East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, August 28, 1895, Image 7

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    —David Dodge, an nrteaian Well ex*
p- rt is in town. He ih here to examine
I the formution end l:<v of the eon nt iy,
' with intention, if encomsged. to sink
' some wells. In conversation with him
——— last evening he Mated the indications
here were very favorable for artesien
¿A8 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF water, and proposes making a proposi­
tion to onr town authorities today *o
any newspape R TN THIS COUNTY.
«ink a well hete for the benefit of the
town. Mr. Dodge is so confident of suc­
Religions Rervices.
Rums lRt- and 3rd. Sundays of cess in obtaining artesian water that, he
is willing to take many chances and give
the month 11 a- m. and 8 p. m. 11a the best of the bat gain.
Silver Creek 4th. Sundavll a. m.
and 5 p. m The 2nd Sunday will
he reserved for general work in
other fields.
R ev . G ibson ,
—Jobti Campbell, a resident of ^tr«w-
neriy vallev, Grant county, committed
suic.de o ' i Monday morning, the 19'h of
this mouth, by shooting himself in tiie
right temple with a revolver. He had
been complaining for some time of fiis
head, and wa« taking medicene for it.
The morning he committed the rash act
be got on his horse logo to Prairie City
for medicine, taking bis revolver with
—Latest stvle of ladies hats at bun, a sh >rt time after leaving home his
horse returned Without his rider mid
eastern prices.
J. Duikheimer. some one «tailed immediately in search
of the missing man. The searching par­
—There will be a <lanee at Locher’s
ty did not go far until they found his
Hall on Angus! 30.
lifeless body lying in the road and his
-Joe Williams and wife are in tow n levo'ver a short distance from :t.
Local News.
—Atlelore Racine is clerkiug for Chas
—Atty. Sweek i« now n resident of
the town.
—Atty Thornton Williams and wife
»rein Burns
— Dean Horton is in town.
— Bob Williams is in town.
— 1 'on’t fail to see the eye special
-W D. Huffman has been in town
for several da vs.
—Chas. McPheetere is improv­
—Bad Smith aril wife, of I' amond,
eamein jest, ofay evening.
—Thero are 18 race horses here
at this time.
—Frank Johnson is going •<> Eugene
to attend seh ol 'his winter
—Joe Sturdevant got hi- foot badl.'
mushed or biokt-n a few days ago,
— Mis« Eva Swain ha« the contract
fortlie winter term of the Poison Creek
—E Brown and wife, of Diamond. nrr
Moppiug in town so that their little
child C hi be under the care 0! the doc
tor lie'e
—W. A lines,U.S C, of the Kniuhts
of rhe Maccabees, a fraternal and b’lie-
ti(inrv order, is in onr town and w ill or-
wnii'a snbuid nate Teiit of the oirler
—The receiver in the case of Peter
Kuhl vs. J, Durkheimer et als deft, has
been ooleied bv Jnd^e Clifford, to re­
turn the stock n<>w in his posses-ion to
UMtai range, pending further urde'«
of the court.
-K J and .nd N. T Baker, of Sil-
Creek, desire to let 3000 head of
rep on tiie slitirea, 2 00 ewrsand the
a..i’n.. lamta, I’srties wanting mi in-
iiriii i>t t|IM kind can go and see the
“■ ''.“men at ifieir bome on Silver Cieek
w •'i'lrera them at Riley P 0.
~r'>rre mH he from three to five
'"'sired of thoroughbred and high
* “It1 >t>Hnif.h merino bucks in this
«*"1.» in a short time. These bucks
Umatilla c?
“\ and will he
to |15 a |,ead>
-fhe Canyon City News savs
brooKl'l in four
boarders , and ' incarcerated
^m.he jaj, of ,lut |o
— .jwn
"‘me. are Uoyd Mill
'er. Chick Miller,
and c || Kimball.
J’arv charged with
1 stealing cattle by
-K»er» one gn ,0
the show Friday
"«s next. This show
*'11 •* far hette
r ‘han anything of the
‘^»eliav, r
“»er I,ad m this p|„ee.
^•‘•’bewonh pfomise
of the dounle and
money paid
’•‘’mttance <•
Orown person 50 cents.
'Ferity Bve arH'|
—1 reserved seat-
?*’Ch '“*• °” ,be Barn*
'“Wav . n * °”r laM
hM «J**
**** 14 ZF¿'"”,rV,, do"-r- -iJ®.
h ®"™ »'"i little
***'hr»r bn. I T <,,,,,ar* a«ide. dis-
by ,he
‘ ***'♦ hoe«. - "r‘ '**
’*my marj '
—Prof. Newell came in town
— Several parties from Harnev
and vicinity are here taking in the
—Polk Gearhart, Mark Howard
and several other Drewsey men are
here for the races.
—If you are unable to read fine
print readily call and consult Prof.
—Lots of pears, peaches, apples,
plums and even water melons are
being peddled on our streets.
—Billy BuflTineton and John
Henry Cornutt are over from Dia-
mond with one or two race horses.
—E V. L“wis, of Lakeview who
has many friends in this county
and some of them live in Buri s, i«
here to take in the races.
—The Warm Spring Indians are
going to give a show this afternoon
sometime after two o’clock. ’‘Grand
big show” so the Indiana say. 25
cents admission.
—Receiver A. A. Cowing receive«!
a telegram from the associated press
this morning wanting him to write
them in detail the particulars of the
Indian scare in Diamond Valley.
—The following are the horses
entered for the j mile dash todav:
Jim Crow, Oregon Chief, and Dick
Wooten. In 25 clas»: Soda "Vater,
Bogus, Flora T.,Skipper.and Chess.
—Bv Jorgensen you can get the
French Transfer Designs and Var-
All persons not holding leases, or I nish at the Chicago price. Any one
—Prof. Fanburg, the eye special­ not haying permission first obtain­ who buys $1 00 worth of materials,
ist will be here 4 or 5 days.
ed, are warned against entering ¡instruction given free
—J. Durkheimer vnd family re­ upon, cutting hay on, or occupying
turned from Portland this morning. the meadow or other lands of the
—If you want the best pears and Willamette Valley and Cascade
peaches on the market buy them of Mountain Wagon Road Company. In the Justice Court for Burns dis­
Any one neglecting or refusing
Casebere Bros.
trict, State of Oregon, Ciunty
1 compliance with this notice, will
—I. B. Johnson is selling goods be dealt with according to law.
enry W illiams , Plff. 1
W illiams , W ood & L inthicum
at cost Now is vour time to buy.
Attys, for Company.
Call and see his goods.
J ohn A lexander , Deft. )
To John Alexander, the above
dress goods, trunks, shirts; dress
1 have two littie grand children
goods 20 per cent under cost. who are teething this hot summer
name of lhe sta'e of Ore­
Men’s underclothes the very best. weather and are troubled with
are hereby required to
I give them
Come before the goods are all gone. . bowel complaint.
before the under­
I Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
of the Peace for
—Elder Gibson has been carpen­ Diarrhoea Remedy and it acts like
at the ofiice of
tering on the new school building a charm. I earnestly recommend such justice, in such district, on the
it for children with bowel troubles.
the past two weeks Monday he 1 was myself taken with a severe 29th day of August. 1895, at 10
was summoned as a juror for the attack of bloody flux, with cramps o’clock in the forenoon of said dav,
first time in his life, which duty he and pains in mv stomach,one-third io answer the above named plaintiff
performed very good naturediv. of a,bottle of this remedy cured me. in a civil action.
And you will take notice that if
Mr. Gibson has and is still mak­ Within twenty-four hours I was vou fail so to appear and answer or
ing many friends here; he is a man out of bed and doing my house otherwise plead to plaintiff’s coin­
work. Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, Bon-
that wears well and if he should be aqua, Hickman Co., Tenn.
For plaint for want thereof plaintiff will
take judgment against vou for the
called from this charge his loss 1 sale by H. M. Horton.
sum of $65 and costs and disburse­
would be very materially felt.
ments of this action
—Mrs. T. D. Harris accompained
W.C. B yrd ,
Sheriff1» Sale.
of the Peace.
bv her daughter Mrs Cora Wooley
Notice is hemhy iziven that by virtue
You will also take notice that the
with their children, have gone ! t° ' of a warrant ipeneil out of the County
of this summons upon you
Caldwell their new home. '
commanding me to collect'delinquent by publication is made by order of
good wishes of the citizens of
taxes for the rear 189T hv lew and sale
W. C. Byrd, the justice of the peace
town follow them Mrs. Harris has of the property of said delinquents and of the above entitled court, in the
10 me diregied and delivered, I did. on
been a resident of Burns ten or tl e 3'Hh d iv of April. 1895. levy upon E ast O regon H erald for six con­
•leven years, nearly raising her and will sell at public auction to the secutive weeks, weekly, seven inser­
highest bidder for cash in hand, on
family here
She leaves many rhnrsdnv, September 26, 1895. at 10 tions, and that said order is dated
friends and no enemies, who sin­ o’clock A. M of «aid dav, at fhe court the 23d day of July, 1895.
house door in Burns. Harney county,
G eo . W. H ayes .
cerely wish her happiness and pros­ Oregon, the following described real
Atty, for plff.
proper!v, to-wr-; The
of Sec. 16,
perity in her new home.
—John Ferren of Pine Creek gave
us a shake yesterday.
n Tn. 25. S. It. 31 E W
—Much is said and written about 1 ,o-’‘V,pr w?,,,
merit« and appurtenances thereunto be­
the new woman, about her bloom-’ longing, situated in Harney county.
prs, her right to vote, to hold ofiice Oregon
Taken and levied upon ns the proper­
etc. But when she conies to that ty of John B. Embree, to satisfy the
degree of perfection to which men sum of sixteen and 69-100 dollars taxes
and the sum of six end 50-100 costs, to­
have attained of being adicted to gether with costs arid accruing r os.'s
(liven under my hand this 19th day
drinking whisky, sitting around
of Angnst, 1895
«a’oons and squirting tobacco spit
A. H ittings ,
Sheriff of Harney county, Oregon.
into the eyes of dogs p »«sing By, I
By J . M V augn , Deputy.
making slighting remark« about
the men passim» on the strvet or
Sheriff’» Sale.
coming into town, smoke cigarettes
is Imifhy given that by virtue
and sing songs, then she will he of Not.ce
1 WHrrnt ¡«sued out of the'Cnmity
perfection and following in the ( onrt of Oregon, for II iroev comity,
ng me to collect delinquent
footsteps of him who is now con , comma"d
taxe« for 1 he VPur 1893. by levy mid s.ile
sidered her nol>L pr »tector.
of the propertv of «aid delinquents and
to me directed m.d delivered, I did. on
M arried — On I »st Sunday. Aug­ the JOlli day <>l April. 1895. levy upon
will sell at public unction to the
ust 25, at 11 o’cl > k a m, at the and
highest bidder for ca-h in hand, on
resilience of WilTiam Skinner, by rtmteday, Septan be. 26. 1895, at 10
’clock A ,M. of saul day. at the court
Justice Byrd. Ellis McKinnon and o house
door in Burna, Harney count*
^addin Wilson were united in mar­ Oregon, the Soil wing .1 scribed real
I property, to-u it; hrSEkof Sec IB
riage, rpt,,.
I he contracting parties are | • r, 25 s K 31 p ----- .........
ec‘ w
W. .V! 4 Oregon,
to ’ ­
both residents of this county. Af gether with the tenements, heredita­
ments and appurtenance« I herenu'O be-
ter the marriage was performed a I ionjin
* situated in Hurney coii-itv, Or­
--- ---
most bountiful repast was spread egon
r.iken and levied upon aa the proper-
before the guests, consisting of as ty . ^Ht'Embre^T,TXfVtlm
“f it Emhree. to satisfy the sum of
r of »»»«•
M-100 «lollnrs 'Axes and the
RIX Hllil 50“10*) (loll'irM unut
cost, trx
as has ever been our lotto partake gether w ith and
<.<a<t. 50-109 dollars c^ts.
of, to which all present did ample] Given under my bund thia** 19th dav
of August, 1895.
justice. T he H erald wishes the
«• / i.
happy couple many happy anniver n t ™ i, H"rn’*,v county, Oregon
saries of their marriage day and By J. M. VAUGHN, Deputy.
may they be thrifty and prosper­ piNAL PROOF*
Proposals Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received at the
ofiice of the county clerk of Harney
county, Ore., for the keeping of the
county poor of this county, begin­
ning S. pt 7, 1885, and ending Sept
7, 1896, said bids to be opened by
th« court Sept. 4, 1895, at 10 o’clock
a m, of said day, the court reserv­
ing the right to reject any and all
C. E K enyon .
County Clerk.
Don't Tobueco Spit <>r Smoke Your
Life Away.
¡8 the truthful,
startling title of a
book about No-To-Bac” , the L
less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure
that braces up nicotinized nerves,
elitninabep the liicotiqe poison,
makes weak men gain stiength,
vigorand manhood. You run no
physical or financial risk, as No-To-
Bac is sold by druggists every where
under a guarantee to cure or nioney
Book free.
Sterling Remedy Co., New York or
H. M. Horton, Burna.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury,
rner0l"7 will surely destroy the
of rmell and completely de-
range the whole system when en­
—We gather the following from
July 30, 189Ö.
tering it through the mucous sur­
an exchange: ‘‘A western editor has Madge Byrd, left here last Satur­
Kenyon for
faces. Such articles should nev.r
invented an infernal machine which day morning, Mrs. *ii
tiiBi mrki proof will bp midp
Eugene, where she Will put • her •"d
"--'-.Ä.Ä','; 1» used except on prescriptions
he places in an envelope and sends
. *
widow of o. D.
children in school this winter, three. ____
to those who refuse the paper with­ r~ -
V?.’2 Ho.
’<i¿ W.
‘í7i. for
,,,r. the
,he. SBW
í’E'4 sw'i
aiid iX)tg6 from reputable physicians, as the
O® fO
of them are now
-------J will « and 12. Sec 7. Tp 24 H R m I.
damage they wi,| do ¡, Un fo)(J
out paying for it. The machine ex­ goto Eugene immediately after the
the good you can possibly derive
plodes and kills the whole family, arrival of Mrs. Kenyon al that place.
- «SWira »,
from (hem. „all’s Cat,rrh Cure
and the fragments fall in the yard Madge Bvrd is going to Drain to
attend the Normal school at that
msnufaetured by F. J. Ch„nf,y ¿
and kill the dog.”
place. Schuyler Whiting took them
•» oJedo, O., contains no mer-
—Prof. J. M. Fanuburg Scientific to Eugene by way of Prineville pINAL
e«ry. .nd i, taken int n.ally act­
Optician, is in town this week He He ex |*ects to meet hi« sister. Miss | L and
at burns , oregon , ing directly upon the blood and mu­
will examine your eyes without Ella Whiting at Eugene and place N »tl
27, isas.
cous surface, of th, system. tn
charge and we would judge from her in school at that place. Miss
Ella has been at Wheatland Si?-1 £
buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure b. sure
notices give him bv our exchanges fornia the ls«t six mot
nth. __
attend- ' «
you get the genuine. It jg tak^n
he gives good satifation. After ing school and we presume she is
reading these notices we would ad | not altogether satisfied there and ••eíí KW«/1 -V T* 1* V24 K<’ N*
viae all o 'our readers with impaired prefers a school in her own at at». ms onnttnnona rsafdrnr« -J. - . *
Mid land, vii- fc,L. ÏKJ an<l r,«l,i*sHoii
Schuyler will return in about three of
<on. Wowll. L «Mt fnÎaïîÂ’.f1 *.**'•*. Ore-
all of Fif^L™* Hml,h •«“» William I^MdbyPruggi.ts.p^^