Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1895)
* I * out of the Memphis conference of progiess in the different provinces that affairs may be said to be reach last summer. Tenator Jenee expressed himself ing a ersis. There is no doubt hat the head- as follow* on the outcome of the quarters of Captain General De! t WKDNKHDAY NOVEMBER 18 1W6 - - - OREGON. burns . election?; B eiecuuu. Campos in the citv of Santa Clara, “I think that the elections just strated beyond capital of the provence of that name, M ks F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. held have demon what-:'" being slowly but surely invested An Oakland Baker’* Promiaed the possibility of any doubt --- 1----- by the insurgents forces. They are ever that the issue in the campaign Testimony in the Williams advancing from all sides, bet main , of 1896 will be flatly between the Cane. Iv from the provence of Puerto • champions of geld and silver; that k • • ’ ’ ■ • i . .. V finance and not tariff is to be the Principe. H an F bancibco , N ov . 8.—Frank The rebellion is alsi gaining only question, and that it can no W. Young, who conduct« a bakery ground in the provence of.Mataniss, longer be settled within party lines. although not bo much is known of in Alameda, promises to be one of “The gold and silver men knifed the operations of the insurgents in the must important witnesses for each other in these elections regard 4 that part of the country. the prosecution in the trial of Dur less of party. It is an object les • ■ . >. < Nor would anybodv be surprised rant for themurder of Minnie Will son to silver men all over the na to hear of a sudden imd combined It isjwell arranged nice, copy, comfortable room«. The cuisine de- iams. Young knew her well and tion. If the battle between metals partment is as perfect »a possible for an inland town and guests will he attack upon several towns in the •ays that the day before she mur served with care and attention. be not forced now on a ’straight is province of Santiago De Cuba, from dered she explained her depression of spirit« by saying that eh« knew sue and along unmistakable lines, which province verv little news has too much about the disappearance the gold brokers vf London and been forthcoming for some time New Y’ork will dominate the gov. I of Blanche Lamont. past. I ernment of the country for the nex “She came to the store on Thurs day, th« day previous to good Fri four years also, whichever of the day,” hr said, “and I noticed at two old parties wins. “Thu best thing for the silver once that she was quite changed in çT' ? manlier from what I had always men to do is to get together st Chi OREGON Been She had always been bo live cago and outline a plan for organi HUNTINGTON. Causes Glands of the Neck tc > zation for a completely separate ly and chatted and jested bo good- Swell Up naturedly. But I noticed on thia party. The people have been pret ty we 1 educated and they know This Trouble and a Case of Rheu- > day that «he wore a very long face, matlsm Cured by Hood's. quite well what free and unlimited was p re. >cc n pi rd ami seemed very “C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.: much worried about something, and , coinage of silver means titheir bus “ Dear Sirs: A little over a year ago 1 being, as i sav, accustomed to talk idtereata. In my opinion a had a swelling come on the side of my neck. A w as in very poor health generally with In r on subjects aside from the' distinctive!y silver paitv con and doctored two ' business «he came on, I naturally I win.” months with th« ■ family physician 1 <- asked her what wilt the matter. 1 t 4 who said my com knew she had bet-n acquaint d with HER DERELICTION. plaint was a bilioui Blanche Lamont, and sup|>osing attack. His treat ment failed to help “Laura,” said the husband of the that she had been quite intimate me so I determined with her, I asked, more in the wav Emancipated Woman aternly. to try Flood’» Sar- *3 ». ‘ What is it dear?” asked the of saving something than for any ‘ saparilla. To my great Joy, the swel other reason, if she was downheart latter in a conciliatory manner, ling on the aide oi <d oner the disappeurance of her for uhv saw that trouble was coin my neck disap friend She hesitated a moment •ng. peared. I was ben ami then replied: 'I know too much “Laura, in the lust three weeks Mr». W. R. Mall«n>ee efited for ay other .- . '.¿«V A. e - Meadow, Wa»b. ailments. After about the di-appearance of Blanche ' I have given you three letters to taking three bottle« of the medicine,I har» | _________________________ . , . •. I was some > hat surprised at the mail, addressed to dear papa not had « sick day alnce. I for one, rec- • reply, but I must confess that I did What have you done with them?” ommend Hood's Rarsaparilla to the atfiic- “Mail“,! them, of courm,” re- not sav so. Still I was surprised I ' • • • t • enough to be inter, sted. and asked plied the wretched woman in a tad, knowing what It haa done foi me In her what «he knew She acted as determination to IdufT it out if pos the past. My husband was afflicted with rheumatism and had that tired feeling. if she had mi id »omehting she had sible “Laura.” the husband went on, Be took Hood's Sarsaparilla and found it , not meant to nod making an evas Just the Medicine Needed. ive answer, which 1 do not recall, "that is not true. I received a V We believe it will do all that is claimed for I letter from papa to day in which it, If given ■ fair trial. Both of us have left the store. "I gave the lunttvr no attention he gays he has not heard from me need Hood's Vegetable Pills and are well » i*V pleased with them." M rs . W. R. M al <- ! until Durrant was aocuavd. Then for a month, and anxiously ask LKRNRC, Meadow, Washington. that conversation came back to me ing if anything ia the mattar. Now N. B. Be sure to get Flood's Sarsaparilla. : I kept »till alaiut it. however, as I I you have got those letters some Mood'S Pill« are purely vegetable, and de 1 did not wish to •«* drawn into the where alanit y, ur elot her. if you not gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all dni^gista. case, for I knew it would take me haven’t lost them. I know just as away from my bu*ines» and thnt I well as I know that I a atanding could not atf<»ri| I felt thia way ' here that you never .nailed th ore >•» till Durrant was held by the coro- letters. Now go through your I iw-r s jury, and then felt relieved, |HH-k«ta and see if you haven't got < c. c'* ». < I for I had also felt as though !• them.’’ t The Emancipated Women com should have nffered my leatimonv. But after that I decide,! tn keep mvnced to look through her pockets 4 «till ami keep out of the case, for I and ««»on she laid them on the table > From 300 to 500 Head. Price from 14 00 to $15.00 per Head > to th« p.-r»-n «ubral’tinf the have always belie»ed that thera with the remarks: “Well I could I mo«t moriturUai« ia«c«ti«a • e ‘ • during the poA.-dtmr m<»nlh. would ha enough evidence for eon have s<«rn that I put thoM letter* • ' • • wif kki i hk pates r* rent invextowa «»-i th« ia the letter I h » x on the corner " viction without my testimony.” oitjret of thH off-r I* to en courage pcr»on» oi bu |n»-»,it- ' The man »net-red “You can’t • * Iv» turn ot min-t. At th« •am*- li.ue wc wt-h to 1-uprv*» . rw> Jt* trust a woman to do anything." thvffetiuat a B u he n tor ted. “Hereafter I'll mail It’s the Simple» mv own letter«, and I wont occupy .«rwefor J«we« Alps««« to .V« A-OHI»« A » Trivial Inventions jj your very valuable time with such rd .Vest 17jr .» errand«. Before you go I want $10 I That Yield Fortaxies •! i » —«uvh et TV. !«•«*« Wo«« h R an F kancim - o . N ov . 9—Unit,d for household expenses '* • >1 - Kvm. I' I«. . “ it • » - "rre -x. that -------------- H The Emancipated Woman meek • i Rtatrs Senator John P. June«3>s q ly laid the money down on the table » » strongly of the opinion that there • I o and went away with the remark 4 •i will I m * a separate silver party in that •!»* would leave the office rar the campaign of next year The ly in the afternvon and com« after : I formation of such a party i« to u her hueband Io take him to the i grow out of the coming silver con On the Corner Routh W the French Hotel. Main Street matinee —Harper’s Baser. •• -THE PRESS GL Al MS CO. ference at Chicago, he think« FSItlS W. Avrett. Ws«. M«r- JOE GILL - - - - Proprietor The Chicago cam fere nee is to lak« J ftIN F Street. Northwest. Rébellion Galnlnr Grow ad place sometime near the Christmas M a asniMTOX o- <• Every’».»!« know» Joe and a horse under hit care will never suffer holidays in the hope that it n,av M ,v -, a.- < -• m'-r for »«■mrthiiig to eat - •» a» »« ,<«-4 a, «a- •»• « •*•• ”• JJ • t-m t mi I k I by «»w$ -.•««• ••>»» I vl have tome effect on congress A ., It* W»|IM a«»»,*s*» * •*» ’’ I «>,»« Siala» call ia now being prepared bv the Further Joe is an old stable keeper, harina had several ytWf» •ascutive committee which grew insurgents have re> -nllr made su< experience in a first clan »table in Corvelli» xixrc tttSSSSSST** t AN IMPORTANT WITNESS. This popular . Hotel holds itse’t of rail rank cc|uai. equal, if n nui not bupcr- super- in point oi ior to any inland hotel and inT fact compares favorably with many railroad houses. The 0. C. CO Scrofula in the Blood' Carry the Largest Stock of Gen- 'eral Merchandise in EASTERN OREGON. I'hey SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES I'hey ' ’ IRE NOW LOWED WITH Fdl AND Wb'TER GOODS They ÇSËLL AT ONE PBICE) Hood’s c"“ Cures Go nd s e Tir m or Write hem. 4 W. D. Huffman *.... 4)100.00 i Given Away Every Month ! Ore Lhorot ch bred and Hisfh Grade Spanish Merino Bucks. These Bucks are from the CAnmngton Sheep Ranch, Umatilla WANTS A SILVER PARTY. I I RED FRONT LIVERY •» It STABLE