E. H. THOMPSON, WANTED. Easiness Locals. Agent» to sell our choice and bar­ fly Nursery Stock. We have many , . , . new special varieties, both in fruits • . i . to ofier, «• which , • t are, •• W' hool books at the drug » »tore i and » ornamentals of IL M. Horton. controlled only by us. , We pay — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham ¡commission or salary, Write uh at barl er, doirea a part of your pat- once for terms, and secure choice rona/e, at the new barber shop. of territory. M ay B hutiieks , Nurserymen, — Who said you couldn't get a Rochester, N go<>d flavored cigar in town for five cents? Gall at the City Drug Store ami inquire. DEALER Dry Goods Clothing. Notions- Staple Groceries. Classware Crockery Cutler FRUIT TOBACCO AND CIGARS Hay. Grain. Flour. Feed and Country Produce. BAKER CITY, OREGON For Sale Or Trade. —100 acres of fine fruit land — Builders tools amis of all kind 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene building hardware at the Burns Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser hardware store, at bottom prices Butte. Lots at $400 each I lor.-es tor cast,. and cattle part pay on each lot if I'he Saloon, in ths new hotel i the purchaser so desires. For fur i hnil.ling, RiehardHon anti Stephen« t h ¡llforiMfttlon inquire i at this 4_ 2 _ is nicely * I /• furnished • 1 I and II I proprietors, , otlice. • its customers is given the IlCHt brands of liquors and cigars. Catarrh l.ii V>' m . .1. »"»¡II- llOOtlS 1 11 Is 11 h , katoria,Or«. | - OREGON * cure all liver 111», blUoue headache, Ke. * This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie­ tors ties every efft rt possible to make their guests feel at home The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- fords. TONSORIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON à WALTON 1 Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to he I its guest when in town. I l’itOT R1ETOHS, STORE. Everything in I'm irli ne guaranteed to he done satisfactorily. known Everywhere. Sol nr» l.\ in 11 lion - <>f mot her» for t belt cllildren wliilu ti-eiIIIug, with perfect »uree»». Dr. a I' »"“the» Ute child. ». tv» the game, nil«.« all putti, iure» wind eolie, Hltd la t tie beat reme ledi for I’larrhiixH I» pleuaaiit to the leale Sold by Itr-iggiRi» In every part <>f the world. , Twefit) foe ent» n bottle. Itaiallieig iiiisls now lalilc Hr »lire and m k for M ra Windalow'e , Soothing Syrup, Hnd take no other k I nd. — Lee Caldwell’s Saloon running on a cash basis is .veil pat­ ronized and the proprietor finds tin- cash system to be good for him self also, his customer»'. lie i* thankful for past and present pat ronage and courteously solicits his friends to continue their patronage I HOTEL BURNS. Has troubled rue for 11 years. I have taken four bottle» of IIo ,1's Sarsaparilla and am perfectly cured. I think Hood’s A Marvelous Olacovrry Free — Dr. Cate ia kept pretty The universal good dentistry by him has gained for the lasting reputation. IX « _^i.DK\LER IN.3 i ^ » GEO. S. SIZEMORE, attorney . ( a iio>. Bl HNS, InvMlnabl«*loall |duiit«‘r»Mii‘1 lovers ul !’••••• Veu’MaLL and lU-ntilifUl I lower«. Writ.* Inrlf I» tl I I lltn A < <»-. D. lron, Mieli. <'ullev.ion», Land I.a inc-». nd Heal KxUite matter proluptlv a.tended .... EKK a T HICKS, t J. W '■ J I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, « Stags Line. Burns Ontario BVHN- Hicks & Biggs I I Nuts and fruits. IfjCP'Mail orders promptly filled. BIGG-. I’OVilS CITY.' JOHM F. 5TPATTON CTLEBUATFJ) /z-*' DRUGS, BOOKS. STATIONARY. DYES, FAINTS, PERFUMES I0ILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection.« I Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 r m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour» Otlice-» .it Canyon City and Burns f “The grate (rouble with the open saloon Sunday in New York.” said Mr Depew, “as compare w ÌU M > among his friends And this is ' . ■ i. V .'i m- divina. largley the ease in’llreat Britain WilUvtlt W ’»A I .> . luell tloii » po. All We are hnmliiap|H-d by two con hh I .o it, nthrre recai» « Ku.ti t •' . TU»! it m t y hreoma dition which make the open saloon iron ta. thè -tor*, nt mi I enonnoua a Bamol ’ ‘Ho Ere«* into on Sunday such an instrument in petti* » !> . b »re Tiiu >«. or Kron destroying the sanctity of the Rub If t«»u h ive a ehitle, ti«'« il, for it will cure you, If yvur bath First a man who goes to tho chl««l hue thu Vrvup, or WluMOkiiig (X»u ih, uae if it m * o » i |,’ »nd relief m : t r*, Î* you dread saloon is separated from his family that ito» ............... u*e it <*»w - direi*-*- ditti•!-»«• <\»n«emptlot* < < ttaonipfIon. , u«»e for NilllA»H*H Ct UK, __ _ r *.'>r I'ruug and los< s an admirable restraint I A*k “— If your Lung» l*rice tort« . flUet«. an ‘ Ifî.ûrt. second, the habit of treating is fatal are aure or Ih. k lame, ’i*u Hhiloh‘< iN'ruua Planter. Price Itela, 1 or aal« by all Pru«- both to purse and sobriety. l livre fiata ami Dealer». are 20 men in the salmr mathematician ’ «. r «»• compute what this means. I d«» not dare 1 SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION ‘ ; r livMciKn a h > wil II. A. Williams. Proprietor. l,e famished tor passangors. 1. S. ÛEF.R & (I. I I I NEW YORK WORLD. Round trip $15.00. Manu acturer The Twiee-a week Edition of th« Tinware & Sh L-on N< w Yo.k World has been convert ed into th Thrice a week It fur AI.SO DEALERS TN ni-lies 3 p qiers of G pages apiece, nr i"gliti t-n pagi s every week, nt HARD- .the oid p .<■«■ ot One Dollar a year OH This gives 156 paper a year for On« W ARE Doll ir and every |> i|a-r has 6 pigra GIAS" eight columns wide or IS columns | DOOR13 inali. The Thriee-a-w« MERS’ a MECHANICS’ 1OOLS a UNDERTAKING GOODS ' all and See vur Holiday goods. feature» of a weekly. Arrangements have been mad« I bv which we can furnish thi* piper : •nd the Thrice i-Wrek New York I \\ <«ridlw>th for $2 25 a rear. Takt | ' advantage of this ofl»-r and get H M HORTON Proprietor I v»uir san Ineal paper ami th« ' Thrice-a-Week World at this < rate Tna II frat n r » -^.DFAIIRS m- a I DRUGS. MEDICINE«. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINE* STATIONERY. DI AMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMER T< A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TORACCO, CIGARS ETC ■’ine Wines & 4 M ir CAI» M«*CNA«!M » «. e» «»r». P*H«. Gf»* »•«. 1 rtf"' * Liqurs for Medical Prescription» »rcunulv compounded. First Claa* Dental Work Done Purpose*