BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER 2< Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report perty, so in lime it was taken pos­ •session of in the name of ivi ng Lewiston, Nov. 19,—The fiast [ County. The growth os the city PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY man to make a legal filing on ers- i ha« made the land valuble, and « I eryation land at this office yester­ i i now Miss Simeus’ daughter s-iks to w. C. BYRD a SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . day was Stephen Ilast-ar. He pre­ recover the property, havieg em­ 1 sented the powers of attorney from ployed a prominent Portland at­ three old soldiers, Captian Tambl- i torney to push her claim —Call. SUBSCRIPTION RATE3: »2. (Xi in, Conlonel Hammell and W. c. tine Y»«r ................................................. fix Month» ................................................ .1.00 . .75 Human. These are promoters of Three Mgnth»................................................. One the leading features in Har­ HERALD CLUB LIST: the townsite ofNez Perces. —Get one of 1. 8. Geer Co’s —.John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ per ’s Magazine, at the close of this 5,00 thrnldaud Harper’s Magazine....... 6.20 a* year and the begining of the next, taker and cabinet-maker. Hie work­ premium purchase tickets. Jacob Pippinger. ofLeland. herald ami Harper’» Weekly ......... This 5.20 n»ralrk nt such tickets a tine life size Crayon to cents extra ver volume, postage. .worked upon the land unt’l one i taken from its heroine, a Greek prices to suit the hard times. Cof­ Portrait absolutely free of any rjF-Copie» of all the above works can be. ex- II« had ! masden who is first introduced to fins made to order. \\ ill take pro­ charge, by purchasing $20 worth minute after 12 o’clock- « ¿ned at leisure in the Reading Room. relays of saddle horses and rode the reader among the hills of Aber duce partlv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It rSp'fhiblfehers of periodicals are solicited om—We file and bind the min utes. I long occupied the thought of the »Herat eioae of every half-volume, «nd •-•» ci trail in two hours and 20 i amount should be purchased al one ... piwa uv advertisement. | He passed envious neigh lbors and novelist, and into which he has put time, but any amount from 5 cents ■J "JJ. u excited strangers in his mad ride some of his best work. Each of its A good ranch belonging to 11. G. to $20 as explained upon the tick­ Al)\ ERTISING RATES and filed without a hitch. •ru B 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo j 3 mo 1 6 mo 1 ? yr A party who staked off mineral six monthly parts will be illustrat­ Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ets. ed from drawings imide in Scotland miles south east of Burns. This J lach »1.50 »2.50 »5.00 I n 00 »11.00 »15.00 28.00 claime on thej Clearwater tried 18.00 3.00 4 00 6.50 12 09 ! ’’ to and London by the well-known ranch has abov4 100 acres of good Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 24 00 40 00 ll.ftO 5.00 «00 15.00 W.Û0 reach Lewiston in a scow with oars 82.00 4.50 6 00 10.00 20.00 < “ New York artist. W. T. Smedley. 48.00 54.00 Ûcol. 6.00 y.oo 15.00 2«. 00 meadow land. Price $800 or will cures colds, croup and whooping 5 •• 80.00 1-0.03 to propel it. 12.00 16.00 28.00 4S.OO The craft wrounded With its Greik heroine, British j trade for sheep. cough. It is pleat-ant. safe and re­ 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 110 00 140.0« 19 miles from here and the men background, and American illustra­ B yrd & K ing . liable. For sale by all druggists. were compelled to wade out through tor, Briséis will offer the first instill JOB WORK walk ment of its attractions, drawn from r 91 every description executed with neatness I the icy water waist deep and •nd despatch, at reasonable rates. to town. sources os various but not conflict­ Pamphlets lirculars, Posters, Bewar of Ointmntsfor Catarrh tavelopea, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, A party from this city, with Ed ­ ing, in the December number of itatement«, carde. Tlexets, Note Heads, that contain M rcury, Dodgers, Etc. Memoranda, invitations. itor Alford of the Tribune at the Harper's. T h » llKRiLli 1» kept regularly on file for re­ head, received a pointer that ¿some J O IL FIT FOR A KUNG. ference. in the Geo. r. Rowell Newspaper Ad- . CORDOVAN, rwtiiitig Bureau, 1U Spruce at.. New York. 20 Indian allotment had been can­ FRENCH ¿.ENAMELLED CALF. ^4$3EP f|NE Cr.LF&KANOAROa celled in a bodp near Sweetwater. I How to Prevent Croup. 3,sp PCIICE,3 SOLES. tn when en OFFICIAL DIRECTORY This company repaired to the scene ‘ ___ . WORKINGMEN mucous sur- in a body and met at a ranedezvous Croup is a terror toy oung mothers national : should never to distribute tine quarter sections I S2.$lZ?B0YS'SCl!NlSH0EX irniient ....Grovei Cleveland and to post them concering the -LADIES- I prescriptions flee rrwldeut ........ Adlai Stevenson among themselves. Befor the pre 'ure ir; ,,f -t« e Walter Q. GreHbam cause, first symptoms and treat ­ from reputable physicians, as the »•crersry of Treasury ............ John G. Carlisle liminariss were complete, a horse feere-,ry of Interior . ... lioke Smith ment is the object of this it« m. A,5.c£?£oari5®-Efes. damage they will do is ten fold to ««i-rstary of »’ar ........ Daniel 8. l.amont man appeared from behind a knole fecretary uf Navy .. Hilary A. Herbert BROCKTON, MASS. The origin of croup is a common the good you can possibly derive «•Cretan of Agri« ulfnre. . .J. sterling Morton with a rille revolved readv for use. Over One Million People wear the attorney Genera! . Riebar-t S, Olney cold. Children who aresu1 ject ®to fron them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, V/. L. Douglas $3 & Stoes '-wtrnuter General .. .. Wilson 8 Biaseil The etranged looked much like an i I it tske cold very easily and croup manufactured by F. J. Cheney & STATE—OREGON i All our shoes tiro equally c^i ’ sfactory I idaal desperado and when he catue G. W. McBride. t*n*'un is almost sure to follow The first j Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer- They Rive tho best value for ti-o money. J. H.Mitchell, 1 up he waved his hand They equal custom «hoes In etyle and fit. and said: wearing q-rditics ure unsurpassed. t Ringer Hermann svmpton is hoars« ness; this is soon | ?ury, and is taken int rnally, act- Their ••*nfcre«8mAn .. I ho prices ore Mliornt,--.stamped on sole. «W. R. Elli» ■ This land is claimed. If one of ittoruey General $i tr> $3 raved over other mclccs. C. M. ldlemun followed by a peculiar rouith cough, , ing directly upon the blood and tnu- From •uveruor If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Wm I’ l»rne all thia for me.” M m . C. F F adeucb , La Platts City, Colorado. Hood’s Pilis k For» CJ*i,.".I’t, ■J1*’’®? und ,in honest opinion, write to MUNN Ar CO., who have hud nearly fifty year«* experience In the patent business. Communica­ tion» strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- ™1r'n.“tlon ri”}cçrni,‘g .Patent« and bow to ob­ tain them «ent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ ical and aclentlflo book« »ent free. Munn A Co. receive JP*C a notice In the Scientific American, and 1,,. “T ?ro.ul?ht. wlk Ciur ------------ 'I- •" » - —WMRBt. Burns-Canyon Stage Lin< H- A. \\ illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express FaT^*6 BUrn’ dRHy f°r CanJ°n Clt*’ R,,d i0* ' |»r<»S ;OtB.