E. H. THOMPSON, WANTED. Business Locals DEALER IN Agent« to «ell our choice and har- * | dy Nursery Stock. We have many i new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamental« to offer, which are I ... . , controlled only by us. We pay | —School books . ■ . ... -. us at ». .« __ at the drug • «tore: | commission or salary. M rite •f II. M. Horton. 1 once for terms, and secure choice —School book« and stationary of territory. •heap for cash, at the Hardware M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. ■ ■tore of C. H. Voegtly. —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat­ ronage, at the new barber shop. For Sale Or Trade. —100 acres of fine fruit land in 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene —Who said you oouldn’t get a Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser good flavored cigar in town for five Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses cents? Call at the City Drug Store and cattle part pay en each lot if and inquire. the purchaser so desires. For fur- -Chas Voegtly offers a Havana !lher information inquire at this pre«« grain drill at less (ban cost,omce' FRUIT TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. , Grain, Flour, Feed and Country Produce. BAKER CITY, OREGON Tired Women HOTEL BURNS. Must have strength or they will be in th« ■ suffering deapair of nervous prostration. - - - - OREGON. The way to win vigorous is to I , BL RNS, take true Hood ’, Sarsaparilla which health will build up strength b.v making pure, rich blood;. thus it will also feed the nerve«upon their . MR. T. M. & MRS. E. E. BRITTEN, P roprietors projn-r nourishment, create an appetite, . tone the atomach invigorate every organ. Hood’s Sarsaparilla This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie­ tors use every eflkrt possible to make their guests feel at home is what tired women need—the one True Blood Purifier prominent in the public eye. for ca«h. A Warvoluu« l>la«»v«ry Free —Builder« tools and all kinds of AN OLD and WiLL-Taian K smkdy .— Mrs. ' Wlndkhiw’kStiolhfn« syrup has t>een used for building hardware at the Bum« ~ I over nny fifty years by nwin»u»uiniw inllllous ofinothers tor their U.. _J _a i «« |OW vwiujr .—.ui.._ with im .> meceii. hardware «tore, at bottom prices1 rhudr.-n while trethin«. —__ __________________ > «urns, alls«« for CaflL ' I* __ tootlHR the child, •orient ... the • 11 naiii all palu, cure« cures wind colic, and it Is the treat rente —The Saloon, in the new hotel building, Richardson and Stephens proprietors, is nicely furnished and Its customers is given the best brand« of liquor« and cigars. Dry Coods, Clothing Notions, Staple Cocerries. Classware Crockery Cutlery edv for IHarrheoea. la pleasant to the taste Hold by DrUKKleis in every part of the world. Twenty fivecents a Irotlie. Its value la Invals I a bl« Be sure anil ark for Mra Wlndalow's r Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. H/wwi’a Di I la *cl 1IWU » harmonloutly with I 1113 Hood • Kar.ap*rUla, Mo. The table is at all times supplied with everything the ■| TONSORIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON A WALTON market af­ fords. I I Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to lie I its guest when in town. P roprietors , STORE. kept pretty busy Everything in their line guaranteed TITA'ATTIT1'!? TMWTTi"'* — Dr Cate is »<><1 I dentistry done i to be done satisfactorily. Ju JLvxJ^I BJ ■ jXv JL/«Ew U ^7 —Subscribe for the Portland The universal good dentistry done j Weekly Son only $1 a year. This by him has gained for the Dr. a Bathes at all hours. [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] p.q>er should be encouraged, for the lasting reputation. simple reason it is truthful and Proorietor. Superfluous hair removed per- James Edwards, \. C Worthington newsy. ' manently instantaneously, without , ^-DEALER » Real Estate. Life and Fire insur- DRUGS. BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES — Lee Caldwell*« Saloon now I pain, by Electro Chemical Fluid. ' r___ i_ running on a cash basis is well pat- I” or^er b* Pr,'v” superioritv. we'nnce. Collections a Specialty. TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. for next *.(' <’». r ¡’em] sample J BUKNRi - - OREGON ronized ami the proprietor finds ' ' will ’ A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» the cash system to be good for him bottle and testimonials free, on re- ---------------------------- ( Nuts and fruits. self, also, his custumerc. He is I ceipt of nineteen cents to pav post- 1 fW*Mail orders promptly filled. GEO. S. 8IZEMORE, Electro ( hemical Co., 25 East thankful for part mid present pat- ] ATTORNEY, ronage and co irteously solicits his ‘ 14th St. New York. B urns ..................................... O regon . UollecJon«, Lund bu*itir.,«. and Reu) friends to continue their patronage | Sometime ago I was troubled with Katate matter promptlv ultended to. ' an nttnek of rheumntisni. I used EKR a TJI xvs J. W HIGOS, A Woman Who Will Work C anyon ( ITt. • i . nimm. ('hamberluin's Pain Balm .«“•* i<-iy cured. I have since' " ‘ ■ V - - - •**—- JKAtfceMie'* Celebrated ’ ilygvia" I Hicks & Biggs advised many of my friends and Burns daily at 6:30 P m . Arrive« at Ontario in 42 hour« 1 Leaves Waists 'or all ages. This waist customers to try the remedy and to I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, su)H*rcedeti the cored, and has re­ speak highly of it. Simon Golds Fare One way 17.50 Round trip 115.00. ceived the unanimous approval of baum, San Luis Key, Cal. For i Offices at Canyon Citv ami Burns physicians of America. $3.00 out* - «ale by H. M. Horton 1 Through freight 3jcti. a pound. fit free. Any energetic woman can Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil make from $15 to 150 weekly. While at Peekskill, N. Y., Mr. J. r-uybictan erlnin's Cough I cians and Surgeons. i Remedy. Such good results were Office at residence in Burns. 1 School« Attention. obtained from it« use that he sent • back to the druggist from whom he I had obtained it for two more bot ­ Notice is hereby given that I am NEW YORK WORLD. Manu acturer now p~eparvd to exchange the fol- tle« of th« same tetnedv. When The Twice-a week Edition of the lowing Book« which have le-rn you have a cough or cold give thia New York World has been convert­ adapted tor the following six wars. preparation a trial and like Mr. ed into the Thrice a week It fur­ Scriven you will want it when again ALSO DEALERS IN Ex Price. nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, I It is Maxwell« first Book in English .25 in need of such a medicin« paint or eighteen pages every week, at|HA.I^D- “ Introductory Eng Gram. .30 a remedy of great worth and merit. the old price of One lkillar a year. j(51 50 cent bottlea for sale by H. M. OIL Advanced Thi« gives IM paper a year for One WARE. 1 Horton. Peterman« Civil Government Dollar and every paper has 6 pages GLASS A. C. WoBTHtMQTOM. eight columns wide or 48 columns ISUPERIOR doors in all. The Thrice-a-wrek World | STOVES is not only much larger than any 1st Readers«! JOHrt F. STRATTON'S 25c te & WIN •• CXLFSRATXD weekly or semi-weeklv newspaper, 2nd GUITARS •• but it furnishes the news with hangers M. DOWS •• much greater frequency and 4th. ’ TINWARE. GRANIT : prompthesa In fact it combine« AMMUNITION A FISHING~TACKLE 5th a __________ ! Burns Ontario Stage Idne. I. s. GEER & to Tinware <&, Sbetst* iron Goods ' all th« crisp, fresh qualities of a WARE. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR­ **GBKJAU MVRCHANCMae. Monteiths Elementary (teography Wl.Wi.ôAUÎ Las: IKh SU. Now York. daily with the attractive special, MERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS- Sòci». Monteiths Comprehensive I Call and see our Holiday goods. features of t week I.v Ooography 11 25. Clarks Normal Arrangement« have been made', Grammar 80c l Hills Grammar by which we can furniah thi« paper I • I sc boo I books •Act« And all • and the Thrice-a-Wrek New York in proportion and a * I this date I Worldboth for 25 a rear. Take will sell school books the shove I advantage of this offer and get Il M. HORTON, Proprietor prices for cash and fb» cash only. your own local paper and the Orders by mall promptly attended Thricw a- Week World at thia special , to Dated this 1st day uf March rate T hk H xbald . «^^TEAuma 1894 I DRUGS. MEDICINKS. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES I C It V omtiy TED BAM JOS ' ncroann Mawcal DWeawr A..J nmnt'nwen « -le-«M. Ilk AvCÎ. It, MM .GO « « ««-.it a I » ba »• ’• t— STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES A FANCY TOI LET ARTICLES. TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical Purpose* JW^Prear ri ptions accurately compounded. First Clæe Dental Work Done