r I ■r < 5100.00 S3 SHOE ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, Given Away M-.*3.%?FlNECAlf&KiW6Afl01 $ 3. W POLICE, 3 S . Every Month NO »QUCA*m'o. f ROCHA ENAMELLED CALF t t I g t « -J i to the porwMl sulmilttlnx the __ ___________ u-> loituliu, most meritorious invention fi irmg tiao darin ~ pra-i-< ding month, i • ........... .................... - FOIl INVENTOR*, sul I*'« i, Joct of Ibi» off- r I* to en- < ■ iiage jn.-r»on* o mi I- v t ■ I the tael that :: it*s the Sitnpi trivial Inventions i’hnt Yield Porta:’ «neh »* Do fon;'« tf>'-.'< ■ ml Eyo. ••-I- ) that I'-li • • Safety Pm.” "•pigs iu vr.” "Air llrakc." i-f'- Al-iuct vury mm v t'-- i a i.rlgn 1 Ida u at ► n- '< , -I| r. Why tl'at put It >:i I I ICul U«vf Yl> If you have a Cough, f ore Throat, or Bron­ Douglas Shoe». , Because, we are the largest manufacturer« ot chitis, us« it, for it will cure you. If your ■dverticed shoes in the world, «nd auarautee chi’d ha« theCraaup, or Whooping Cough, use the value by stamping the name «nd price on it promntlv, and relief is swe. If you dread the bottom, which protects you «gainst high that insidious disease Consumption, use It »rices »nd the middleman's profits. Our shoes Ask your Druggist for SHILOH 8 ^URE, equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, Price 10 eta., so eta. and Il.uo. If your Lung« win-re at lower prices for the value given than are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous any other make. Take no substitute. If your Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug­ dealer cauuol supply you, we can. bold by | gists and Dealer*. • LADIES" The Simpleton, a new noAel by T homas i H ardy , will be begun In the December Number, and continued to November 1895. Who­ ever may be oue’s favorite among Et glish Nov­ elists. it will be conceded by all critics that T homss hardy stands foremost of a master I artist in fiction, and The Simpleton« may be expected to arc use enthualsms not infenh’r in degree to that w hich ha« marked Trilby—the ; must successful Btory of the year. Another 'eading feature will be the Personal Recollee lions of Joan of Ate, by the Sieur Louis ds C ohtk , Her Puge and Secretary, under which guise the most popular of living American magazine writars will Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans In the January Nil nl>er Will appear a drofuscly illustratee paperon Charles­ ton and the Csroliua«, the first of a series of I Southern Papars. Noatbern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since it was the seat of em­ pires The next volumes of HARPe-s MAGA­ ZINE will four illustrated articles on this regin, and three of them will depict the present life there. ft’LlAN R alph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting ty pical phases of Chineie Life ami Manners. Besides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three Part Novelette, by Ri< hard H akding D avis — the longest work yet attempted bv thia wri'er. Complete shojt stories by popular w riters Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE HARPER’S PER Oi'ICS 61« I-' Street, Nort’: « <"T1w responsibility ■ • t, may la» iudgeii lie tl « ’». I to.. »t.H K ,s l.el i by in » « i.« Il.ou A « I t lie lemlillK He* » I-«!.«» » u. I iillvsl Hiatus. C.A.SNOW&CO Opposits Patent Ollies. Washington, 0. C. k tlOWtl Rimi S eco A«k n ctir n'> to i i - I r ..u. <1 O Co., Agis., 519 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F„ CAL. STOCK BRANDS. The volumes of the Magazine liegin with the Numbers for June and December ot ear h year. When no time is sjieeitied, sub scriptions will begin with the Number cur­ rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine foi three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 50. cents each—by- mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postotticf Money Order, or Draft, to avoid ehanc o’ loss. Address HARI’ER A BROTHERS, New York. £r”SKXD FOU Fvm w o: ’ I The McMullen Woven Wke 1W u 11» aaV ’»<> N. Murk«S Nt., Cal«-..»«. Everywhere. Sold Everywhere. Grown Everywhere. / TEM C » \_ D HARPER’S MAGAZINE......... HARPER’S WEEKLY ........ . HARPER’S BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNG ___________ PEOPLE ____ Postage Free to all Subscribers United Slates, Cunada, or Mexico. ; 2 I pi TEN G « o. I Per Year: Caveats, and Trade-Mark« obtained, aual ail Pat­ ent burin,..s conduc ted for Moderst« fee«. Our 0*fic* Is Opposes U. S. Patent Office, anal we ran »eenre patent In less time than thoa« -emaiia- fratni Washington. moali-l. lirawim' or pha.to.. with deaaertp- lon W a' advise, if patentable or mat, free of barga. Our foe not due till patent Is aiecured. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents.'' with names of ru-tual clients In your Stale, couuty.or town, tent free. Aduresa, our mind Is hard work compared with changing the appearance or your stove w:tn USTRATED ILLUSTRATED. oles THE PRESS GLACIS C P'aililp W. Avlretf, G« I. WAMIIINa’IG. cha :< g : k 3 Hap’ Baza I L L U S T R A T E D . HARPER’S PERIODICALS. --------- --------------------- Our Premiums ------------------------------- ON -------------------------------- SMALL INVESTMENTS.- F0.i THIS YfcAR ■ | I 1 . i I I Returning pri«ful Speculation in (¡rain 1’ruviaionit and Stock. JKin 00 FOREOOflIURINiESTEDUNBEIIMDEBliURi - Sysiaiiiihc Plan rf Sqnnlalion i • *iginiib-i| bv ii« XII nuccceaaful fipeculatora operation a regular avetem i It ia a well known fact that there are thouaandn of men in al) parts o the I niteil States who, by gvHteniatic trading through (’hieago brok- • "*. make large anmunta everv vear. ranging from a few thoueand dollars for tin man who invrstH a hundred or two dollar* up to I50.01M) to 9I00.0OO or more by thoee who invest a few thouaand. It in Rim, n fid that thoae who make the largest profit* from pirativelv «mall in from ('hieago and i •yateimitie trading. Our plan d\\ INt'ING I’ROOh'S, nl«o our Manual auec.-aafti| aprculatinn and nor Daily Market Report, full of mnnrv I m i mg iwnntera. ALL FREE Our manual rxplaina margin trading fully. Highest rrferencca in regard to our atanding and *«•••_•" >r ^',r’ber inforinnti« n addreaa THOMAS A. CO. Bankers and Rookers 241-242 Rialto Building Chicago ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO $24 c —THIS .PAPER— ----- WITH----- THE S N FKANC1SC0 Weekly Call! •"KICK ei.tA I'F.K Y. AM. ------ HR------ 1HE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Cali! riMCtC «s o » F» K YKAH. --------+*------- 'HE NAN FRANI ISCO J UUKI.Y • ALL ? 1« a liatid'ome righi, page paper. Il 1« is.urd • very Thursdav, •>,<$ contalns al) of l •« Imporiant nrw» <>f ihe week, «l«aiie.| (rum rvrrv qu ir- t»r of thè globe. MMpl> le top lo date of putrlieation. It fur. ■iahea tiie latent and mu.t rollatile Ou «ncial news «nd market quotation«, a< d give, •periti attruti' n to hortical. turai ami aarirultural n«w«, aii------- Ili MOIINING CALI. (Sa.su Uevaa a w .«ai I» a Ileo a». troHvit ,a daily. h it ux MGATRELIA« HI K. and la r«ex«niae.| a« iking ih« LKADING NEWS- PAPER <( aha I’aritte CmsM. Either of the ab>oo , apeys ». «HI «end w>tu>ki a« a |.»«. mlnm on reeel, I the folio«, mg aulMertpOun prices (. r the e«>ub4i.au m : I Elegent and exclusive designs for Out door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod­ els by B animiz and CHAruts, are an important ferture These appear everv week, accompan­ ied by minute description« ami details Our Pari« letter, by K atiiahink i > k F okbst , is a weekly- transcript of the late st stiles and capri­ ce« in the mode. Under the hrap of New York Fashions, plain descriptions and full paaticu-. fare are given as <>«hnpts, fabric«, trimming«. and accesaosleaof the eostuine« of well err seed ’ women. i hlliireiis Clothing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Pattern sheet supple- . ment enables readers tocut ami mrke tbeir own gowh The woman who takia HARPER S BA Z AS ii prepared for every occasion in life, ce- 1 lemonlous or informal, where beautiful dress 1« requisite. HARPER WEEKLY . . HARPER’S MAGAZ1 NE HARPERS BAZAR... HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind Ul) I hit U. . , Pat U4 I&0Ò lx J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rigtit aide Horae brand — on left shoulder. Cattle brand. II., on left rib under bit in left ear, under al.ipe in right ear . Horae braad 71 on right «title. R E J. A. William« P, 0. Cattle diamond on left hip: hor shoulder. ubarle« II. Voagtley. BuruaOr Horae branded P on right ahonlder. cattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Lawen Or Horae brand 86 on left «boulder, also three dot«.-, in shape of triangle, cattle branded same. R. E. Grout burns Or. Mias Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil or left stifle. Cattle branded bar,'R on left bip. ” O. Lawen Ore. J. P Dickenson cattle brand .1 P connected cn left hip Horse brand anvil on left «title P. •' Lawen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either blp; mark light crop off each ear. «lip In each ear. and ««’I on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bunyard.BurnsJOre. W Hau’S Geo Williams, horses and mules bra rounding w. on right stifle P. O Riiey I L LT ST R AT E D. R’ î * Weekly la a pictorial history of tnetlmea. It prvsctits every Important event promptly, acruratrh . and asxhaueti- elv in il- lUstratloa and deacriptive text of the lugnest orat«r. The manner in which, during 1P94, it has treated th« ( hl.>a«<> Railroad Strikra and the < hinw Javanese War, and the amount of light it was able to throw on Korea the instant atteu •ion w ■» dlxeeteu to that little known Camnty, •re example« of its altn.«t boundless resource«. Julian Ralph, the dietlngui»hcat writer ami corre«p.>ndent. has been »ent !.. the «eat of war. and there joined oy C I». Wsldou, now for i»a:iv years teeidai t Iu Japan. wh.> has been m gaged to «•'»operate With Mr. Ralph tn Send lion H ARPER * WEEKLY’ exclusive informa lion aud Illustration HARPER'S PERIODICALS Horse brand har m on left shoulder; Cnfti« brand bar m on left hip and riba, ('«thertne Marshall PO NarrowsOre. Horse brand on left ahonlder S Horse brand g on left «boulder and ««me o« muscle of right hind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burn« S. I^mpahlte and Son cattle brand Q connected. Ear mark «wallow fork in right eat underbit in left. P, O. Burns ore. Horse« and Cattle brandot J P on left «boul­ der some b-«nd«d JP connected Mary z. Price, Burna Ore Per Year « 4 4 2 2l 3 BEATTY'S PIANOS® fa>» catalaigue Fx savor aavor DanWl Daniel for natalo««« Kx Washington. N«w Jeraay. F Be»1’ al > »»a •OMCi • • r' i * k .r-o a a Qtw*; M Mi.« I su’» Stancllft, Buras Ore. Herman Ruh cattle brand ¡j <»n i .»»• •r crop off and swallow fork In left ear righ’ ear under slope. P. o. lawen. la th« United «Hs» *1 " Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von leftside Horae brand"? left «ide. r o. Burn«,Oregon I Postage Free to all subscribers in th e States Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will beg the first Number for January of ea when no time is mentioned, subscript tx-gin with the Number current at ti ceipt of order. Bound Volume« of Harper’s Weekly f year« back. In neat cloth binding, will by mail Postage paid, or by express, fr pense (provided the freight doe« notex per volume) for $7 no a volume. t loth < use« for each Volume, suita binding will be «ent by mail p.«t paid ceipt of |I. * Remittance« should be m ide bv I‘>s Monev order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address HAKFKR A BROTH KR8, No YOUNG PKUPL» Horse brand bar ten on left «boulder: Cattls bar ten on left hip and upper clip ou boU ear«. T. A. McKinnon, Burn« Ore. Riley Or. Horae« branded )■< on left stifle. Cattlebraad. ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burna PER year : RASAR magazine WEEKLY ... FREE BRAND COLUMN. a < • r- ***• 4 fe » A 1 T