Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1895)
And the Hunters Came Back ly the only thing left for Durrant Beware of Ointments for Catarrh —County court ¡net one day the « that contain Mercnry, to place his hopes is on the ability Again» latter part of last week to transact of his attorneys to so manipulate some unfinished business. Judge The rear guard of the Stein the proceedings as to create a doubt as mercury will surely destroy the ¡Rutherford and Commissioner Sitz mountain hunters came in last in the mind of some juror and sense of rmell and completely de were present. WEPNXBDAY OCTOBER 2 18F5 Sunday afternoon, careworn,shabby cause a disagreement. range the whole system when en • i —Mr. C. F. McKinney is un- dirty, and hard-looking generally, tering it through the mucous sur CITATION. ' doubtedly the most prominent man with little to say, and less to eat : n faces. Such articles should nevrr BAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF for candidate for sheriff on the dem the shape of venison. Mart killed In the County Court of the State of I-6 »eed except on proscription. ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. ocratic ticket. Don’t overlook this a crow after’it had been crippled Oregon, for the county of Harney, from reputable physicians, as the Religions Services. __ _________ 'fact.—ItemB. by Lloyd Johnson and tied to a tree. In the matter of the Estate of' damage they wiil do is ten fold to Rums 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of( Mr. Al Gittings is undoubtedly Doc. Cate when questioned regard William D. Hudspeth, deceased the good you can possibly derive p,. .. the month 11 a- IU- an<^ g P- ra-ithe most prominent man for candi- ing the hunt and success said, “I Citation. frotE them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, To George M. Hudspeth, Charles manufactured by F. J. Cheney <fc Silver Creek 4th. Sundavll a. no-> date for sheriff’on the republican guess I am the big hunter of these The 2nd Sunday will I ticket. Don ’ t overlook thi6 fact. IV. E. Hudspeth, jame» iiuaspein, James n. H. nuuopvnu, Hudspeth, and 5 p. ui parts, but seldom find anything.” Mary E. Hudspeth, Nancy Huds- Co-» Toledo, O., contains no mer- r be reserved for general work in —Jorgensen has the finest and Charley “on the side’’ said “I am peth peth and Lucv Lucv Hudspeth, minor cury, and is taken int rually, act- other fields. beet lot of goods that ever came to the boss” he took that from Punch heirs of said William D. Hudspeth, ¡Og directly upon the blood and mu- R ev . G ibson , i to J. C. Welcome, ICOU8 surfaces of the system. In Burns; go and see for yourself. and Judy, and then began singing deceased, and Pastor. rdiun ad ad litem litnm and ... ~ . ^» ■ their Guardian and to to ' . buying _ Hall “ teedle faddle, teedle faddle da, but ’s Catarrh Cure be sure He is also taking Cabinet Photos, Amanda Hudspeth, widow of said at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to the hunters came home again.” deceased, and to B. F. Hudspeth, you get the genuine. It is taken Local News. Boys we write this for pure spite, William W. Hudspeth and An idternally and is made in Toledo, go and see what he has on hand. because you never gave us any drew D Hudspeth, heirs of said de Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <fc Co. Tes —Billy Smith has moved hiß j —Callon J. C. Welcome and venison. An open confession is ceased, and to all unknown heirs timonials free. family to town. and heirs interested in Baid estate: fMP“Sold by Druggists, price 75c. wife of Pastor have -vour mea8ure taken for a good for the soul B orn .—To the Greeting superior qualty . of custom made Gibson, this morning, a son. In the Name of the State of Ore per bottle. ' overcoats. Saskatchen wan a hand The Durrant Trial. gon, You and each of you are here —Isaac Foster and brother were i gome brown custom made overcoat, by cited and required to appear in j haye two Httie grand Mildren iu town last Satuiday and Sunday. I an(j ajgu Astrachan a handsome Sept. 23. The tenth week of the the County Court of the State of are teething this hot summer —Henderson Elliott now has gei teel overcoat made of the best Durrani trial is now in progress- Oregon, for the County 0. i weather and are troubled with i giye them iiiatciiul. J. C. Welcome is agent Adolph Oppenheim was again on °n the 4th day of November, J895, beW comp]aint charge of the Burns-Diamond mail , material at 11 o ’ clock in the forenoon of that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and 1 for these overcoats give him a call. the stand and cross examined close route. day, then and there to show cause ly regarding the ring that Duriant why an order of said court be not Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like —Another saloon opened in our — Tom Maupin met with an acci- , . . , . . a charm. I earnestlyrecommend offered at his shop for sale, The l made I M ... ^. .. and .. .— V empowering ... — * * — — - " y. ai.tbonzing for children with bowel treublee. town yesterday, Frank Smith pro- deht yesterday which resulted in Wickliff, ickbff, the .dminislrator .dmmiBtrator of ofl I f , )f taken uken with . h 'arever'e defense considered his evidence of C. B. W prietor. the loss of a part o two fingers of great importance and tried hard to ea.d estate, to..ell »11 the re»l pro-. ck of bloody flux, with cramp, -Hugh Harris has moved int4»|tL« hand. He was taking break it down, but failed. W. J. pertv of paid estate, situated in1 , ~ ~ , . l - j L ■ . a. . ' c county, State of Oregon, at , | and , { pains in my stomach,one-third , the T. T). Buris dwelling which 1,« i »Daw from a pulley of a threshing Phillips stated positiyely that he Harney . J sale i r for \ cash l . : in u- Jiu „„ o' a,.bottle of , this remedy cured me. private hand in ac-1 e v J T I ronchine in order to oil it and one r ... _ . Wit. nin t twenty-four wen .■■J.tnnr hours hmira I waa Within I was bought of Will Wooley. | L" 7" "7 saw Durrant enter Oppenheim’s cordance with the prayer of the I of the fingers of bis glove was con- store at that time. Irving, a news petition of said administrator in out of bed and doing my house —Mrs J. 8. Bowen, whom we rs- < giderably longer • than his finger; this court filed the 7th day of Sep work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon- ported sick two weeks ago, is still [ tb,g wa8 caiIght by the pulley and paper man, testified that he had an tember, 1895, said real estate being aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn. For under treatment of her physician. drawQ jn with the above result. interview with Durrant iu prison, more narticularly described as fol sale by H. M. Horton. on the 14th of April, and he stated —Geo Gry received more of The end of the little finger and one that he met Blanche Lamont that lows: Ej SEi Sec 19 and NW| SW| ■ Petition for License. those cheap groceries last Sunday, next to it wore taken off yesterday» morning. April 3d, about 8 o’clock and SWj NW| sec 20, Tp 33 S R, evening by Dr. Marsden. Tom is and has a bran-new cellar to store and she invited him to accompany 30 E. suffering a good deal today. To the Hou. County Court of Harney them in S4 SW4 and SW| SE4 sec 20 and county, her to the college on the day the state of Oregon. NW4 NEd sec 29, Tp 33 S R 30 E • We the underHiyned legal voters of conversation about the “ NewcomeB ” -f. R. Jones, of Shoshone,, —The two bicycles brought here «E| SE4, sec 20 and SW| SWj Dtewsey precinct, hereby petition your Idaho, is here on a visit to his by Messrs. Robinson and Patterson took place. He went to the church sec 21 and NW| NW^sec 28 and homo able body to giant, a license to A. Johnson & Bro. of Dreweey, Oregon, brother, Thomas Jones, register in I some time since and many tickets about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, NEi NE4 sec 29, Tp 33 S R 30, E. I. to retail vinous, malt and spirituous li 84 NE4 and S j NW| see 28, Tp quors in less quantities than one gallon sold here on them, with the under- took off his coat and hat and went the (J S. Land Office. at their place of business at Drewney I etanding they were to be raffled oft’ up stairs to fix the gas; he saw 33, S R 30 E. ! Orogon —Prof. Newell called to see us and those persons, or many of E4 SW4 sec 27 and Ei NW4 sec! . . for the period of six montila - . — — 8 ■- — - - E. — from the ßth day uf November, 1895, to nothing of Miss Lamont in the af 34. Tp 33, R 30 the latter part of last week. He them, who bought tickets supposed ternoon, May 5th, 1896. W$ sec 34, Tp 33, S R 30 E. didn’t sav anything about running the raffle, would come off here, are NAMMS. NAMES. Sept. 24. The case for the prose E| SEi sec 34 and 8| SWj sec J D Daly C. F. McKinney for sheriff. W J South now informed that the raffle took cution closed today. The prosecu 35 Tp 33. 8 R 30 E. Geo Morgan Jacob Lutz NW4 and Lot 4. sec 2, and N E Dnncan Geo Hulse —Grant Thompson, A. Venator, place in Canyon or Heppner. The tion expeots to demonstrate to the Lot 1. sec 3 Tp 34, 8 R 30 E. J hr A Gitting. Paddy Ranu Ed Stauffer and young Cary, all of ticket holders here were not in jury that the prisoner made false All situated in Harney county, H Hughson J W Woodard F Masterson F M Gibier Crane Cre< k, were in town two or formed anything about it until it statements regarding his move State of Oregon. James Small Clint Hale was over and then a notice came three days since our last issue. Witness, the Hon. Chas. P. Ruth- R Drake ments, and his association with the J C Blavlock that the bikes were “gone where erfi rd, Judge of the County ’Court J M McMullin Lon C Bradfield —Mies’Sallis Hudspeth will have the wood-bi ne twineth” and the girl he is charged with murdering. of the State of 0>pgon, for the*Coun- M F Howard Joe A Howard Win. Sterling testified that he re W F Moffet R A Miller a full line of Millinery goods on; hhppv owners were a man in Can- paired the gas burners and that on ty of Harney, with the seal of said C T Griffin Jacob Wright Court affixed, this 24th day of Sep JeHHe Bari let hand about the 20th of October, yon and the Merlin McMullin other in Heppner. April 2 no gas was escaping and on tember, A. D. 2885. Willie Altuow which aha will display in the build Those interested here do not know O F Right W H Gearhart Attest: C E. K enjon , April 4 the gas fixtures were all I H Wright ■nl formerly occupied by Mrs. whether there were 300 or 2000 H D Webdell J R Drewett Clejk. right. Dr. C. E. Farnum, of the ! G A Wright Matth ■‘8. E L Robbins ticketB sold or if Burns was at all medicle college, was called and J W Miller W F Kiugsburv I Charley E Stewart W H Harness ' —Mrs. Parker and her son Stone- represented in the box. One soft testified that the blocks placed un Board of Equalization. W A Robertson. W*B Mothershead, started yester- anaP and Burns was the sucker. der the dead body of Blanche were Jay for Seattle Wash., where they1 Come again gentlemen and next laid in the same manner as under Noticeja hereby given that the £TINAL PROOF »»pect to reside, if the climate and time bring four instead of two-- a body in the dissecting room. Board of Equalization for Harney | country suits them [ Buckeri will bite. Oregon, will attend at the r»Nn —, A former janitor of Emanuel county, office of the County Clerk of said i A office at burns , O regon . church said Durrant had a key county, on Monday, Oct. 7, 1895,1 - - —Mesdatues. Geo. Fry and Thos.' '8ept W’ 1896 Married. which would unlock all the doors and publicly examine the assess arrived last Sunday to in the interior of the building. ment rolls, and correct errors in |l»dden the despondent spirits of H oward -G age .—On Monday at valuation, description, etc., and to Sept. 25. The opening statement ,w® ‘or'orn husbands. They were the residence of the bride's parents increase or reduce the valuation of •ccon.panicd by their young broth in Stafford, Judson J. Howard of of the attorney for the deefnse. The property assessed, in the manner er Early Frv. Oregon City was united in marriage evidence of the mother of Durrant and perform the duties as now pie- was taken, wb'ch did not amount scribed by law, for the board of -The baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. to Miss Agnes Gage by Rev. M. L. to mneh. equalization for such county All r,ittingi reported sick in our last' Rugg’ Pa8tor of th® Baptist church THOMAS JONES, Register. Police Sergeant Reynolds describ persons interested are hereby noti died last Saturday afternoon lof tbig place’ after which an ele8ant ed the chistlm kson the belfry fied to appear at such time and pTINAL PROOF place 8. W. M ill «, 5 o’clock Its «vujaiuo remains were weddi,,g dinner * as "®rved. The wui door and found the chisel in a tool Assessor of Harney county. |LAKD OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, . bride, a charming and well-educat " 10 I^wsey to be interred i box in the pastor’s study. AuniBt 27t 1895 ed young lady, is a daughter of one cemetery. Sept. 26. The defense tried to Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your I of the most well to do and respected latte Awajr. thst Mid Wf|i be*mPJSLrt»?«h,’SL,,,,n- ,n<1 r e McG„:________ ___ ,CP i’ now host-j farmers of that place. The groom prove by Dr. Cneney that Durrant Reeefver U s Land bf,2re KpKl«'er & * J* 7* Fr”nch Hotel, and was present at a lecture at the med is the truthful, startling title of a U<7ob,r8- ”***• *•«: UHASt««^r Ore’ on we ¡a a citizen of the west side and oc Hd, No 1124, for the sW> 2*.r th” PTuUr hotel will not ical college, at the hour Blanche book about No-To-Bac, the.harm- 8FM RWfc. sic y6 NX SWX and cupies a prominent position in the less guaranteed tobacco habit cure hl. ,o » by the change. paper mills there. The couple has Lamont was murdered but failed; that braces up nicotinized nerves of Mid land, vi« liobcL ,n<î w ;T0** knows Madam Racine’s the b*st wishes of the Courier. the Dr. testified be had no recollec ±T,naUi8 uthe ,,icothlfi Poi«on: son. Wcodii i Re«» *Î,xby-°r K»er. Ore- Jaeoba. aliI of Fife Hn,l,h and Wllltea tion of seeing him. Wieak ?®n gain »trength.1 *,,d fitneM M B The above is taken from the Or- THOMAS JONES, Renter »nd we »re sure Mrs. Me- Sept. 27. Nothing tangible has vigor and manhood. You run mJ egon Courier. T he H erald ex- not detract one jot or tittle tends hearty congratulations; yet been proven to cl/ar Dnrrjnt of Physical or financial risk, as No-To-1 the JOHN F. StKATTCN’S 8 Ending of the bride is well known here by many the murder nt Blanche Laiuo-.f, but under "°W by druggiat8 everywhere under a guarantee to core or money ä ...—. r E lf HRATE n Ivt 'J tn *n,erPri8»ng bus-1 of guitars _’our citizen, and is a sister of on the contrary the ease for the de funded Book free. Address 8 m ^^ <nd M ’«ch deserves our , fense weakens as it proceeds. Remed ^ Co • York or M-s. C. A. 8week with whom she' Sept. 28. As the case proceeds Chicago, made her home for several years. importer of lnd ‘-.»74Ï ** the defense gets weaker. Seeiaing- H. M. Horton, Burns. I