Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1895)
The 0. C. CO Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging to Cal OREGON HUNTINGTON, Garry the Largest Stock of Gen WAR WITH SPAIN. eral Merchandise in CAK^Seut. 13.—A special to | EASTERN OREGON. a local paper fr°m Washington wivs: Information as to the recent Mrt-ret work in the navy department his leaked out and the result is They Geer, comprising all lines of HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, WIDNFH' iiifficent to justify the belief that President Cleveland is meditating seriously the possibility of hostilt- tier between Spain and the United States in the near future. Whether the dispatch is due to a desire to recognize the Cubans as belligerents, or an intention of be ingin s position to enforce th“ Mo ra claim is uncertain, but it cannot lie denied that the’etate and navy departments have been unusuallv active in the last few weeks. Cer tain branches of the navy depart went are now devotihg their at ten-' tion to the Cuban matter almost ex- [ clumvely. Acting under recent orders from Secretary Herbert, some of the of fivers have Beers navr been urm working nuiamfe extra «• time ». v v dent and S retary Olney r. cogniz tlx necessity of preparing f->r acti r intervention id the affairs ef Cub.i. , Exhaustive reports have been' prepared for Secretrry Herbert and tnr pr sident on naval conditions, f>r a >le>cent on Cuba. The ques-' turn of traifports and the fac:litiesl fir Ian 'ing troops on the island ‘ ii.oeb.en looked into thorough!; I »nd ihe results tiled with tin secre- . twyuf the iavy.—Statesman. STO\ £ HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, A CARPENTERS TOO I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. C. H. VOEGTLEY. They ARE NOW LOADED WITH FALL ANO WISTER GOODS They [SELL AT ONE PRÏCg] Corner of 1st. and B Street. I m . Go nd se? Them or Write ^hem. Proprietor. H. BRENTON LIVERY STABLE THOROUGHBRED BUCKS FOR SALE. W. D. Huffman Fcr' Ore A- I horoi ghbred and High Grade Spanish Merino Bucks. From 300 to 500 Head. The Proprietor of the White Front Livery Stable suret» the public that he is prepared to accommodate in every way in his line of business. j£W“H&y and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. Price from $4.00 to $15.00 per Head. Thesa Bucks are from the Cunniogton Sheep Ranch, Un)ap||a^*~ Hearse and Jeb Wagea Cluny. Siree 1878 th-re li.ive Teen nine! rp: ■»¡iiivK "t dvMii’ery in different j I parti» <>f tne c luiiti'v i't which Ciiaiui" rlain’s < ol.c, Cii- lera and binrrhuea Remedy was used with peif.ct succes». lhaeutery, 1 when | T he U kivehhity of O regon , Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all i • piiiv'iiic. is almost as »were and ’’’f’dents. Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the.' i dormitorv for $2 50 per w< ek. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young 1 HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors. lUiigvmuB s Asiatic clml» ra. Here ' I women are provided with board in private families at $3 00 per week, ’ i»re the best effects of the most i Youtig women desiring board should address Prof John Strain), Eugene? Hnli.d pinMcians have fallen to. j Oregon; v/regon; or Secretary Young Woman’s Christian Association, Eugene, i v, i k its ravages, this remedy,¡The University offers three hacca laureate d»grees, Bachelor of Arte? BURNS, OREGON. i ■ -ever, has cur»<i the most malig i Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of letters with corresjionding courses . . e .... .„j of studv. The follow ing shorter courses are also offered:—An English iiant cas»». both of children and i i- • . . i , j • . l . 'course lending in two years to a business diploma and hi three years to H'luiiB. ¡md under the most, trying ||)p graduate in Emz'.Lh; An advanced course for graduates of nor c wlij.-n proves it to be rnal scho< Is lending to the degree master of pedagogy; A three veers'I Good Billiard tables, Pleasant^Card Rooms, ofc., eto. th« Lest medicine in the world for course in civil engineering leading to the degree civil engineer; A course1 all . i .t °f two year»» for teachers of 11 phi sical » duca tion leading to a diploma and | baloon 18 first class in every particular. Experienced bartender bow«l coinplaiutb. Fori ► ale by * i* _ 1_____ • >• . I the title director < f physical education. The University charges an in-i druggists. Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. ■cidental tee of ten dollars which is payable in advance by all students ! I Rtndents holding diplomas from the public schools and those having. Seat It to HU Mother in Gea- fppchora’ certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without ’ many. examination. Tnose desiring information regarding the preparatory de- ... . „ . . . . , nartment should addrea- the Denn, N. L Narregan. Eugene Mr. J «icon pj S wciiscn, who is in the » • ?• .• > i y y t > • j F< r catalogueF and information addreaa C. H. Chapman, President eu*piuv of the Chicago Lumber Lo.,1()r j j W-ltonj Secretary. Eugene, Oregon.” si Be? Moines, Iowa, says: “I have j.isl sent roia- medicine back to u»v luomer in tbco.d country, that JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. I know iroiu jierMjtial use t > l»e the i*»l lUiUlcilie m the woild for Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Bums, near the bridgv »••euiuii'is.n. Laving used it in my 1 liUtdy lor scleral ye ¿re. it 1*, I Customers wil receive GOOD FLOU W from t-xded Chamberlain’« l’ain I »alm j II ***•" dm ;• the wo.k. 50 eeiita Good Wheat *«* th.» f .r »a * by m H dru-r gists. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 1895-1896. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars «J a I*. . pukn S rLOurt & S aw mill Insist on AMI «HP HAMMER SODA in packages Costs no more than inferior package soda— U never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni. HI M nsrsdUy acknowledged purest in tbe world, B I I I BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. M c K innon a kenyon BURNS ■ JH Shop opposite the Brewery f All work in our line done neatly and with dispatch, guaranteed. Give us a call. Satisfaction