Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1895)
MILLINERY STORE It is strange that men who know Bill Nye is positive that the J er- how to make $400 for every $10 seymen did not fire gulden eggs at ^^. ovembekis - Editor f.UjBP - - Htctni Slate Elections. L»g ' • '""T'T ,>? 4« regarding the r..ult of th. mate elections They ah that silver is at the bottom t the differences occur in the wav ,.t The democrats bave lost Kentucky, hut they have not je a strong showing tn the states ¿re the gold standard is accepted. Proprietress. they invest for you don’i turn their him. ......... Miss S ai . lie H udspeth , ———■ — knowledge to their own profit, in-1 i ................. * ------------ •“ • “ ■“ “ ———- " The United States Senate seems ( stead of advertising it. • to be getting a reputation as a train- Call and examine goods and ascertain Prices. The Proprietress is The man who lives to see an ulti- ii>g school for authors. here to stay and desires to Plea«e Patrons in Style, Quality of Good malum sent by Great Britain to the and Prices. On Cornor North ot Meat Market. Senator Cullom is said to have Uuited States will discount the age arrived at the conclusion that a of Methuselah. slight facial resemblance to Abra-1 9 ham Lincoln i9 not sufficient to get, If Corbett and Fitzsimmons go him nominated for president. to Mexico to fight, can’t somebody get up a scheme by which they can John Sherman’s “Recollections” both be compelled to stay there? are to be put upon the market for $20 a set, but the chances are that The idea that a mule cannot be thev will ere long be found on the Proprietor. killed is erroneous. Sixteen of bargain counters at a greatly re E. B. R eed , them were burned to death in a Pa. duced price. BURNS, OREGON. coal mine. Rare Selection of Millinery Goods- ^ agnolia Ï restaüran T papers deciare the land slide >*» <*•»* ■ —■ «-'■ ■ i—ww^ea lti occasioned because of the «rang feeling in the democratic Senator Chandler has not yet de „nk« favorable to silver, other pa termined upon the date of his inva ^declare it was caused bv the sion of Canada. tinpariy not Sticking to that vital principle of the party concerning Bv the wav, what regiment did iilwr. The latter we have to ac •‘Little Billy” Chandler fight with rt[lt as the true cause of the defeat. during the last war? If the administration had backed ■be Chi ago platform and after the rtpeal of the Sherman act approved IM free coinage measure, the land .¡ide could have remained as ii «■as at the time of the la«t presiden i ml election Bui the part s havi g wits main issue, since 1 >73. th irtt coinage of silver and (heopp»-r lumtv having been preeenled U. carry that principle into effect, and fai i ig to do so. confidence was st. also, another souice of disqui etude originating, or growing out of tbe d teal of silver, was the neces«i- t.ul'niore bond issues, a step bitter ' opposed bv the democratic party, nut «a- done bv our present dem ocratic administration. Everv v;ul principle of the party platforms which has lieen laid down for years, i vpt the tariff, has been ignored hv our president, and in the face .■Ithe-e issues and platforms, he haa persuaded himself to bel.evt that he is the party and its mem bers are his tools to be cont-oled and handled by him as he chooses. The people of the government are not ready f>r that yet ami God grant we mav n-ver be. 1G adopt ing as one of th ■ principles of democ racy, the gold standard, indeavor- ■ çtos’eal it tr mi the republicans, hr- proven the <!• feat of the partv. •nd tie party will never have per m«nent safety by trying to steal republic m <]< ctrine. Ihs good oi l democracy that l*rv«l the party to oratory and •I'irnce in the hails of congress it plead for the peoples rights, ■'enough for us. When the P«rtv was honest in its endeavor to j a‘l u'lasses, if in doing so ’L<htlv infringed upon the feel- Cuban independence seems to I This Restaurant has been fitted have more friends in the United '.up in Elegant style and is in eyery States than in Cuba. | particular a first class eating and One of the noted characteristics ) ^oard’Ilg *'OU8e- of John Bull is the desire he always shows to make friends with those he is afraid of The proprietor is prepared to lodge his customers and guarantees comfort and satisfaction and useB every effort possible to make his gueste feel at home. « While the democrats didn’t get Philadelphia courts are sever* all they wanted out of the elections poi its ahead of those of San Fran- they got as much as observant jisco when it comes to members of the party expected the trial of a notorious murderer. them to get. I I It seems strange that some enter prising space writer d'd notdescribt | ________ _ From all accounts Chamberlain's the new Duchess of Marlborough in Cough Remedy ie a Godsend to the “the all together;’’ they gut descrip afflicted. There is no advertise tions of about even thing else. ment about this; we feel just like saying it.—The Democrat, Carroll Some day “Teddy” Roosevelt ton, Ky. For sale by all druggists. will call the wrong man a liar; then he'll quit smiling until the dentist | can make him some new teeth. I ! I i-T-DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINESS?,^. •If you are in'a position To do Bush ss Scrofula in the Blood ' • People Know « If Pittsburg pays $100,000 for Causes Glands of the Neck tc I the republican national convention Swell Up the town will be outrageously swin dled. This Trouble and a Case of Rheu matism Cured by Hood’s. “ C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mau.: Our navv is improving. 69 pei “Dear Sirs: A little ovor a year ago! cent of its enlisted men are A meli had a swelling come on the side oi my can citisene and 81 per cent of its neck. A was in very poor health generally and doctored two ipprentices are of American birth. months with ths Under presents regulations both family physician who said my com percentages are increasing. plaint was a bilioui attack. His treat, ment failed to help Why did the Atlanta Exposition me so I determined managers neglect to name a “Ho to try Hood’s Sar Da> ?” saparilla. To my great Joy, the swel ling on the side of Eugene l>ebs is going to find out my neck disap peared. I was ben- how much of a martyr he r?ally is Mn. W. R. Maliern« eflted for my other by making a speaking tour of th Meadow, Wuh. ailments. Alter count ri. taking three bottles of the medicine,I have | I not had a sick day since. I for one, rec- | ommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to the afflic- : The Harrison machine may not be able to make a nomination fa their man, but they ean make tro • ted, knowing what it has done foi me in the past. My husband was afflicted with i ble for the other fellows, and they rheumatism and had that tired feeling. He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found It I Everybody '/¿eudt seem inclined to do it. it Jf you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. Subscribe for the EAST OREGON HERALD. 4 TWO $ ONLY TWQ $ Food’s^ Cures! CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. «lust the Medicine Needed. We believe it will do all that Is claimed for A New York theatre has gone It, if given a fair trial. Both of us have Advcrtite hi it. "e have never seen in print or i back to “the year one.” The cos- used Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well pleased with them.” M rs . W. R. M al - Ar expressed by a democrat any ! tumee ought to be cheap. LERXEK, Meadow, Washington. J reason or reasons for departing I N. B. Be sure to get flood’s Sarsaparilla. i“ time honored principles The CnbaphobistB should ponder Hood’s Pill* Purely vegetable, and do parts, Mnd the old timedem- the words of Senator Morgan, who not gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all druggists. >r»u often weep and more times decla-es that the rec ignition if the rd like weeping when thev think Cuban« as belligerents would cer ,e hH.tive which actuated the thinly lead to a war botween the ' at* to vote for the repeal of United States and Spain. Known ’*Sherman 1 a*, hoping thereby | Everywhere. ’«have a bill Sold Everywhere. approved by the! Tt sounds a little queer to bear Grown E to restore silver to its that an American girl named Sadie P^prr place among the people of itkowski is the theatrical rage of ,h'* «’vernment —i I’ ever a party London, but it’s ‘all straight. Al * * p-ople humhuged, and though her folks are Polanders the rd it ja the democratic girl is American born and educat by the - present administra- ed. Her stage name is Sad e Je •ion rome. I "l’vi thj bondholder, and monop- olw:. r the HER4LD DOES the best job pbintinq AT LOWEST RATES.