BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 14 _ Or airraid Protection in China. ■ »■■■»■»’■MMMMflMMMRMaM» ~ iSbò. .................................. to send him further iust ucti ins I for his guidance. He hay alr<*ad V > been authorized to confit freely with Admiral Carpenter, the com­ mander of our naval force in Chi- n se waters, and the admiral in turn has been instructed by the secretary of the navy I > lend all • proper assistance for the protection of Americans. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking W ashington , Aug. 7.—The Unit­ ed States auticip.tied Great Britain BY in taking the most energetic steps W. C. BYRD & SOX. for the protection of the American PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. missionaries in China. The injus­ tice t f criticisms that have been lit- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: |2.Ol i t red in some quarters up. n the al­ jw Fear ......................................... .1.00 leged it difference of United States ¡11 Miiadu........................................... . .75 fir»« Mouth».......................... Minister Denby is folly shown by a HERALD CLUB LIST: — Get one of I. S. Geer it Co’s’ yention is accomplished. It is {«raid and Harper’s Magazine............ 5.00 mail dispatch that has just come to Telegraphy Advanced. Jerald »nd Harper’s Weekly ............. . 5.20 premium purchase tickets. This practical. It; will work. It is a 5«ald*nd Harper’s Bazar................. 5.20 the state department from the min­ ¡foraldand Harper’s Young People . 3.75 Another great invention in teleg­ practical priming telegraph which firm agrees to give the holder of It is dated toward the close lentil Mid Alden’» Manifold Cyclopedia, . .2.90 ister. ei.t Pekin, for the fulle-t pro­ In sp* aking of the invention, an of­ telegraphy. It is the Whitestone is not necessary that the whole n.’e have secured the inven be v or’ied l oth ways, and yieid the to $20 as explained upon the tick­ up e j 1 wk I 2 wk I I mo I 8 mo | fi mo I 1 yr t. am1 p r<.»ns and finally for the tion which is the ¡no-t advanced of result indicated. It will be some ets. . nrh IL.fi W 5Ü t > .IH) |l>.00 : ill.00 ll.-.u I •' ' 3.00 !.■« i,.50 12.0 '! 18JO ¿».•4 capital punishment of Th • perpetra­ a. ything that has yet berm talked ime befo-e these rnacl ine- can l?e , i - i a. ifi : j,X) ». about in telegraphic serv c . W’e put int> practical opt ration, fora i •• < 4.'fi 6 90 I'l.oo 2fi.u0 ' Chamberlain’« Cough Retntdy tors. .rol. ¡ 6.GO ?. 1'0 I...IW 28.00 ¡ 1 00 54." V 112.00 J ,‘fi 2S.00 48.0" 1 V; ■X) 120.0 cati send from New York to Chica ­ very few have as yet been made, j cures colds, croup and whooping Ju-t v. bit. aesw r was returned: I “ ¡20.00 bfi. ,'ü 40.00 lfi.00 i 11" .0 140.1» bv '.heChiuese government is not I go, in quadruplex over one wiie They are still in the hands of in-i cough. It is pleasant, safe and re­ k own as it has not yet reached the and have the c >py at each end pro uentors and constructors, but the:I liable. For sale by all druggists. JOI! WORK >! «very dwription executed with neatness state depar ment, but it is a fact duced upon a printed page, and nut scheme is perfected and the fict is- and despatch, at reasonable rates. WE OFFER. that, so far as the recent, outrages a printed slip, 350 words a minute. »ccomplished ”—Statesman. Polter», Xrcular», Pamphlets i iavrlopea. Bill Reati», Letter Head», we can do this because we committed upon the missionaries I »ay Fitemeuta, Note Head», Card», Ticket«. Stock Salt at $8.50 per ton sacked! litwivranda, Ju1, nation» Dodger», Etc. in China, not one American was have done it. There is no delay WOOL STORED FREE! T hi H ibald is kept regularly on file for re- killed or injured, and, while some, about it It is not a system liab’e —John Sweitzer,car pen ter, under­ R. R. RATES THE BEST! ttrence, in the Geo. P. Rowell New spaper Ad- nrtiiint Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. some American mission property i to be obstructed by delicate and taker and cabinet maker. His work Can any point offer more? We was destroyed, it will doubtless De impo-sible mechitnism. . 11 is not a shop is the old restaurant building. are the competing point and this is OFFICIAL directory promptly paid for. In view of the fancy or a fad which cun pro luce a . Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at the place b>senl your WOOL. I energetic course which Denby has > result in an eh-ctrical laboratory. prices to suit the h ud times Cof- 25 ctR rate to I’endletion from b< m. rHLI'HED EVERY WEDNEbUAV Powder AB5OLUTEI.Y PURE AV. national : | fins made t.i or.,. k ai.d naiaiicein u .4 .1 u I.‘)0 Poston No point can oiir r better than here. Buver-i are Ivre getting nei?, Don’t overlook your inter» st in ti e above WHICH A RE FACTS. MUSIC. Di'H t be mi i. •! Hi irresponsible of­ Having uermanei tlv loc lini ill fer 8- we can duplicate ari\ proposi- Burns, w.il tench music (»II Piano, tion. St nd your woo! in our caro. O.fan, Violin and Guitar, M usie Rpp’t. I furnished for balls and p irties, O C. Co . terms to suit t be times. Huntington Ore. frwi lent ...................... ........ Grover Cleveland Hre-l’reiiileut. Adlai Stevenson keretary of Slate . Walter Q. Greahain kcreiaryof Trenviry. .. John G. Carlisle ‘iiretiry of I nterior Hoke Smith lientary of War Daniel S. Lamont leeretary of Navy . Hilary A. Herbert leeretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Mor.oti ItUraey General Richard S, Olney ’uttniaater General .. Wilson S iMasel’l STATE—OREGON t I / J. n . Dolph J. II.Mitchell. | Ringer Hermann ‘lOOtresatuen............... tW. R. Ellis Atkirney Giner ai C. M, Idleman •overnor Win P Ixird jJWtarj uf »ute . ti R Kinenid iTvaearer j; . .Phit. lietachan .'?»'■ Public liiitructioii ............ ti M Irwin Bate Printer R .......... WH Laeds i R. 8. Heun. •»preme Judge» .,• Wm. P. Lord ’ F. A. Moore SIXTH JÜPICIAI, ntsTKicT: »krietJtHge ... D M. D.Cj.IFFOh.il Jain< r A. Fee. 'Harriet Attorney -... . Auurney ............ J. L. Hand t-Sepreeeutative (R) ...O, L. Ratterson. Uinvseuator . . (R)............ A. W. Co wan senatori .............. E A. Scherer. W. L. D ouglas I COIKTY— HARNEY; -"kitty wjdge <’. 1'. Rutherford. ‘ ..(D). C. E. Kenyon ■ (K) 1.8. licer .............. '(R) . T. A. McKinnon ......... A. GÌ iti h gs l»hw,ir g**««l*r.ntend»i:t ■ .(D;. .......... 8. W. Miller •|R) • C has . Newe 1 d*k Inspector R J. Ivors '"»mÌMior.ir» ID) ( A. B. Marks I R. R. bits. HAKXItY I'. 8. LA X 1> orne«: teww ...... Thom a» Jone« k*Wer ■ A. a . Cowing erk frewurer tarvevur ikvrit 1 f RY'S CASH STORI I.ui y Rusk. N.G. M I. Lewis. Ree. Sec’y- A. 0. Ü. W. Burn* IxMlge, No 47 »«»'.«every id and ithTbursdayB. U M Horton. M " , . j W >a>er. Ree « SCRNOfilA HONOR Lodge, N d . » M«*t»ev«rr2d »nd «b Movday. Mrs. Sayer Cor H. RAANKY lodge , no . 77, I. OOF. - > 1AT”***•’tDows Hail, every Saturday,, ’*• J. C. Wooly N. O. ' ______________________ W. c. Byrd. Secy. SARXIY post mo . «M. G. A. B. every »nd .» M Holl. Wedneidiv of each I •mtk •: >di lit F»n<. All Coinrad» * »-4 »•auUnginrttevl. C. ». MAILS. BTWSS— vslb : irrivosnd depart» dally. C a daily, XYOR except CITY •tn>*»»B4 MMH- Depart» Sued»’ CORDOVAN, FRENCH AENAMCLLED CALF. ■**’ M4®3 w F ine C aif &K angarooi *3.G0 POLICE,3 S0LE3. *95pS2.V/CRKINGMEN’s **' -EXTRA FINE- *2.$l.7-?BCYS'SCfiGilSH0El •LADIES1 B yrd & K ing . F*' SEND FOR CATALOGUE "WI-DOUGLAS« DROCKTON,MA83. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes . M a B AO ■ . You Can Buy All our shoe3 are equally satisfactory SOCIETIES. SYLVA RE! FKAII Degree No. «8. »*et»every let and 3d Wednesday. IS THE BEST. wfaVt FIT FOR A KING. \ good rani’h belonging to II. G. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 miles south east of Burns. This ranch has about 100 acre« of good meadow land. Price $800 or will tfade for sheep. ft. 10 Evaporated Plums 44 44 10 Apples «4 13 Best Gr Rugar 6 Cans Best Sugar Corn 44 kt 6 Tomatoes 44 6 Fruit It 16 ft) Pean • kl 4» 4 Arb. Coffee for 4. U • k kt at Our goods are fresh and fires! Quality- Shoes reduced (run 25 to EO [¡er c j M. Mens fine calf Bosts " full stock H Boots *’ fine calf Congress Shoes Ladies Pebel Gt Best Shoes $1.00 1 00 1 (X) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 Our 8co;s and > ca VEA î S.TRME MARKsîiy F COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT» Fora prompt answer and an hone»t opinion, write to Si CNN A: CO.f who have had nearly fifty year»’ experience In the patent bualneas. Communica­ tion» strictly confidential. A Handbook of In­ formation concerning Patents and bow to ob­ tain them sent free. Also n catalogue of mechan­ ical and scientific books »ent free. Patente taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice In the MclentlHc American, and thus are brought widely before the public with­ out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elesantly Illustrated, bas by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 12.50a year. Single copies. •2 » cents. Every number contains beau­ tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, witb plana, enabling builders Io show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN i CO.. Niw Y ork , 3«i B roadway . I They give the beat value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,--stamped on sole. From .«i to $3 sav-xl over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by •‘Dealora everywhere Wanted, agent to take exclusive »ale for this vicinity. Write at once. TIIH m'raAT’T«’.’» ! B and I. vstkuer . W Bckrtiwr Nt.XT tnaiXIHVA ? hJ ttM tlHM» to »oro» Cnr