Beware of Ointments for Catarrh 168 —Mr. Simmons a resident of the Leak had testified the day before 1110......................................... 279 that contain Mercury, that the girl she saw enter the c'nurh Females under 10 ............... Lake neighborhood was stricken as mercury will surely destroy the with Duiranton tnat fatal after- Total No. Males and be- with paralysis the latter part of. 2465, 8enBe of rmell and completely de- males ... last week, and Dr. Marsden called noon was either Blanche or Edna. 520490 1 range the whole system ■ when en- It was to draw out King, the organ- No. lbs wool W ednesday S eptember 25 um & to see him. 44 150639 terjDg it through the mucous sur- I Sheep. ist, because he is a personal friend j Hon. C. W. Parrish of this city . 44 ..1462 faces. Such articles should nev»r Hogs . us the largest circulation of has fallen neir to valuable business i of the defendant, but he was com-, 4* •9976 i)e U8e(j except on prescriptions Horses a NYXEWSFAPER IX THIS COUNTY. | property in Grand Rapids,Michigan pelled to tell that he came into the . 923 from reputable physicians, a8 the church to practice a new piece and 44 Mules. by the death of an aunt in that city. 44 . 32753 damage they will do is t«n fold to BeliRiou8_Serv ices. Cattle. while there Durrant came in, pale, — Canyon News. Rums 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of exhausted, dishevelled, breathless, Acres under cultivation. . 37054 the good you can possibly derive and 8 p. m. from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, . —This season has been exceed­ sick and without hat or coat. Wheat raised preceding year the month 11 a. m. 20008 Silver Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. . m. ingly frosty here, still Joe Rector’s manufactured by F. J. Cheney 30th d->v of April 1895, levy upon Petition for License. of in the Items as a probable can-1 fib each other one time while and will sell at public auction to tlie To ths Hou. County Court of Harnev they were absent. We guess they didate for sheriff. ’ highest, bidder for cash in hand, on county, state of Oregon. Happenings at Van. would rather fib tojurors. Thursday, September 26, 1895, at 10 We tlie undersiitned legal voters of —It has been discovered that the 1 V an , Sept. 16, ’96. Diowsey precinct, hereby petit ion your 1 o’clock A. M of said dav, at fhe court Baker City town charter is defective | —Mr. Moore, we do not know his honorable boilv to giant a license to A. house door in Rums, Harney county, A bady girl in the Jess Davis 1. -Johnson & Bro. of Drewsey, Oregon, Oregon, the following described real’ initials, but an old gentleman in many ways. family, born the first week in this to ietail \ incus, mult ami spirituous li­ propartv, to-wr ; The SEU of Sec. 16 and father-in-law to O. W. Porter, nTp. 25. S. R. 31 E \V M Oregon' m !rs- quantities —County Clerk Kenyon was ab- month, did rot learn the exact date. quors together with the tenements, heredita­ attlieir place of Lusir was found dead under a juniper sent a p^rt of last week on a visit ments and appurtenances thereunto be­ lor the period of six moni Considerable rain the past week Orogon tree on Stein mountain last Tburs. longing, situated in Harnev countv from the 5th . xr HarnpV county, Oregon. miles was surveyed last week. leveninghe found him dead. We R I >rake J C Blaylock By J. M. V augn , Deputy. this fall; there is considerable grain J M McMullin -Joe Wooley arrived one day have not learned any further par- Lon C Bradfield . to he cut yet in this neighborhood. M F Howard ------------- A_________________ _____ Joe z\ Howard the iatter part of last week with a ticulars of his death. W F Moffet R A Miller Sheriffs Sale. Report says Mr. A B. Marks C T Grithn Jacob Wright of freight for N. Brown. —The fall term of the State Agri­ Jesse Bart let Merlin McMullin has sold his race horse, “Skipper” Notice is hereby given I fiat by virtue O F Right —Joe Barnes lost a valuable horse cultural College at Corvallis, Ore­ for a consideration of $225 and Willie Altuow of a warrnt issued out of the County W H Gearhart ) H WHght Court of Oregon, for Harnev conntv death, a few days since on the gon, will begin the 19th of this that Mr. Dan Davis was one of the S 1) Wehdel I J R Drewett commanding me to collect delinquent G A Wright E L Robbins ^ad between here and Hunting­ ( month. This college has twenty- purchasers. taxes for tj.e year 1893. by levy an.l sale J W Miller W F Kingwhurv | of the property of said delinquents and two instructors. Tuition free. 261 ton. Charley E Stewart W H HarnebB to me directed and delivered, I did on V an , Sept. 22. 1 students"last year. Four courses W A R ohertson ■ the 30th day of April, 1895. levy ¿pon -Messrs. Bob Williams, Link at public the ; of study—Agricultural. Mechanical, Born, Sept. 21, to the wife of J. Don't Tobacco Spit or ......U. Your land I «nJ,. will «Ill sell »II _.t puhite auction to 'X, 'anderpool. Bob and Nick Baker Ufe Away. rnnr"i bld « er for , cash in hand, ou * Household Economy and Bachelor W. Miller, all pound son. Moth­ been in town since our last of Science. oidJck a ’ Mep'fe,nb71 2(i- 1896, at io is the truthful, Startling title of a o clock A ,M. of Raid day, at the court __ _______ Military instruction er and child reported doing well. iwoe. book about No-To-Bac, the harm- o°xd“!; I bv U. S. Officer. The college fur People are beginning to predict lc«s, guaranteed tobacco habit cure —Jim Crow cut up like “sixty” nishes board, room, fuel, light etc., another fall like that of 1893. It that braces up nicotinized nerves, «the Long Creek races in a raca at $2 50 per week, All expenses ------- snowed nearly all day the 20th eliminates the nicotine poison, WM ent*red. and was taken to including clothing, at $141 per inst. But very few farmers have makes weak men gain strength, lonv,ni. .„„ated in »Üble. vigor and manhood. You run no «chool year. Covallis is a city of their grain stacked . physical or financial ri«k, as No-To- -Henry Caldwell and family churches, therefore the moral and kan »Pon .. th, pt„„r. Mr. M. C Dripps Bac is «old by druggiet« every where r is building a K Kmbree, to satisfy the sum of *7 here for Grant’« Pas« last Sat- religious surroundings of the col- under a guarantee to cure or money four and 14-100 dollars taxes ar the new house. V anity ’. n »I morning where thev expect lege are unequalled. Correspond refunded. Book free ‘ ‘ Address 1 g * ,Ter Mr*‘ Sayer tt"d Mi«« Viola ty up to date for Tear 1895. FINAL PROOF The Durrant Trial. »re sisters of Miss Agne«. P'INAL proof T ii."' W1,4. B'4 8EJ< Sec M, October 3, mA oiX.’' I*"“'”" th. chug, of J.k.I Etnanuel "church with Durrant on Total number males......... 1520 Tp 24. S R 30 ¿7 ™ 1124. for thp 8Wi - v Mr I V He name* the following wit r _ the dav Blanche Lamont waN mur­ F. male« over 18 and up­ SE'/i SW'4. H«C 2X, T. 1# R k 24 F *' N * *nd kw,wn' ’laker bu charge of hl. ¡<, n uHnuon h .VMd«Xr ng tc prove dered there; this statement from ward«.................................. 492 of.«M ™l,rlvXn her was necessary because Mr«. I Females under 18 and over «on. Wowlle L Be.t F^ni R,”ey’ Ore’ THOMAS JONES, Reglater. J m - o I m , an of Fife o'r;^nM 1 th an<1 w,ln»m THOMAâ JONES, Regi.ter. 4