Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1895)
colossal syndicate that hold today meats of lordly memories; no hero more than one-half of the world’s leader, to die fora smile from whose Ü11C nations as debtors! Tbii k ot it! lips has been the wish of many a What are nations? Why, wealth brave soldier, whose love and ad- WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7 lss‘5 and flesh and blood, Therrfore the ‘ miration he had won. No, but a ’’ *, the soulless, pitiless machine, run by j wealth and flesh and ’ blood, muscle, brains and skill of half the irresponsible, narro v minded, base , world are mortgaged and pledged and sordid men, possessed of the , i to one thimr, a syndicate composed devil of avarice, who have known • coCTINUED FROM FOURTH PAGE. of the house of Rothschilds, the but one human passion, that of gev j tv men ninety gold dollars and peddler of the last century Great ting, and no human emotion; the 1UMty silver dollars Ten years God! What will become of the soul end and aim and feeling of passed and ten men had gotten world’ Suppose their motgage is whose lives being that of t^e cold, twenty of the gold dollars and fif monotonous 'foreclosed, their pledge forfeited, selfish, passionless teen of the silver dollars, and nine I then half the world, with its blood routine of business; such will be our j ty men had eighty gold dollars and and treasure, will be the property masters. eithty five silver dollars. Fifty of one monopoly. “They and their brainless heirs, the years after and ten men have got And right hereon ground con-, guilded dullards native born, j hold of fifty of the gold and twenty Becrated to liberty, upon which was I Who stare at their fellows with , ofthe silver dollars; ninety men poured the libations of blood, drawn leaden scorn.” have one hundred and thirty dol in its cause, through three wars lars in all. Twenty five years later Good Lord deliver us! If you will I ' waged upon it against slayery, one ten men have got ninety of the gold ! read of the condition cf the poor in ' and forty of ihe silver dollars; the I for the freedom of the American the great cities of the east and of I colonist, one for the freedom of the ninety men left have ten gold and American sailor and one for the Europe; if you will picture to your-' sixty silver dollars. Now ten men freedom of the American negro— selves the unmistakable meaning of have ninety-nine gold dollars and here is where this horrible tree has Itho8e horrible harve’,t« of the dead’ half of the silver; ninety men have flourished, too, and the same up- , • yielded each spring by the waters of to do on one d< liar in gold and fifty growth of the money power, the i I the Seine, the Thames and the-Hud- j in silver. Ten years hence ten will investigate the, J f f ‘ist I son; 8^al * if you win vCBiigtiic me men will have gotten hold of the uncrowned king of wealth, is uto pouring the night shade of pluto- I sweating houses, the employment of! other gold dollar and three-quar-, infancy in the factories, and the i the cracy over , tbe cradl° °f Washing- tera of all the silver there is in the; D white slaverv of voumr crirls world; but thev caonot hope to get 'ton. IJ011- r forbid ” ‘ “f r 0“"« ,«' r,s in “■ ‘ Y fashionable shops and stores; if bold of the remaining quarter of Forb"1 it. heaven, that a plutocracy, ’•you will realize what it is for so- the tilver, for that quarter will be ,Im ,n°st °f oliiar- *ciety to allow such an awful power in the hands of the poor, the little O>’. /hould ever lake root and , , ,, ... flourish in a soil plowed by cannon as money wields; give moneyalim 1 might left to them, and they will .... it in quantity but none in power; | have learned by that time to trust n 8’ w ere graduate to that quantity the values it neither to banks nor stocks, and “When the loud artillery drave of all man can produce by hand or’ the rich, therefore, will nut be able Its Iron wedges thcough the ranks brain, and then put the whole into| to get hold of ¡t. , of brave, the possession ot the few-, and de- ( Now in order to be able to own And doomed battalions storming Iliyer over to them, to slave or stat ye, everything in ihe world, you re- the redoubt,” or both, as they shall indicate, every member it was necessary to get to place the flag of human freedom man, woman and child, the art of hold of all the tags. lags. As long as upon a temple built in this land of whose necessities is hard, I think any of the tags are out, you know, human rights and dedicated to hu- you will witness the slavery wit circulating around among the peo- nian ] ,bOr. I nessed so many thousands of years I pit. no one man or one class of men j Alas, my countrymen, the money- ago under the shadows of the pyra- corporation, syndicate or trust changers have indeed defiled that mid.0. can dictate the prices of everything temple, . Our prosperity as a nation And now, my friends, I am done.1 in the world. There ’ri---- — !” * be in - a hundred years has proved too will -* still 1 have been long-winded and weari left that levtrage to the people, re- mucfo fur U8> Slaves to our own some, but there is so much to say presented bv the little money left avarice, we have fallen into slavery on this subject that I could not tell in their hands. Now, then, the to the avarice of a few of our fellow 3ou all if I talked through the day. fen who have already got ninety- creatures. And what slavery! Go I am not half done withit, nor have nine,per cent and can get the other | back to the building of the pyramids I opened up that portion of it which we per cent, I ut cant get all the I of Egypt, and see the wretched crea refers to the depth and extent to silver, how natural it is for them to I tines who lived on radishes, onions which we are into this trouble. But | *«nt to demonetize silver. Then,1 and garlic, who slept on the desert’s the time permits no more. Before I if the only money, if the only thing burning soil without shelter from closing, however, I wish to remark I that btars that fictitious value, that 1 the night, who toiled on the great one thing, and that is that some gin-s “ ““ its ” possessor power over piles under the scorching and blind misguided and ignorant men in1 iVer.vtl>i"g else, if that only thing ing heat and shimmer of African this country and throughout the ■g1'I-when the baronshave all suns, dav after day, from youth’s world are resorting to violence, and ’ tl*gold, then, indeed, will they ex vigorous hour, till aged limbs would I just wish to point out that add- l'haige escutcheons for crowns, support them no more forever— tional source of danger against ’hen indeed will the money barons slaves dedicated to man’s ambitious which we. as good citizens, have got *co’n® the money kings. hope to build a monument to his to guard the republic. The evil has b en growing with own fame that would stand as long Thia evil, nor any other which 1 growth as a nation. No won- as the world shall last; but is it not grows out of any of the institutions I hard times have come at last. inscribed upon that monument that of the p-esent times, can never be r'pe for hard times when they the God like king who built it fed eradicated by cutting off the heads ,e lbe People’s money and these creatures? They did not also of men. We are governed, not by ’ up the money of the rich in | have to provide for themselves the arnl vaults and all the pro- viands mentioned on the massive men, but by principles. Not the, 1 1' "f mankind have shrunk structure. They were fed by Khufu, jorce of all the concentrated armies f of the world landing on our shores i T‘Uf ,u meet the shrunken to the building of whose mausoleum could establish a plutocracy in' - ' •'.' ■. what they represent. thew were sacrificed. They did not, these United States. It is the grad- ? this Bhrin,tage of the at least, starve. ual, imperceptible growth of a dis . of m()ney has reached the But it is no Khi'fu, no Bcion ease, unchecked, that will do it, if that aiWr*’ t*cau'*® the disease drawn from the line of a thousand it is to be done. That disease I '»* been gathering for a hun- kings; no conjurer; no chief who have been trying topointout to Mf ” l*Pnnini to make it- has borne away the glories of his you. If we kill off men we only i PTU-the m- time from crimson fields or ruonu 1 CONTINUED ox PAGE THREE. > * w®H-to-do portions of the I I WbrnThl,k lhat '* bard times 1 Ulk °f the People are ^ng tb^7^ Capah,e of "UP- had ¡X I"? lMr nun,ber’ r» t-n T. . r ebeve something is | 5* come to ex- •Ut r v ahro*d and tell me think of r » man who, a brilliant oraiton . ff Î2 12 » hi Now is the time to Subscribe for the t wV O THREE GOOD REASONS. IST-11 IS ONLY $2 A YEAR, YOU CAN AFFORD TO TAKE IT. « hums 3d--lt is the largest ’Paper in the County & a . *r»'<£„.?* * f"0' -- — •J, having become a L !