East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, October 16, 1895, Image 5

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». C.
nounced retirements which do not there shall be any rejoicing over
| one proselyte made. Yet, there are
¡church people constantly devoting
Ben Butter.nr.h h»S got into the the túne to making proteine, that
might be utilized to save sinners.
wrong cage; the Ohio republicans
have no favors to bestow upon re
The Vermont congregation which
’objects to a democratic preacher
¡doubtless expects to find Heaven
Gov. Culbertson is a much big­
i monopolized by republicans. Un­
ger man than some people thought
less a great change takes place none
him to be. May his shadow never
of them will ever know.
grow less.
T he San Francisco Call gives ar­
ticles of incorporation of a company
entitled the California, Idaho and
Montana Railway Company and
further it has been filed with the
McKinley doubtless felt flattered
Secretary of State of Wyoming.
The enterprising newspaper
when a Milwaukee pap-r credited
This company proposes to construct
a railroad comii.encing near butte can secure the tariff views
1 him with 70 per cent of the vote of
I Wia., but being a piudent man
Citv Mont., and running in a south Thomas B. Reed will score a
I hit.
•Mac” wouldn’t bet a cent that he
and westerly direction to San Fran
controls the Wisconsin delegation
cisco. This road, if constructed,
The intelligent public is not like- to the national convention.
will run through this county, Mai
heur and Crook; these are ail the ly to forget that McKinleyism un-1
counties we are particularly inter der another name is McKinleyism I No surer way of convincing the
.public that Mr. Harrison wants the
ested in. and all we will give at this still.
nomination again could have been
taken than the spreading of stories
The incorporators are nine in
Republicans are already prepar­
his immense income as
number. The shares are out at ing to explain tneir defeat in Mary­
$100 each The term of existence land and Kentucky by raising the1 a lawyer, v.hich his friends arc now
is 50 years beginning the 1st day of old cry about the votes not being engaged in doing.
September, 1895. Offices will be fairly counted.
List of jurors drawn for the ensu­
at New York, Butte City, Denver,
Boise, Cheyenne, and San Fran­
ing term of circuit court, for liar-
The white paper trust will prob-
ney county:
ably cause manv protection news-
C 1’. Huntington says the road
Price Withers,
W. A Campbell
papers to be converted to free trade
will neve:be bu t.and cheap as ma­
Casper Luig
1 Isaac Foster
—in white paper, if nothing else.
terial is at this time it will cost
(’ J. 11. Anderson
J. O. Bunyard
$50.000,000. and that his credit is
J. C. Beatty I
Janies E. Martin
as good in New York as that ot the
C. Cummins
Chas. Cronin
bank of England and it would be getting better, but nobody is giving / . ..._ g ..wain
A T. Clark
impossible for him to borrow th-
.1. P. Dickenson
John Witzell
money to put in such a road, He pecially intended for those who are Mike Movlan
Dean Horton
further says that capital wants re­ inclined to be over gullible in re- C. A. Bonnett
Walter Iluston
turns on its investments and the gard to offers made in print.
Andrew Hasset
L. C. Grout
Butte-San Francisco road would
iC. H. Bean
J. L. Turner
never answer that requirement, lie
Mayor Strong, Dr. Parkhurst and J. M. McMullen
Chas. Roper
f irther states that as a matter of Boss Platt are not so happy in their I Fred Ottley, Sr.
Geo. Fry
fact there arenow too many roads in relations toward each other as they J. H. Bunvard
R. J. Baker
the west for the volume of business. were a year ago. Cause: overdose N. E. Duncan
G. W. Shaw
He further makes a statement that of reform.
from a point 200 miles west of the
Missouri river be will agree to han­
Senator Hill was right when he
dle all the business over a singlo
said that no democrat had any
track road, with ten per cent in
cause to refuse to support the dem­
crea-e tn side tracks, and could do
ocratic State ticket in New York,
)t at reduced rates and make money.
ind that none were doing so. If I Causes Glands of the Neck tc
11« further states that many of the
the democrats do not carry the
Swell Up
leading roads are now in great finan­
State it will be the fault of compli-|
cial distress, and that the business
This Trouble and a Case of Rheu*
cf the western roads does not give cations in the city of New York.
sz sz
Scrofula in the Blood
any profits worth mentioning.
Accordi g t<> Mr. lluntii gton’s
views a scheme such as this pro­
posal of Imi ding a road on the line
mentioned w.mld just simply re­
sultin great loss to the company.
Me give his opinion and our
readers can take it for what, they
think its worth. Two or three
.'*»•» ago we gave a good deal of
spao and spent a good deal of time
writing up ‘•lies’’ wb got from out-
«ide papers, regarding the prospects
nt a railroad through this part of
Eastern Oregon, and the foregoing
We give our readers to sift and solve
for themselves.and to make a rail­
road out of it if there is sufficient'
®*l*rial But our candid opinion
>• the matera’. is not there ar.d we
»•»just as far from having a rail
•oad here as we ever were.
ailr^ad talk is cheap as everv-
•Mt knows, and further more rail-
rumors are more apt to be
Published than rumors of any other
•■•Mter. So *hen you hear the
*non of ,h* engine and look down
*** Uack and see the iron horse
Mrs. Ormison Chant, having sue-j
ceeded in making all Englishmen
angels of purity with a big P,is now
in America fur the purpose of re-1
forming the horrid men. May she'
Sympathy for Cubans is one I
thing and fighting for Cuba's i free-
dom is quite another. ] Individuals I
may express their sympathy, but
for the govern met* to take any
official action in that line would be
a virtual declaration ( f war against
It is just as well to remem­
ber these little things
The Ancient and Honorable Ar
tillery, of Boston, seem to heve had
less difficulty in capturing Rich­
mond. than was experienced ‘once
upon a time” by greater soldiers. ,
matism Cured by Hood’s.
“0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
“ Dear Sirs: A little over a year ago 1
had a swelling come on the aide of my
neck. 1 waa in very poor health generally
and doctored two
months with th«
family physician
who said my com­
plaint was a bilious
attack. His treat-
ment failed to help
me so I determined
to try Hood’s Sar-
saparilla. To my '
great Joy, the swal-
ling on the side of
j| my neck disap-
_ JB peared. I was ben-
Mr*, w. r . Maiismee efl ted for my other
Mesdow, Wuh.
ailments. After,
taking three bottles of the medicine,I han !
not had a sick day since. I for one, rec­
ommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to the afflic- i
ted, knowing what it has done for me in
the past. My husband was afflicted with
rheumatism and had that tired feeling.
He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found 1*
Just the Medicine Needed.
We believe it will do all that is claimed tor
I It, if given a fair trial. Both of ns have
Great is faith! A New York used Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well
preacher gave his congregation a pleased with them.” M rs . W. R. M al -
LERX kb , Meadow, Washington.
message, he claimed to have just N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
received, from Faye’s comet, say­ Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, and do
>E, then yon can safely inform ing that the comit would pass the not gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all druggista.
neighbors we hav.- a railroad world unharmed. Now let every­ I
is unsafe to indulge in rail- body stop worrying.
U'k until that right ju»t men
4o»-^d greets your vision.
The good book says that there
»hall be more rejoicing over one
Jia*?»'’ 00 4 ,ubt thal lh* Pol’t
tinner saved than over ninety-nine
' 4 “ ‘»»’■•crowded with an
righteous men, but it nowhere says
three good reasons
3d--lt is the largest
Paper in the County &
has the largest circu­