4 I * t A « i I < , 4 $100.00 ’ Gì veti Away ’ivery Monili W. L. D ov CLAS S3 SHOE-». Tiu»""‘ ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH* ENAMELLED CALF ’4 ‘3 s-° F1NECALF&KAN6AMJ1 $3.L° P0LICE.3S oles . 4-so »2 WORKINGMENS ' EXTKA FINE. t thè per on pnbmlit'nsr Hi i >•< i ........................ during lite P" dm J lit'.nllt. , WH h'i Ul! : PA I I A f ’ P'i.l in VF.M rn. I u .. Jvct t.f thla uff' r I i odiano per»<»:i- ■ t.u G'u tti'-n <>f m ' '• «i r ' tulio wu w .il' tire fai t l.-at U « V i s , ilio t SEND FOR CATALOGUE w L’DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MAT 3. ■» . »via! tr.t Yiold Ferì : ■ ) 613 I: Street, Norii’»i. - . WASHINOTO.t. U can eave money by purcbu.lug W. L. Iiougl»« rthoe«, .-.-I Because, we are Hie large.t manufacturers of «dv^ti- ( »hoes in the world, and guarantee R value by .tamping the name th- botlt.m who 11 protects y Great Cough Cure f. w'.hout a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists art authorized to sell it on a pos­ itive guari-t-ee. a test that no otherc re can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietor at an enormous ex­ pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free int every home in the United States and f anada. If vou have a Couth, - ’re Throat, or I'™1', chilis, use it. for it will cure you. Ifcyour child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough , use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consurnption, use H A»k your Druggist for SHILOH S CURE, Price 10cts.,B0cts. andll.OO. Ifyour Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cU. For sale by all all Drug- Drug­ gists uud Dealers. jom; r. ¿Tiurm * ( • d THE PRESS GLflU'C ••'X < * ♦> ♦ d Plilll,* W. Avlrett, <: ■ 1. ' < i Ì! • LADIES« 1^S-B2ESTD0^^A. S’:np>, «ir he» Tn I ’ «« ’ i i r. u. ti"’ » .fi / l'.lt.’’ • I ' I.i * y . r. " * Ir lit nk ." > Abitimi '. erv t,|ti' t 11 orlgiit Idea tu ► i i.tli i. Wliy ti" [tu' i’ lluai uslì Viti' R Li • ¡in i i liti» direct "i mi*'«u yt ur fortun . ir/t :t ii :t IVWrite N>r f irt'icr 1n'> rmu U11.11I1OU liiU l ‘ P‘ >'■ ’* »2?|JJBOYSSCHO(!LSHOES. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. i —C? re ii OUR miND Magazi compared with uppc-r^iKe or yOur I L i U S T R A T E D ILLUSTRATED. The Simpleton. a new no.ie] b H ibii Y, will be begun in the liecemb 1»'.H, and continued to November Is«.'.» Who ever may be oue’a favorite among Et ylish Nov elisls. it will be conceded by all criths thai T homhs harpy stands foremost of a miiBtet artisi in fiction, and The slniplet. t'B may be expected to art use enthusiams not inferihr in degree to that v. hit h lias marked Trilby—the most successful story of the year, Another leading feature ill be the Personal Recollec tiutm of .loan of Aic, by the Sieur Louis na C o . ntk , Iler 1’n.ie and Secretary, under which guise the im al popular of living American magazine writers w ill Present ahe story of the Maid af Orleans In the January Nu uber Will appeal a drofusely ¡Illis'ratee paper ou Charles ton and the t arolfuat, the first of a series ol Southern Papers. Ni.athern Africa is attracting more attention at any other time since it was the seat of ein pires The next Volutins of HARPers MAGA ZIs E will four il lust rated articles on this regin. and three of them will depict the present life there. ft lias R alph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chineie Life and Manners liesides the long stories, lucre will begin In the .laimarv Number the fits! Chapter of A Three Part Novelette, by Ru hahi > H arping D avis — the longest work yet «'tempted bv thia wri er Complete short stories by popular wri'ers Will continue to be a feature of lhe MAGAZINE MUCICAL ME«CHAHDIS \ Vtoli 1 longer Letter Th» tiii.es cleaner Stove ■ <> fnje-s cheaper ..o t;,..es handier .,U'J . S I 1 i.'O' I r doesn’t keep it, .V wifi toe and Uli J U valuable ,.e i-. 1 Look free. HARPER’S PER Oi'iCS IiBporIgra an4 Whol»»«!« IWaleru in all llr.-fmf Per Guitars, Banjos, A cord on*. Year: HARBER’S M \G\ZINE.............. ♦l.fk 11 A RUHR'S WEEKLY ................ HARPER’S BAZAR ....................... HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE Postage Free to nil Subscriber» ill flit United States. Canuda, or Mexico. «I t Cf The rcnpotisfl'ili'v "f ............... pni'v d A I t 7 muy In» Ju Igd by '• • '•••1 •*"" 1 »to, « I« lield tty ovt i -i>e il.oit-.an I i I tin lending llewti’si-ui • n I ulivo Status. STOCK BRANDS. ■ lmp<« irr of ah J hbH'AAl* rUKJCAL MKRCHANCMBC, blb,bl7 ! ’n ' üth L,New York. r-r* rii ■ 'as.^jr — McMiillea Yr- ) f-ynu The volumes of the Magazine begin wltl I the Numbers tor June ami December o eac li year. When no time is specified, sub scripttoiis will la-gin with the Number cur­ rent at time of rec« int of ordt r. Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazine fot three years baeg, in neat doth binding wilt be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 per volume. Clo'h < Cases, for binding ,‘Mj cents each—by mail mail, post-paid. Reinitliim i > al ...... . ... _________ _ should lie ______ made bv Postotlie« Money Order, or Draft, to avoid clmhc o loss. AddriHARPER A BROTHERS. Nev York. Mvrn ’in io l HlVlIu . Ul . I>iuirgt“t«uu, rtiii fr» < Addr* -. 1 I H nad ' '.'t> N M»« Hap’ Baza c.A.ervOA y&oo Opposite Patent cities. Wa»hnmhm, U C I L L r ST R A T E I) . T.l RIO, OFINE, >• 1 . O lì Fivffliuins rs 101 l'Hh YEAR THIS PAPER— -----WITH — THE S N FRANCISCO 00 FOR EJCK DOll 4’1 .;nsmc ;iB:r.i ¿ eby oüa ^ys.ctiHic Pitti J ip.c-iiiion * r, Ilf Hi SAN FHANCIS 0 11 sue 'et gsf ti^ H|u-etiln topg ppppfi, ■ on ti fur Hii< Hinn who invostM a humlriMl or two <|i*||iira up to nior*> hv th«»M* who inw t n thouaand If ia nla«> n f*rt flint (h<*A>’ who mnko thn largo«! p*N*fVa from com itnrafii |y -n,t.I| I■ iv«-»-l1111! h on this | lnn nrv **pn>on« wh i live Hmiy frum ( hlcngo nn l mvost through brokora who thoroughly inni r-tniid avateiuatic trailing. Our plan r fall« it brings pie.i to date of publication. It tur» mlebee the late»t ami Hio»t reliable fin urial new« mil market quotali.,**«, * it giva» special attenti n l<> hurtirii!» tural and avru ultural newa, and it in every re «tec* a Bra*- Ha«» family t-ai>er, apj»--> i g lotlle mtrresi ol every ui t.uet of lhe h uaeuold. — -+-— HI hoRMVU Ckl l. i ■««•■« I-sc as * w b **| I* a live *■.■ trm «1 it.« ■tally. H la me Mtksr RKLI I- Ill K. •nd m *eet«ntsr i a» betau th- LEADING NKWs. PAPKR felle«, mg aub-erlpikiH price« fur the rombine:loa : HARPERJS PERIODICALS Elegei t sud i xcii siye iltsiet s tor <>ut-d at il Indoor T.iliu.ti a. ma til from i V ohth moo els by SxNi'i Z and i HxrtHs.nre an impormi ferlute These appear vveri week. a. I'ompr.n led by minute descriptions and ile'iiils O ji Pails Letter, bv K atiiaihnk i . e F okest , is a weekly trHi st rip! of the mi. st «tiles and capri­ ni'. in the m. de, I'luier tbeTi< a*,i of New York I Fashions, plain de.criptunm ami full paatieu-> lets are gi\en as o shai«'«. fabrics, trimminn. , nt.il access «les of the < "HiiiineH of well-ere'R«ed women. i iiildrei B (')oihiug receive« practical attention \ torti,iglilly Pattern sheet .-supple t meiit enables readets .oeut and nirketbeiruwi gowh The woman who tak-» HARPER’S HA Z IS is I rej »fed for i very oct ««ton In life ce- rt tuoni.ms . r informai, w tie.u beau:!fu. lire»» is fequisiie. W. B. PRATT, Secretary. Elkhart, Ird Horse brand barton on left shoulder: f'attl. nt r ten ou left hip and upper dtp on tait» ■are. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Rilev, cattle branded Von tef* side Horae brand T left side. r. «>. Burns.'>r«gun .1. C. Foler, cattle brand = on riant «ida Hone brand — on left shoulder. •'«trie brand II.. on ’cH rll n-<’er lit In 'eft ear, ii'der s'ope In rbrht ear Horst» l rasd fl on right «title. R K .1. A. William« P. <1 Riley Burnt. n Al! pi : week i . y llAKPEli !» MAliAZIN E IIARPi l!> BAZAR.. Il \ i : pei : s YOl NG PEOPLE Cattle diamond on left ldp: horses *’V on 'el «houlder. Charles H. Voegt -y. yum* Orego- Horae branded Pon, right «houlder. rattle P •n right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. i.awen Or Postage Ertelo all subscribers ill the State», a ai a .a. . r Mexico. Tlie Volpe < a , f the We i k ly will Itg the first Number for Jauuarv «>( . Ne Horae brand W on left shoulder, a'ao thre. 2.°*.*,’ ■1,1 *hapeof triangle, cattle branded »«me E. h. Grout Burna Or. i •• Ro«a Dh ken»on Home brand anvil ot left »title, ' attie branded bar.'R on left hip. F O. Lawen Ore. left riJ),r,lt,*T’*o“c*1’lebr*n'i J P connected,n lawen Or.' r>e br,,"', »"»Him left «title P. O ' “t,,e * figure Tnn either hip: mark 1I«M •poffea h ear. klip in eaih ear. and watt •’ left Jaw. Horse brand figii't-7on either 1.Ip J. H. Ilum ani.Burns Ora. V7 Hau’s . ii'n.’u." ’ • «• u i o i ix .\ i r, i /. ’ ’• «lor**‘* "nd mule«' braced "....... right stit.e. P. o . Hi ay Oie. Horse bra-^- on righ. gMf,e HARPER'S Meekly is a pictorial hiaturv of he limes. It prmcnt* present« every everv tmykwiant Imnortant eve« eve-l t p omptly. accurate!», and exhaturi-vG if., amirsiion and de». ri|Uive text of the hlgnest or«»<*r. Tbe manner in which, during 1*M, It has ! ttva'eei the e hi 'ago Kailr. «d Strike» aid the ' • hinivJatmnese War, and the .mat of li«ht It w «, able to throw oti Korea the Ins* ant at ei - ilon «•« dUceteo Io that littlekn.-wn county are exempt«« of It» alm. st bound'evs re-nmre e»’ 'nlian Ra'nh. the distinguished writer »nd ■ -orie-fHO dent, has Iwp sent to jhe SCSI of war and there Joined •>« < j»_ WeMou, no« for many »ears resMant iu J»pan. who has been1 m g«««tl to cooperate with Mr. Ralph in Send . 'ion It i Rp» R'» w F.EKLY exclusive lufurma ¡Ion and il ummtktu .lamea’Ri nsi P O Bnrna^e " brU.'-Tr?'*'’*1 h*.r'm ”n ’*« shtmlder: Carns 'eft h,P ”»« Catherine Marshall PO Narrowsore. Horae brand on left «houlder A Niaa Lam ¡«lancllft. Burna Ore. Horae brand b ou left shoulder and same oa OiSr1* Oi rt*M h,n‘I Phl1 fimlrh R’«rn* «. iftmpahtre and Son cattle brand Q SSEStfi wrTo .W^.i7k in ,, «I W»r«i M< '. FREE BRAND COLUMN. **'-•* J- Herman ■«), earn« brand g on righ- ah uM ^X’e^^V^eV*" ,rf,e,r ri,h’ « 4 4 •w «( (M 3 ♦ n the raltee* AIDihb L. . .P.A V£A , <«•» «>*. K. Mw-mf Dtrarto- ’ ■•"■s’-ro i»-vbe«gra I’ta A^r”.. H. f«i Jf, a*r* Jh*e i-r »» a « * W» B.I vl «11»« >» • t * H b •’ ’< • I y »•» i «. < U» 4 ..^