K BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER 20 1895, I J7BD& SON- i >D P roprietors . UvjiTfölXO RATES: !tt i iss 11 mo J î'Ê» « I » J i ,» ■ yuO S |o UO * XIW Duke and Photographer where thev must be beet known. An aunt of mine, who resides at An amusing story involving the Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit jvgKY WEDNE8D a Y Duke of Marlborough and his fiance me a few years since, and before ( I Jirraid- ti.50 S 00 10.00 15 00 '23.00 40.00 i"0 J 6 m0 Sb no 12.10 15.00 20 00 23.00 43.00 60.00 I »11 00 I IB.00 i 24 00 32.00 43.00 30.00 110 00 ■ JOB WORK K itwription executed with neatness ttt.u reuotisbl* rates. Pamphlets L F<«ters, C. Bill Heads. letter Heads, Ci. Note Heads, Cards, 1'icKets, Dodgers, Etc faada. Invitations. is now going the rounds, says a' leaving home wrote me, asking if Newport correspondent of the New , thev were sold here, stating if they York Advertiser. A few weeks be- j were not she would bring a quanti- . fore Mrs. Vanderbilt, her daughterly with her. as she did not like tc 1 and the Duke left Newport a photog-, be without them.” The medicines 1 rapher put his camera in a good referred to are Chamberlain’s I position in front of Oliver H. P. Cough Remedy, famous for its cures —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ —Get one of I. 8. Geer & Co’« Belmont’s Fewport resident. While of colds and croup; Cnainberlain’s taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ premium purchase tickets. This the photographer had his head hid­ Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame shop is the old restaurant building. firm agrees to give the holder of den benoath the black cloth, focus­ back, pains in the side and chest Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at such tickets a fine life size Crayon ing the house, he felt some one and Dhamberlain’6 Colic, Cholera prices to suit the hard times. Cof­ Portrait absolutely free of any touch his shoulder. and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel fins made to ordu»-. Will take pro-| charge, bv purchasing $20 worth “I say, can’t you take us in a complaints. Tbete medicines have duce partlv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It group?” said a voice. been inconstant use in Iowa for! ca-d:. is not necesparv that the whole The photographer saw before him | almost a quarter of a century. The I | a slight, well built and boyish look­ people have learned that they are ing man and a tall young woman articles of greet worth and morit A good ranch belonging to H. G. with black hair and eyes and a| and unequaled by any other. They Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 portly, well fed man with a florid are for sale here by all druggists. miles south east of Burns. This face. Addressing the young man, ranch has about 100 acres of good the photographer answered that he meadow land. Price $800 or will never took personal photograph« trade for sheep; except in his studio. The youn^ B yrd & K ing . man looked disappointed. Th-? America’s Great Danger;_________ j oung women said, “Oh, wouldn’t it have been fun?” and the trio *1 Bewar of Ointmutsfor Catarrh AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. passed on. A witness of tbe inc.- ’I that contain M rcury, |liuu> is kept regularly on file for re­ dent said later to the photogra­ Said an eminent English scientist recently : nt be (,«o. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- “ The danger that confronts the great Aineri- ■ ¡g Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. pher: I can people to-day is not the poesible udop-> as mercury will surely destroy the “You’re slow. Why didn’t you lion of a wrong financial policy for the' sense of rmell and completely de­ take a picture of those people this 1 nation, or the spread of socialism, or the OFFICIAL DIRECTORY - „ rx.. i___ _ ‘ ’ lucruwo rvj ,. 1* incruwe of corruption among public men. range the whole system when en heMJ Rre Lud enough> afternoon? Didn t you know whoj u, . tllese enough, to do sure, but tering it through the mucous sur­ rational : they were? The young fellow was they are as nothing compared t to the terrible. faces. Such articles should nev»r -11 1 4 i „ I n.uionul disease — Iliad al mo», ,. ji e as it. i *u .. I nationul disease — 1 had almost said nation 1 tai: .......................Grover Cleveland arlborough. the voung _____________ 1. The r> . . niad rubU f , young I 10( , ime _of overwork> 3wi of tgrieultare J. Sterling Morton H. P. Belmont.” 1 low do we know ? Because it is tho LXCCJl the good you can possibly derive, r">rurrsl ...... Riehard 8, Olney lion to find a inan or woman of adult ugo n “ Lord! But wasn ’ t I slow? ” *«’ General .. Wilson 8 Bissell perfect health. Nervous Disorders t< < I from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, itati — otktiON : answered the chagrined photogra- spreading with fearful rapidity. Among 1.1 | J. H.Miteh'JiL I pher. “I could have made a good symptoms, are—Backache, Bdtoasners, Co.a manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Hands and Feet, Dizzines-, llot Flashes Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer­ J w ÍT ehh mBnn 1 thing out of that picture.” tiwim»n .............. Fluttering Sensation, Fainting, ITead cb< cury, and is taken int rually, act-- (tenersi ... <5. M. ldlernsn , Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Ak-lan Wm P Lord , ----- ----------- —----------------- choly, Faili. g Memory, Palpitation, llluu ing directly upon the blood and rau­ Ivi ni State I. R Kincaid , , x . . .. . ■w ........ R Phii. Metschan I A complete and immediate revo- mutism, 8h. rt Breath, Sleeplessness, ' er- I cous surfaces of the system, hNIc Instruction In ............. G M Irwin , rotis Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc hinter w h i.aed« | lution oi transportation methods, R ev .' c . A. C arboll ,pastor hirst Baptist I buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure . . > R. 8. Bean. "■'-•'re ............. ' wm. P. Lord involving a reduction ot freight Church, Yellow Springs, O., writes as fol lot. -: I you get the genuine It is taken “ I have used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine ’ F. A. Moore charges on grain from the West to • ixtii jvmctAL otsTiticT: for the past six months. I find it acts like idternaliv and is made in Toledo, D M. D. CLirroa., New York of trom 50 to 60 percent! a clinrm on the whole nervons system, j have not found itseaual in giving immediate Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- ............... J. L. Rand is what is predicted in the Noyem­ relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver timonials free. iX'T" iR> °- L Patterson. ........ ...(R) . ......... a . W.Co wan ber Cosmopolitan. The plan pro­ Pills only need a trial and they will recom­ I Sold by Druggists, price mend themselves to be the best pills in the | poses using light and inexpensive market.” ror»TY— habnet : per bottle. ? 'Jdn ......................C.P Rutherford. corrugated iron cylinders, hung on “ For five years I have suffered from Ner­ ...(D).. C. E. Kenyon ’’’ ......... re. Mo. 1 and «th Monday. carriage, which can be operated by a boy on asphalt pavement at a total expense fur labor, oil, and in terest, of not more than one dollar i a day. h «4*3" f , nc C alt ¿K angaroo . *3.^P POLICE,3 SOLES. ^■^■^»2.$ 17® BOYS’SCHOOlSHOEl — - — - DROCKTONJrtASA. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our «hoes are equally catlsfactory They give the beet value for the money. They equal custom Shoca In etyle and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,--«tamped on sole.. From Si to S3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by- "Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to take exclusive »ale for this vicinity Write at once. W. L. D ouclas $3 SHOE~^”i"- ••»'•"we* ISTHEBEST. OllVL riT FOR AKINS. i\ 6T2ATT0Ä * _____ "KW TORE. FROCH A ENAMaifD GALE .^U.*5.VFMCMf&KMKMDI all ktediwf musical marchan dise *»•••"«. Guitars, B«n|o«. A cco H mjm , ¿«r, aat, -c.. all kindsaf String», sic., sic. Burns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiam «, contractor Carryl., U.S. M.H. ..«t E-Urn Oregon Exp,... I Stage« Leave Barna daily for Canyon | Fare 15. 7 Citv «nA L ty’ and ; « Co’. Exp-.. ». 1Btermediate pointer