East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, October 16, 1895, Image 4

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    America’s Great Danger
While thoa repining, the doctor place of safety; but his manly na­
ture would not allow him to desert
was aioused to a sense of wha’ was
1 his duty in this Way. and he work-
going en in he world around him
From N»w Tork Weekly.
from the South, on with willing hands.
When Lillie had so far recovered
Said an eminent English scientist recentlr;
detailing the ravages which th* yel­
“ * The danger that confronts the great Amen
Amen-' ­
as to In? able to leave the house, and.
“Only a shadow of the past is all
low fever was making in various
can people to-day is not the possible adop-
to the person n submitting
. the
> . >si tucriloriot. in'■-••«’leu
that is now left for me.”
tum* of
1 tiun
of ’a wrong financial polity
policy for tie
! cities, and the call for help, which leaning upon the doctor » strong
<’ irimrtbo pi ecedimr month.
WJ?Wt’IIK FA I liN-p
nation, or
of socialism,
wr- the
---- ~r spread
V»* UJV or the
These sorrowful words were spok­
arm, walk for a short time in the
was lieing responded to by so many ,
increase of " corruption among
FOit IXVEVKMl’. eii-I tl - I. ------
iniong public men.
en by a young man, well attired, ; noble men arid women throughout openair.it seemed to her as if her
<„.j. ct cf this otr r i . to en-
Ail uiese are bad enough, to be ,ure, but
- -
« . they are as nothing compared to the te rib:;
arid who had the appearance of a
cup of happiness was indeed full,
jve turn or ni *.
the North.
* (11° tiiiv> XVC V . .i t ' i.. r*~~ •
na* tonal disease—I had almost said nation i
gentleman of leisure.
and her thanks went up to heaven
tuv I bci taaL
crime -of overwork. The mad rush 1
“1 will go at once and offer my (------------------------
wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousaL .j
But now, as he sits alone, having services,” he said, partly moved by for her preservation, and also for
I fall by the way every year.
no other companion than the pic-1 a sense of duty and partly on sc-
return of her lover, without
Yau are likely to be one of ihe vicinw;
tore which he holds in his hand, i count of his o'* n mental sufferings., whom, even deatn, itself, would1
llow do we know ? Eecause it is the CSCC‘ •
tion to find a man or woman < f adult age fa
bis heart sjieaks of tbe^past in tones which made him crave the excite-! haue been a relief.
perfect health. Nervous Disorders .
— .«-ich rs Pe Jew', I’ t '- .
of bitter regret, and the future rnent and danger such a sacrifice
n-i 1 Eye. "M' j th .1 . 1
spreading with fearful rapidity. An.un/ t. -
Rut poor Izllie did not long en-.
■ -.ifety Pin.” ‘‘I'/' ui
symptoms, are—Backache, Hiliousne.-a, Co d
looms up before him like an ugly
V. r.” ••.Air llniki-.” t <
would entail.
joy her newly found happiness. An-
Al-no-t .cry ini,-
: k —
Hands and Feet, Dizzii.es-, Het 1 i. »Let-,
a brigut i<I< u at - 1 > .. ■ .
When Dr. Summerfield reached J other victim wa? added to the list,:
Fluttering Sensation, Fainting, fiend, die,
oth.-r. Why in-r jar ’• ■ > 1-
Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan­
The photograph which he is look­
ileal use? A'ul’k ta.-: •: .-
New Orleans the city was in a de and
i...2 fate
__ Z-. had
* this time chosen
’ ' (
choly, Faili: g Memory, Palpitation, Thru-
I10 1:i this rtm-ctioi'
ing at with all the earnestness of a
ina-ie your forms . ' i.j <. -i
mutism, bh rt Breath, Sleeplessness, ?..r-
ploruble elate, many suffering from lie’s lover!
tr_. t
Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc
passionate nature, is that of a
' ' ’ i"u.u-i
— **'“......... 1
i J ir*Write to-firt'-i-r in
Alas! poor thing, what mortal
dread disease, some of them actual­
R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor First B p . t
I U ul
il UU
u . i this
tins y-p-r.
young woman, evidently about his
- - --------------- 3 „ r ..
Church. Yellow Sprit gs, (>.. writes»» fol ■ ;
ly dying from lack of attention or anguish she suffered, when the tel
own age—a face so exquisitely
y? “I haveu-ed Dr. Miles’Restore.ivejierviiie
• * »t »-x ZX ■ » 1 t > r« t thia
I l 1 U f fact
‘1 / • ♦ reached
• I f* I 1 »' I ‘
medical skill. He went at once to or»».***.
pgram announcing
for the p .st six months. I find it acts like
Philip W. Avirett, Ge.i. .’A-..- ,
iieautiful that one would wonder if
f a charm on the whole nervous system. I
the board of health, and showed ‘ her, no tongue can tell, for she saw,
61S F Street, North ■ :■ r,
flesh and Blood could eyer look so
have not found itsequal in giving immediate
his credentials, offering himself for | in his illness the downfall of all her
relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver
so lovely.
I’itlsonly need a trial and they will recom­
Ie*—The rr-»p<>n-ihil ly ■ '
• • un-any 0
immediate ¡service as a physician., earthly happiness
Even this, how
tn»,' <>■ iuclifi 'I by
n- 1 I- .' 1 I
mend themselves to be the best pills in the
“Only a shadow,” again
»tock m nel<l by ovt-i i.< il.,-'i<t:n
“You aie just the sort of man we , ever, did not deprive her of the
it Iht- lea-lias nv»*i«n.- u. th-
young man repeats, ”hut. ah. how need, said one of the leading doc-1 presence of mind necessary for her
i'ullvo States.
“ For five years I have suffered from Ner­
life like! llow dearly it brings the
vous Prostration, I was unable to work or
tors, “and I can at once give you a ; guidance in the houi of I er lover’s
sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora­
past la-fore my eyes—the happy
tive Nervine give me relief, and one th 11
patient that will require your skill : peril, for she went at once to his
ba s that we spent together, and
sat d"dollars would not cover ti e go. d it I m
and patience, for I fear it is a dan­ aid, prepared to minister to his1
done me.”—JOHN M1NCHEE, Youngs­
tiie mutual exchange of love tokens,
gerous case.”
town, Ohio.
wants with the magnetic touch of
which hade fair at one time to bind
Dr. Mlles’ Restorative Nervine is un­
A guide was soon found to con­ loving hands.
“AXA F* ts " pit--M-.-r.tr I
•*> ?» w r~: 1
equalled itl CURING Nervous Disease.-. It
..J _■< ;.n
our hearts forever in peace and
duct the young physician to the
Can-far Hie». . k> .. .
»mains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold
Tin* doctors who attended Sum-
DrugrólKor mnil. fr-i.i>r-K
happiness ”
house of the unfortunate
| merfieI(J told Lillie to prepare for
free. Ad-ln «“Xi Ikt'IS,* an a positive guarantee by all druggists, or
Box 2UU, .New York City Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
The bitter experience of this
and to i.i.rv the n< 11 ssary imdi
worsj fr,r Lje caw. they declared
yenng man is by no means uncom
' Tl.....
.. .... -r —
i wa8 hopeless!
mon. He had loved and his affec­
Noiselessl v the door of an elegant
“I cannot believe it — I will not
tions gained an encouraging re
mansion was opened to admit the
it,” she cried, in hopeful
■punse; but, like many others, he
aid that had evidently been expect-
trust that Heavei would still be
felt toe confident, and was too reck­
merciful, and spare the life so dear
less in his treatment of the young ,
As the doctor ascended the stairs
to her. She prayed to God that if
lady upon whom hi« heart’s affi <•- ,
a feeling of awful re«poneibility
To every person send­
her lover was about to die. so might
lions were centered.
Gav and
thrilled through every nerve, ami
ing us the t i
she also be permitted to die and go
thoughtless, be indulged in what
made him pray to the Almighty for
with him to eternal rest.
I one yearly sunscription to The H erald together with ten penta extra.
lie deemed a “harmless” flirtation
I wisdom to aid the poor sufferer.
At last a gleam of hope appeared | we will send free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. Single copies
with another, and the result was a
In all the annals of romance there in the doctor’s case, mid the men
may he orde-ed at this office for 25 cents
lover s quarrel, separation, and,
is nothing more thrilling than the who so recently told Lillie that her
consequently, unhappiness to both
I Might which met the astonished eyes lover s death was almost a certain-
partit a
of Itie i <>ung
as lie enter- 'ty,
1 11
1 1 her . u
F physician
now gl.uldened
heart . with
I Motor Sumnit-rfii ld would now
led that sick chamber! There, a 1 the joyful intelligence that the pa­
give all the riches he possessed, if,
'young and moat Iwautiful woman tient had fought the disease success*
by so d< ¡ng, he could undo the past
lay in a dnatb like stupor, and that , fullv, mid would in all probability
ami be once more the betrothed
women was his lung lost Lillie Fair­ 1 recover
husband of Lillie Fairfax. Rut no
Three weeks of careful nursing
no such sacrifice would suffice, for
Imagination alone can portray brought Doctor Hummerfield t > a I
lie was painfully aware that Lillie
• the freliliga of the lover, ami the al­
was lost to him forever.
mon I fatal shuck his heart received
It the time of the rupture, Sotu-
The Past Reference Deck f-fated.
as he beheld that well-beloved form
tuerfleld was vain enough to think wrapped, as it were, in the folds of!
A Vofame of over S.' j pr;3S
mnd<t life seem more like heaven to
that a woman's heart was made lot
It Treats 1,403 topics
; them than it had ever been before
yield—and instead of niqnfully con
Rut doctor Summerfield was a '
There is little more to add, for1
Endorsed by STATESMEN,
fessing his folly to tits woman hr
strong man, and a merciful I’rovi the render will readily guess the se-
loved, and Itegging her forgiveness,
, <lence gave him nerve to t>eur thia qual.
STUDENTS everywhere. ■
he went away for six months with­
( great trial.
The old wounds are nil healed.
out even telling her where lie was
Has Reached Such a State of Per­
Fora time he hail not much ho|>e. [the doctor his his reward, end Lil-
fection That It to a Veritable
now Mrs.
Mrw. 8vmme>rtield.
In the meantime Lillie's pirvnts Imt, with Lillie’s Strong c-uiMitu-> lie is
Encyclopedia of Factu, Statis­
[ the knh )
tion. together with his almost su|*er I
tics and Events drought Down
remove,1 to a diatami state, where,
human efforts to save her life, she
to January First, I BOB.
perhaps, she might soon form other
at length began to show signs of re I
volume is a whole Horary
Ilea, and forget the lover whose ti-
One can hardly think
delily she bad strong reason to
answer. It tell.*
all about party platforms, election sta­
It is at this point we find the during the first moments of con-!
tistics, the new tariff, religions of the
young ductor brooding over his mis­
■arsaparllU. Sue ha J r>c
earth, population everywhere, state and
fortune, with the likvnraa of hia ferer to re*fat the horrible disease
government statistics, occupations of
an-•■'-t lvjs
darling Lilliv in hie hand, ami her that bad taken |M«aa“Mion of her
men, foreign matters, literature, science
letter of dlaiuiasal lying o|wn before and. p*rha]»s, to this very c-Hiae we
and education.
He 1» almost aiautij with mar attribute her ultimate recovery.
cp and down
No jien can <le«cril-e the jot that
a airs r. it hout
hopelr»» fear leal he shall nsrer l<e
1 b:l> Vary ocher
able to tied her, for he has already
' sexxnts fatted,
used every effort to discover some Lillie ha«i so far recovered as to he
b-t I* JO-"» 1'1-31-
P^ICE, postpaid b; mail,
trace of the Fairfax family, but the able to thank her preserver. s< d l<>
-• curvl he-. I: was
hear from his lip« the atorv of his
search lias hewn fruitless
Address THE WORLD, New York City.
' only »h tly atcr
"Shall I ever find Iwr?’’ was llie «¿ventures tn s« arching fw her.
the'. Iva» V.'.en
"Nev«-r again «til a shadow of
with tbo »atü«
question now U|>|«eraiust in his
eo— .'taint, aZeab-
mind, as he womiere«l restlessly
1 j ray IL-fo» -id
from pls»« to place, vainly endeav­ "concerning the sincerity of your b*-'S ao ! juM UW4 tba tamo awJalno
«Uhtboaaarsrosait, K.y wifoaad ehtl-
oring t<- get a clew te hi» lost treas­ affection,**
U-a n-x»d*s Samrarft’a «brairw
Most |M*r»ons might suppose that,
th-- t—-I tba r»rdcfa ■sed’e*»« and it im-
LU*K«-» I ria hwl belief
Again he would say that Provi­ under the cirvutustances. Doetor
dence had hewn unkind to him, hy : Summerfield wotiM Iw justiffvd in
Ibns allowing a cruel fate to dsprive leaving the remainder of the yello«
R»-m —- <*
bt'ka. I am an
him of all earthly comfort, forget­ fever Buflyrer* to !<• taken rare of • •»J «, ,1 iix-vn tn Saia haMiUy.** 9 W
« Ur:, V» ba« Band HUI, Indian Tar.
ting that lie hltusrlf had been the by other band* and. in company
«lib bia rear urti treasure, tire to a
cause of his own troubhs.
Give rt Away
Every M iotltli
J’s the Simple,
Trivial Invent’??» »
That Yield Fcrt:r*^
A Great Blessing
25 CuNT^
Hocd’s Sarsaparilla