East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, September 18, 1895, Image 4

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    breath—for the coffin was empty! I ble under such remarkable circum­
Sir Tom was the first to speak. stances; but why give the fellow
From Vicker'a Fireside Companion.
“This is Oliver GrendalFs doing,” warning? It will only make him
CHAPTER II [C ontinued ]
he said, in a tone that made ine try to hide the body more securely.”
and when, after we had
“That is just what I want him to
bv j. h iiesei . tine .
made an examination of the room, do,” said the baronet. “You see
“The young woman’s idea was to
he strode through the astonished he must havo hidden Decima verv
poison Miss Becima’s mind against
group to the door, I followed him, quickly, because Wilson swears
you, I suppose, so that her father
afraid of what might happen if he that he has never been out of sight
| could gel the property?”
met his fiancee’s guardian alone.
more than ten minutes at a time.
1 Sir Tom’s brows contracted.
Grendall was seated at a writii g If he expects a search tomorrow he
“I do not think the property VV11 s
desk at the other end of the study is almost certain to cover up anv
so much in her mind.”
I r ‘with a heap of papers before him, trace he may have left, or to find a
“She wanted to marry you ‘ r and as he looked up in astenigh-
more secure hiding-plac^. So that
self, then?” I asked.
' ment at our entrance, one. a large, all we have to do is to watch him.
“1 am afraid to. And although •legal looking envelope, fell from his
“We will leave the house to put
she is so frightened to think what
fingers to the carpet. It lay right him off his guard. Wilson will
I site has done, she actually seems 1 in the glare of the desk lamp, and
watch him incessantly until the
ft JLdCctx’ls-O't. i1«'«"«g'"”,hat “ will make me
as Sir Ton. strode towards him, he household retires, although it is im­
1 ike iier to know what wickedness
caught sight of the bold writing probable that he will do anything
she has committed to gain me. I
upon it, and picked it up before before. Then Wilson will cume
It il first class in every respect, The proprietor having been raised told her—But it is of no use going ¡Grendall could reach it.
nown and let us in; and I think we
in the business knows just how to conduct it. Meal at retail and whole- j further into the matter.” Only the
“To be opened by Decima Caryll shall only have to wait to make the
sale prices
You cun buy by the quarter, less or more, and al prices «femes < of bis face suggested to me
‘on her wedding day,” he read man lead us to the hiding-place.”
Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sausage with what sort of an answ -r he had
as low us you would huve to pay ranchers
¡aloud, and timed to the elder man
“We had belter search the house
K. A. M atthes , Proprietor, met the hysterical girl’s distracted 1
with blazing eyes. “How dare you as thoroughly as we can do now,” I
confes.-ion of love. “As you say, I
open this, before vou know whether said; “and then there seems noth­
i women are strange creatures,” I
Miss Caryll is alive or dead?” he ing left bu' to follow out your plen.
r« marked. ' lit re is Ballinger’e
¡hissed; and the other man rubbed It is lucky we are in the country,
r« ply.”
his bony hands together nervously or Grendall would have called the
The landlady was entering the
“I have not the least doubt that police and had us all ejected before
r< om with it, and although I had
Miss Caryll is dead,” he said; and now. Where is Ballinger?”
I little doubt whal it would be, it re­
Sir Tom clinched his fists, but still
Ballinger was too busy question­
lieved me to actually hear from the
spoke with a certain determined ing everybody to join in our search
• bn in specialist that he was already 1
through the house, although I could
on bis way to mJ
not conceive what questions there
I Tiie time passed with heart wear-
dered her.” he said. “It is impos were to ask. The search was per­
ing slowness till it was time to start'
lì HW A RH
|sible for her to have left the room fectly useless, and we all left the
for him, in the only vehicle we;
•t Imitation trU*
mark, and labels.
'could get in the village, a crazy I bv h> rself, for the door has remain house together, giving strict injunc-
ed locked, and thev tell me that I lions to Wilson to follow his master
of Miss Cary Il’s dresses are I ahout like a shadow, and if anv-
I somehow fell a weicht of re ; none
>> ”
i . .
. .
thing suspicious occurred, lo sum­
sponsibility off mv shoulders as
Mr. Grendall 1 >oked more cun­ mon us at once. Sir Tom and I
.soon as I caught sight of the physi
were to remain watching the house.
Iti nitrir nCTPC ^oa,s 00 more t,ian othe’’ P*cka<e soda— «ever spoils
cian’s well-known figure, and heard ning that’ ever
111 JJdvIyCl^vD» flour—universally acknowledged paresi in the world.
Ballinger agreed to take back the
¡him ask, a* we drove back to the
which had remained all
Abbey together, a hundred ques­
■*de only >y CHURCH ft CO., Rew York, said >y grocers everywhere.
the while unattended at the bottom
Wrilo tor Arar aad Httuntrr Houk of V» laaAla Kiiriy f g<_
tions in his quiet way which gave
the avenue.
one no Idea of whv the Questions;
1 wen; asked, or what train of thought' h,,nwlf P088«*8«1 a duplicate key | “You will get back as soon as
was in the physician’s mind
, to the room, or had gained access possible.” said Sir Tom. eagerly.
When at last we reached the Al.-'throu^h a widdow in order to hide I want you to see Debima the mo­
bey. tne faithful Wilson let u» m the body, and prevent Ballinger’s ment we find her.”
quietly, and to k uJ up to the examination. But even then, it
The physician nodded
I'o every person send­ locked room where Sir Tom had ■ seemed incredible that he could
"You must not expect me too
ing u* the amoutt ' ° left his fiancee's motionless cotlined ; renllv have succeeded in getting
soon, though,” he said. “I have
ith ten cents extra, form six hours earlier
It was now her hotly away ami hiding it while
or two things to attend to.”
I >*.>•>. Single copies nearly nine o'clock and the landing tne house was full of servants.
“It is very plain,” he said tn me,
• was lighted dimly by a hanging
“Sir Thomas
lamp which cast a mysterious light wi>h his evil leer
Warburton was the only persot
! over our eager earnest faces.
Miss Cary Il's maid seemed quite v. ho could enter the ro mi. He h o
aweil by the presence of so many evidently removed the body h)u>
grave faces, and she (lushed wh.-n self in order to trump up afterward f
Ballinger fixed Ins keen eyes on her some story ot Miss Cart Il’s rec v
face. She was a fresh looking ery and marriage to himself, which
country girl of not inorv than s«*v- ; shall enable him to claim the es­
enteen, with pretty, honest-looking i tate.*’
| Sir Tom still keptcontro- of him-
( Ballinger took the key from her. '•elf.
The Best Reference Book Printed.
•'1 suppose that this has uot left , “Look here. Oliver Grendall,” he
A Volume of over 500 pag“s
vour possession since Sis Tom War- said, with ca I id determination, “vou
It Treats 1,400 topics
* burton gave it to you?” he asked; may tak mv word for it that we
Endorsed by STATESMEN,
and M *ry Augard answered with ’hall not rest till we have found
clear emphasis:
Miss Caryll; and if she is dead. I
STUDENTS everywhere.
“No. nr; it has not ’
tell you this, Br Ballinger will be
Ballinger nodded ami pul the able to tell definitely whether she
Has ftoaehtHl Suoh a State of Per­
in the lock. Then, as he turn­ died he fore or after her apparent
fection That It Is a Veritable
Knoyolopedla of Facts, Statis­
ed it, we followed him in a hodv 'death four davs ago, and wliether Mast have strength or they will bv tn the
tics and Events drought Onwn
despair of nervous prostration.
iMo the room a largo» handsome her d< .uh was due to vour action suffering
The true way to win vigorous health is to
to January First, I89S.
one, wainacvtvd in Oak. In tho 'or not. If it waa. you will hsng take Hood'« Sarsaparilla which will build
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HE i <9$ volume i* a whois library »pj
center of it, aCthe foot of the l«ed, So Ktive you a last chant'« of sav­ thus it will also feed the nerves upon tbsir
proper nourishment, create an appetite,
ia I im IL Otw can hardly think
loomed dimly in it»* light of Wil- ing your nenk by teHIng nt» where tone
th* stomach invigorat* every organ.
of a question it cannot aaawwr. It tell» dj i so > a vtialte, the shape of Uw codin • ie is ■>nd seeing whether it is too
all about party platform«, election »ta- p 1 -upporkd on tr» stive. *
I Ute to save you front the crime of
tiatic*. the new tariC, religion« of the il!
Is what tired women need -the one True
Sir Torn took the catnlle from | niorder.'*
Blood Parifler prominent in the public eys-
earth, population everywhere, state and Xs
him impatiently, and advanced
governmeal Mauuic«, occupation* of 7
Hood’s Pills
al on* toward* it. Than we heard
"You know aa well as I du. that
. men, foreign matter«, literature, acience
him utter an ext ¡.vitiation of aston- I have no idea where the t'n-pe*
/ and edtrtation.
It U , . .
tthmeul and safer.
ha* been hidden,” he said, and trv
|| ‘The tiaad
he cried
*e would, we eould get nothing
h’ ha» murdered hep* v
i more out of h’m.
Th« lid hod bwi» laid on the cof i
have shown the enemy
PRICE, papaia by mail. - 25 CENTS.
|n. and 5« jiir Ton, drv* it away
/ . your band again,” I said regretful-
we all crowded round, and then, I |r<
Address THK WORLD, New York City.
think that w.
MarUd back • him ,!<me ..^
•top. and I know that I gaaped for
. ^arch WBrTBnl ifu ig
WORLD 'ÌÌ:?Y7!N/1C' 3
Tired Women
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
* » w