4 to cause the arrest of these men, been less profanity, less contention. ' race and take them for a hearing before1 and less quarrelling on the grounds this year than has been this commissioner would simply for several years heretofore. WKDXK8DAY SEPTEMBER 4 «« result in their discharge.” What a great pity, he would have I n France, a man with an income I Editor. you think, it is that a dozen or two w.c. Bixn of $4000 a year pays $1000 in direct I whitemen cannot be hanged for not and indirect taxes. Such taxation I T he official reports of the U. S. allowing the Indians to break a law in this country would raise a storm district attorney and marshal of which the whites respect. of protests and it would be pio- doming, of their investigation in­ claimed from a thousand stumps to \he Bannock Indian troubles, POLITICS. and through ten thousand journals the report of the district attorney that the people were taxed to death we The county political “ ptft ” and that the country would quickly , partlv reads as follows: ,lI h,re no doubt whatever that noticed during the races, has begun be involved in ruin. However that | the killing of the Indian Tanega, to simmer, which indicates a speedy may be, it is nevertheless a fact on or about the 13th of July, was boil,and. we predict it will be boiling that the French, with all their an atrocious, outrageous and cold over before very long. From pres­ taxes are about the most prosper­ blooded murder; and it was a mur­ ent indications one would judge ous people in the world.—Ex. der perpetrated on the part of the that a candidate for a county office coastable, Manning, and his depti cannot be “in it’’ unless he is avow­ T he national government has re­ ties in pursuance of a scheme and edly for free coinage of silver. We solved to ignore the Wyoming game conspiracy on their part to prevent are certain this will be the main law, so far es the Indians are con- I thelrdians from exercising a right issue in the coming county conflict cerned. Will it also ignore the1 and privilege which is, in my opin­ for political honors. A candidate Yellowstone park regulations and ion,very clearly guaranteed to them favoring the gold standard, let his politics be what it may, will be like turn the lazy redskins tn there bv the treaty before mentioned. ‘Should a prosecution on the a cat in a fight without claws, it Kill off the game? partof the United States be deter will he all “mew” and no fight. mined on, it would be useless to The parties will not be recognized commence it before a commissioner. but money will. And can we blame America’s Great Danger As the law now is, we are bound to ► he voter? Not a bit of it. If his bring the prisoners before the Unit party heaps abuse upon forbearence, 4Y ENGLISH COMMENTARY. ed States commissioner nearest to th<-n it is time to call a halt, and Said an eminent English scientist recently: the place of arrest, and in this cas<- ask if the party is superior to the “ The danger that confronts the great Ameri­ it would be before Mr. I’etrigre« . a II <.f i h eople, or is it i he peopL can people to-day u not the possible adop- | the commit inner of Marcsvale. i Hi t holos the part v subject to their lion of a wrong financial policy for the nation, or the spread of socialism, or the | »in informe i that he is thomughl will ai d w’ants. Should a partv increase of corruption among public men. in m in path' wi’lr the so called set take it upon itself tn dictate to the 11 these are bud enough, to be sure, but ( they are as nothing compared to tho terrible tiers of that region, and that he ad­ voter, just then the vot^r should nai tonal disease—I had almost said nation I vised Constable Manning and hi* show the party it must bend to his Crime—of overwork. The mad rush, f r i wealth is set at a killing pice, und thousands po’ge that the provisions of the I vvi 11, or go hv the board, Party er fall by the way every year. treaty under which the Indians gauizations in politics are necess ry You are likely to bo eno of the victims! , How do we know ? 1’ecause it is tho excep­ claimed the right to hunt on the and proper, so long as the party it- tion to find a man or woman of adult age in unoccupied lands of the United sill j’ct to the wishes of its followers perfect health. Nervous Disorders uro States had, for some reason, ceased hut when a party desires to subor­ spreading with fearful rapidity. Among t •• symptoms, are—Backache, B,liousne.-s, Cold t> be operative. Hence I think dinate its followers to the dictation ilutids and Feet, Dizzines', Jlot Mushes, that, to cause the arrest of these of a few leaders directly in conflict Fluttering Sensatn n, Fail ting, Head die, Hysteria, Irritability of the lieart. Melan­ men and take them for a hearing | with the feeling of the majority choly, Failing Menmry, Palpitation, Rheu­ r- b-fjre this commissioner, wou Hi representing the yarty, then these matism, blurt Bieuth. Sleeplessness, vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc 1 •imply result in their discharge. dictator» should be taught a lesson R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor 1> irst Ik ; ; 1.1 "It seems to me to be a great in politics, enforcing the principle Church, Yellow Spri- gs,O., writes as follows: used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine pity that there is no national law that a majority must rule and that “ lor 1 have the p ist six months. I find it acts like which can be certainly invoked for coercion in government cannot be a ch irm on the whole nervous system. I have not found itseoual in giving immediate I rw-f ■ j w the protection of these, our domes­ tolerated r< relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver I' VM/ O Pills only need a trial and they will recom­ tic subjects, weak and defenseless mend themselves to be the best pills in the | »8 they are, in their rights to enjoy t market.” THE RACE, these privileges guaranteed to them t _______ “ For five years I have suffered from Ner- I vous Prostration, I was nniihle to work or I h} a so.viiin treaty, to the enforce The Burn- races this year were sleep. The first dos • of Dr. Miles’ Restora­ m< nt of which the honor of the tive Nervine g oe nr• relief, and one tie it- conducted upon a principle of hon- *o«d dollars would not cover t e good it I as country is pledged, and that their •i-iy which for the last five or Bix done me.”—JOHN MINCHEK, Youngs­ only protection against forcible re- town, Ohio. years this town has been a etran^r 1‘Mtncr to ti.eir enjoyment of these Dr. Mlles* Restorative Nervine is un­ to. squalled in CUMMO Nervous Diseases. It ‘ ugh:« must be found in the courts The newspapers and citizens of eontains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold >he »late when in the juries will •n a positive guarantee by all druggists, or t he place heartily indorse the honest Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. 0'questionably look on them as method pursued by the racing Fusing no rigl ts which a white men. ®"h is bound to respect.” The objection to racing is the Notice the ending “the juries manner in which it has been carried ’ ‘i unquestionably look on them on in this place heretofore or Tor V F * ‘ •• possessing no rights a white several vears. Sporting men should CAVEA15.IHÂDL MAkKs^r »'in is bound to resiiect.” understand that people outside of COPYRIGHTS.^ The Indians have the same rights their own clique have proper respect CAN I OBTAIN A PATBNT » Fbr a » hite iri’oi has jp (he states in for law and order and expect it of •xparlenoa in tba patent bu.inwu. Communion- , utrictly oonfidentlsL A Handbook of In- 1 t^’ri'n and these rights are and them and when it is seen by the tknw formation concernin* Patenta and bow to Ob­ tain them sent fraa. Alao a catalogua of mechan­ *■ he re«pected by the whites. people that the sporting class rather ical and MÎantHIa bpoka aent free. 1< Pataiita taken through Munn A Co. reeetve enqouragt» lawlessnesa instead of epactal notice in tba Hole.Ilac America, and «hoald they have superior thua »re brought widely I*fore the public with­ coat to the Inventor. Thia apiendld paper, rYhUand privileges to the white order and system, that class can nd out toaaed weekly, elegantly 11 Iwatrateckaa by fu the lar«e< rtrealation of any eclentiSc work In tba expect to receive the approval of •J**'- Sample copiea aent free. ri,*'>.just because they are, as he , ■’»WM Bdltiotcmontbly, «bo a year. Slncto the citizens. When races are run <*?u- . 1,7 »un>bw contain« beaa- . weak and defenseless and Sam’s peta? The dirty, ‘ and horses pulled for purposes of mvm FT co ? MlSw?o«.t3ef b ÎÜTSS at . the ring, and outside persons bilked ’trapping big fellows too out of their money and if not n,,i laxal’0Q 10 support the such conduct without gloves and is Ulfling ^^ins. This place condemnation hard upon dis­ _ "d of injustice the Indians honesty and chuck races. Be it said to tba credit of our fr°® the settlers. racing men and those who were; H Leave THREE GOOD REASONS * I I« a b -V 1 1 3d-lt is the largest Paper in the County A has the largest circu- lation.