Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1895)
s____ — K.<lit<r C. i» BP " of the red d Is are cognizant of the amp'e means of protection, fact that an Indian bis no soul, man. and also of his utter worth'» «sness as a citizen or a man. in conver- A R ichmond justice left to the Bation with, a gentleman a few days abused woman in the case the fix • since just returned from the south ing of a sentence for a husband ar ern end of this county, he told me rested for diunkenness and wile that the Indians had already been beating. “Thirty dlys in jail.’ . quite numerous in the mountains] was the prompt decision, That south of here and at their old wife is a real new woman, The or- trade of killing and running off’ the ( „inarv p household martyr would deer j have forgiven the prisoner on tl\e Carcasses striped off the hide and | ' spot, fallen on his neck and been Indian outbreak, or domon- rather, of the Indians that protion to believe the red Jtd the ivliu's the war path, has ikins ner« on nlnwn over and it is officially an uuunced that the Jackson’s Hole left to jiecav or for the covotes. taken home for another beating. country is free from Indians. This Another gentleman familiar with Role country, according doings this summer told U3 the In Fitz and Corbett Fight. Jackson’s settlement of about dians were getting sharp, knowing to accounts, is « Be... P hiladelphia , Aug. 10—Cham ] • - s, and some ac- they were breaking the game laws, I 60 families of u hites would have you believe a he found numerous carcasses of pion James J. Corbett and Robert I verv rough, irresponsible, murder deer hidden or partially hidden Fitzsimmout had an impromptu yUS elass, devoid of morals, or feel with a covering of brush and rocks set to tonight in the. barroom of I This speaks well for our brother Green’s hotel, but neither man was] of justice and without any just Indians, and these good honest injured. Both men are stopping at j option of right or wrong Basely imposing upon the poor agents who get the benefit of the Green’s hotel. Corbett reached this ( Indians who have been hunting ofi rations, pretended to be issued to city about 11:30 tonight from Wil the reservation and encroaching up the absent Indians, while they are mington. where he sparred four He. in on Uncle Sam’s public domain at iff the reservations killing and mai rounds with John McVey. ming the game the honest settler I company w ith his brother Joe and in season and out ofseaion. writing sonnets some friends, went down to their I In the vicinity of this little band of should hav>, are settlers, braving all the ills, hard md long letters for publication hotel, where they met Eitz in the’ I ships and dangers of a frontier and lescriptive of the 1 oble, brave and barroom. honest rvdman. developing the country that it may Ifin case these nol ble red fellows | Zealander ahd said: “Well vou’r bec.we habitable for the more tim were caught upon some of the I «hooting vour mouth off again id, these noble red skins nave been i«.v< inn < it parks slaj ing the game I about me fluking out of that bicycle • torvearskilling game in ttu monln Uni] ii.i'n would have a govern ace and ihat”yuU would puli my I m< nt sp i- m hut so long hi as he is nose. Now I’ll do some nose pull-[ ki.img the deer that i ightfully ing ” And with this remark the h ul<i belong to the frontier set- big champion g-ix e Robert’s nose a i th r who is making country possi smart tweak. t»le for habitation and improving The two men clinched, but be the government domain, it is all fore anv damage had teen done I right the settler does not need anv they were separated. protection and when forbearance t Fitzsimmons then turned upon ceases to be a virtue and the settle« Joe Corbett, who had grabbed the to. Thia outrage on the laws to determines, and does do it, to give lanky fighter and attempted to butt «Inch the whites are su'ject was the government pets a lesson, then him with his head. Joe broke ■ ariied on by the Italians for years these little insignificant agents who iway from Fitz, at the same time i ami thev were repeatedly warned are getting rich at the expense of saying: ‘ You can’t whip me to say to duist but paid no attention to' I the govern no nt and off the rations nothing of my brother.” the warning, because, as we have ; allowed the Indians say the good • Fitz re. died around and picked already stated, they pretended not i Indians, we guess they mean those up a deoanter and hurled it at Joe to understand the laws but plead that have gone to the happy hunt Corbett, but it went wide its mark. they were imperi ir to any law made ! ing urounds are entirely innocent Hethen grabbed a caster and was and the whites are guilty. Ano in the act of throwing it at Young by the white people. I are frontier settlers Corbett when he was seized by a These Indians would slay hun-1 I ecause thev - dredsoielk cows to get the unborn I i awav off * yonder, net able to take -pecial officer. calv’ s, which is considered a great i their own part, they are accused by When the quarrel had apparent j I these same illiterate, squeamish dainty and very toothsome bv them lv been smoothed over Jim Corbett] The calf would !>e token from the j agents as being dishonest cut walked over to Fitzsimmons and i cow and the carcass of the latter I throats, etc «pat in his face. Tkp New Zealan * Some of these agents should go der was apparently not anxious tot left to rot or l»e eaten bv the coy otes. U tt slain for their hides, a« ha.« with the noble braves on some of tackle the champion and Fitz was1 betndone here bv our pet Indians, these hunting excursions into the taken out of the hotel by somej or this »nd die carcass left, or probably Jackson Hole country friends. . 'he hams taken off so.^e of them. Harney country and see how they These are the outrages this little would fare at the lianas of the set band of settlers complained of and tiers. We think we can answer for 'lien, after repeated warnings, the their treatment and would advise, This ¡3 the si-cret of the cures Indians only laughing at them, them to remain in their snug little' by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Head this: they arrested a few of them for retreit on the dear reservation “ I am so glad The best advice we can give • •»king the game laws, and killed to write that I am now in per •even or eight of the nd devils, Indians is if thev want to keep fect health and ‘he Indian# determined to have re whole bodies stay at home and it is all because '«"fe, therefore prepared them hunt where they will not molest the Hood’s Sarsa- ‘ parilia made rights of the settler or break the longed to exterminate my blood pure. state game laws Milers in Jackson’s Hole. My health fht appearance of troops on the broke down with troubles ai-ch to protect the settlers mater- pecnl iar to The story of the missionary v chuged the matter in the women, m y massacre in China is calculated to nervous sys '"*‘i the noble red-skin, and they] tem was shat- lr* ' w meandering slowly back to make the blood run cold. It may I te-?i and I have the effect of reducing the , fl respective reservations ex- bad to take my bed. The physician said number of those exposing their there was little hope for me. A neighbor 1 nZ »* scon ns they reach home lives in an attempt to convert those t >ld of wonderful cures by Ilood's i-nrsa- '»tra a.lowance of rations. ] psrllla and I d> yded to try it. When I On the other hand, it may had taken 3 bottlc i, I could sit up and now 110 'ts. etc., from the government people 1 am perfectly well and strung. of reward and payment for stimulate the missionary spirit ,al the government mints of But, if it have the latter effect, the th 1« for me.” M m . C. F. and scaring the settle’ ou» friends of those who plan to go into h 1 n <• -e .. «11 lai Plat‘.a City, Colorado. the country should find means to *• • ts and neglecting hie cure ’«**’*1 eessf.p». prevent them from carrying out vUU s a tioa. Filo«Oe.per b«a. Cr ^*’ I”<tause of his ab- 'i a fort nr an encampment of their intention, If we have tobare ” '"ngngat, d to protect missionaries in China we must have them protected and none ‘'Make» . ... I ,z ***■ ’ * ’ should be permitted to go to any U wk it- •. w •_<_ fatu li »r with the doings P reinW'"”'1’’ Í-. . point that is net provided with I tt Wfrt». A'VIn ^e’M >> IM. Ml VYu«» C,;j • prohibited by the state I. .v«, an- these laws ape made tor to ■ prut. < tion of the u ime I he ■ ¡< epect the 1 ws The Inms, «• presume, think thrinselvi- ■ .-upermr I to Uncle Sani's sti'jects and of a • . I mold so pure as not to be su > eject to the laws that are respected by th« wiiitee ai d as such great peo p,e Bl Oil'd not be amenable there $2 $2 7X » Now is the time to Subscribe for the THREE GOOD REASONS. 1ST-11 IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOUGAN the Blood Pure Hood’s Sarsaparilla 3d--lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation