; millinery store teachers must take their and the marksmanship worse there share of ■ will be suu.ru ui it, iv, but uuv without miuvuv the n«« c<»-oper- v — ...................... - a heavy - killing •• among re- Proprietress. ation of directors and patrons no publican presidential candidates in Miss S ai . lie H udspeth , — I l)o the the near future. school can be a success, A.gDSiSDAVS°VEUBeK201b'5 -■----- directors of our district visit the I schools, one of them, a« much as Hon. J. J- Richareson, Iowa’s Call and examine goods ***• and ascertain Prices. The Proprietress is Editor once a Weck, to advise with the member ofjthe Democratic National Mieli veti! allU “A etili IH“ Z'i--,4* i.c. ben bere to stay and deaire« to Plea.e Patrone in Style, Quahty of Good • —^ teachers, se"» that the building is , Committee, made a bul/s eye w On Cornor North of Meat Market. and Prices. kept clean and in order, and the he said: This is no time for re SCHOOL. children in the same condition, and criminations. The best thing to be , further inquire if there be any un- done is for the leaders to get together ( The Burns school building is now o rully or disorderly pupilB and pro and try to heal up the sore spots, ( about cinq vide and recommend proper pun- in order to get in fighting condition iBa.y .h« t-ueher. ».Il «k. po.-, for |hat for ’96.” X«" we. h’,e *!.„forced? Doth, patron» ..f Ibe school house which is an honor tol^. , . h . . ; . ,,,,;r„/i district pav the attention to the The democratic parti seem to be K our town, ’ la th s all that - is required • •• ].¡schools they should? Do thev fre divided, but it will appear to be tomake the education of our child quently visit the school, thereby harmonious, when comared with renasuccess? The building is a Proprietor. encouraging the children and teach the republican partv alter Congress E. B. R eep , prime factor, but it is only the basis tries to legislate on the tarill and or the structure proving to thei ers by their presence? BURNS, OREGON. The facts are the directors are finance. children that their parents and tax i seldom, if ever, inside the scheol payers of the district are very much This Restaurant has been fitted house and the same must be said interested in the advancement and Boss Quay is the latest convert* up in Elegant style and is in every of the patrons Are we going to education of the children. This to the idea that a literary bureau I particular a first class eating and Ifort and provided | run the ,,ew 8ch°o1 building on the building is tor cm..... is a help to a Presidential candidate ‘ i boarding house. improvements | 8a,n* P'an? If so the money had with all the modern John Sherman once had the same better been kept io the treasury. idea, but he hasn’t now. He tried for cooveoienve and more rapid ad-j We say that one of the teachers it. nncement of the pupil», and not The proprietor is prepared to should be compelled to remain at lodge his customers and guarantees only »re these improvements an the school hou-e during the noon comfort and satisfaction and uses From all accounts Chamberlain's advantage to pupils, but very es- every effort possible to make his hour and at the recesses, to prevent Cough Remedy ie a Godsend to the sentially beneficial to the teachers, guests feel at home. vulgarity and profanity, which we afflicted. There is no advertise a fact which every teacher who has the advancement of his or her pu blush to say is much too common ment about this; we feel just like pils at heart will not be slow to take among the pupils. saying it.—The Democrat. Carroll What are the teachers paid for? ton, Ky. For sale by all druggists. , advantage of. Neither does the fuccfus of a school depend entirely I You ans ver iodo their duty. Then illuni the teacher and house, but we say patrons and directors see one of the big factors in the ease i- ' ^at l^ey do it. We do not think that any teach the work of directors and patrons er will object to a rigid enforcement of the district. A great deal de fiends uppn the directors, in the of the rules of the school, but they Causes Glands of the Neck tc' DO YOU KNOW A WOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINE8B?^**t>» interest taken by them in the prop must have the help and backing of Swell Up er selection of teachers, repeated the directors and patrons. In con This TrouDlo and a Case of Rheu visits to the school to see that the elusion we sav we can have fine If you are in a position matism Curod by Hood’s. teach-r or teachers employed give schools here if we only interest our- “ C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: ()f selves in the right way But unless that attention to the education c. “ Dear Sirs: A little over a year ago 1, To do Busi i ss we do so the fine structure erected had a swelling come on the side of my r x PpnTilfi TTnrtW if ths children they should, to see, neck. 1 was in very poor health generally I LrvU XuUOlc J au U vv lb* that the building is kept in proper bv the directors, on the hill will and doctored two | eoudiiion, cleanliness is essential amount to nothing and our good months with th« , family physician I to health, Christianity and educa money paid out for a sham. Rare Selection nf Millinery Goods- MlGHXgSTAyRANT I Scrofula in the Blood tion. A dirty school house is an rvesare to good breeding, to educa There is room for doubt as to the tion or refinement. If a teacher original Dr. Parkhurst being a bene desire« to inculcate a principle of fit to his city, but there is none as res pet t for the three last mentioned, to bis imitators dein; mostly med that is, good breeding, education • dlesome busybodies and notoriety and refinement, he must see to it hunters. that the chil Iren and building be unexjeptionablv in order as regards Pray whv should boss Quay have these thr.e requisites to happiness taken the trouble to denv having comfort and advancement It i- assisteb 8-nators Brice andGorman. the directors duty to attend to these matters and compel a strict ad There are many ways in which hertnee to system and discipline, because without it our fine school democrats may help to strengthen house is a mockery and a farce. the partv. but let it be constantly Without system and dicipline and keptin mind that abusing demo 'hit rigidly enforced our school is crats isn’t one of them. n»ught, and the money paid for teacher# had lietter be given to In view of his charges of al use hariubls purposes: If boys are of the franking privilegs, First As »inwed to kick down doors knock sistant Postmaster General Jones’ out window lights, and use smaller ■ recommendation that a penalty be pupils as footballs and servants, * imposed for violation of the prov- ‘O'* keep these smaller ones in , isiona of the franking law is along «»Wtaiit fear of them, and the larg- proper lines. But the abolition of r Kiris are in the same Imat. with the privilege would be still better. he large toys, there can be no »Wees- or advancement. Neither Those who advocate a contin «n proper respect and kindly feel- uance of Rooseveltism, in the face nK* towards each other be inculcat-l of New York City's big adverse WCh a regime. There can l>e no school without majority, must acknowledge them selves opponents of home rule. an<1 order. We say no I I* for it isn’t a school, it is a Senator Gorman takes his defeat *7« a fraud, and a farce.' Understand if such a condition philosopically, as he did his many • *irs in any school prevails, it victories. ■ — notl***dde under many circuos to ^°I<1 teachers responsible Senator Sermart haa now settled •* in most instances the di- himself down to enjoy the financial Mau? ’ Datron’ greatly to receipts from hia maiden effort as M*ulr ru « grp' ’ an author. Sa. ,u 1)00 1 t un(J er»tand u. understand us U, to g-. at We tb’hk the directors and Htron» ar* wholly to blame Unless the ammunitt’on is poor who said my com« plaint was a bilioui attack. His treat* ment failed to help me so I determined to try Hood’s Sar saparilla. To my great joy, the swel ling on the side of my neck disap peared. I was ben efited for my other ailments. After taking three bottles of the medicine,I have not had a sick day since. I for one, reo ommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to the afflic- if yon have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. » Subscribe for the Íffiá’íító'íes EAST OREGON HERALD tad, the past. My _______ husband was afflicted with the pent. My ____ rheumatism end had that tired feeling. He took Hood’» Sarsaparilla and found it Just the Medicine Needed. j We believe it wiU do all that is claimed for , ft, if given a fair trial. Both of us have used Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well pleased with them.” M rs . W. R. M ad - lebnee , Meadow, Washington. 1 N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills er« purely vegetable, and de not gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all druggists. I “ V * 1 TWO $ ONLY TWO $ CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS, try body Head* THX HK'R j ILD. J Jidvtriif in it. /twillpay. PVNE.ONS PHOCVRED F"'< OLD’TWS, CHILDREN. WIDOWS, PARENTS. A <v*. fir end Pallor» dlMhlrd In the tty tn the rrcuiar Armyrr Xvt •«■verb w. r i»r»l-r>r» cf ihr !iai»n war» of 183*2 i<. inja ,„4 . 1- nMow», now -ntltlrM. O«lBn«1 ralwrudelali..» r».n'irr. rho.i»»n<!» entitled to higher rite» »nrt l«n«»:»»i. >'■ eh*r<» fur ndricw. 3>ttt ■rtU -ur^—efui •BXOX M3X W. **1? ■'»1« «r«K fft *'3—* V» *t9S>*MX>V -V—Mu«. •□6ichVKL.a_.ifl ivoienw l’»H S- »I *—-»HI *N«RM f— ;----- 1 llj., soriiTs <i3xvmnru3 «O1XVIUS M WMOf HE HER4LD DOES the best job printing LOWEST R4TES.