Gold Currency or Silver will buy Goods AT FOLLOWING PRICES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: for 20 ft> BOX SOAP “ 1.00 50 ft) SACK DAIRY SALT CORN •• 1.00 100 tbs GROUND <4 2.00 FRUIT « 1.00 13 tbs DRY GRAN SUGAR 44 1.00 14 tbs XC 44 1.00 4j tbe CHOICE GREEN COFFEE »4 1.00 4 tbs ROAST U 1.00 1.00 1.00 6 CANSTOMATOES 6 6 “ “ $1.40 « CLIMAX TOBACCO 40 cts per ft) HORSE SHOE 40 « “ STAR “ OTHER “ 40 “ 83j B ring in your catalogues & buy “ “ “ “ ft) tb ft. your groceries at “ “ 14 tbs “ RICE 44 10 tbs “ DRIED FRUIT s4 PORTLAND PRICES. 1.15 Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, all at EASTERN PRICES. STOCK MEN SUPPLIED WITH STOCK SALT $28.25 ton. Call and see me before sending away your orders as I ■ ; • L * will save you money. « * Highest Cash Prices paid for County Warrents. • < ■ Liberal cash advances made on wool. Yours truly. J. Durkh^ime* BURNS OhK ¿I NK 11th 1*05 THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES IN EASTERN OREGON