à êlir » I ut The O. C. CO ♦ HUNTINGTON, Having purchased the entire atoek formerly belonging to Cal OREGON Geer, comprising all lines of wrDKKBliAV OCTOBER 2 1H>5 List of Patents Granted to Pacific States inven mrs this week. Reported bv C. A. Sr ow it Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. A. J. Arnold, National City Cal., Fishing-reel; C A. Bvrd, Drain, Orsgon, Cutting device; F. Caval­ laro. San Jose, Cal., cleaning sink or drain pipes; W* H. Dle«telhorst Redding, Cal., dredger; W. L. Ding- more, Portland, Oregon, machine for affixing stamps; A. Gschwend, Porrland, Oregon, duplex piano­ stool; II P. Rolland, San Francis co, Cal., furnace for roasting urea; E. Jacoby, Los Angetes, Cal., tail­ piece for banjos; R T. Joy, Taco­ ma, Wash., lawn sprinkler; Sesi Kell, Los Angeles. Cal., baby walk er: E. B. Millert, Walla Walla, Wash., temporary binder; O H. Nilas, Los Angeh s, Cal., adjustable window-hide holder; 11. E Norton. Seattle, Wash., ti-li or seal spear; B. F. Sprn gsteen, San Francoscu Cal., »1 ater~i>i.tiuugi’, i longer, a we.l know 14.00 to $15.00 per Head. Thcsd Greks are frtm the Curnirgton Sheep Ranch, Umatillai Passengers taken to ali parts of the country. 1 ¡ncounection cunîy. Hearse and Jeb Wagen I UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 1895-1896. ' ‘l T he U niversity < f O regon , Eugene. Ore eon, offers free tuition io all' ' «indents. Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat ar.d light in the] Iiiiwever. has cur»d the most malig ■ lormitorv for $2 5G per w• ek. Roomers furnish their ow n linen. Young i aid casta, both of chihlr» u and v. men are provided with board in private families at ¡¡3 00 per we» k. HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors. laluhs, and under the most, trying 1 Y< r.ng women desiring board should address Prof .John Straun, Eugene, t Or gon; or yecr»4:irv Young Woman’s < Kristian Association, Eugene, j ••viidiliuns. which proves it to ' h- University offers three baccal” ureate d»gn*s. Bachelor of Arts, J x k ’ the Lest medicine m the wor d for . !«<•’ eli-r of Science and Ba< helor of L* tt< re with corresponding courses OREGON. bow» 1 complaints. For rale by all I of -tody. The following shorter courst 8 are also offered:—An English druggists. '"oti’B' leading in two years •<» a business diploma and in thr**e years lo I Wi.nes, Liquors, and Cigars Sent it to His Mother in Gru- be vtl graduate in Engi«h; An advanced course for graduates of nor- u:tl scb<>< !»• dit g to the d-gr< e ina«'er of ptdagogv; A three Years' j many. >nr#e in civil engine» ring leading to the degree civil engineer; A course Good Billiard tables, PleasantiCard Rooms, st«., etc. Mr. Jacob Esfiensen, who is in thi f two year« for b nehers of pin sical education leading to a diploma and Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender employ of the Chicago Lum er Co .. I e title director < f physical education. The University charges an in- it De» Moines, Iowa, sa)s: ”1 hav» | cirf< ntel tee of ten dollars which is payable in advance bv all «Indents Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. just amt some r '' ‘---- e— •Gnd» nts holding diplomas fr<'in »he public schools and those havingi medicine back tu I ’< ••cb'"s’ »•» rt’ficat*»« »re admit*» d to the preparatory department without 1 my mother in the old country, that examination. Torse desiring information regarding the preparatory de- I know from personal use to lie th' •>ar»nunt sb< ulri addies the Dean. N L Na’iegnn. Eugene t*st medicine in the world io Fi • . »1- gue« and v formation add-ess C. II Chapman. President. rheumatism, having used it in ai or J J. Walton. Secretary. Eugene. Or» gon.” family f ,r scur.l years. It > called Chaiobrrlain’t* Pain I aim llalwav< do»-- the work 50 cent- JOHN SAYER,.. U m U» s for rale I y all dm girt*. tws rLOuiu S aw mill Proprietor. Situated on 8ilvies river 1 mile East of Burn«, near the bridge SHILOH’S CSnC’JM PTION cube . w wf . G«*»»t rn-rh Cure la , "‘-l • c—' t u. l »e history et mediciua. | 1' ir* t . rr.rUad torell itou a pat. or Bron- , • •’ a, for it will cure yen. If your " ■»' -■ ip. or Wh<*>r>ingCounh. u«a 1 ,.r ‘ «n't rr’i.f i« ture. If you drend «• <1 H ^.L . " n;M » .a.« t - C-nwmption, SHILOH S CURB. um Insist on ARPK SODA in packages Costs no more than inferior package soda— U never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni. H utnslfy oduiowUd(id purest in tbe world, wL Hade only by CHURCH k CO„ New Tort. NAVPMnHvyvtm. ' • »r. Ill #o. IfyourLun»» r ■ ' « , Shi oh' • Porou« r°'*»*br *“ Dr'«‘ I Wi Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from Good Wheat BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP M ' UUU1 ’ ckinnon a kenyon ill burns i MBF U e Shop opposite the Brewery All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch. Give ua a call. guaranteed an teed. . Satisfaction