate by P etnifte« a .. V*?* haxpkk a br *THKRS n . «,««err« »r« t o* to esvp, an, «ne t»-r * t the heve a. * ~*«emen a without the »rasa r .«« „I H AKPKR BKOTHKK« Cattle biand, )-( O. on left hip, uudrrbit in right ear aud a crop aud split in left. Horare H O. on left abonlder. A. Hembree narrow». On • BEATTY S PIANOS’ ver» here _ _______ _____ _ r rlt • for catalogue Fx _____ waror van tel F Beat» Washington, New Jersey n-jrt '•''•«rbahn. MnMca! Wrecwe. «il" i.ea’rx ór* best rz rliicsgo. tits Apr !. *4.1®* a r — tt s • A* .. I ..A . »•«"» be «’de »o b 1 e w r s*' *• » : e *», V. i! ’ ’»y t 1 , t U t.Va