‘Uulilvdu JuVvUlDi ,lv Jfomry »took. Wehav. u iny ---------------------- new sjiecial varieties, l»oth in fruits -School books at the drug store un(j orriainef»talw to offer, which are of II. M. Horton. I onfv |,y We pay _________ or salary. Write us at —School books and stationary commission eheap for cash, at the Hardware once for terms, and secure choice •tore of C. H. Voegtly. of territory. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham Rochester, N. Y. barlier, desires a part of your pat-' roriage, at the new barber shop. For Sale Or Trade. —Who said you couldn’t get a —100 acreB of tine fruit land good flavored cigar in town for five 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene cents? Call at the City Drug Store Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser and inquire. Butte. Lota at 1400 each Horses if —Chas Voegtly offers a Havana and cattle part pay on each lot. For fur- ( the purchaser so desires. press grain drill at less than cost I ther information inquire at this for cash. • otlice. — Builder« tools amis of all kind i building hardware at the Burns A >lMrv«l<»UN IHacoverjr Free hardware store, at bottom prices AN OLD AND W kll -T kiki ) R cmiedy .— Mr*, fur cash. I E. H. THOMPSON. **»u.ZEii?£d!d<>.Mata»- kiKinpQQ LfiP.uk 1 niuu.iow r Svrup haft iin. Deen r.wii UMd u.ri for iuf WI ih I r I uw ’ b Soothing Syrup over niry fifty yrnrR year» by inifiioiis in 111 iotix ofniothcru «(mother* for their their —The Saloon, in th« new ilOlfl | , children . i.ii.irvi. while woi.v teething^ imiiiu*, withpcriect w it fl pc r feet tureen, *ueeev*. it soothe* the child, xofien* the gum*, alia«* building, Richardson and Stephens all pain, cure* wind colic, aixl i* the I h - hi reme edv for lfta'-rheoea. fa pleaaant to the tarde ! proprietors, is nicely furnished and Sold by hrUKKinl* in every part of the world. I five cent* a bottle. It* value i* invala Its customers is given the best Twenty table lie *nre and ark for .Mr*. Win<i»low!* | Soothing Syrup, and take no other k 1 rid. brands of liquor* and cigars. A„ I DEALER IN Red B!ood Dry Coods Clothing Notions Staple Groceries. Classware Crockery r Cutl o>„ ___________ ______ j_ _ _ . vz^Ltefy Ho jd ’s .v Sarsaparilla- Sarsaparilla. _ by Hood That Is Why the cures by Hood’s Sar FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. saparilla are CVEES. That is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures the oare-ost cases of S -rofula, Salt Rheum Hay, Grain. Flour. Feed ami Country Produce. and other blood diseases. Th it is Why it overcomes That Tired Fc: strengthens the nerves, gives BAKER CITY, OREGX’O energy in pilce of exhaustion. Tii.it is Why the salas of Hood’s Sar- aayar.lla Lave increased year af.er year, j until it n_>w requires for is production the —----------— ó' -aw HOTEL BURNS. Laboratory in • the world. uviaivi j *•* .. •» ’s Sarsaparilla | BURNS, - - This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- tors use every effcrt possible to make their guests feel at home. l lo-vV ; PHI« r’ T *” '■’♦’»ke 1 KlexJU .3 I nl3 t;,4 , in effec t. 25 c Blits. --------------------------- -I The table is at all times supplied fords. TONSORIAL PARLOR, i WALTON P roprietors , —Subscribe for the Portland M eekly Hun only 41 a year. This — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. paper should lie encouraged, for the The universal good dentistry done I simple reason it is truthful and by him has gained for the Dr. a Bathes at all hours. newsy. lasting reputation. OREGON - w MR T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors Is the only True Blood Purifier promi nently lithe public eye today. Be sure to pT' io -I’ s nnd oil? Hood’s. ROBINSON A - , I with everything the market af Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be its guest when in town. PIONEER DRUG STORE. [W. E. G race ’ s oi . d stand ] I — Lee Caldwell*« Saloon now Superfluous hair removed per- Proprietor Jarr.es Edwards, A. C Worthington running on a cash basis is well pat-1 manently, instantaneously, without J . ^.DEALER IN^s ronized and the proprietor finds i pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid, Real Estate, Life and Fire insur- DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES the cash system to be good for him-' In order to prove superiority, we ance. Collections a Specialty. TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. self, also, his custonierE. He is I will for next fOdns send sample , „ I 1 BURNS, _____ OREGON A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection« thankful for purtrand present pat-1 bottle and testimonials free, on re-, I Nuts and fruits. ronage ami courteously solicits his | ceipt of nineteen cents to pav post | fJF“Mail orders promptly filled. friends to continué their patronage. age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTOKN’EY, I 14th St. New York. A Woman Who Will Work B vuns , ............................. O bbgon Sometime ago 1 was troubled with ('ollecjona, I.aiui bu-lnes«, and Keul WAN I ED in every county to in an attack of rheumatism. I used Efttute mutter promptiv attended to. troduce the Celebrated ‘ llygeia” J. W Hlt.GS, I Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ami was EKK a T C HICKS, anyon city . B vkn *. . W sista for all ages. '1 his waist completely cured. I have since' Hicks A Biggs 1 Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« supercede« the corset, and has re advised many of mv friends and ( ceived the unanimous approval of customers to try the reinedv and to I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, phyricians of America. 43 <M> out Fare One way $7.50. Round trip $15.00. •|>eak highly of it. Simon Golds Oilices at Canyon Citv and Burns til free. Any energetic woman can baurn, San Luis Rey, Cal. -For Through freight 3Jcts. a pound. make from 416 to 450 weekly * sale by II. M. Horton. Semi for circulars and terms. I Two davs notice at any P. O. on the route and covered c >ache* wil n HYGE1A M'F’G CO, 37.8 St, New While at Peekskill. N. Y., Mr. J ' H. A. Williams. Proprietor. t.e furnished for passangers. r-ny&iuiuri eg surgeon. York. • A Scriven, a prominent manufact A graduate of the Iowa State* urer of New York Citv. purchased Schools Attention. a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough University and College of Physi-1 ’ Remedy. Such good results were cians and Surgeons. Office at residence in Burns. * obtai ned from its use that he sent Notice is hereby given that I am now prepared to exchange the fol- back to the druggist from whom he NEW HHIK WORLD. lowing Book« which have been had obtaine«! it for two more hot Manu acturer adapted tor the following sixyears. ties of the same remedv. When The Twiee-a week Edition of the Ex Price. you have a cough or cold give this New \ o. k \\ orld has been convert Maxwell« first Book in English .25 preparation atrial and like Mr ed into the Thrice a week, it fur ALSO DEALERS IN Introductory Eng. Gram. .80 Scriven you w ill want it when again nishes <t papers of 6 pages apiece, i “ Advanced “ “ •• paint .35 in nerd of such a medicine It is or eighteen pages every week, at HARD- Peterman« Civil Government 4.X a remedy of great worth and merit. the old price of One Dollar a year. ' A. C. WukTHISilTi.N. OIL 50 cent bottles for sale by IL M I his gives lot» paper a year for One WARE Horton. Dollar and every pa|»er has 6 pages GUA-S? eight columns wide or 48 columns (SUPERIOR 1st Rcadrraat 2 Set« • I in all. The Thrice-a-week World ■ DOOR? 2nd 40 I» STOVES ** is not only much larger than any ' 3d. 55 Jonx r. sixittox WIN H *< weekly or semi weekly newspaper, 4th. MO *I.W YOKE. «* but it furnishes the news with 5th Il 00 I* Dows much greater frequency and Monteiths hlemrntary Geography wv w« rw«« <« au » wb «( TINWARE. GRANIT promptness. Iu ’fad it combines AMMUNITION A FISHING TACKLE Uoto, Monteiths Comprehensive musical marchandise . WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR Vivant Guttart B*»*o*, AccwAraa*. Mar»»at all lhe crisp, fresh qualities of a Urography 41.25. ('arks Normal to. tc. r 'ii resat f irtttja. ate.. •««, MERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS, daily with lhe attractive special Grammar SOvt Silla Grammar (’all and sey cur Holiday goods. features of a weekly. •Ssto And all • • > school book« Arrangements have been made! in prop >rtion anti a «> this date I T1IK rraATTON by which we can furnish thia paper | will sell school Imok«.. the aiiove Unit hsTHI Ml \rs ami the Thrice-a-Wrek New York price« for cash and fo. cash only Worldboth for 42 25 a rear. Take ' • nu.,«, u \ t hmmit Order« by mail promptly attentod advantage of thia offi-r and get ! H M. HORTON. Proprietor your own paper and the to. 1UIni thi« l>t dar of March Thrice a-Week World at this special 1 1894 ’»» r*aa r*l*. T h E H erald . C 11 VoKUTI Y Burns Ontario Stage Line. I. S. GEER & CO. Tinware & Sbe^t irai GaadS’ W I •OHèi F. fTZITTTOWr JOHN F. STRÀi TON’S C»tIB«ATVD GUITARS, < œ ?.wr »«Off 91 « i«U»vA.L. MK.I t w « ■•nJ.-« VW.,» MvUtQAL___ Ui.ni HU.MÌ Em: Vto SL.New York. ■ -Sfc « _«SBJ>EALRBS IM,—* DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES Mastoat Dtewctoe. STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES «». HU. Aerd H ins A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES TOBACCO. CIOARS ETC. •crfftnn WMr» 4»a»vi it* he •> W t«» r hNi rnrM r w* tter W» WtH V i Ukl tv«» v. Fine Wines & Uqucrs for Medical Purpose« «two MttodhM % CAUL TWMABX I Prescription« accurately compounded. First Claw Dental Wark Dona