Business Locals E. H. THOMPSON, Makes the Blood Pore WANTED. i Agents to Bell our choice and har-. DEALER IX is the secret of the cures • * dy Nursery Stock. We have many j This by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read this?' Dry Coods Clothing. Notions Staple “Ism so new special varieties, both in fruitB to write that I —School books at the drug store and ornamental» to offer, which are j Croceries. Classware Crockery Cutlery am now i controlled only by ub . We pay) •f H. M. Horton. feet health and 1 fruit tobacco and cigars It fa all because —School book» and stationary | commission or salary. Write ub at Ilood’s Sarsa­ «heap for cash, at the Hardware once for terms, aud secure choice parilla made of territory. my pure. H«>'. Oraln. Flour, Feed anti Country Produce, •tore of C. H. Voegtly. My blood health M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham broke down Rochester, N. Y. | BAKER CITY, OREGON with troubles barber, desires a part of your pat­ peculiar to ronage, at the new barber shop. women, my ‘ For Sale Or Trade. nervous sys-1 —Who said you couldn’t get a —100 acres of fine fruit land in ^Mtcm was shat- good flavored cigar in town for five 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene -Jkj tercd and I' cents? Call at the City Drug Store Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser: had to take my bed. The physician said there was little hope for me. A neighbor ’ pITr, vc, OREGON and inquire. Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses told of wonderful cure* by Hood’s Htrsa- hl'KAS, parilia and I deeded to try it. When I ' and cattle part pay ©n each lot. if had taken 3 bottles, I conldsit upand now ’ MR T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors —Chan Voegtly offer« a Havana the purchaser so desires. For fur- | I am perfectly well and strong. press grain drill at less than co8t | th*/information inquire at Hood’s Sarsapari’la forcaah. • -office. haa done all thia for me.” Mns. C. F. I F adeueb , 1 a Platta City, Colorado. This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie­ — Builders tools and» of all kind building hardware at the Burna „ a ! r»m~ snr« hn^ftusl constlpa- tors use every eff< rt possible to make their guests feel at home A Marvelous Dlarovery F ras hardware store, at bottom prices , AM OLt> AMO WSLL-TKtkO K kmcoy .—Mrs riood S Hills tion. Fries lac. Per bu»; for cast.. Wlmlslow'a MoothloK Syrup lias been used for The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af- I over tl ft y years by in I liions ofinothers for their hotel rhll, 1r<‘n while testbiug, with perfect sueceM. —The Saloon, in the new ( fords. ' It soothes the child, softens the »inns. h II svs TOHSORIAL PARLOR, pain, cures wind colic, and is the beat reme building, Richardson and Stephens . sii udy for Dlarrheoea. la jdeaaant to the taste ROBINSON A' WALTON by DriiKKlsls In every part of the world. I Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be proprietors, is nicely furnished and Hold Twenty »vécenla a bottle. Ita valitela Invals lable i; ______ _..y ï. ‘ < •x ‘ ....-i...-.- inrr and mf U for Mm. Windilow’t I I its guest when in town. its customers is given the best Soothing Br Syrup, and take no other kind. P roprietors , brands of liquors and cigars. HOTEL BURNS I Notice is hereby given that 1 am | now prepared to exchange the fol­ lowing Books which have been ' adapted tor the following aixyears Ex Price. Maxwells first Book in English 25 “ Introductory Eng. Gram. .80 “ Advanced •• “ “ .36 !*« termana Civil Government .48 A. C. WoRTHINUTON [W. E. G race ’ s Jomes Edwards A C Worthington ... old stand ] Proprietor. • • •.^M5.DEALER ’ \ » it t it Who Will Work < < b A Union. STORE. PIONEER DRUG Bathes at all hours — Lee Caldwell's Saloon now' running on u cash basis is well pat-1 rnniied anti the proprietor finds] the cash system to be good for him­ i/iiTrA i*l thankful for past and present pat •.afNW W.1 ’ L ronage and courteously solicits hi« | <-i \b,rA»o. ItlhWS ■<»“*. ■ W.AHW ro;^ SALL u friend» to continue their patronage WANTED in every county to in­ troduce the Celebrated ‘llvgeia” Waists ror all ages. This waist supercedes the corset, and has re­ ceived the unanimous approval of phyaicians of America. $3.(M) out fit free. Any energetic woman can make from $16 to $50 weekly. Semi for circulars mu! terms. HYGEIA M F’G CO . 378 St . New York. Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. J — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry done by him has gained for the Dr. a lasting reputation. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. Real Estate, Life and Fire insur­ DRUGS. BOOKS. STATIONARY, DYES. PAINTS, PERFUMES ance. Collections a Specialty. TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. ! burns , - - - - - OREGON A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confections Nuts and fruits. ffVMail orders promptly filled. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, attorney , Be rns .............................. O regon . I'ollre.iona, Land buine*«. and Fatale matter prniuptlv attended to. J. W Burns Ontario Reul Stage Dine. BIGG: I BVSMS. . C a MYONI’ITY. Hicks & Biggs 1 Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 P M. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Fare Oneway $<.50. Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours Round trip $15.00. Offices at Canyon City and Burns I Tli» »urc"«« of tb.« Crest Cough Cure 1» * '.host * purnllrl tn the binary of medicine. All ilrucri'l" nr>- mt borinxl to sell it on u poa - Itive n arante", a test that no other« reran I «»»»•>■<•*■, tu U.v a re Thront.or Bron­ chi!, .■ f..r it will ,-nrs you. If your child baa the Croup, or Whooping Ownh. uae It prompt)», and relief in aure. it you dread thit Inahiioua diaeaae Conaumption, tiae it. A.i your Druggist for HIIILOll’S CURB, Pt . <• in eta.. So ota. and $1.00. If your Lunge aroaoraor Hack lame, use Hhlloh'e Porous Plaster. Price I'eta. For sale by all Drug­ gists aud Dealers. Through freight 3.]cts. a pound. Two days notice at any P. <>. on the route and cover« 1 co-mhm *il — ,'Y W-k W f *> - » ▼» VASWXWT* WJ r| W v r-xiybiuiMn • w ' 1 the old price of One Dollar a year. OIL t "X ’ ■ '* This gives 156 paper a year for One WARE Imp..,,« oCssd l>ollar ami every paper ha« 6 pages W ho.ewle I Waler in all kind of GLAS^ MUSICAL MKRCHANOISB, eight columns wide or 4S columns SUPFLUHOH 611,513.1113,617 Eurt Vili bU.Nvw York. 1st Roadertal 25cts DOOR45 in all. The Thriec-a-week World , 2nd. ’’ 40 “ I. « STOVE5 ‘ is not only much larger than any •> & WIN Sil. •* 65 •• 'week I v or eemi-weeklv newspa|»er | JOHN F. STRATTON 4th. “ 80 “ CBLKBRATKD but it furnishes the news with ■ R angers 5th. “ Il.00 “ I DO WS much greater frequency and Monteiths Elementary Geography BANJOF, promptness. In fact it combines AMMUNITION & FISHING TACKLE TINWARE. GRANIT l'«r^’w»a,“4 WM..U. IWw la Xl kwA.f 65cta Monteiths Comprehensive nil the crisp, fresh qualities of u WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEED- . - ’ "URICAL Ni’T’à' MRN“îTT, Urography II 25 Clarks Normal ili- - Cul'.n l'a»!»». V.iuiVKaa, Ac, ê, daily with the attractive special hA'senl K. ««„ail kmua «I.trina«. ,tc ate. ME RS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS * UNDERTAKING <•<>< Grammar 8(N't. Sills Grammar S?W tvMX. features of a weekly. Call aud see our Holiday goods. flScta An«! all w ‘ >«chool Imoks Arranged»» nts have been mad« ! in pr'p irtlon an ! a ’1 this date I ( » by which we can furnish this paper j tnd the Tltrice-a-Week New York will sell school book«.. *he Wnrldboth for $2 25 a vear Take JOHN r. GTE. at : alt prices for cash and fo, cash only. CTU BHAl ID , advantage of thia ofler and get Orders l»v mail promptly attented H M HORTON Proprietor your own local paper and the to Dated this 1st day of March I rhrice-a-Week World at this epecial 1894. rate T hu H xbai . d r.TANDOLlNS, 7 C II VoFOTt T 1 " I ~~ < ^E-PFAIXM IX--^ e DRUGS. MEDTCTNKS. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINK* STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUMES »«w TU*K. * FANCY TOTI.ET ARTICI.ES. TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC Fine Wineg & Liqucrs for Medics! ffïT~ Prescriptions accurately rom pounded. First Class Dental Work Dons Purposes