Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1895)
Business Locals. E. H. THOMPSON, The Prize Fichiers OEALElt L ittle R ock , N ov . 2.—The cases against Fitzsimmons. Julian, Brady Dry Coods Clothing, Notions Stani Croceries. Classware Crockery Cuti —School books at the drug store and Corbett were dismissed by the of IL M. Horton. court this afternoon on an agree —School book h and stationary I ment that the men are to leave the Gov. •heap for cash, at the Hardware gtate as soon as they can ■toreofC. II. Voegtly. Clarke says h« has no intention of driving them out, but it will be a — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat serious thing if the restraining or ronage, at the new barber shop. —Who said you couldn’t get a good flavored cigar in town for five cents? Call at the City Drug Store and inquire. der is violated. This disposes of the last chance to pull off the fight. Brady will agree iO nothing unless Julian’s $10,000 is up, and there are no signs of its being put up. Corbett and Brady will leave for New York soon. —Chas Voegtly offers a Havana; press grain drill at less than cost, for cash. I John L. Rand, prosecuting attor- — Builders tools ands of all kind ney, is a candidate for congress.1 building hardware at the Burns So is ex-Circuit Judge J. A. Fee, I hardware store, at bottom prices of Pendleton, J. B. Huntington, of for cast,. » Burns, and R. 8. Anderson, of Bak —The Saloon, in the new hotel er. With these four adroit politi building, Richardson and Stephens cians struggling hard f r tne nom proprietors, is nicely furnished and ination, it is more than possible its customers is given the best that Ellis will again be the repub- j brands of liquors and cigars. lican standard bearer in the second , district of Oregon. ’‘That too many — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy cooks spoil the broth.’’ may be real The universal good dentistry done ized by the above coterie of aspir I t>y him has gained for the Dr. a ants.—Huntington Herald I lasting reputation. FRUIT TOBACCO AND CIGARS Notice is hereby given that I am now prepared to exchange the fol- lowing Books which have been adapted tor the following sixyears Ex Price. Maxwell« first Book in English .25 “ Introductory Eng Gram. .30 “ Advanced “ •• •• .35| l*< termana Civil Government 48 A. C. W orthington . 1st Rvadersal 25cts 2nd. “ 4o “ 8d. •• . 55 •• 4lh. *• xo “ 5th. $1 oo Monteiths Elementary Geography ti.wt» Monteith» Comprehensive Geography $1.25. Clark» Normal Grammar 80ci Sill» Grammar «5ots And all • »>school Imvks in proportion and a • i this date I fviliaell school bonks. the strove A 'I i»n »Inn, IIU»»v»ry Free AM <>LI> » ni > W ki . i . T kici > R imsii V. Mr» W iih UI ow ' i s < h U| i | iik sx rup ha» beeil uacil for over Oft > vear» by inlllloii« otinolbvr» for Hielt t-hiblren w lillv ivelhlti», will, pertect »ii<-< <•»». ll »ootbe» Hl» chllil. •<>( >":l tbe guni», »11», • •11 |>aln, eure» w in<l volle, an<i 1» tue Leu reine v<lv for lliarrheoea. 1» plewaant to the l»»te s.,1,1 l.y Ur<iKt!i»'i In ei vry pari of the worM. Twanty-flv« venia • botlle. it»valuei» luml. lablv Ile »nre and arlt for Mr» Wtndalow'» Sootlilna AyrU|>. and take no other klnd. . S...AI J. .< i.VJCtCAL iMCRCHANDIS", I i-v. ■ »u. Baniaa. S.vnrd oni. ttannual 'If jet t ' -In «, < t »tu. I« baker city . oreg 0. I Prize Hood s Sarsaparilla more than any remedy I have « ever taken. I have never been robust and was subject to severe headaches, and had BURNS, no appetite. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla prices for cash and fo, cash only. Order» bv mall promptly at tented to Dated thin 1st day of March I mH C II V ototi y B axi »I xstrv . mf .?» ts WtaehMTOar U\T »»•« BtMS *w» £•«*«-**<•» »»sc *IM t ' r « a FJL? 'OKN r. GTRATVOsVO I « «-Ajrlr*- . -3 Xs 4> »’ - IV# it orego J MR T. M. & MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors and Hood's Pili3 I am a well woman, have a good appetite and sleep well. I cordially recommend Hood’s Far* sapariila. M rs . N. M. GiRHAM, Fillmore House, Fillmore, California. ___ llOOCl S HOTEL BURNS. This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the pr--pr>. tors use every effi rt possible to make their guests feel at home f V * * -» cure all liver Illa, billoua- 1 lil¿9 ness. headache. 2ÓC. I ------------- -------------- The table is at all times supplied with everything the market sf TONSOR'AL PARLOR, WALTON ROBINSON P roprietors , fords. I Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue toh I fits guest when in yawn. PIONEER DRUG Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. Bathes at all hours. [W. E. G race ’ s \ y oi . d stand ] C Worthington Prourietor • _^5.DEAI.FR 1N^^_ » DRUGS. BOOKS, STATIONARY. DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» Nuts and fruits. f fifMail orders promptly filled. Stage Line. Burns Ontario I Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 r M. Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour» Fare One way $7.50. Through freight Round trip $15.00. SJcta. a pound. Two days notice at any P (). on the route and covere i cov'i—< *H H. A. Williams. Propiiet-'f. be furnished for passengers. A graduate of the Iowa State ’ Univ* rsity and College of I’hyni-f cians and Surgeons. • Office at reside! <*e in Burns. I. Î. GEER & Í0. NEW YORK WORLD. rhe Twice-a week Edition of the New 5 o. k Work! has liven convert ed into the Thrice a week. It fur- nishes 3 p i|M.-rs of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. This gives 156 paper a year for One Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns I Manu acturer “tinware & Sb • iron Co^l5, « ALSO DEALERS TN- paint HARD- OÏL WARE GLA^ SUPERIOR 5 in all. The Thricc-a-week World door is not only much larger than any STO V Eb werklv or semi-week I v newspaper, <& WIN but it furnishes the news with ws angers much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines NMMUNITION rACKi.E tinware , grantt all the crisp, fresh qualities of a ware , crockery and glasswxre garden seeds , far daily with the attractive special MERS a MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS features of a ceekly. • all and see cur Holiday goods. Arrangements have been made! by which we can furnish this pa|>er and the Th rice-3-Week New York W orldboth for $2 25 a year. Take advantage of thia ofler and get I H M. HORTON your own local paper and the Proprieter Thrice a-Week World at this special fate T hk H irai d . , « h U JOHN F. STRATTON STORE D Tin: «TW ATT* I • « • * ? . ' Hay Grain. Flour, Feed anti Country Produce. — Lee Caldwell’s Saloon now WANTED. Jarres Edwards running on a cash basis is well pat-1 Agents to sell our choice and har- roni/.ed am! the proprietor finds | ,|y Nursery Stock, . We have many Real Estate, Life and Fire insur the cash system to be good for him- ...... —J-'----- new ...... special varieties, both in fruits l ance. Collections a Specialty. self, also, his customer!:. He i •* i and ornamentals to offer, which are OREGON n i only i i thankful for past and present pat controlled by us. ii» He pay ' burns , I ronage and courteously solicits his commission or salary. Write us at friends to continue their patronage, once for terms, and I secure choice tlEO. S. SIZEMORE, I of territory. attorney , A Woman Who Will Work B urns , ................................ O regon . M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Col lee .ion*, Land birines*. and Rea) WANTED in every county to in Rochester, N Y. Estate matter nrmnptlv attended to. troduce the Celebrated ‘‘Jlvgeia” ERR\T HICKS, J. W HIGGS. I U aists *br all ages. This waist canyon < itv . B urns . For Naic Or Trade. RUpereeiies the corset, and has re i —100 acres of fine fruit land in Hicks & Biggs reived the unanimous approval of í 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, physicians of America. $3.00 out i Oregon, I mile wi st of Spenser tit free. Any energetic woman can Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses Offices at Canyon Citv and Burns make from $16 to $50 weekly. and cuttle part pay on each lot if S.-nd for circulars and terms. -a v> i ■. V the purchaser so desires. For fur HYGKIA M'F’G CO , 378 St , New ther information impiire at this York. r-iiybician < y ^»urge^n. otliee. Schools Attention. IX aif » s « DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINK* STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES A FANCY TOU ET ARTICLES. TORACCO. CIGARS ETC Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical 1W Prescriptions accurately compounded. First CI am Dental Work Don« Purpo*