Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1895)
Business Locals. ____________ —School books at the drug store •f H. M. Horton. —School books and stationary •heap for cash, at the Hardware •tore of C. H. Voegtly. —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. wanted . E. H. THOMPSON, Pure Blood 4 t . Agents to sell our choice .. secret of the restoration to health ... DEALER IN — . and har-1. Is the which Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla gives. dy Nursery Stock. Wehavemany I “It (»Ives me new special varieties, both in fruits plea rare to recons- and ornamentals to offer, which are raer. 1 IIooJ’s Earsa- parilla. li hay cured controlled only by us. We pay me of many com FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. commission or salary. Write us at plaints, and puri once for terms, and secure choice fied my blood. I was troubled with of territory. my liver, had hip I Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed and Country Produce. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, x disease and other Rochester, N. Y. troubles,with swell- BAKER CITY, OREGON' Dry Goods Clothing» Notions. Staple Cocerries. Classware Crockery Cutlery In? of my ankles. ; For a long time I 3 ha 1 to walk with a cane. For several years I wa3 gradual- breaking down. I had the grip in a severe form. I procured six bottles of Hood’s Haraanarilla a»d it built me np. My recovery I owe to Hood's Barsaparilla. All my ills have gone and I feel like a new person. I Bleep wellend eat heartily.” Maa. C hakdottn KaiXY, Haywards, Cal. For Sale Or Trade. —Who said you couldn’t get a — 100 acres of fine fruit land in good flavored cigar in town for five cents? Call at the City Drug Store 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser and inquire. I BURNS, OREGON’ Butte. Lott at 4400 each Horses 1 —(.'has Voegtly offers a Havana I and cattle part pay en each lot if « MR. T. M. A MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors . press grain drill at less than cost the purchaser so desires. For fur ther information inquire at this for cash. i office. i Is the only true blood purifier prominent- — Builders tools ands of all kiad This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie. , ly in the public eye today. Try It.. building hardware at the Burns use every effort possible to make their guests feel at home tors A Marvelous Dlaeuvery Free wj JI. cur8 habitual con,tina, hardware store, at bottom prices rlOOu S rlllS üua. price 25c. per box. AM OLD AND W s LLTMISD KSMIDY.— Mrs for cash. Wtndelow'a Hoothing Nvrup has been used for The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af. , | I over fifty year» oln years by rnlllloue inlllloua ofinothera for their — 1 he naloon, 111 the new hotel children while teething) with < w„,iv ivT-iioiiB) wuh perfect success. fords. It soothes the child, soriane the gams, allays building, Richardson and Stephens ■ all pain, cure« wind colic, and Is the beat rema TONSORIAL PARLOR, i •dr for lHarrheoea. Is pleasant to the taatc proprietors, is nicely furnished and Hold by Dragglele 1« every part of the world. I ROBINSON A WALTON | Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be a bottle. Its value Is Inval à its customers is given the best Twentyflveient» lable. He aire and ask for .Mrs. Wlndelow'e 1 I its guest when in town. Soothing Syrup, and taka no other kind. brands of liquors and cigars. P roprietors , HOTEL BURNS Hood’s Sarsaparilla —Subscribe for the Portland — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy Everything in their line guaranteed Weekly Sun only 41 a year. This to be done satisfactorily, paper should be encouraged, for the The universal good dentistry done simple reason it is truthful and by him has gained for the Dr. a Bathes at all hours. newsy. lasting reputation. PIONEER DRUG [W. E. G bace ’ s STORE old stand ] — Ia»e Caldwell's Saloon now. Superfluous hair removed per- Proprietor. James Edwards, A. C Worthington running on a cash basis is well p^.1 manantly, instantaneously, wilhout , dealer in , roniied and the proprietor finds I , P*int by E,ectro Chemical Fluid. •' Real Estate, Life and Fire insur- f the U----- L ----- ...... » • DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES cash system to be good for hitB , °*^pr to prove superiority, we ance. Collections a Specialty. TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. self, also, his customere. He j, | will for next «0 dss rend sample ' BURNS, - _ _ _ _ OREGON . A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» thankful for part and present pat-iboW,e anil testimonials free, on re- I Nuts and fruits. ronsge and courteously solicits his > c«'p( of nineteen cents to pav post- ! gWMail orders promptly filled. friends to continue their patronage •«•’- Electro Chemical Co., 25 East GKO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, ■ 14th St. New York. A Woman Who Will Work B urns , ............................. O regon . Sometime ago I was troubled with (’<>1 let-.-ions, Land bu-inexa, and Real WANTED in every county to in an attack of rheumatism. 1 used Katute matter promptly attended to. troduce the Celebrated “Hygeia” I J. W BIGGS. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and was ERR a T C HICKS, anyon city . B ub mi . • Waists ror all ages. This waist • • completely cured. I have since J Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours supercedes the corset, and has re advised muny of my friends and Hicks & Biggs ceived the unanimous approval of customers to try the remedy and to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, physicians of America. 43.00 out Fare Oneway 47.50. Round trip 115.00. speak highly of it. Simon Golds Offices st Canyon City and Burns fit free. Any energetic woman can • - ’ ba urn, »'Cats San num Luis 1¥V Rey, Cal. For Through freight 3jcts. a pound. make from $16 to 150 weekly. ! Ba)e i by H. M. Horton. Send for circulars and terms. Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil fl B M^PTIEETERq '» n. HYGEIA M’F’G 00.. 378 St, New While at Peekskill, N. Y„ Mr. J. H. A. Williams. Proprietor. x-uybiciMri <x surgeon. | be furnished for passengers. York. I A. Seri ven, a prominent manufact A graduate of the Iowa State 1 urer of New York Citv, purchased Nchoels Attention. a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough University and College of Phyai-l Remedy. Such good results were ciana and Surgeons. Office at residence in Burnt. Notice is hereby given that I am obtained from its use that he sent back to the druggist from whom he now prepared to exchange the fol- NEW YORK WORLD. ’ lowing Books which have been had obtained it for two more l*ot- Manu actarer The Twice-a week Edition of the adapted tor the following sixyears. ties of the same remedv. When New York World has been convert Ex Price. you have a cough or cold give this ed into the Thrice-a-week. It fur Maxwells first Book in English .*25 preparation a trial and like Mr. “ Introductory Eng. Gram. .30 i Scriven you will want it when again nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, PAINT “ Advanced “ ° “ It is or eighteen pages every week, at HARD- .35 , in need of such a medicine the old price of One IXtllar a year. Petermans Civil Government .48 I a remedy of great worth and merit. 50 cent bottle, "for sale* by I L 5L l“.PBp*r ‘ ?‘rf°rOne OIL WARE A. C. W orthington . Dollar and every paper has 6 pages o y j p p r Q o Horton. GLASS eight columns wide or 48 columns I - 1st Readersat 25c ta in all. The Thrice-a-week World DOORS «4 2nd. 40 •4 STOVES is not only much larger than any I 44 3d. 55 44 weekly or semi weekly newspaper, & WIN JOHN F. STRAY . ON”* •4 4th NO • I CXUiBKA TkD but it furnishes the news with 44 angers 5th 41 00 «4 DOWS much greater frequency and Monteiths Elementary Geography) promptness. In fact it combines AMMUNITION A FISHING TACKLE .................. — , - ............ tinware granit 65c is. Monteiths Comprehensive all the crisp, fresh qualities of a WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR Geography 4125. Clarks Normal daily with the attractive special ME RS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS Grammar HOet Hills Grammar features of a weekly. Call and see our Holiday goods. 6.5ols And all ■ * > school l-oeks Arrangements have been made J in pn-ptrlion an I a «I this dato 1 by which we can furnish this paper CELEBRATED and the Thrice-a-Wrek New York I will sell school books (he above Worldboth for 42 25 a year. Take I prices for cash and fa« cash only. advantage of this offer and get Orders by mall promptly attrnted H. M HORTON, four own local paper and the Proprietor muoioa to Dated this 1st day of March 'hrico- a- Week World at this special 1W4 T he H erald . I C H. V ototi t . t ms , pea mas . I DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES ' Burns Ontario Stage Line, 11 GEER & (0. Tinware & Sheet* Iron Goods. R 4 STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES •1« TOM A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Fine Wines & Liquen for Medical Purposes f^Prwcri ptions aecarately compounded First Clam Dental Work Dono