East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, August 28, 1895, Image 5

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    dered. had better been cutting cord erillos stuck the festooned arrows
i wood, instead of surreptitiously in-' in the bull’s’neck that the animal
became thoroughly enraged.
juring the town.
Then Jose Morervo, armed with
We do n< t suppose thia oi those
wsdnesday AL-orsTatiwfi
meddlers is or are getting one dime sword, came forward iodo battle i
—===—| for their pains and that being the singlehanded ¿ith thebovine. The I
-------- _ _ - -
, .
__ _ case had much better been breaking i Spaniard faced the bull and dated I
n.r. B'1 ”
rock on the street or as we have him to do battle. The bull would I
T he more money hoarded up in
stated cuting cord wood. We cer lunge into the scarlet mantle, but
the banks ami bv the monopoly the
tainly do not think the matter Morervo was out of the way. Fin­
It-^s there is in circulation to im­ worth any further comment or in­
ally, by a blow aimed at the heart,
prove farms and other property.
the bull was badly wounded in the
But of any parties on the outside shoulder. The battle between man
O ne good thing about the bicycle are not satisfied, and see fit to in­ and beast waged hotter, and it was
i-riue, the making of them employ vestigate, Burns will certainly as only with a well aimed stab on top |
more men than horse raising, and sist and give all the information of the neck and between the ears of.
it causes the agitation (if improv­ and aid in her power.
the bull that the spinal chord was
ing our road« and streets, the effect
reached and the bull fell, and, with j
cf which is already seen and felt
few convulsive groans, expired.
V ictok Hugo, the justly celebrat
A second bull was introduced
ed French author, gave utterance
T he ce inpetition over the honor to a great truth in this brief sen and the fight was fairly under wav
of having the oldest man . in the fence: “Certain thoughts are pray- when Sheriff Bowers and hi
„ cuintry
as a citizen still goes on ers. There «re moments when the ties arrived and placed Wolfe, the |
am mg varimi« sections, but Louis- soul is kte-ding. no matter what chief promoter of the whole affair,
inala« put ina claim that will the attitude of the body may be.” under arrest with all the partici­
nriibahly discourage all other can­ The soul of the really great, and pants in the fight, on the charge of
cruelty to animals, and the fight
didate?. It is announced that there true is always kneeling, always
was stopped. The parties arrested
B an ag-tl colored man in that state recognizing bow lacking it i3 com­
promptly paid the fine imposed
who has seen 131 summers. He pared to the perfect All. Grains of
and the same difficulty will be en­
was a servant of Washington and dust and sand make up the beauti countered m the course of tomor- 1 * V
whs with Jackson at the battle of ful ca’th. Earnest thoughts and row’s sport, but it is the general
New Orleans.
(»right ideas are ingredient« of sub- impression that the officers have
•imo a i do.u, and the full recogni oeen bluffed out, and that the
fif-n of th «mall quantity that one rights will go on.
Adjutant General Moses has just i
nan c ;n c Intribu’e to the All puts
arrived and says the power of the,
ii- -oil in the kneeling position,
militia is io be suuimoned to stop
el -rr»-<l to bv Victor Hugo, and
he bull fight, but it is not thought1
mikes him a great man in the eyes
I he state authorities with the pro-
worry >* *, others, but a «»nailer man, a less giam tomorrow
other mportant person, in his own eves
do long as we over estimate our
own importance we are sure to bi
'ind r estimated by others, and America’s Great Danger
rightfully, too. — East Oregonian.
$2 Î2
Cripple Creek, Colo., Aug 24.—
S snat >i< McBride of Ore-jon ¡8 in
l'iie first day of the La Fiesta, de
f«\o) i t th cling United Stale« sen-
Cripple Creek has parsed, a success
.it it« t>y a dir. i t vote of the people,
a every detail. The program was
li-ri me hie leit-onr for it
•arned out and the bull fight was
iv'jid »<• well fur the senators i<>
ill that had been promised—a tight
co.'g-e«- to receive their election
1 o the fiinis.i in tho true Mexican
(li'eetlv fr.nu the people, that the
stvie. Captain Cheche and the
si :i it rs them«elves may know and
feel ’bat their trust has been dele ■harming chivella, famed in old
Mexican bull fights, were the points
g. 'e<i t,> them by the people and
n the contest. Arizona Charlie
n<»l from the fe v men, howsoever
there and three capadoras, who
able and worthy. who hold ‘the
elective j ower under the present ight with the red cloak, and the
bauderillus, who throw the sharp
»yatem. I think.'on, that, the elec
«pears into the, neck, and the peca-
tic,n of Ht-iiators bv popular vote
would remove from the tnnids of i<»n>s, who fight with long spears
the masses a prejudice which, m horseback: and the bull was
'hough often a mistaken one. exists here arid met his death in the
heroic fashion that has character-
igaineithe senate as a body that
does not feel itself directly re I iz d the bull fight of Spain for cen­
turies part. It was the first bull
sponsible to the people themselves
that has died in the a»-e s. in the
I United Stat1 8 at the hands of a
T he proceedings Wing inaugur-,
’rained gladiator.
ate.l in Wyoming in connection’1
A bull pen. 200 feet i 1 diameter,
with the :irre«t of the Indians f<»r
ei’culnr in f»roi and strongly bar
violation of the game law of the
r leaded, forms the arena at Gillette,
* ate will dispose of a very interest
and surmounting the whole i« an
ing question. There is i o sort of
imm» nueamphitea’r«-smiting 10.000
«r».ae m permitting Indians to do
what white men are prohibited from people. At a side entrance a bull
i was admitted and plunged madly
d »mg, h»it j, remains to be w
•het h*r th
* court» wff| apply the into the ring. He was met by the
{»ecadoroH on horseback and goaded ;
mtinuon sertM rule to the problem.
i to deppe-ation wi h the spears.
•- .vever. the people will not permit
’he Indians to htmt where »rd Then a capidoro flaunted a red flag!
when they please, no matter «hat in the face of the bull and he would 1
the court» n.ay determine the ab plunge at the man. who would onlv
escape lieing gored bv stepping
*trj.ct law of the car«» <o
I e.— gracefully aside or by making a
swift run for one of the esca|ies.
I Once o’twice it seemad that the
• i crix-n or citizens, of Burns .men would certainly meet death so
have (<en writing letters to narrowly they escaped the road-
ileton endeavoring to make delicti animal
The horsemen, it
iiupn-saion that Foreman, who
seemed, were in just as imminent
milieu vu.vnle here, waa mur-
pent. But it was when the band-
Said an eminent English scientist recently:
■ i lie danger lliui confronts the great Ainei i-
•an people to-day is not the possible udop-
i on of u wrong financial policy for the
■in ion, or the spread of BOcia.ism, or the
iih-ivasc of corruption among public wen.
11 .¡use me bud enough, to be sure, but
they ure sa nothing compared to tho teiriblo
h i loiuil disease—1 had almost said naticn I
C ¡.’10 -of overwork. Tho mail rush f r
v.cii ih is set at a killing pace, and thousaiais
fill by the way every year.
Y<u are likely to be eno cf the victims 1
1 low do we know ? Because it is the excep­
tion to find a man or woman of adult age in
iH-rcet health. Nervous Disorders u;e
spreuding with fearful rapidity. Among ti e
symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Void
llunda and l-'eet, Dizzines«, llot Flushes,
Fluttering Sensaiicn, Fainting, Head, che,
Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan­
choly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Ithtu-
nnitism, Hit rt Breath. Sleeplessness, ,F < r-
vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc i
R ev . C. A. C arkoll ,pastor First Ih ;»»i t
Church. Yellow Springs, O., writes as fol .< :
“ I have Used Dr. Miles’ Restorative Neri »tie
for the post six months. I find it acts like
a clvirm on the whole nervous system. 1
have not found itsequal in giving immediate
relief. Dr. Miles’ little Nerve and Liver
Pills only need a trial and they will recom­
mend themselves to be the best pills in the I
“ For five years I have suffered from Ner­
vous Fiostration, I was unable to work or
sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles’ Restora­
tive Nervine give me relief, and one th-u
sin d dollars would not cover tl.e good it l.as
done me.”—JOHN MINCH ER, Youngs I
town, Ohio.
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is un
squalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It
eoniains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold
an a positive guarantee by all druggists, or
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
5>&J£N'L s '
uperliwe ln
«»n.ineM. <
tion. wrtetty eo"M«itW. A Ha»«li»«®A w ■
Ical «nd .cl.ntlflo »-nok. "f"’ fr”j, *
a tAkpn thrnngh
A Co. mcmv
— Patent
».„„• il cent». Freer number contain« baaa
rx’l bit««, m colors «nd nbotn.rapb. of new
. „Th ni an«, enakUna builder, to .bow the
. .nd N«W
“ m LMM Tco"
3d--lt is the largest
Paper in the County &
has the largest circu­