VOL. VIH BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER G ci «■ > 1895 h MMPI**** deem it necessary to use them in their business.” 1 I * LgblsHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ‘ But who ar« the real officers “I have been in z\ merica but who issue permits to wear striped ' BY itwo days,” said the talkative for- t oust rs anti receive the tax on side 57. C. BYRD & SON. eigner, “but already I have become I impressed with some of the strange »V hisk' rs?” I I “There are no such officers.” customs of the country.” “And no such taxes?” I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: “Indeed! What particular cus- I “No.” r.’.oo ,1.00 I toms do you refer to?” » mt »« ............ “Then they Loth lied?’ . .75 I it Jfiiufh* ................. I ftjeaMontbB ... _____ I “Well, for one thing, I. had not I “ Y • HERALD CLl It LIST1 —Get one of I, S. Geer A’ Co’s —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ 5,00 been ashore more than a hour Lgldknd H»n*e 11 told him that I didn’t know side ca“h. ting me on my guard, sir. I of every Im'f volume, md w . i ; amount should be purchased at one whiskers wer. taxed in America. WPksbr advertisement. no more, taxes except at the I I time, but any amount from 5 cents I ! He said that they were and the tax hall. Good day, sir.”—Harper’s '^ADVERTISING RATES: A good ranch belonging to II. G. j to $20 as explained upon the tick- : was $4 per year. He added that I Bazir. 2 wk 1 IUG j 3 ino J 6 mo j Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 i ets. j might consider myself luckv that '$11.00 »15.00 12.50 $5.00 $x.')0 IN.00 28 10 he did not add 25 per cent for costs miles south east of Burns. This 50 12 UJ 4 BO Tn a recent letter to manufactur­ i'i.oO .'.00 15.00 24 00 40 . 0 i Ubamb* rlain’s Cough 1’etni dy 50. JO ranch has about 100 acres of good 32.60 of collection, because it was my 1.00 10.no as, oo ers Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of G JO 15.00 2S.OO 4S. 00 54.00 meadow land. Price $800 or will euren i colds, croup anti w hooping 1. .1)0 ZB. 00 48.00 M).OO P.O. 01 duty to report at the city hall and the spectator, Rushford, N. Y.,savs: b'l.iKi »0.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 cough, It is pirn.‘•ant. rate anti re- pay the tax without putting the trade for sheep. “It may be a pleasure to you to I I liable. For sale by ail druggists. B yrd < fc K ing . nation to the expense of sending JOB WORK know the high esteem in which a collector after the money.” ■ ’ sv. rv scription executed with neatness Chamberlain’s medicines are held [ iuJu«i>auh,a: reasonable rates. j. “You paid him, did you?” Pamphlets by the people of your own sl^te. I Poster», .■irrtiArg, Letter Heads, “Oh, ves, and I was quite glrid Bill Hinds, mvel»|>e«. ( urus, Tie sets, where thev must be best known. Beware oi Ointments for Catarrh Note iieaUB, «■icmeuts, Dodgers, Etc. that I did not wear a full beard. I Meuiuran<1a, Invitutloux. that contain Mercury, An aunt of mine, who resides at llh',;u.r> it kept regularly ou file for re- He said the assessments on full , ■ ,be i.eo. I*. Rowell Newspaper Ad- Dexter, Iowa, was about .to visit >«r ,,.g Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. beards was $10 per chin. Why do me a few years since, and before as mercury will surely destroy the [ oat . «a you have such odd taxes ;n Amer­ . CORDOA’AN, leaving home wrote me, asking if sense of rmell and completely de-1 FRCNCH ACNAMLLLED CALF. OFFICIAL D.IRECTORY » I ica? Is it so very expensive to run range the whole system when en thev were sold here, stating if they 4?3»» F ine C alt &KANGAnoa | a republican government?” tering it through the mucous sur ­ ♦3.QPPGUCE.3 soles . were not she would bring a quanti- national : “it costs quite a good deal, But face.«*. Such articles should nev«r ...........Grover Cleveland President ................ I ty with her. as she did not like tc • EXTRA FINE* f ire-president. .. Aillai Stevenson was that vour only expierence?” l be used except on prescriptions iecretary of .'bite ... Walter Q. Gresham 92.i|7JB0YS'SCI150LSH0a be without ’ hem, ” *The medicines isw.’ary of Treasury John G. t.arlisle "No, it. wasn’t. About two hours from reputable ph'sicians, as the • JU/kDIEiS« tscreurv of Interior . . lloke Smith later another man approached me, | referred to are Chamberlain’s damage they will do is ten fold to | - >, CT5052 ?| 7B NC0’A. Daniel S. Lamont ‘*T»t»ryof War ________________________ g '^sTP° iocrelsry of Navy ........... Hilary A. Herbert Cough Remedy, famous for its cures teereutry of Agriculture ..J. Sterling Morton asked me it I had yet procured the! r SCND FOR CA'rALUG'jr Wornvy General ....... Richard S, Olney of colds and croup; f'namberlain’s the good you can possibly derive, ’ VZ- !-• DOUG- L ZM3* •‘ostuikster General . .. Wilson S Bisseil government permit entitling me to E.iOC ICTOH, Z 4.r< SS. I iron. them. Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure, , Pain Balm fur rheumatism, lame STATE—OREGON : Over One Million People wear the to wear trousers of such a wide strip ' manufactured by F. J. Cheney K ( J. N. Dolph W. L. Douglas $3 & *4 Sices »euren J. H.Mitchell. as those 1 had on. It. was the same back, pains in the side and chest Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer- 1 Ail our shoes are equally e-Ccfactory 1 Binger Hermann I pair I’m wearing now. I asked land Dhamberlairi’s Colic, Cholera • wngressmen................... (W. R. Ellis They give the best valve for tbe money. cury, and is taken int ruajly, act ­ Attorney General V. M, Dilemmi They equal custom shoes hi style and nt. ami Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel ■oreruor Wm P ls>rd what the blamed government would Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. ing directly upon the blood and mu- i teeretary of State I R Kincaid The prices are uniform,—stamped cn sole. I [complaints. These medicines have I rreaanrer ... R ..Phil. Melsclmn do if I refused to pay for such a From $■ to $3 s-ived over other nr.-hca. cons surfaces of the system. In j ‘apt. Public lust ruction ... G M Irwin If your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by He replied that the fee been >»• constant use in Iowa for state Printer R W H Locus permit, I buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure R. S. Bean. for the permit was so excessively j almost a quarter of a century. The I “Dealors everywhere Wanted, «cent to ‘«»reme Judget Wm. P. Lord It is taken take exclusive rale for this vicinity. Write I you get the genuine. ) F. A. Moore small that no one thought of trying' people have learned that they are KIXTH JC»l< I AL district : idternubv and is made in Toledo, at once. to evade payment, Il was only $2 articles of greet worth anti merit lietrict Julge .......... .1» M. D. < L1FFON1. Ohio, by F. ». Cheney & Co. Tes- James A. Fee. The penalty was the con­ and unequaled hv any other. They Jietrict Attorney .1. L. Rami he said. timonials free. ’vin t- Represent at I ve (R)... .0. L. Patterson. ¡are for sale lit re by all druggists. ‘•ial-.'euetor r* (K).............. A. W.Cowan fiscation of the trousers and it jfMFSold by Druggists, price P7 <5c. would be his painful duty to take I COCNTY— 1IABNET*. per bottle. :®atly «jdge . me to the nearest police station and ......... C. P. Rutherford. •*rk ..U.K. Kenjon ...(D). treasurer I. 8. Geer take possession of my garments in (R) surveyor D . T A. McKinnon sheriff. Don't Tobacco Spit, or Smoke Yoiir (R)... .. A . Gittings the name of the United States gov-! L**0’ ..(i.. .(D).... 8. W. Miller Life Away. *'‘l>i*«l ua 1 ‘ r’Ctlt- Bulldin« Edition, monthly, 12.50a year. Single R*«tt every 1st and 3<1 Wednesday. I A t the Ive turn of »11.n copies, >15 Every number contains beau­ Bac is Bold by druggists every where I tiful plates, cents. in colors, and photographs of new sain»' tiiii'’ wow. ,i tn L i “You could have told your storv I.uev Rusk, N.G. houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the the fact tout :: :: H under a guarantee to cure’llr money M L Lewie. Rec. Sec’y. Muu£l,,£,,AîndJ'ecuî?contract». Address and he would have been locked up i; MUNN A CO- NEW Y ohk , 3«1 B hoadwa T, refunded. - ............. Book free. zXddress t It's the Sltiiple, on a charge of swindling.” A. 0. C. W. Rnrna Lodge, No. 47 Sler’.ing Remedy Co, New York or Man.«very M and 4th Thuradav,. Trivial Invention ) 1 Chicago. “Do you mean to say that he H M H<.rton, M. W. That Yield rorL::...^ H. M. Horton, Burns. J. W Bayer, Rec'd was not an official of the govern — such rs To J on-'r ment?” ■>-’"RXO", a H onob Ixtdge, Ns. a A.id E o. “so > lin t i • Safely I’iu.’’ "B :,s lu Liu- t every Monday. “That’s what I mean ” v.-r.’’ “Air llrake.” i - g - ___ _____ Mrs, Sayer C 0» H. t Almost Very on.• coi.r-c'v "Of? “But he said he wan.” n i a bright i l««r a' s m- tin < • r « N * f* ’ f* f * harxey uhh . e , no . 77, 1. o o r. other. Why not put It frs prj ‘ I ’ m afraid be didn ’ t speak the Cui a t.,-,’.iatsi>riui>H. lio I'« thia dirvetio.i M.-y J. C. Wooly N. G. I truth.” free.À<1eg pardon! It doesn't do P- ». MAII.gl WASHINGTON, u. | H. A. W illiams , contractor. what?” •«t«Ne— talb - t^”The respon-IWiitjr of i, , <<,rupany < irrt**«*»4aepartB4ai|y( Ii.ay be hidgtol liy r|.r I timt »1« ' c«”yi»s u. 8. M.il, and E..tern Oregon Exprès, Co', Expre,, “I said it cuts no ice. I mean »t<» * .» nebl by uvei -i,« o.,(a Thieves can get badges when they I ¿hf Mttraid. STRANGE CUSTOMS. W. L. a >100.00 Given /Way Every Month Î! □ THE PRESS GLflliiS CO.