regen BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 18 189Ô, Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov’t Report It was Horse and Horse. TOO MUCH OF Â SHOCK J There is a good joke on Charlie Armstrong^ the shoe store clerk,and I It wa8 a sultry, muggy, sticky, 1 * I * • • • • I w. C. BYRD & SON. his triends are giving it to him in ¡ hot evening. The guests on the 1 P ublishers and P roprietors . piazza were fawning themselves 8reat shaPe- Gbarlie went out on a picnic one Sunday and took a e— 1 11 — furiously and conversing in grumpy I young lady with him. While out SUBSCRIPTION RATES: monosyllables. The ice cream there he met another young lady ABSOLUTELY PURE Cue Year................................................................™ Six Monthly..................................................... L00 booth was crowded to the doors Thieo Month«.............. ••• -70 who at one time was his best girl, anti three dozen couple were wait­ HERALD CLUB LIST It seems that in some way they _ John Sweitzer,carpenter,under-1 —Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’s- .. 5.00 ing in line, moping their brows. fitrald and Harper’s Magazine.. .. 5.20 had a little talk, resulting in their taker and cabinet-maker. His work- premium purchase tickets. This Jerald and Harper’s Weekly .... _ ________ _____________ ..5.20 The sails in the bay hutig like rags. Herald and Harper ’s Bazar..._.... making up. They talked, and shop is the old restaurant building. ( firm agrees to give the holder of fiersid and Harper’s Young People ... 3.75 q,r*;d aud Aldeifs Manifold Cyclopedia,. .2.90 Two hard drinkers dropped dead i they talked, until it was time to aach additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: in the dust padded street, and the j y ¡^wnitzer guarantees his wnrk at such tickets a fine life size Crayon 10 centa extra ver volume, vostage. home. Charlie promised to call I prices to suit the hard times. Cof-, Portrait absolutely free of any f^Copieaof all the above works can be ex humidity drove a celebrated Ger­ upon Carrie the following day and ♦»¡ned at leisure iu the Reading Room. fins made to order. Will take pro-, charge, by purchasing $20 worth man metaphysician to suicide. rushed off to meet the young lady r duce parllv for work and balance in of goods for cash at their store. It Publisher« of periodical« are solicited The theuiometer was so over worked he had escorted 1 the picnic, He i «Mnd clubbing rate«, a copy of their work for .... ,. - is not necessary that the whole ¿r Free Reading R>om-We file and bind the that the mercury thought ofreilgn- could find her n "here. She had J oa^h. atter at close of every half-volume, end r>«v p , . . . . , , amount should be purchased at one ropirtbv advertisement. U'g Its position, and the SHOCCO | gotten on to him id accepted the time, but any amount from 5 cents 'closed down upon the favorite sea- , company of anot her young fellow, ADVERTISING RATES: to $20 as explained upon the tick­ side resort like a coffin lid. MUSIC. 8he went home wi .vitfi nim too, and If ACI 1 wk 2 wk J 1 mo J 3 mo 1 6 mo ets. Suddenly, oh, wonder to behold! Having permanently located in how 1 neb »1.50 12.50 '»5.00 lb. no 111.00 I Charlie doesn’t hardly know 18.00 3.U0 4.00 0.50 12.03 I a voting man came walking down Burns, will teach music on Piano, 8.50 5.00 H.00 150' 24 00 1 to get out of his present predici- 4.50 ■ i>0 10.00 20.00 32.00 I the street with a bearskin cap on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Organ, Violin and Guitar, Music k coL 0.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 48.■» ment. — Sunday Welcome. 5 12. M) l-OO 28.00 48. Ou 80.00 parties, his head, tabs over hie ears, a heavy cures colds, croup and whooping furnished for balls and f M 20.00 X0.W •40.00 60 00 110.00 muffier around his neck and a cough. It is pleasant, safe and re­ | terms to suit the times. beaver-linep ulster buttoned tight ­ E. A. Scherer. liable. For sale by all druggists. JOB WORK ly about him. Two summer girls I __________ Of «very description executed with neatness •od despatch, at reasonable rates. fainted dead away at the sight, ttrealare, Posters, Pamphlets iarelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, but still he passed on. He was Scrofula in the Blood | A good ranch belonging to H. G. tatements, Note Heads, Cards, Tlcxets, Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. guyed, he was hooted at, insulted Causes Glands of the Neck tc Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 T hs H sbald is kept regularly on file for re and narrowly escaped arrest and miles south east of Burns. This Swell Up torence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- tsrtliiiiK Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. mobhing before he reached his des ranch has abort 100 acres of good I Thia Trouble and a Case of Rheu­ ■ meadow land. Price $800 or will tination. matism Cured by Hood’s. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY She was awaiting him i n the' “ C. I. Hood & Co., I>Avell, Mass.: 1 trade for sheep. | sweet and chastened twilight | “Dear Sirs: A lit* e over a year ago 1 B yrd & K ing . TGc siicc''!'« of thia Great Cough Cure fa national : had a swelling come on the side of my Jeated in the hammock, she > was «v-.hont a pitrrilt'.d In the history of medicine. President ........................... ... .Grover Cleveland All drun-gists are authorised to bell it on a poa- health generally Hce-Preai lent. He came ’ neck. A was in very poor Adlai Stevensoi like a vision of angles. itlve g.niraotee, a test that no otherc re can tecretary of state .......... Walter Q. Gresham and doctored two gtjcceabnjHy atari!. That it may beeoine terreiary of Treasury a few’ tender I John G. Carlisle foiward, uttered months with th< 11 • wn, Ute 1’i'optictors, at an enormous ex­ fccretarv of Interior ... Hoke Smith Jeeretaryof A ar pense, ere placing a Sample Bottle Free into family physician . Daniel S. Lamoni monosyllables, then pressed her to iecretary of Navy every home hi the United States and Canada. Hilary A. Herben who said my com­ lecretary of Agriculture. . .J. Sterling Morton his bosom and sank into the ha tn -’" v.i Save a Courh. Sore Throat, or Bron­ Attorney General plaint was a billoui Richard S, Olney chitis, use it, for it will cure yon. If your foatmaater General Suddenly his .. Wilson 8 Bissell mock by her side. attack. His treat* child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use STATE—OREGON : it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread ment failed to help teeth began to chatter, his lips that insidious disease Consumption, use it J. N. Dolph fieurort me so I determined I J. H.Mitchell. turned blue, and his hands trem­ Ask your D.nggist for SHILOH’S CURE, COPYRIGHTS to try Hood’s Sar­ Price 10 cts.. 50 cis. audSl.00. If your Lungs (Binger Hermann '•«ncrrMtnen........ bled. and drawing forth a flas-k ■ on TtWWrer............ |W «2.^ 1.7? boys 'S chool S hoei rheumatism and had that tired feeling. .1.8. Geer down seyen degrees in seven Bee T A. McKinnon -LADIES* He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found it ... (R). ..........A. Gittingr onds. .(D).. ........8. W. Miller Leave Just the Medicine Needed. uYes darling It is hard, but it ■tR) ..C has . Mewed Doubtful Seeds alone. The best ........ H. Turner We believe It will do all that is claimed for are easy to get, and cost no is better bo . My doctor tells me ’’■■issionsrs (D) » A. B. Marks more. Ask your dealer for It, if given a fair trial. Both of us have /R' { R. R. Sits. that I am developing four kinds Over Ona Million People wear the used Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well h *» xky Ü. A. I.AND W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes offtcb : of pneumonia, six kinds of grip, h pleased with them.” M rs . W. R. M al - All our shoes are equally satisfactory <**i»er ..Thomas Jone* LERNKK, Meadow, Washington. • A. A. Owing full house of liver complaints and They give the best value for the money. N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ThX““ ,n ’tyta and "*• a royal flush of quick consumption H Always the best. Known is«* weering qualities are unsurpassed. Hood’S Pills are purely vegetable, and de ■ everywhere. Ferry’s He«-<1 SOCIETIES. Pmm a?^“ V° unl,°r’n'—Stampedon sole. I though that by making love U j SOt V *■■■»! for ISVS tells you Fr?" f1 .t0 *3 aaved over other makes. gripe, purge, or pain. Sold by all druggists. M YIV a ^BE kah Degree N o . U. what, bow, and when to plant. , I If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by you I could eventually get myself, Sent Free. Get It. Address ,/J 1st end Sd Wedneadav. D. M. PERRY A CO., j-JF "Dealors everywhere Wanted, agent to in training to undertake a tour of “ Lucy Ruak, N.G. Detroit, Mich. take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write .__ M I» I*wis. Rec. Sec’y. exploration to the North Pole. But I at ones. nay; I have discovered that I am’ •sets « rn* Lod«e- Wo « n M “<• «h Thursdays no Hercules, and that by hugging H -M Hurtan, M. W. ai. iceburg four hours a day with -— *• " ssyer, Rec’d JOHN F. GTRATTON’8 NO SQUEAK?NG. CELEBRATED acaji.>M ----- "" 'bcmometer up a tree instead ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, • ‘of hardening me to the desired FREMCH& ENAMELLED CALE T' MM^FWECAlf&KWGA®! i W« oar WgXT PltBMMMT. — . Mt*» ««yercor H. , pitch of endurance is slowly freez I ♦ 3.V P0LICE.3 S oles . -_ ***'■■** "* '«HfcsMMMsJSur. * wa ara o'»—tar , so- I. o o f . ilne de*th- So» farewell. If we CIT AME0UN3, T? u— u , i— *>e. . * w * Han. eT*ry Satunlay both happen to go to the under- JAHN F r,TR .TTC'N .-c-b-r« of and Wholesale Dealers in »11 kind*. V - ---- ¿* v. WooiT X. G. ’ 1« . • J ♦2A7JB0V5SCH00t5H0ES. MUSICAL MERCHAf.^lK. •avora* .vnuac w c-nyr»i. Heeyl world in the hereafter I shall be b-Lblfc.£15,817 EiUbtL.: ‘ ' - '•’■■SttrooHWl, rorr *o. « a . e. A'. B pleased to renew this hugging match 3ENO FM CATALOGUE * «*rh | with double stakes and the gate W-L-DOUGLAS, money, but not till then. Mortality BROCKTON, MASS. Burns-Canyon Stage Line , i is too weak and I do not want to be y- •“ c - •- maim . Because, we are las largest maaufaetorers of an angel just yet. Farwell!” adveruaed shoes in the world, and guargutes i value by atamping the name and price on , H. A. illiams , contractor. And the Boston blue-blood bo - the the bottom, which protects yon against high and the middleman’s profit«. Our _ shoes ' __________________________ C*"r¡BS V. 8- Mail, and E..tern Oregon Ex ores. Co’. v ciety belle fell in a swoon then and prices **"’•*•4 cwt : equal custom work in style, easy fitting aa l j sxtwpt Bssdey wx.dn, aualHÚ«. X.'.., i.G ... .t../ ' q, - there.—Sunday Welcome. where at tower prices for the value given than I “t»ge8 Leave Bumi dftilv for Canwnn Pb a . • HBLISHED EVEKY WEDNESDAY BY Powder i I I SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION HE A -------- -- Viciniti, Hood’s^* Cures i-, S.” ■■ Sss?"’’"’ FERRY’S k SEEDS W. L. D ouglas S3 SHOH ' 1 Fare 85. 7 a"y°n Cit*’and ^'mediate poin.t.