East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, November 27, 1895, Image 7

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    —0. Calkins, of Diamond, is in
R ev . G ibson ,
Local News.
ctai„of «11 I»««"’ “nd
barü»« ’W'ef
13 11
the Johnson store,
-jiew go«lxrt
„<nB(ter control of Henry Canaday
Jll4 hSche-P
ever <>r cheaper Call
oils an I K«t prices, aiul
I if suited hny.
-Snowing and raining today in
-\[rs Hamill-Uandcock
I fonfbere to Crayon City.
Harney Scribbling.
H untington . Or., Oct. 25, 95.
D ear S ir :—At no time in the
town todav.
The wind of last Thursday night history of the O. C. C o., has a dol­
—J. S. Bowen left here last Sat­
—I. Jewett and Jack Craddock
done considerabledamage to houses lar been able to purchase as much
visited our place the latter part of urday for Corvallis on business.
and fences in thistown andvicinity. i as this fall; we have reduced per­
—Jason Bennett is running a The wind started early in the even­ centage of margins to compare with
last week.
ing and continued throughout the the times, and persons about to
B ohn .—To Mr. and Mrs. Nellis hotel in Harney.
make purchases can get more for
Parker, of this place, a boy on Mon­
—Mrs. M N. Fegtley and son night and was the hardest that has i
their,hnonev here than elsewhere.
day the 25th.
Carl, are expected in Burns every 'been known in this cuontry for
All the wagon loads going into
Mrs. Fegtley will winter i years.
—Miss Lei ah McGee has taken dav.
Malheur and Harney counties load
Mrs. J. H. Loggan who has been with us.
the unexpired term of school on here.
Why is it?
Silver Creek.
—L. F. Denio and Al Conner dangerously ill for the past few deals and prices low as the lowest.
If you have not already bought
—Miss Rose Hembree has re­ were in town last, week from the | days, is reported improving.
1 1
turned and again taken her position southern part of the county
The interest in the mines at Idle vour fall supplies, come and sec us.
has been some time since Mr. Con­ City has nut subsided. Parties are we want your trade
in the clerk's office
ner visited our place and he gives laying in supplies for winter in
Yours for business,
—About one hundred turkeys
us the good new*, at least it is very view of continuing their work
O. C. Co.
have been brought into town the
good for him, that he ami his part­
last tw’o days for Thanksgiving.
People from Harney visiting and
ner, Mr. Denio, lay claim to 14
—Lee Caldwell left here yester­ good "mining prospects, situated in attei dance at the Institute held in
day for Roseburg to attend court in the southern part of this county I Burns all report a f'rst class time,
Send for free sample and judge
and lrgldy pleased at the manner
that place. He having a suit pend and state.
thereby. The E. O. H erald and
in which they were intertained by
there for the recove» y of money.
Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both
B orn .—Two births in our town
—Atty. G. W. Ilayes will leave last Sunday, a boy to Mr. and Mrs. the people of Burns.
one year for $2.
here in two or three days on a bus­ Chas Voegtly and a girl to Mr. and
Harney and Cow Creek schools
The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8-page
iness trip to Idaho. He will be
paper, issued each Thursday.
Mrs. F red Ash. At this date we
absent probably ten days.
Largest in size,cheapest in price,
are informed the mothers are doing
—Jorgensen has the finest and well, Charley says he is going to
reliable in news,all large type,
At the last meeting of the 11. L
best lot. of goods that ever came to have a clerk in just the speediest 8.the following officers wereelected: plain print, good white paper. If
Burns; go and see for yourself, time possible, and Fred »ays if his Pres., James Morison; Vice Pres., our readers want another live paper,
lie is also taking Cabinet Photos, girl cannot be clerk in his business Mrs. Julia Haines; Sec., Miss Ella the Enquirer is that paper
at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to he has the consolation of knowing Williams; Treas , Frank Bennett ; Call or send orders to this office.
go and see what he has on hand.
his wife will soon haven dish wash­ I Critic. C. N. Cochran; Matshall, H.
R. McClure.
D on .
Trespass Notice.
—J. Dnrkheimer is minus a
and |
—J»ast Friday afternoon
Thanksgiving turkey today, 'unless
Notice is hereby given that what
ha v '*
Weather report for the week end-
he mvests the price of another night from 700 to 1000 tons of
is known as the Keiger field in
-v 1 | ing Tuesday, the 26th. Taken at
Some one without the means to buy were destroyed by fire on the
Diamond Valley, Harney county.
fields about 8 miles southeast of • 8 o’clock a m.
or to stingy to pay the price,
will be closed on or about the
I this place. Two days before the
“swiped” Mr. Durkheimer's last
15th of Noy. next. All parties are
hav was burnt ‘fire was set in the
hereby notified not to enter or tres­
1 tules, but this tire was thought to 'fours
—Deputv Sheriff Vaughn, II. E be put out, and the morning before, p'rj
pass on any of the lands in said
Thompson and Jimmie Doningon the fire several hundred headjof
field without the consent of the
arrived here yesterday from their cattle were driven over the ground |
owner, or they will be prosecuted
according to law.
trip to Salem, to see safely incar­ that had been burnt over, and i‘
P eter F rench .
cerated Will and Ben Jordan in the supposed fire was still in the 1
penitentiary. No bad luck attend­ roots and being disturbed bv
ed the trio.
I tramping of the cattle, broke
. . Hl »"iTiW- Sunday« Of
w ,n n
Chas- VoeRt'y-
—Don’t forget the Thanksgiving
-Chas Voegtlv’s baby was born
of hi« father«
| birthday.
—There will be a ball at the
Anunry Hat I on the evening of the
-Ed Walton with the help of
Ellin and J’U' McKinnon has had
j. h>nse nr wed to his lots near
the school building
-The losers in the recent hay
burnivg are the Hanley Bros. E. A.
Stauffer, Janies Bunyard and
ftouttr Mace.
—The Class of Mrs. Hamill-
Administrators Sale.
—Rve Smyth and his wife were I afresh with the result aforesaid.
Handcock in Elocution, did well
at the entertainiinent given last in town two or three days last week.
—V 8. Ottmer, or Vic, as he was Notice of Administrators Sale of
It has been several years since
Real Estate at Private Sale.
Friday evening.
commonly known here, who left
Mrs. Smvth was here to visit her
the matter of the Estate of W.
-There will be Thanksgiving
here several months ago to visit his
friends, who were very glad indeed,
M>rvices at the church on Thanks-
old home in California, and also to]
to see her. She had her youngest
Under authority of an order of
pring day (Thursday) at 11. A
marry a lady living in the vicinity
child with her.
of his former home in that state.I sale granted by the County Court
Harney, State of.
L ost —Miss Dora Bland, on committed suicide on the 17th of1 of the Count-V
—John Saverand family returned
8on’ *Dited November loth 1895,
Monday evening the 18th inst, at this month by shooting himself ’
fr’it their visit to Canyon, the lat
Paring, and licensing me, as
the school building, lost a souvenir through the bean wit h a rille. His I
ter part of last week, Miss Viola
of the above entitled
which she highly prizes, viz: A
Powers came home with them.
to sell the real estate thereof,
blue riblion bow with abalonia shell lie told them he was going hunting estate,
—We are informed that Pearl pin (figure of a bird). If found
and shortly the report of the gun in said county, at private sale will
Gier; once a resident of Burns and and returned to her at the residence
that closed his earthly career w a s so sell at private sale the following
■ •n of Cal, Geer, has take up the of John Robinson, the finder will
heard by hi» parents, and his fath ’described real estate to-wit:
study of medicine.
be rewarded.
E.J SE| Sec 19 and NW] SW4
er on ii vestigation fuund the life.
and SWi NW| sec 20, Tp 33 8 R
—We hope 1 he effort being made
—We should all be thankful for less body of his son in a shed near
iv residents uf the southern part the blessings and comforts we en- the house. He had evidently placed ‘ 30 E.
S) SWJ and SWj SE| sec 20 and
l our county to extend the mail
jov, but we should not forget a si­ the rill jonthe floor andput his head . NW | NE| sec 29,
* Tp 33 S ___
__ J]
••ne iron; Andrews toWillow Point
8EJ SEU sec 20 and SW) SW4
lent and earnest prayer for the ever vhe muzzle pulling the trigger, I
*a* \\ iniieniucea, will be success­
21 and NW J NWj gee 28 and
thousands of suffering humanity, »ent a ball through his head, kill-1
NE| NE| sec 29, Tp 33 8 R 30, E.
who todav for want, of employment, ing him instantly. He left the fol
S^NEjandSJ NW^ sec 28, Tp
S d
—A rate war. is beiig waged by are not financially able to indulge lowing note addressed to thb lajy I 33, a
on r?
■ 'tie of the R. R. Co's. We are in Thanksgiving festivities.
informed you; can at this time, go much for this great, powerful and burg. Nov. 17.—“I am going to a 34.Tp.33, S R30E.
W .j EJ sec 34, Tp 33, 8 R 30 E.
fro® Portland to San Francisco for charitable independent government. land where there is no pain or suf- I
EJ SE| sec 34 and 8A 8W4 sec
35Tp 33. 8 R 30 E.
—Eugene Debs closed his speech
SJNW'^ and Lot 4, sec 2, and
Canyon Ciiv and John, DaV is at Chicago, the 22d of this month,
Lot 1. sue 3 Tp 34, 8 R 30 E.
'*inp pr, ached to by Rev. Emma with the following words: “From
From Vanity
Situated and being in Harney
Errett, who is haring large con- such reflections. I Jurn to the prac­
County, Oregou.
‘ “Sitions. and has been the means tical lessons taught by this 'libera
Say, Jimmy give us a rest,
'1 he said sale will be made
- on or
bfconverting many to renounce the tion day’demonstration. It means
Don't take us to be such a greeny;, after the 18 th day of December,
*T of the world and live a Christian that American lovers of liberty are
That 9 lb. boy all the Vanities
know j 1895, and bids will be received by
setting in operation a force to res­ Belongs to E. C. Keeney.
me at the office of Cressler and
Mayor McBean returned cue their constitutional lilierties Ofall the mean tricks we'v» heard of Bonner, at the town of Cedarville,
j California or at the office of Waters
h"* i0“** hunt in Harney val- from the grasp of monopoly and its Since thw old wogld wap begun,
*-T *Mndheated Canyon City lad v
We think it the meanest for a man dr Gowan, at Burns Harney County
| Oregon
‘l to him: I don’t see what
T1 try V>"Bwipe ’another man’s eon.
impending peril, and that agitation­
Terms of sale cash in hand on
'°U C*n have ’n shooting
And if we could fix the penalty,
> XJ’ ,<W ntVer h‘L The ma-’or organization and unification are to
delivery of Administrators
t»e the future battle cries of men ■ We very promptly would act.
pleasure consists in
And give you one year at hard la-
«-ng how happy the bird must
C. B. W ickliffe ,
rights. and who, like Patrick Hen­
Administrator of the Estate of W.
*i ie to escape.—Canyon
ry. have the courage to exclaim Plucking feathers from a live Jas
D. Hudspeth, Dec’d.
“Give p*e liberty er give me death.”
—V anity .
Dated Nov. 16, 1895.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant ¡Rimed out of the County
Court, of Oregon, for Harney county,
commanding me to collect delinquent
taxes for the year 1802, by levy ami sale
of the property of Raid 'lelinquentR and
to me directed ami delivered, I did, on
tl e 23d day of April. 1895 levy upon
and will t-ell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, on
Saturday, November 30, 1895, at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day, at the court
nonse door in Burns, Harney county,
Oregon, the following described real
properly, to-wi : The E'., SE1; of sec
32, Tp 21 S R 35
NEhi of sec.
5, I p 22, S R 35E.
\V. Al. Oregon,
together with the tenements, heredita­
ments and appurtenances thereunto be­
longing, situated in Harney county,
Taken and levied upon as the proper­
ty of Al. J). Wilson, to satisfy the
sum of twelve ar.d 80-100 dollars’taxes
and the num of fourteen and 50-100
ousts, together with costs and accruing
Given under my hand this 21st dav
of Oct ,1895.
A. G ittings ,
Sheriff of Harney county, Oregon.
By J . Al. V aughn , Deputy.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given I hat bv virtue
of a wiirrnt lRsiwd out of the ('oimtv
Court of ore|i„ni for narnev eO(Hltv'
commanding me to collect delinquent
of the property of sai.l <lelmqnell(H and
IhJXth'T ‘
I did. on
the 29th day of April, 1895. lew uoon
and will Be|l af pilh|i(. ,„H.tio„‘to the
highest bidder for chr I i in hand, ou
Saturday, November 30, 1895
at m
o’clock A M. of SHKldav’.a, the court
house door in Burna, Harney county
Hppnrtenance- thereunto belong .i
uate.l io Harney county, (hegon
ty of je,Hanwird”Mt‘ "POc J" ’h” pr°Per‘
thirteen and 05-100<do'li‘t
l*'P HU?1 ol
SherifF« III
G ittivgr
Bv I M v
H"rne,v county, Oregon
oy J. M. V aughn , Deputy.