Jilt J ♦ a Jockey Club will give 1 ¡31.1^ I FIRST DAY, AUG. 28. L ¡miledash, free for a11’ 1100 L | u)ile dash for Harnev L horses. 25 class, purse 75 | rtCOSD DAY, AUG 29. Lnd repeat, two in three, L for all. Dursa I third day . avg 30. paper press” and asserting emphat been obtained. ' icallv the silver craze was not dv 50 ing out. but was fast widening its . field It was like a volcano which J3C5 r. ST2ÂTT0S j could not be suppressed by cover­ Mj. tfUOyariiida'l1’ for liar- Lycou^y horses that never U fur public money, purse roCKTH DVT, AUG 31. I 1st. 1 mile and repeat, two kthrve. free f •( .-ill. P’.n-e ing t'o crater. . The bel:ef in the east that it was <1 irg out, he add- j*d, w s ¿ne to the fact it had now 1 1 s d th»- pyrotechnic stages of noises and demomtration. L2d. 1 n.il dash for Indi n Lr»«, Indian ri irrs.mtrai.co ft*, purse I i liter races. purse, Trie BRENTON '> « Y E. ry Corner of 1st. and B Street. Proprietor s table I KEV7 YOBZ* Importeri and Wholaaato Dealers 1® ®H kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Violins, Guitars. Banjos, Accordions. Harnwnl- l » s , Tm p-r ett t entrance fce n- L'lirtd in all races. Entries to . e • Ld<* »¡th tto secretary on orLe- 8 o’chck the evenii g before I. t r.■ ■ - t«> ud three to start in a l FiMtu-e 75 per cent of »end horse 25 per cent L.t.iM ver.-ed by the I M inneapolis , Aug. 17 —The Padroli, a rancher, has discovered 3tate oflicial who wrote Senator a ledge on his ranch working $100 1.50 Peff r • then »-i.t 1 - me to see course in civil ergir.eeriog leading to the degree civil er gineer; A course HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietor. fl i.ntud*nte diplomas from (he public schools ana and those having Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Room», «to., etc. ss < • c. se reliev*d her. tesch^rs’certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without I A.■ iitr oi Our iiHghs-ur* h.-.d te*n 'I'« ii Atim. Tnose desiring information regarding the preparatory de­ "aloon is first class in every particular. Expenenced bartender f.( »lout a - e» k and Lad tried partment sb'iuld addreg- the Dean, N. T. Narregan. Eugene }■. r cn’alogues and ir.formation add-ess C. II Chapman. President. I Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. «:-rtnt frti.tdi» r for diarrhura but or J. J. Walton. Secretary. Eug* ne, Oregon. ” bpt retting worse. I sent him L. ’ tomm remedy. Oniv four doses , ^•fMnqaind tocure him. He My» he oar« his recovery to th*»; •ooderful remedy—Mrs. Mary Stoy, Sidney. Mid. F q : fair by *11 drutf re. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. .. CHEAP MEAT MARKET. I-*»t iQtLmer or»e < f our grand ' tt'Wrw» au a aev ere E JORDON Ovr dwor'e reme- ' » had f«:bd. we tn-d Cham- • T*“« Celie. CUJera and Diar-‘ __ , ®***dy. wùH.h gava very ( * ’^►f- H e r» gmd it aa the P bopbietob JOHN SAYER. Proprietor. Situated on Bilvie. river 1 mil. Eaet of Burn,, near th. bridg, Customers wii receive GOOD FLOUR from In the I.ccker Building under the Armorv Hall. pUt °° ,Le n'ar E. ”*t'wr, Frederick atoo. Ito. »» .. . . , . •’¡»crnair » ». • _ .. . Mett at retail or wholesale pnces, ""tot , , Pork, and Mutton will be on the block. r