East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, September 11, 1895, Image 5

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    T he Aurora [Ill.] * Express
marks that:
re­ waiting tor a new supply bafore he
does any more traveling.
Some one has said, “Peace hath
its victories as well as war.” In
M an in free to live, if he can, but
not to commit suicide if he desires
compelling the United States to to die. That sounds queer, but it’«
Editor. adopt the gold standard, England
strictly true all the same.
has peacefully secured a greater
B in . Butterworth is so confident victory than if she had conquered
S panish duels are not as harmless
that Foraker will meet with some the colonies in the war of the re­ as those in Frapce. Both principals
mishap that he has signed as his volution.
were dangerously wounded iu one
And that is true.
England is the other day, and by the way, one
reaping a terrible revenge for her of them was Martinez de Rods,who
B enjamin Harrison is down on humiliation between 1776 and 1783. married the rich Mme. Barrios,
the boss system as practiced by Mat When she lost this country it was widow of an ex-Preeident of Guate-j
Quay. Johnnie New is a boss after little more than a wilderness. She mala, who once lived in New York .
Bennie’s own heart.
is gathering it back to her, with all and startled the natives by her ex­
its equipment of wealth, which has travagant expenditures.
S wimming may be useful to Tom come of 115 years of industry. She
Reed on his excursion up Salt River, owns this country more effectively
but that bicycle will only be in the than did the old race of England.
Those first colonists were stubborn
men, jealous of their rights. All
modern American race askB for
The market for Southern delegatee
to the republican national conven­ iB the gracious piivilege of being
tion is very unsteady, with little servants of that power beyond the
America’s Great Danger j
Said an eminent English scientist recently:
“The »lunger that confronts the great Aineri-
I can people today is not the possible adop­
next spring.
tion of a wrong financial policy for the |
T he Baker City Blade says of nation, or the spread of socialism, or the
Increase of corruption among public men. •
M rs . Ballington Booth,of the Sal­ the reported killing of the Indians All these are bad enough, to be sure, but ,
vation Army, save the new woman by Rye Smyth: “We do not know they are as nothing compared to the terrible
national disease—I had almost said national
is unwomanly. Well,isn’t that pre­ if the report Is correct, but if any crime—of overwork. The mad rush fur
one has reason to hate Indians Rye wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousands
cisely what she strives to be?
Smyth has. In the Bannock trou­ fall by the way every year.
You are likely to be one of the victims 1'
ble of 1878 the red fiends burned
llow do we know ? Because it is the excep­
I t should not be forgotten by the
' h‘n home, murdered his aged fath­ tion to find a man or woman of adult age >n I
persidential guessers that Senator
perfect health. Nervous Disorders are
er and a Brother and killed all his spreading
with fearful rapidity. Among tl.e |
Gorman and Ex Secretary Whit
symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Cold
cattle leaving Rye penniless.”
ney are the i est friends.
Hands and Feet, Dizziness Hot Flushes, ,
We wish to state the above to be Fluttering
Sensation, Fainting, Headache,
facts as far as the outrage commit-j ; Hysteria, Irritability of the lieart. Melan­
S oliloquy of Boss Platt: “Be.
choly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Kheu* 1
ted on the Smyth family in 1878.
Short Breath, Sleeplessness, Ner­
gins to look like me and Mat. will I and also corroborate the statement matism,
vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc '
have the pleasure of getting even that Rye has a just cause for hatred
R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor First Bapiist
Church, Yellow Springs, O., writes as follows:
with several people at the next re­
and revenge and many men would “ I have used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine
publican national convention.”
the past six months. I find it acts like
avail themselves of an opportunity a for charm
on the whole nervous system. 1
have not found its equal in giving immediate
to avenge such an outrage.
relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver
C andidate Allison and candidate
Rve and the whole Smytn fami­ Pills only need a trial and they will recom­
Harrison.—“Say, Ben. look? like ly now living, are law abiding good mend themselves to be the best pills in the
we are in the soup, Wonder if our I citizens, and while they feel deeply market.”
“For five years I have suffered from Ner­
whiskers have anything to do with the wrong and the outrage com­ vous
Prostration, I was unable to work ot 1
the hoodoo? But Morton hasn’t mitted by the red devils, still tneir sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles' Restora­
tive Nervine gave me relief, and one th« u
got any whiskers; he’s also on the respect for their neighbors, upon sand dollars would not cover the good it has
the shelf. Perhaps all of us are whom trouble would be brought by done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs­
town, Ohio.
too old.”
an act of them to avenge the mur­
Dr. Mlles’ Restorative Nervine is un-
der of their father and brother, be­ equalled ia cubing Nervous Diseases. It
sontains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold
sides the whole country would be an a positive guarantee by all druggists,
Ex S enator Ingalls is a candi-,
thrown into confusion and a heavy Dr. Jules Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
date for his old seat in the Senate
expense incurred upon the govern­
His seeches all emphatically favor
ment, in sending troops here to pro­
silver, which mak'»? it certain if h*
tect the whites, thus our readers
is «‘b-cted, the free coinage of silver
will plainly understand the Smyth
will have a strong advocate in him.
family are too good citizens to vol­
*hen a member of that l>ody, he
untarily bring trouble on their Causes Glands of the Nsok tc
•lways voted in favor of silver, and
neighbors and a heavy expense up­
Swsll Up
his speeches at this time show be
on the government. So it only re­
has not changed in that respect,
mains for us to state the killing of Thia Trouble and a Case of Rheu­
•till rema.ns true to his old convic­
matism Cured by Hood's.
the Indians by Rye Smyth as re-
ported, is not correct.
If elected silver can rely upon
him to be one of its warmest sup-
seek. A was In very poor health generally
What New Yorkers thought was
P”Hers in the Senate.
and doctored two
an earthquake may J have been
months with th«
family physician
merely a collapse of Teddy’s big
who said my com­
T he play called “The Silver Lin­ head.
plaint waa a blHoui
ing is ggjd to haye made a hit in
prospect çf a stiffening up
before 8ea-
Salt Lake Tribune.
K*• y
: i
Bw*' t-
for the
in the Blood'.
It ¡g
in some
®«»ure upon “Coin’s Financial
'chool and teems with free silver
There are a number of
Passages in which the principles of
^metallism are «et forth in a very
“Quay’s ref >rm campaign!” Sure
ly that designation is “funny”
enough to make a horse laugh, not
to mention Dave Martin and others
who are to feel the reform lash.
attack. His treat«
ment failed to help
me bo I determined
to try Hood's Bar-
aaparilla. To my
great joy, tbeswel*
ling on the aide of
lay neck disap­
peared. I waa ben*
■»a. W. B. M e ll e re ee efited for my o U m S
ailmonta. After
taking three bottles of the medicine,I haAV
not had a sick day sines. I for one, rec-
ommend Hood’a Sarsaparilla to the afflio-
•yong manner. On the first night
The way things are now shaping
0 the paly the house waa orowded
themselves no one need be surprised
tbc free coinage sentiment ef
if Mr.
Harrison declines
------------1 to allow
.. pi-ce was liberally applauded. his name to be used.
can have a few good free coin-
I i
le pla. s put on the boards the
There are republicans in New
j*opl« will be educated rapidlv In
York who appear to think the ele-
■*' >< insp.red this production Mr.
phsnt is too plentifully tattooed rheumatism and had that tired feeling.
He took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and found it P“"
' has placed the public un-
with indelible and disreputable
Just tho Medicine Needed.
er greater obligations to himself.
devices to be longer used as a par­
Wo believe It will do all that la claimed for
• Sebool” he. already done •
ty emblem.
It, if given a fair trial. Both of na have
and if fc. in do.nee be
need Hood’s Vegetable Pills and are well
it« u««-
Perbaps Gov. McKinley has lost
I hie annual railroad passes and is
pleased with them.” Maa. W. R. W it .
lxbxbk . Meadow, Washington.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
«a it is the larsrest
Paper in the County &
has the largest circu­