and move a candle or lighted lamp In his confession Hilliard said: back forth vero rapidly before the “I waa coming down the road and saw Mrs. Bell in the road. She eyes. After a few seconds the air ' WKONK-IDAY NOVEMBER < 18*6 was scared of me and I knew that surrounding the candle will assume < if I passed her she would say I tried a deep pink or reddish colo-, which BURNS. ~T to assault her, and I concluded rapidly takes upon itself the ap- OREGON. pearanca of a sea of blood. Over that I would assault her and then M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. kill her. I ent her throat and cut this red background ramifying in Tyler, Tex., the Scene of the Lat her in another place and left." all directions may be seen the veins He wrote this note to his wife and blood vessels standing out in ent Barbaric Lynching, bold relief, while toward the center and gave it to the sheriff: figure a dark “I am arrested by T ylcb , Tex., Oct. 29.—News . ‘Wig’ Smith. i of the . ... .. there . appears . reached Ihi. eit, at« o’doek 1.« I You kno. »h.Hhey-ill do with ; trunk like l.M which a-rre, a. a night of the murder of the nineteen- me. If I don’t see you any more ' “body’’ for your “tree of blood.” the H enry ” trunk being most plainly visible yeur-old wife of Leonard Bell, a good-by. where the optic nerve enters the farmer living four miles north of — World. eye. here. Mrs. Bell had been visiting This experiment is chiefly inter her mother, a short distance avay, ( , Man in Woman'll Garb. esting because it proves that the and sftei leaving there she was not It isjwell arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. The cuisine de- parts of the retina which actually partment is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests will In seen again alive. Shortly after 1 Put man into the garb of woman, receive impressions and produce served with care and attention. wards her mutilated body was found beside the public road, with her feeble, delicate, goseamer woman sensations must lie behind the • (who, by the way, has greater pow blood vessels, since these cast their throat cut, and disemboweled. There was evidence of a hard er power of endurance than uny shadow upon it and enable the ex struggle for honor and life, as her other animal on earth), into tight perimenter to see them as plainly | clothing was almost torn from hv corsets, which would jam his elas- as he does any other external ob- _:t.- i.;_------- 1..1—- i:„_ u:.. . - . .. ... body, and the ground was covered tie ribs into bis pendulous liver, his ject.—St Louis Republic. writhing stomach up against h>s with blood for many feet around. Bloodhounds were put upon the wobbling heart and gasping lungs, trail of the murderer, and about 4 h*s whole nutritive apparatus up, HUNTINGTON. - OREGON o'clock thia morning he was sur .(down, backward, sideways, any 1 ♦ Scrofula in the Blood so that *' 19 inches of • steel prised in a cotton pen, asleep, near-. where, ------ » — ,T lv twenty miles from the scene of I wh»,ebon* should comp«« his ¿«5 hi* crime. He was Henry Hilliard. Jnch middles; Rdd the dozen or Causes Glands of the Neck tc Swell Up a mulatto, Hi. captor» started on | moreartic,M’ wilb ,bHr a«grega- thu return and were met at the tion of bands, strings, buttons, Thia Trouble and a Case of Rheu matism Cured by Hood'a. ■cene of the murder by 2,000 armed loops, clasps and pins; place about men. Ilin, zone after zone of tight band- •‘C. I. Hood «fc Co., Lowell, Maas.: “ Dear Sir«: A little over a year ago 1 The prisoner was taken from the 'ages, from which are suspended had a swelling come on the aide of my oHicers, and n committee of seven dozens and dozens of yards of gath neck. A was in very poor health generally and doctored two pleated i and prominent men of this county were ered, puckered, ...... , fes- u months with th« , . .. . hia .. identity. .. itooned muterial, ’ tilt his body , all appointed to establish family physician .... ... and i a sten- , ’ out bv fastening under Witnesses were called, u of plumb ' who aaid my com plaint was a bilioui ographer wns on hand to take testi his heels a wooden or leather peg attack. His treat mony The evidence was full and two inches high, and crush his toes ment failed to help conclusive. The man then con- into I he space of a good-sized wal me ao I determined to try Hood’s 8ar- fes-cd his crime. , nut. saparilla. To my A vote was taken as to the mode, Weigh him down with a long, great joy, the swel- of minishinent. It was unanimous- , heavy wrap, perch a bonnet upon ling on the side ol, B my neck disap lv decided to bum him. and it was his head and stretch a dotted veil peared. I was ben- over his eyes, put his hands into agreed that lie should suffer his Mrs. W. r . Mnllarn*« eflted for my othei penalty on the public square in this tight kid gloves and into these a Maadow, w*ah. ailments. Attar taking three bottles of the medicine,I hav« city. pocketbook and an umbrella, says not had a sick day since. I for one, rec The line of march was taken up the Woman's Journal. ommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to the affile- Then send him out for business towards Tvler, and at 4 o'clock the head of the line, which was two or for pleasure on u moderately w< t miles long, entered the main plaza, morning or afternoon; let him keep, ted, knowing what It has done foi me in the past. My husband was afflicted with wheie 15.(XXI people had aasemblt-d. his long, Happing skirts, hia shoes rheumatism and had that tired feeling. 1 Al 4:80 o'clock a scaffold was and his ankles dry and clean, his He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found It his Just the Medicine Needed. erected in the centre of the square. 1 feather and bangs in curl and , ... , . . ... ., . . , temper unruffled, and when he gets We believe it will do all that is claimed for w ugons loaded with kindling wtxxi, . . .. . . ... to i back to vou, if he lives to do so. It, If given a fair trial. Both of us have coal , oil , niol . straw were driven used Hood'a Vegetable Pills and are well ... ' ask him which he would rather la-, pleased with them.” M rs . W. R. M al - the scene and iii: placed in position * . I he ___ negro waa then given nnoppor a lovelv, civilize»! woman or a howl- LFRMWW, Meadow, Washington. . . *• were ing savage, and see what he will N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. tunlty to a|H«itk- His words Mood’s Pills ar« purely vegetable, *i<t ds at first ina’idilje, hut when he of ** •ot crip*, purge, or pain. Bold by all druggists. frr«««! <lp hie last prayer hec«<lild Isr , In-aril f«»r many block* The Tree of Blood. Hilliard was then lashed to the iron rail that extended through the •he most wondurful optimi ex platform with chains, and Mr hell, periinrnt known to the eye experts the huahand of the murdered w«* is that which produce* the **blo«»d man. applied the match The tree,” or “the arlkoreaceut figure of F rom «HX» to .5(X) Head. Price from *4 00 to 815.00 per Head to the prr*>n submlttm* the tlamre phot upward, enveloping th« ► ••Mt Mcrievrl.«« ia«««tiua i’urkirje ’* Il is a very almpleand Surins tbaawc’-nfwvmonth, brute in sheets of fire. WK elt< (’NK PATKMTS entertaining experimwtil and one . »‘Oil IMKWXN, awl tha The wretch l»egg«-d for maree, ■ Juel of mi» off« ► I’ tn «n- (torn which no |«o«aible harm toth»- r<>jn*e ¡u-r^ar. «>. an Invawt. but waa reminded that the same He tiri rP »»♦•’»«I. At tr.a eve can result The experiment is » , n- i. li to lu T sm mercy was meted out to him that an^optH'sl delusion in which the ilo ri» t imt > as a he gave to hia victim li*3 the ShtlpaC, retina of the eye and all the blood He waa not permitted to burn teasel- connected therewith aupear Triviali! éventions ’• quickly. The fire waa freq .ueiitlv to aland out in the air in such a That Vici id Fortunes u quenched, and after the l«|»se of a manner that the experimenter has ••leb et TS» ! n<v»V a.I I “'M th«i I*«»««», ' tew momenta started again. Il wax a «plaudit! view of them '.nt, Fin.” ~r-s« tn tlv I '• Mr •«rat’' " v»r exactly fifty minute« from the time Purkinje, the gr*at optician, ac wry <*«KWve* » i o(Lt sh-a •• w* nc on .« or the match was applied until his tor cidentally made thia discovery of,< r w hy »•« »«•» '» •" l*«e- tK>» uavf Y m I'M talvnu way ture waa ended by death the “iditod trew,” or “arUirvacent !•«• li I hl« SirwUon •"«X» y >ur nwiun.-. * by nut Hundreds rd negntra witneMed figure” which la-ara his name sever ____ »r • t> ■ fW"* rii. ft«- P.Ttber l»’.ir«utk«i «nJ the execution, and representative al ywara ago, and ainew hia time it WutKm tbM pa>prr. negroew express* their approval of baa bran uaad in thouaanda of teat On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street THE PRESS GLAIMS CO. the punishment. experiments. Tha projected image Philip W. htlrvtt. •«■■ M«r . JOB GILL - - - - - Proprietor At a late hour tonight tlie ne is called the "arbura-wcwnl figure" 618 F Street, Northwest. grove body la still bunting MWiwroi o. c. because of its resemblance o( a Kvarybndy knows Jne and a horsa under his car* will never •un»"r Tyler is the boote ot United many branched tr-e and is pmduc 1 • <*T>e rr«p-n«INlity •«»•►.« »tany for ¿.met hi ng to eat- M» h« HnkaaM b* 'N» ’«• • ««•< «»• »fc« * <• h*l • by <•»»• ofc« tb.«MaM-l Htalav Senator llorwcs Chilton and ed io the following manner* Hhut • t th. rfcjtn* S«**I«W» >h th* I «n*a BtMaw vf ex Got. James S Hogg jrourself up in a dark r«>owi at night I I MW" Furtbcr’Jowfia an old stable keeper, ha vine had aeveral vear* expeneuce in a first class stable in Corvallis Or ïirrafd. BURNED AT THE STAKE. This popular Hotel holds itsel point ot • rank equal, it not super 1 J 1 Ml* compares favorably with railroad houses. many The 0. C. CO. Garry the Largest Stock of Gen eral Merchandise in EASTERN OREGON. They (SELL AT ONE PRICE) Hood’s^” Cures Go nd s e Them or Write "hem. THOROUGHBRED BUCKS FOR SALE.; W. D. Huffman Eu:-.- Ore 1 horovghbred and High Grade Spanish Merino Bucks. very Mon tit These Bucks are from the Cunnington Sheep Ranch, Umat Ila J 3 I I I RED FRONT I LIVERY STABLE. I