Gold Currency or Silver will buy Goods AT FOLLOWING PRICES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: ' 20 ft BOX 8OAP « 6 CANS TOMATOES 6 6 " “ CORN !• FRUIT H for 1.00 50 ft SACK DAIRY SALT it 1.00 100 fts GROUND <4 1.00 “ 1.00 1.00 ’' j 14 fts XC ll HORSESHOE 40 “ 4| fts CHOICE GREEN COFFEE U STAR •THER 40 “ “ 83j “ “ “ “ ft ft ft 2.00 13 fts DRY GRAN SUGAR 40 cts per ft “ 1.15 II CLIMAX TOBACCO “ 11.40 4 fts “ ROAST “ 1.00 “ u 1.00 a 1.00 14 fts « RICE 10 fts •• DRIED FRUIT • 1.Q0 n *. • •r; *.i ’ ’ t .’<• ■ • .1 •• » bring in your catalogues a buy your groceries at P ortland prices . i ‘ Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, all at EASTERN PRICES. STCOK MEN SUPPLIED WITH STOCK SALT $28.25 ton. * Call and see me before sending away your orders as I will save you money. Highest Cash Prices paid for County War rents. Liberal cash advances made on wool. ’ Yours trulv. J. Durkhaimfl * K’RNH oRK Jt X'H 12th. 1*M the leader of low prices in eastern oregon