feet, she sobbed out her pitiful most precious gift the aforesaid told her the news and was really surprised and flattered ’ by L her re-r story. world contains.” world contains.” “I don’t unde-stand you. >> ” ception of it. She took both his From llappy Hours. “He is so young,” she wailed, “so ‘ “ Must I speak plainer? Well, hands in hers and the tears gather-j CHAPTER II. > young, surely yeu will not refuse to | * 1 »»n. Lilv. five ma vourself. I love ed in her bright eyes. I» give him another chance for name then, Lily, give me yourself. So favorab-y did Lillias Way “Oh, Tom,” she said. “I hate to ■ i 1 land regard this idea, broached in anJ faIne! f wiJ1 work und toil for you, darling, and would fain make to the person submitting the > most meritorious invention » her aore extremity, that in two'you uotil the five hundred dollars you ray wife. Are you content to see you go.” during the preceding month. $ Now, it never had occurred to WE SEi.L’KE PATENTS » from the day in which she H,e eyery (;ebt paid , win be a pay me in this coin?” FOR INVENTORS, and the Lieut- Douglas before, but at this J object of this off r is to en­ “Oh, Paulus!” she faltered. "1 had bidden good-by to her hand­ servant, a seamstress—what you courage persons of on I' vent- moment the idea did come to him ive turn of iniivl. ,'t th- some, reckless brother, she stopped ulease, only promise me that you ( never dreamed of so much happi­ »itiu» time we wuh to i...fr^s3 that he was in love with the widow. the fuel tnac :: :: V from the cars at the New York de­ will not visit him with the penal-( ness.” V He drew her to him and kissed And so Lillias Wayland ’ s indebt 1/ It’S tilQ Silliplo, pot, dressed in a sober brown suit, ties of the law!” ( away the tears and, before he knew i- , edness wos settled most satisfac­ <;■ that made her look like a shrinking Trivial Inventions Her voice died into quivering si- it, he was engaged to A ice Peer ­ > torily. little mouse, with her carpet bag in ; lence. but her eyes still appealed. | That Yic'. l Forhiao3 ing. her hands. ' "Rige, “Rise, Miss Wayland,” said the —such rs Po Trn-'i TO BE CONTINUED. and Eyu. 1’>«'j th.it , A little inquiry sufficed to bring youtlg inaI1> after a moment, grave- ".Safety I*.li." ‘‘I' vs ia «..v-.j The Widow’s Arrival. Ver." -’.li." Brnke." vt** , , her to the street where Mr. Glen- ypt with a certain gleam of Almost ■ very - , ticul u»e? Yoj: li ta. iiits in:-.-. , lined on either side with elegant niouth ut the idea of that pretty, lio i > tills dfr«-etioii M y , It was ‘‘steamer day’’ at Sitka, make your fortun . W liy nut c palaces, the like of wlrch Jjily had 1 B|ender creature rendering up to and amid all the joyous air and try? ;; :: :: :: :: ‘ fy Write for further information and f •, , never seen in the plainer city where | |linj tbw equivalent of the five hun- excitement that the monthly boat Known uieiitiou this |...p -r. Everywhere. she had Leen born and bred. Her dred dollars, "Ami now, cousin brought was one fortorn, unhappy Sold Everywhere. THE PRESS GLflmS CO. ” heart sank within her, as she atoo»! i Lillian for I believe we may claim 1 man. Tom Douglas watched his Grown _Everv where. Philip W. Avlrvtt, Ceil. V. on the brownstone steps leading up relationship, . . although it is some- friends as they eagerly opened thoir 618 F Street, Nortlr.ve,ii, WASHiNaTc:-., l >. «| to the carved losewood door, on I what distant—I shall insist upon ' letters ami listened with assumed Ask your dr-aler for them ----- - 1 C-fT“The respon'ibi! >y •>! «... . < :u:>aiiy «j which a silver plate bore the name you as my guest for a while. Let i interest to the bits of news they Ferry’» See«! Annual for I s!)5. may Im ju«lm»«i by il.r -i,. « tua« it-- 1 > -----luabletoall plantersand lovers ► t The people crowd into tho tiny Cure f ir. Hr.«. almost before she knew it the girl J lion at once and definitely. DiUf-gistsor m.'Ci.. . post office on the dock and watch ur. Price’s Cream Baking Powdet |»"ree..■.<; dusky splendor madeth in my life.” he thought. “The pro hurl her feelings for a million dol one yearly subscription to The H erald together with ton cents extra, her think of all th«1 stories sh«1 had «¡j .11«« is as purely Grecian as the face lars. i«‘s hard up as I am,” and Tom we will send free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. Singlecopies read of enchanted palaces in the' of Hero on my mother's cameo, whistled ruefully may be orde-ed at this office for 25 cents realms of fairy land and the eyes are as full ot shifting Tom Douglas was a naval office! As L'lliaa sat on the silken sofa.' lights as a diamond! Upon mv and Ix-fore being stationed nt Sitka wailing with a throbbing heart for word, this little new cousin is an he had been on duty a winter in the appearance of her unknown ncq uisition!” Washington, where he plunged in­ cousin, th«1 thought stole into her, i When Lillias wrote htr c? :-.r JZ3 to soc:ety with that gay abandon mind that lie was not so much of a letter horn«.1 that night, Mr that only a sailor knows, for after .fl “miser'* afte* all und then came a cross added a p'emant postscript, three y»ars at sea a young fell >w is sick sort of misgiving that het mis and Charley Wayland knew that A? v '-I quite ready for the rush und whirl sion was all in vain. his season ufpeiil was oyer. of the gav capital AU houses wer«1 “Eor surely," she though, glime Lily had been nearly a month open to tlu handsome lieuteuan , Ing tremulously round the elegant th«1 guest of th«1 stately «»1«! Indy in bill there was one where h«1 was es apartment, “he will not want any- black silk mid Vnlenei«inm s lace. The Best Reference i pecialiy welcome. Tne hostess was one to malt«1 hr« ad, or look ntler the I M hen on«1 day Paulus, coming »u«l- A Volume of ovc a pretty a !«I ow of som«i twentv-six kitchen ex expenditure»! kitchan i»«'odi turchi 1 wish—oh, I (](.n)v into th«1 purple twilight of It Treats 1,400 topics | or twenty seven years of age. Her 1 wish that I was safe at Imine the drawing rooms, found her ait-1 Endorsed by STATESMEN, MlVMtlk!** » I -» »»I •-! tear — «Irops »- - glit «!• husband, who hud died soon after again! ting all alone with their marrriage, seemed not to have EDUCATORS and Th«« thought had scarcely frinii liering on her peach cheeks. hud a way strornj hold on her af- «**1 itself in her mind, when a «loor STUDENTS everywhere. W “Why, Lily, what is th«1 matter?” . for after mourving him at th«1 farther end of the room open­ "Nothing, Paulus."—lhev had I"-'110"-4, Was Reached Such a State of Per­ ed, nnd a tall, handsome man, grown to lx* good friend« by this I |d corousty for a year she blossom- fection That it !s a Veritable , ■ J *‘d into the gayest of the gav and acanely thirty years «if an«-ent« red time—“only I have been «imuuiini, Encyclopedia of Facts, Statls- ; “I —I bef your pardon, sir,” fal­ very pleasantly, anil the lime of, tics and Events fircught vn her house became a centre for « to January First, I BOB. tered Lillias. all in a flutter, “but I wakidg has come at hist.” I young officers who had been wish to s«e Mr (ilencross-“ volume is a whole liore.v . i “You mysterious little sphinx, • * frn^idsi of her husband. “1 am Mr lor«Hl and cast down her <>f tue Urn1. He dropped in during of a question it cannot answer. It tcilr , > all about party platforms, election sta- j down again, coloring vivid scarlet the morning »»tad I um vf aewelaOwafMtwOnMiMi i.c put th >ent in hi* p»H»r Charley and her own sicken I'» ’ I' - !_*!”*■A***Jf?“’ ’ !»•’»,..« "•«MK'Icr ¡MMR 1 pocket and went as uauul to the "v *1 i >r malt Ing idea of debt, diagrare and ruin; | nothing it I’” •»" rill.» . 1. rWrr .rrv.t.4 IV X A*« >«r »». tat. • s., i .,., w j. . |cheery hocus of Mrs. Deering. He sad sinking on her knees at his ‘ You hi ------ AdOrr~N E«tVX«I KI> C«>..Mua How She Paid Her Debt. 1 $100.00 !! Given Away : Every Month A ii *• i > F errys S ed ONLY TEN CENTS EXTBL ANU SNCYCLCr I «V<»< a F3r k, H M. IIOWruN. DmuA