East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, August 28, 1895, Image 4

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    She looked up, her eyes full
“Have you been out, Violet?" he
asked, making a great effort to ap­ tears.
“You doubt me, Guy?” 8he said,
pear unconcerned.
I From People'« Home Jouraal.
I “Out? Oh, no!” she replied. mournfully.
“I don’t want to doubt you, Vio.
“Why do you ask?”
“Nothing, only I saw you putting let—God knows I would sooner di*
They had a cozy little cottage on away your dress; and you’ve got but it is strange, to say the least
that you should have such a visitor
!the outskirts of the town, all em- I baby out in all of her finery.”
Violet blushed and averted her every evening, yet never mention it
ibowered in eglantine, with great
to your husband. But I believe
shade trees, and a flowe’-garden in ( face.
“Oh, yes!” she said, catching up you can make it all clear and satis­
front; and the young schoolmaster
must have regarded it as the sweet- the little mass of embroidery, “I’ve factory; do so, Violet, and let UP
eBt, happiest spot on earth, judging been fixing the sleeves of her slip,, be happy again.”
from the briskness of his step and you know, but come, lets go down ' Still she said nothing.
“Violet, won’t you speak?"
the brightness of his face, as he re­ and look after supper."
She shook her head sadly.
turned of evenings from his school
He followed her down with a
“No, Guy, I have nothing to say "
I house. Violet was always at the weary step and a heavier heart than
gate to meet him, robed in some had ever lain in his bo»om be ore.
He Btarted to his feet, white with
pretty, fresh apparel, her curls But he determined to say nothing; excitement.
looped buck with roses and her he would not question her, but
“Nothing to say, Violet? Will
It is first class in every raapact. The proprietor having been raised (blue eyes full of tenderness, ready wait and see for himself what it all you not tell me who that man is,
in the business
** knowsjust
knows just how to conduct it. Meat at retail and whole- , to lead him to the tidy, well ordered | n)eant. Violet bustled about, rnafc- and what he wanted?"
•ale prices
' \ ou can buy >»y the quarter, less or more, and at pricer | parlor and waiting supper table 1 herself unusually pleasant;
She shook her head slowly, re­
! *)U*’
as low as you would have to pay ranchers
1 Beef,Pork,Mutton, Sausage 1 no wonder Guy was happy—he-BOinehow a gloom hung over the peating, “I have nothing to sav."
K. A. M atthes , Proprietor. | would have been a monster if heiwhilotn happy home, which all her
Then he rushed from her pres­
had not been so. But after a while ggyety could not dispel. Long af- ence, down the stai*s, out into the
as if fortune was bent upon running ter 9he retired with her babe, her open air, his head throbbing as if
- 1 his cup over, something else came|young husbtnd sat on the porch, it would burst.
to make him still happier. A with hj8 head bowed in his hands
“Oh, God!” he moaned, sinking
small, dimpled, crowing babe, withlanj his soul tortured by a nameless down on the turf, “how shall I ever
eves like its mother, and rings of fear
endure it! My wife—my darling
hair that looked like spun gold.
The next afternoon he returned wife—my Violet, that I loved so
¡Violet was i n ruptures, and Guy hoine at the usual heur, and found much; can it be true—is she false
tor night to . Viol»t and the babe awaiting him to me?”
I could scarcely z wait
come in his eagerness to get home. at the gate, her face all brightness
But no one answered him* onlv
| What a happy couple, every one __
ai(d __________
tenderness. His heart began the little birds chippered and cooed
’sa d, even the wiseacres, in spite of to lighten—she was true to him. amid the green leaves, making
is the whole story
th«ir prophecies
| What a fool he had been; he was him envv their happiness. He re­
but there never was a paradise, per- , glad he had not let her know it. mained there, wrapt in soleum
hips, that the r« rpent did not en­ I Laughing and playing with baby,
thought until the stars came out.
ter in some form or other. It even they proceeded to the cottage; and
He w mid not be rash; he would
came to this perfee’ home, trailing 1 (;
uv went running up stairs for his
bear with her to the very last. Per­
its slimy ugliness amid the bloom dressing-gown with his old. buoy
haps she would change her mind,
flow« rs. It was after this wise: ant alacrity. On the topmost step
5 <« ««■«
Casts M more thin other pickage >oda never spoils
tell him the whole truth. He
lu pdvI^d^VD. flour—universallyacknowittlgedpwestiB thevorM.
1 One evenina, Guy chanced to come he picked up a glove—a gentle was ready and willing to forgive
I home a trifle earlier than usual. man’s glove—but not his. A trifle
■afle aaly by anma ft CO., New Tarft. S*M by graccn mryvfterc.
her, and love her all the same, no
and Vmlet and lady w.re not at lru|y. bul u UWttkened the o|d
matter how deeply she might have
the gate to meet him. as was their jea|OU3 pang with redoubled pain
erred. He arose and returned to
custom —
— bul
tint he
he hurried
on, ei,
hurried on,
H’'r | Still, he did not vuestion his wife, the cottage. Violet looked a little
to surprise them by being so early. but kept up a silent, cunning watch
pale and was a tri He more serious
_________________________ Just a» he reached the outer enclos. on all her niovemei ts. The next
ure of the garden, he heard the cot­ evening, and the next, he came than usual—that was all. The
tage door open, and saw a nun, a early; and in both instances, con­ night passed — another evening
A \i I V ri?\! PCMTO l?VTD \
1’oevery person send- real, living man young and very cealing himself in th-» shrubbery,
He dismissed his school at noon
<> I distinguished-looking, com« out mid
u i j a
he saw the tall, fine looking strang­ and came home, concealing himself
one yearly aulmcription to The II kkai .H together with ten cents extra pause on the porch for a moment er leaving his house, and Violet
in the shrubberv. Hours went by
we will «end free a copy of The World Almanac for I S'.t'». Single copies Ito talk with Violet—bin Violet. He Hitting about in the azure robe she
‘saw her plajnlg laughing and chat-( bad
Jve worn for him. Suspense and at last, instead of seeing the
may l>v ordved nt thin office for 2'» cents
nau ( never
-tranger coming, as he had expect­
‘ting, and tossing her ringlets; 1
I became torture; lie could bear it no ed, he saw him leaving the house
• then the stranger bowed him-elf [longer,
he must know the worst. tie had lw*en there the entire alter-
lout, and left the premises by a side' jj.
-----...j wiseacres of Rradivilie noon, in his cottag •, with his wife.
• path.
the truth after all? He
□.•’ll 2C
I “Don’t fail to come,” called Vio approached his wife, at twilight, as His face grew white with anger and
he cleared the hedge at a bound.
“I shall expect vou." I she sat in a low chair, hushing
I 'let, after him;
tier He would overtake him—force him
Guy Hilliard looked on 111 amuse I baby to sleep.
into an explanation. But the
meni. Violet was dressed, as he'
“Violet,” he said, gently, but stranger was too quick for him: he
had never se-n her before, in a1 very seriously. “I’m afraid we
are had crossed the lawn and was out
• magnificent bha silk robe, all cor-
I getting to have a skeldon in our of sight in the wood beyond before
, «red with laces and roses What' , closet.”
The Best Reference Book Printed.
Guy could overtake him.
A Volume of over 560 pages '.J Idid it mean? Who was that man
She looked up inqu’iingly.
, that she urged to come again so
It Treats 1,400 topics
“A skeleton,
--------- ------
dear ■---
— how 80?
so?" ”
cordially? A sharp, swift pang ofi
Haven’t you secrets from your
Endorsed by STATESMEN,
jealousy and mistrust wrung his
i v; i .*•» u
. ,
it .
• . . / v
(husband, 'miet?’ he asked, sol-
I heart—mistrust of the woman he ! “Ill „1.
ql ’ , .
. , .
STUDENTS everywhere. M held a thousand times dearer than
, ‘y _ a and
...... « ....
She Nushed d’*P
'»d dropped
Ha* Reach««« Such a State of Per­ ill!
her eve«; and her voice was faint
> the cottage, his brow, for the first
fection That it is a Veritable
and irresolute, aa she replied, “Oh,
time since his marriage, looking
Encyclopedia of Facta, Statis­
no. Guv! What makes vou think
tic« and Cvents Srou*ht Hewn .
lowering and m axly. Violet was I have?”
to January First, 1890.
nowhere to 1« seen below—so hr
I ‘ llecause,” he answered, gravely,! Th« mtero« of tfo< Great Couth O’* b
K 1R95 volume it a whole liorery yj
went up to her chamber. The door ..
I have seen a young man—a w'.tKMit a parallel in the hiatory of medici»«
in itwlC One can hardly think
was eloeed. but he heard the babe
All druain«»» »reauthori»«! to «ell Bon • P°*
stranger—leaving mv house every Bl».- gnara»tee. • toat that no o<h«rc re c*°
of a quettion it cannot answer. It telle
t wailing within.
stand. That it m».v hsantn*
evening during the past week; and auecc««tnlljr
knorrn. th« Prvt»rioi«.r». at an ftu>ry>°*,**
all about partv platform«, election sta-
“Violet. Violet,” he called
pens«, am placing a Hample Bott!« Fr« *“ °
tittica, the new tartf, religion« of the
"\es, dear," came the pleasant vet you have not even alluded to »v»ry Hom» *“ the Vnitnd Staten and Canada-
such a visitor to me. What does It eon bare a Conch. J*«« Throat, or B«*_
earth, population everywhere, it ate end
answer, “in one moment; aa soon | j it mean, Violet?”
ehitia, usa B. for it will row yon- *’ J*1”
•hlld haa th« Cronp. or Whoopi n< Oow«h •
government ttatiMKa. occupation« of
as I get niv frock on.”
it prom pt I t . and relief la an«. If yon O««
men, foreign matten, literature, science
thst insidione diaearo Conaunapfion, •« ”
He waited impatiently until she
Ask roar Dramiat for SHIDOW* ÇVBW
and education.
It k . , ,
. andn.CS. If yonr !-«
came out, and thwn he scanned her troubled, anxious look, yet there Price 1«
Shiloh’s FW”«
face with keen, anxious eyes. She
by Ml W
le in her blue eve*.
1 Uokrd flurried and confused, and
' »«»let,’’ he went on, seeing she
ran back almost immediately to did not reply, -you can l U||
put the blue robe, which she had
PRICE. ix^pt'J b
• 25 CENTS
this thing haa troubled
thrown ui the bed. into the ward,
Address TH! WORLD, New York CRy.
you trust me, Violet—me. yaur
robe. Guy followed her into the ’Jhusband?
Explain it all, I entreat
¿JL ./*“
. vou, an J end mv torturing doubt.”
Un LI I Ln
LI I li 1 n A.