Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1895)
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Rinehart, fossil hu( i v, will report — We are blessed with plenty of —Jess Bunvard was in Burns that contain Mercury, ■eturn. The i progress when w rain. several days last week. health cf our country is good, and as mercury will surely destroy the I —The rain is interfering very the price of beef cattle flattering, sense of rinell and completely de —Jake Johnson is on the much with threshing. gpTEMBEB 111Siö ; list at the present writing. also the of mutton sheep is fair. range the whole system when en- —Prof. Newell and his little Chas. Comegys ami wife have locat- Bering it through the mucous sur- —We hear Joe Morris, of Har Such articles should never circulation of ney, is going to San Francisco to daughter were in Burns one day ed in Silver Lake and appear su-' face(a L t HE LAB®®®^ the latter part of last week. be used except on prescriptions premely happy. live. G. C. from reputable physicians, as the —Mrs. Lee Caldwell left here on —Register Jone8 returned yester- Reliirions Services. .... • » j damage they will do is ten fold to anTSrd- SundaF8 of day mornlng w,th hls Wlfe and Monday on the Ontario stage for The Durrant Trial. ■ the good you can possibly derive Silver City. Idaho, where she will .^th 11 and * p-ra- | child. V ,J from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, join her husband. The trial of Theodore Durrant manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Creek 4th. Sunday 11 a. m. i —Mrs. J. 8. Bowen is ill at her —Those wishing to purchase for the murder of Blanche Lamont u) The 2nd Sunday will daughter’s, Mrs. W. R. Gradon, in Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer |5p.m first class bucks should call on W. in Emanual Church, San Francis- d for general work in gurn8 cury, and is taken int rually, act reserve <- I D Hufllian, Burns, Oregon. See co, began on th« 3d inst- Nothing I -r fields. ing directly upon the blood and mu —John McKinnon returned a R ev . G ibson , was done on the 3d except the day or two since, after an absence ad on another page. cous surfaces of the system. In Pastor. J opening ■tMeugmt of the p-««cUt- | pure — Bv Jorgensen you can get the of two weeks. ing attorney. French Transfer Designs and Var you get the genuine. It is taken —Col. Bob Mitchell spent the Second day the testimony of C. S Local News. nish at the Chicago price. Anyone idternaliv and is made in Toledo, most of last week in our town, He G. Noble, uncle to the murdered who buys $1 00 worth of materials, lust Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes 1 -J. C. Foley was in Burns went frem here to Vale. girl; he testified as to her disap instruction given free. timonials free. ^■Thursday. —Messrs. J. B. Johnson, Doug pearance on April 3d, and being £WSold by Druggists, price 75c. I -Land Office Insuector G. W. Baker and J. C. Garrett have visit found murdered in Emanuel church. per bottle. The Blue of the Sky. ■Andrews is in Burns. ed our town since our last issue. The next witness was Dr. |Barrett, ■ -The Times office is now in the autopsy physician at the morgue, —We get from the Item9 the Au The blue color of the sky has 1 have two littie grand children ■ building south of the P. 0. gust apportionment of county and been the subject of recent invest! his testimony war that the mur who are teething this hot summer ■ -Louie Weidenberg Jr. has start state school fund for our county gation, and the conclusion arrived dered girl came to her death by | weather and are troubled with strangulation effected by the hands • p> _ eW . el _1 complaint. I give them ■ ed»general merchandise store in was $6 95 per head. at is that it is the air. as seen thro’ of another. Except the finger nail Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ■ flarnev. —W. D. Huffman, a well-to do 45 miles of reflection. Balloonists marks on her throat there were no Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like I B orx —On the 7th. inst. a baby sheepman, of Harney county, was who have ascended to a height of other marks of violence. Third a charm. I earnestly recommend I boy to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan in Long C»eek Monday, returning over five miles say that at that dis day. Sept. Sth. the day was taken' '• it for children with bowel troubles. [I was myself taken with a severe I Mother and baby doing well. home Tuesday. Mr. Huffman is tance from the earth everything up examiningthe diagram of Eman-' attack of bloody flux, with cramps above is of inky blackness, while I —We see in the Tinies that. Mr Chas Cunningham’s agent for Har the blue of the sky about which uel church. Detective Gibson’s and pains in mv stomach,one-third I A.S. Swain expects to be a eandi ney county, and has taken over 300 poets rave appears l elow testimony was taken describing the of a, bottle of this remedy cured me. I date on tie Republican ticket t r bucks to ! I’pply the trade this fall finding of the body in the belfry of Withm twenty-four hours 1 was -Eagle. out of bed and doing my house I Assessor Emanuel church. work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon- County Court Proceedings. —Sheriff Gittings was in Long Sept. 6, the taking of testimony aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn. —Mrs. Thos Walls and h< i For daughters. Misses Annie and Rosa Creek a dav this week, being en John I). Dalv appointed admin proceeded slowly. The witnesses sale by H. M. Horton. iltoherson Frank spent six or eight route for Salem with John Parker istrator of the estate of John Ware for the day were introduced by the who he will turn over to days in Burns v ¡siting friends. The report of the viewers and prosecution to complete the evi- Sl.erif/’s Sale. the asylum authorities. Mr. Git surveyor on the Harney and Pine dence that Blanche Lamont was —Broudy Johnson moved yester Notice is hereby given that hv virtue tings reports everything in a pros creek road approved and road or murdered. ' of a warrant issued out of the County day from theRacine building on the perous condition in our sister coun tiered opened. Sept. 7, th$ trial drags slowly Court of Oregon, tor Harney county, hill, into the building of N. Brown commanding me to collect, delinquent ty.—EagL. Cd Geer. I) M. M’cMenamv and »long no real important witnesses taxew for the year 1899. hv lew and eale on the corner above the Tex —We are informed that two John Worlow were appointed view for the state have beet put on the of the property of s>iid bdirquenta and Resort. io me directed and delivered, I did.-on stand. . demimondeswho have been here for ers on the Burns Silvies road. tl e 39lh <1 iv of April 1895, levy upon —Wm. Hanley is East with beef Mondav being a legal holiday the and will tell at public auction to the The Potter and Warm Spring several months, have signified their highest bidder fo>- cieh in hand, on cattl». He started with 12 car ^intention to reform, and, as it should road, J. C. Freeman, I. Fpster and ease was resumed on Tuesday. I'linradav. September 26. 1895. at 10 load Six car loads were unloaded io’clock A. M <>f said dav, at fhe comt be, a helping hand has been ex Newell Hall were appointed view at Omaha, the remainder went to nonae door in Bums. Harney county, tended to them, and both of them, ers. Oregon, the following described real Chicago we understand, have gotten em J. C. Wooley got the contract for Don’t Toi>a<-eo Spit or Smoke Your property, to-wi ; Th® SEW of see. 16, n Tp 25. S. R.31 E W M O egon, i.iie Away. —Mr. John McKinnon, of Burns, ployment in respectable families. keeping the county poor. $3.19 together with the tenement«, heredita spent a part of last week in this is the truthful, startling title of a ments and nppur'enancps thereunto be —Dacryosystosavingokatt kleisis per week longing, situated in Harney county, city, visiting with his brother Grading Wm. Milldr lane con book about No-To-Bac, the harm Oregon. The above is one word and given less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure Huntington’s postmaster, J. E. Mc2 and levied upon ipt the proper by the Polk County Observer as an tract aw arded Mehaffey amt Hause, that braces up i licotimzed nerves, tv Taken of John B. Emhieo. to satisfv the Kintion.—Herald. • eliminates the nicotine poison, sum of sixteen and (D-lOO dollars tax®« O| eration performed on the eye. Price $180. —Messrs Isaac Baer and Moses If the patient was blind thev now J. W. Miller, road overseer of makes weak men gain 8tiength, and the sum of mx and 50-100 costs, to vigor and manhood, You run no gether with costa and accruing coats. Durkheimer, of Baker Citv, the see, if not blind when the operation district No. 8, bond approved. Given under mv hand thia 19th day latter a brother to Julius our popu was performed the name of the as Lu-io- No-To- of An gust. 1895 Cal Geer was awarded the con- physical or financial risk, hn A. G ittings , hr mayor and merchant, are in tract for furnishing the county Bac is sold by druggists every where operation will put them blind. Sheriff of Harnov county, Oregon. under a guarantee to cure or money Burns for a few davs. By J. M. V augn , Deputy. wood. Price $4.00 per cord. refunded. Book tree. Address —Several of our citizens started Sterling Remedy Co , New York or ! —He have an invitation to visit fore Stein Mountain yesterday, on Sheriff's Sale. the fair of the Grande Ronde Agri a hunt, to be gone probably two S ilver L ake . Ore ,August 31 ’95. Chicago. H. M. Horton, Burns. cultural Society. The fair will con E d H erald : Notice is hereby given 1hat by virtue weeks Among whom are Dr. Me- of a wsrrnt issued out nf the County tinge oce week commencing Mon- After a long delay J will again Court of Oregon, for Harney county, Pheeters. the old gentleman Thomp l»y the 16th. of this month/ In the vicimtv of Rnnoaf Wo»« | commanding me Io collect delinquent son, Chas McPheeters, Harry give some items from our vicinity mt vicinity ot Boquet, VI eSt- , taxee for the year 1893. bv levy a nd Hale Ivde Ernbree will be a pupil 'Thompson and Ed Walton. This Nut long since I returned from moreland Co, Pa., almost °Per*v of Raid delinquents and almost any any one one | | **,e Pr°perty directed and I did on toll kr... ♦ tn nnro n 1 Ionin I I to me ami delivered, in the State Agricultural school at morning Al. Dunn. Cha« Johnson, Wallula Junction the terminus of can o/YAi -__ levy ? . 1 72 H *2 CUFe a lan,e ^e 30th day of April, 1805. ¿pon LHI Corvallis the coming term. ^Ie is Dr. Cates and Mart Bienton fol the N P. R. R. I went there as back or stiff neck. They dampen | I will sell at public auction to the * sod of Dr. Ernbree who resided in lowed. No doubt but Stein Mcun conductor on the Calf. Pallace Car a piece of flannel with ’Chamber highest bidder for cash in hand, ou Thursday, September 2«. 1895, at 10 tbit county for several years. tain will be astonished at the in company with Dan »Zimmerman lains Pain Balm and bind it on the o clock A M. of said day, at the court and in chatgeof a large baud of cat affected parts and in one or two I house door in Burns, Harney county, Mrs. J. 8. Kenyon, accompained : : amount of shooting, but - ---- wait Oregon, the following <l -scribed real lie bought liy Mr. Zimmerman in days the trouble has disappeared. property, to-wit: The SEU of Sec 16 t her two little eons, arrived in< until the party returns. this and surrounding neighborhoods This same treatment will promptly ' P 25,S B 31, E. W. M Oregon. to- p1* " e<l,,eeday afternoon from —The fall term of the State Agri aether with the tenements, heredita We are through haying here, the cure a pain in the side or chest. ments and appurtenances thereunto be urns and is the guests of her cultural Codege at Corvallis. Ore hay is of good quality hut onlv longing, situated in IIarnev county Or dsugburs Misses Abbie and Dav gon, will h« gin the 19th of this Mr. E. M. Frye, a prominent mer egon about half a crop. N. Comeg; s Kenyon -Capital J wrnal. chant of Boifuet, speaks very high Taken and levied upon as the proper month. Thi? college has twenty- ind wife. M !«. Em. Bonyanl and ty of R. Ernbree, to satisfy the sum of — Herman Ruh residing in the | two instructors. Tuition free. 261 daughter Mirs I * «Kie accornp i nii d ly of Pain Balm, and his recom four and 14-100 dollars taxes and the mendations have had much to do sum of six and 50-100 dollars cost, to- w?u i-eighborhood has several students*^! yea?. Four courses y Mr II. T . Rinehart hr»» hc*e via with costs and accruing costs. with making it popular there. For I hundred tons of hay for sale. Mr. of itudv—Agricultural. Mechanical. iting friends (riven under my hand this 19th day The bewiiehii g sale by all druggists. Ruh also has several hundred bush- Household Economy and Bachelor of Auguet, 1895. 7 smiles and little dancing cupid darts Ul a- . .. A G ittings . of Science. Military instruction 3r*i(> for •»ale, he being one continually emanating from the Rv i m 'Vf Hnrne,y county, Oregon. By J. M. V aughn , Deputy. who were fortunate by U. S. Officer. The college fur sparkling eves of Miss Hattie, have nishes board, room, fuel, light etc., J**?, in raising good crops. played havoc with the hearts of Doubttai Reed« alone. The beat J7INAL PROOF at $2 50 per week. All expenses many of our young men. are easy to get, and coat no Mr. and Mrs Waters received, more. A«k your dealer for including clothing, at $141 per LAND OFFCE AT OREGON, • ay or twoginee. arard from Mrs I will be in your county late this FERRY’S school year. Covallis is a city of Anmt 27, 1S9S, Ile ^«nson. dated Sept. 3rd. fall, and will be as busy and newsy k SEEDS ‘r‘d *r,Weo at F<>rt Klamflh, stat- churches, therefore the moral and as ever Your paper is a very religious surroundings of the col •I that they [the family] were on I Al way« th« be«t. Known welcome visitor here. Long may Ä ??,T\Or** on lege are unequalled, Corn spend ■ every where. Perry*« Seed l 2.*** h and »ccompanied the H erald live to advocate the for **•» *«>>" you bf V hw -V/ÎJ' æ ’ r Ï**'R **“**■< •nd eoce solicited Address hv M1 m a g . gter how, and when to plant. , ju«t rights of the peoph. «ent Free. Get it. Addreaa ./j 4 J ohn M. B lob «, Pres. D. M. PERRY A CO., r-JIF “•'Htuvn I will start in a few days, in com Detroit. Mich. Corvallis, Oregon. pany with N. Comegys and H. J. I Leave THOMAS JONES, RegiMer.