---- eyes. Guy followed with a fierce, sprung the news upon, and pursuad* GUY HILLIARD’S SKELETON, impatient stride. She threw open ed her that she ought not to marry | ----------- ■the door, and there, supported As though the trance would make I From People's Home Journal. against the wall, was a portrait of any difference to me!” CHAPTER III- herself, with the babe in her arms, “Perhaps it ought to.” I said; BY EMMA GARRISON JONES. as large as life. Her golden hair “one has to be careful. My friend, I He turned back, aggravated and fell back from her smooth brow in Dr. Dallinger, would tell you exact- disappointed, and made his way to shining ringlets, and her azure ly what importance you have to at- the house His head burned and robe. gweeping off from the should- ■ tach to this announcement, » throbbed, and a strange feeling er8 jn clouns of misty lace, fell to! “I shall marry Dessie, whatever filled his heart; he had never felt the floor in gorgeous folds. Never !J he says. But perhaps he may help so before, or looked so either; for wa8 anything bo perfect o- so love- me remnye her scruples,’’ said Sir the little servant gill, chancing to And the babe, a mass of white Tom; and we walked over to the meet him in the yard, shrieked and embroidery, with a rouqd, dimpled, I great brain specialist’s together, ran out of his way. He was a deB-1 laughing face, and chubby hands I Dallinger’s report, to my great perate man—almost a dangerous peeping out. Guy stared at the relief, was very satisfactory. He one—Guy Hilliard, the good na- beautiful creation in utter astonish­ said that the abnormal state of the 1 lured, quiet, well-disposed school- ment; then forgetting his wrath, nervous system to which the trance I master. Truly, jealousy is as his jealousy, everything in his joy, was due was not likely to show it­ strong”as death, as cruel as the he exclaimed: self in any other form, or to be re­ grave. ‘ Oh, Violet! where did you get produced. Considering that fifteen It is first class in every respect. The proprietor having been raised »tUic» looked luuaeu up up^meuy !■»•« the .... . it? Il is yourself over again, and years had passed since Miss Caryll’s Violet quietly from in the business knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail and whole- | little frock she was embroidering,! the loveliest thing I ever saw.” trance, it was highly probable that •ale prices You can buy by the quarter, less or more, and at prices ug he entered ’ "Today is your birthday, Guy,” [ she had outgrown it altogether. as low a« you would have to pay ranchers Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sausage "You are jarlv thia evening, ,ghe repHed goftly -.and that ig my "It can only be induced now by ion. I saw . , r seer ¡secret; he had seen the artist going ancee’s mind at rest. He was stay­ b the whole stay that man leaving i he house again a * J Anr] ('iiiviifur utwi had /InnF»tLin coming. and doubted his [ *ng with me while he had to be in about | f w m nutoa ago—ami he has been • . wife while she was working to London having a house fit tod up here fur hours. Violet, I want to i please and gratify him. His face for his wife’s occupation after the know what it means?” I turned all manner of colors, and he marriage which was to take place She bent lower over her work J stood in silence looking heartily at the end of the month. I but made no answer. Miss Caryll was evidently not a ashamed of himself. • "\ iolst,” he went on. his agita­ good correspondent, and her lover "I am done now, Guy,” Violet tion increasing “ at a fearful rate, ’ "1 said, the misehievious dimples , had been obliged to wait almost a Si I cannot live with you if you persist j deepening about her pretty mouth; week for her first letter, the one in in ket*| jog this secret from me. My "I w.ll g ».” which she told him about the trance. wife must have no skeleton* in her "Oh, Violet!” he burst out, “for­ It seemed as if another week was cl set I have borne it as long as oj give me—forgive me; I have been to pass after he had answered it, I can—as long ns I will. I com- a great fool, I know—but forgive before he was to receive her reply. mana you now to tell me all. to I As post after post came without me, Violet.” make everything clear, or from I the expect’d letter, even I liecame I Holding her babe with one arm, henceforth our lives are divid d. >» she put the other round his broad rather uneasy. He had written on Violet was very pale and her fin- I To every perron send­ shoulders and drey him close to Monday evening, and as the post ing us the amount o|gers trembled nervously as she I her side. He bent his head to kiss Lonton Abby took a day and a one yearly subscription tn The II khai . p together with ten cents extra, stitched away at her embroidery; her; but the babe gave a gleeful half, he could scarcely expect a re­ we will semi free a copy of The World Almanac for 1895. Single copies I •till, that little, dancing, mischiev­ spring. and buried both fat fists in PEV **11 Wednesday evening. When may In* ordv-ed al this office for 25 cents ous sparkle lit her eye». Friday morning came without any­ his heavy whiskers. • “Violet, will you explain?’’urged "That’s right, baby.” langhed thing of it, I was quite ready to I her excited husband | X inlet. "pull 'em hard, h- deserves h« a the the young baronet express "No. sir; 1 have no explanations it;' but she added, the moment af­ his intention of running down to to make.’’ the Abby by the first train, and THE He -ose to his feet, white and ter, her eyes overflowing with tears, "yes. •uy. I forgive you; but you sufficiently interested myself to of­ stern. "Then you are no wife of fer to accompany him. I must never doubt me again. ” * mine. I cast you off—wa»h my He appeared glad of my company "Never again. Viooet,” he an­ hands of you. You can go hack to and we reaches Trimby, the nearest swered, tenderly. "You have cured your father, and tell him that you me completely; we shall never have station to Lenton, early in the after- .have blighted and blasted my life,1 I noon, ana in the absence of anv another skeleton. ” and broken my heart.” The Best Reference Book Printed. , conveyance, started to walk the ( the end ] | She rose, also, and gathered up A Volume of over 500 ten miles to the Abby. her babe. "I will go, Guy,” she | lilUA/1 •> ■ » 1 1 Lvz-tei azx ’ , AW\ AflP HAMPER SODA ONLY TEN CENTS EXTRA WORl}j)®7IE?VlN71C! AND SNCYCLOPZDIA FOR 13 05 It Treats 1,400 Endorsed by STATESMEN, EDUCATORS and STUDENTS everywhere, - Maa - Reached Such a St ata of Far- d fwctlon That It la a Veritable encyclopedia of Facto, Statla* tics and Even-.a drought r*own to January Flrat, ifK»S. )n V1 V HK 1*91 volume 1» a whole liorrry T la itself. One can hardly think of a quevtioa it cannot answer. It telb all about party platform«, election tta- tiwict, the new tarii. religion« of the ¡i, if earth, population everywhere, »tate and (* government Matutica, occupation« of ' men. foreign matter«, literature, science ; and education. It ia . . , fin AMERICA’S STANDARD YEAR BOOK. PRICE, postpaid b, mail. • 25 CENTS. Address TH« WORLD, New Yorit •aid. quietly. ( FOUL PLAY He stood still where she left him, » ( From Vicksr'i Ftrvslds Companion. listening to her light footsteps as­ CHAPTER I. cending the stairs Was he awake 1 (—tn his senses? was it a reality? BY J. H HESEI.TIWE^ « ( Was she leaving him—his Violet— ‘•What a fiend!" said Sir Tom ths mother of his b.fw-the only Warburton, so suddenly and ener- woman he had ever loved* He geticslly. that he startled me • at on the point of rushing after • "Who? Miss Decima?’* I asked. was her and imping her forgiveiw-ss: innocently, for the letter he had to.Hh.1 hut that stinging pain caiue b back .,.k l*en reading when „^ th when he utl uttered the , ! to M. heart .nd b-M him Uek rqda,nation fr„,„ hi. S.rm At that instant, he heaid her voice * ‘ ’ No. Deeaie is an angel, bless calling aoftlr from the head of the her. he said. “Rut what a brute stairs ! old Grendall. her guamian. is. He ____ "Guy. Guy. will you come up and his daughter hare done their ( here, please* I want you a moment." >»est to prevent Dvasie marrying me He went up. She met him in By her father’s will, you know, all tie pavaage Rear with me Guy." lVa